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ALS to S.(?) Jennings

G.H. Laporte, painter
Publication details: 

5pp., 8vo. He discusses some proofs of engravings he has sent, for which his correspondent has shown insufficient enthusiasm. He would like them back. He says he is prepared to "make Pictures of Animals from Photographs, in fact he has done so. He discusses colouring, oil or water colour. His main line is portrait-painting, he says, either in London or at "Gentlemen's seats", giving his rates.

Photographic portrait by Letzer of Vienna, with Autograph Signature ('Raoul M. Aslan:') and quotation.

Raoul Aslan [Raoul Maria Aslan-Zumpart] (1886-1958), Austro-German actor of Turkish extraction
Publication details: 
Wien, Oktober 1923. -' [Photograph stamped at foot: 'Letzer | WIEN | VII. HOFSTALLSTR. 5.']

The sepia photograph, 10 x 7 cm, is a head and shoulders shot of Aslan staring at the viewer in the character of Hamlet holding Yorick's skull. It is neatly mounted on a leaf of cream paper (24 x 20 cm) removed from an album. The whole attractive and in good condition. In a firm, bold hand Aslan has written, across the page beneath the photograph: '"Zu was für schnöden Bestimmungen | wir doch kommen, Horatio"! - | (Hamlet) | Ein Erinnerung | [signed] Raoul M. Aslan: | Wien, Oktober 1923. -'

Studio photograph inscribed to Hubert Smith, author [?] of "Tent Life with English Gipsies in Norway"

Octavius C. Stone [ HUBERT SMITH ]
Publication details: 
No place, 4 May 1906.

Author of "A few months in New Guinea". Vignette photograph of Stone, circa 3.5 x 6", one nick on margin, bottom trimmed, taken at the Exposne inter.fotog. Milano 1894. INSCRIBED by Stone: To my dear & valued friend Hubert Smith with sincere affection & loving memories of 'auld lang syne" / Octavius C. Stone, FRGS. / 4 May 1906". Note from net: "'The Scholar Gypsy' by John Sampson has several pages on Esmeralda Lock, including two portraits. She was married to Hubert Smith, the town clerk of Bridgnorth, but ran away for some time with a lover.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 3) to Col. Harvey

Margot Asquith,
Publication details: 
1913 and 1915

Wife of Prime Minister. 2-5pp., 8vo. Extensive eulogising of her husband, H.H. Asquith, and condemnation of his enemies. (Asquith was replaced by Lloyd George in 1916.) Three items,

Autograph Note Signed to (J. Saddler)

George Dalziel
Publication details: 
No date.

Wood engraver2pp., 8vo. Staining not obscuring the text. He promises to go to his house to "sign the Return you speak of" and announces a recent change of address.

Typed Letter Signed to Mrs Kyrle Fletcher, bookseller

Brocard Sewell
Publication details: 
The Aylesford Review, 13 Dec. 1960

Private pressman and monk. 2pp., 4to. She is still in time to get a copy of his and Cecil Woolf's "Corvo", he thinks, but will check with Woolf. They have been awaiitng an introduction from Pamela Hansford Johnson. Their press cannot help her with her bit of printing ("our press here is closing this week and the staff --one laybrother and one employee transferring to our'commercial' press at Faversham"). He discusses a portrasit of George Anne Bellamy and the "Memoir of Montague Summers ("going round the publishers"), anticipating criticism and a later limited edition.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

C.P. Scott.
Publication details: 

Newspaper editor (1846-1932). One page, 8vo, acknowledging good wishes for his 70th birthday.

ALS, 2pp., 8vo, to an unnamed correspondent

(John Tenniel) Bernard C. Green
Publication details: 

(Tenniel) artist and cartoonist (18201914). Green has been asked by Tenniel, to write on his behalf. He explains that Tenniel is now blind and infirm. He [passses on the opinion that the artists their correspondent has named "all stood out in thier respective spheres, and were among the cleverest black & white artists of the century in their particular styles".

Autograph Letter, third person, to "Mr Casey"

Charles Kean,
Publication details: 
Dublin, 30 Dec. 1862

Actor and theatre manager (DNB). One page, some damage marginally affecting the text. He thanks him for his gift of the poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade".

Realisme Romantique 1961-1981.

Andrew Vicari.
Publication details: 
Nice, 1981.

`No. 1164 of 3000 copies. Soft cover, c.12 x 12", one or two small spots, mainly very good. INSCRIBED by Vicari: "For Ian Jenkins / with high regard & deep admiration / A bientot. / Andrew Vicari / Monaco. 24.I.82."

Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp., 4to, to A. Winburne

J.N. Dancer
Publication details: 

The Examiners' Office in early C19th England. Winburne has made suggestions for improving the Examiners' Office. Dancer replies with a review of the nature and problems of the Office, the nature of witnesses (unclean, diseased), the place of interview (a prison room, etc.). Dancer describes the onerous nature of the examiner's job, the need for experience, and finally refers to the "most eligible plan" which is in minutes supplied to Winburne.

Signature clipped from document

David Roberts
Publication details: 

Scottish painter (1796-1864).Good Signature of Roberts and others (Calder Marshall and Witherington and one illegible).clipped from an appeal to the Artists' Benevolent Fund.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp., 8vo, to Mrs Cash

J.T. Nettleship
Publication details: 

Painter, essayist and critic (1841-1902). He explains why he cannot go on an excursion. He expects to have to paint a python on the point of shedding its skin.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2) to "Mr Milne" (Rev.)

E.M. Ward
Publication details: 
4 and 28 Sept. 1878

Historical painter (1816-1879). 3 & 2pp., 8vo. (4 Sept.) He is doing his best to facilitate the sale of a painting through a friend ("Haynes"), "the de Witt picture", owned by a Col. Gordon. The market for "luxury" items is affected by the depression, but he hopes for an upturn. He admires both the de Witt and "the portrait of Mary". (28 Sept.) He will do his best with regard to both pictures but outlines problems. 2 items,

Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed to F.W. Fairholt, engraver, art critic

Joseph Durham
Publication details: 
20 April and 6 June [1857].

Sculptor (1814-1877). 2pp. & one page, 8vo. He initially discusses the "distresses" of someone called Hone, presumably an artist, how £50 would enable him to provide for himself and his family. Advertisements about Hone's situation have been placed and presumably they hope for contributions. The second letter appears to concern contributions from Wigram and Tupper. 2 items,

Signatures clipped from a document

Edward Finden and others
Publication details: 
no date

Artists/engravers. Signatures of Edward Finden, William Finden, W.T. Collard (? and Henry(?) Corbould cut from document in which a needy artist appeals to the Artists' Benevolent Fund. On the reverse is part of his plea.

Statement of Account

Alexander Knox
Publication details: 

Journalist and police magistrate (1818-1891). 2pp., 8vo. Statement of Account for contributions to the "Miscellany", countersigned by Know three times. "Wellesley" attributes the articles listed in these statements to John Hamilton Reynolds, Keats's friend.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 4) to John Wilson Croker, Capt. Basil Hull, the Attorney-General and Archdeacon Singleton

Henry Hardinge
Publication details: 

Viscount, soldier, G.-G. of India. (Croker) asks for assistance for lady whose sons died on naval duty. (Hull) he has passed on his note about forgery to Peel. (Attorney-General) asks him to look at a Bill he wants to go before the House. (Singleton) he discusses the circumstances of the death of Huskisson (run over by a train) and other business including "O.G. Mahon", Lord Westmeath's speech ("coarse invective agt the D of W and so grossly indecent"), Shiel's speech, O'Connell ("influence greatly declined"), General O'Neill and other matters. Four items,

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2) to an unknown correspondent and A.B. Bagley.

Edward Law, Earl of Ellenborough.
Publication details: 
19 Sept. 1830 and (30 Oct. 1841).

Governor-General of India. 5 & 2pp., 8vo. Some illegible. (1830) he asks himself whether the "Board" should reply to "the Statements and Assumptions of the . . . Secret Committee in the subject of the Secret Letters relating to the Treaty with . . .(?)". He continues on the theme, concluding that ther documents in question had been perused by Lord Clare, the intended successor of Sir John Malcolm" (Governor of Bombay). (1841) he is trying to arrange a meeting.

Autograph Letter, third person, to a Miss Maxwell

J.E. Bicheno,
Publication details: 
(2 May 1830)

Colonial secretary , Van Diemen's Land. 1.5pp., 8vo. He discusses the physical composition of a necklace. (Bicheno's works on Law and the Irish economy are listed on the reverse in a different hand.)

Autograph Letter Signed to "Miss Iwar Muller"

Alfred Milner, Viscount,
Publication details: 

Imperialist. 2pp., 8vo. He regrets that he cannot accept her invitation and that he will not be able to meet the "Glazebrooks".

Document Signed to "The Quarter-Master General of the Forces"

Sir William Schaw Cathcart
Publication details: 

one page, fol. He refers to a "Return of the Field and Garrison ordnance, with the ammunition for guns, howitzers . . ." which he has sent for the defence of North Britain.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent

Walter G.F. Phillimore
Publication details: 

Judge, jurist, and ecclesiatical lawyer (1845-1929). 3pp., 12mo, giving thanks for valuable information, describing his researches ("Rimbault's book" and correspondence), alluding to cheque books which he has inspected and others he wishes to inspect. He anticipates calling and seeing his correspondent's "Patents or Warrants"

Document Signed to the Duke of Kingston

John Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury (1693-1761)
Publication details: 

Summons on the command of the King to a meeting of the Knights of the Garter the following day.

Note signed, third person, "Mr Senior" to "Mr Magrath"

Nassau Senior.
Publication details: 

Political economist. He asks him to look at the enclosed letter "if he thinks it a sufficient authority" and "put Dr Buckland's name under that of Mr Gould".

Autograph Letter Signed to James Williams

Henry Hobhouse
Publication details: 
Whitehall, 25 Aug. 1821

Archivist (1776-1854). 2pp., 4to, suggesting that, despite the potential for "tumult" of a "great Concourse of People", the following day, he does not believe there will be a need for the "Sheriff's Interference". (At this time Hobhouse acted as permanent under-secretary for the Home Dept.)

Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Draper

Henry Lee
Publication details: 

Naturalist (1826-1888). 2pp., 8vo, signs of having been laid down, thanking Draper for "the Japanese book on Birds, commenting on the drawings ("wonderfully instinct with life", "suggestion of movement about their portraits of animals or human beings"). he mentions another Japanese book he has "full of grotesque pantomime figures". He goes on to discuss the "Hippocampus" Draper has given him, asking for further information. He concludes with news about the por health of a mutual friend, W.O. Whiteside ("one of the 'wigwams'"(?)).

4 ALSs probably all to "Mr Smith" (addressed on two)

Henry Rosehurst.
Publication details: 
13 May and 20 July 1813, 17 Nov. 1817, 3 May 1821

Bishop of Norwich. (1813) "The application of civil sanctions, of any kind, to religious opinion, has always appeared to me contrary to sound policy, to just reasoning, and to the revealed Word of God.". The Pope is his "Holy Brother". He says that he will vote for his correspondent's bill for Catholic Emancipation which is before Parliament. The abstract was before the Bishops. He wonders what view the Bench will take, says that not many Bishops will support him, and questions the timing.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 3) to C. Willes Wilshire.

J. Spencer Northcote
Publication details: 
12 Nov. 1868 and 10 Feb. 1871 a

Archaeologist and President of Oscott College (1821-1907). 5pp. total, 8vo. (1868) He asks for further information about Raoul Rochetti's lectures or writings on Christian art. He would like to read them before writing the relevant chapter "in my forthcoming analysis of De Rossi's Roma Sotterranea" (catacombs- published 1869). (1871) He asks for some favours, firstly for a rubbing of some early writing ("Ur of the Chaldees") and information about an Egyptian statue for a friend researching the Shepherd King Dynasty. He encloses a sketch (present).

Autograph Note Signed to (Sir Frederick) Bramwell, engineer

J. Wolfe Barry,
Publication details: 

Engineer. One page, 8vo. He asks him to use his influence in Belfast to get a job for a former pupil of his.

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