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[Sir George Grey, Whig Home Secretary.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Rev. Reginald Smith, regarding 'the selection of a gentleman to fill the office of Chaplain at the Portland Convict Depôt'.

Sir George Grey (1799-1882), Liberal Home Secretary, 1846-52, 1855-58, 1861-66 [Reginald Southwell Smith (1809-1896), Canon of Salisbury; Portland Convict Depot; transportation; penal servitude]
Publication details: 
Whitehall. 22 July 1847.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with traces of mount adhering at head of reverse of leaf. Regarding Smith's 'note with reference to the selection of a gentleman to fill the office of Chaplain at the Portland Convict Depôt', he writes that he must 'defer the consideration of this question, as it must necessarily be yet some considerable period before the works at the Island are sufficiently advanced for the reception of Convicts'.

[Andrew Henderson, Surgeon and Superintendent, Convict Ship 'Florentia'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andw. Henderson'), providing Messers Scott & Rymer with information about the convicts William and David Wilson, whom he conveyed to Van Diemen's Land

Andrew Henderson, Surgeon and Superintendent, Convict Ship 'Florentia' [William Wilson and David Wilson; Van Diemen's Land; Tasmania]
Publication details: 
'Convict Ship "Florentia" | Sheerness - 31st. July 1830.'

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with four postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'To | Messrs. Scott & Rymer | Solicitors at Law | Edinburgh'. After the preliminary courtesies Henderson writes: 'William and Andrew Wilson joined the "York" Convict Ship at Woolwich from the Justitia hulk on the 1st. April 1829, under rather a bad character, having made themselves obnoxious to the Superintendent of that Hulk'. He discusses their improved conduct, and how they were 'both landed at Hobart Town in "Tasmania" - or "Van Diemens Land" on the 8th. Septr.

[Broadsheet; transportation; paedophile] Sentences of Prisoners that have been tried at Devon Lent Assizes, commencing March, 18, 1828, before Sir Joseph Littledale, and Sir Stephen Gaselee, Knights.

[Transportation; Australia]
Publication details: 
E. Keys, Printer, 100, James-Street, Devonport, [1828].

One page, c. 37 x 17cm, light green paper, fragile, slightly spotted and creased but text clear and complete. List involves many places in Devon, more than a hundred prisoners, men and women. 14 transported mainly for 7 years, 2 for life (most names in Convict Records - John Shrimpton (life for stealing a watch), Rich[ard] Pickard (14 yrs old, 7yrs or burglary), Bridget Hobbs (7 years "com[mitted] by Rich[ard] Pridham, mayor of Plymouth, stealing various articles of linen, &c.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed to Perry (1), Luckhurst (2) and Menzies (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sidney John Duly
Publication details: 
[18 August], 19 and 25 October 1937 and 31 January 1938; the first on letterhead of Canadian Pacific Hotels, the other three on City of London College letterheads.

English traveller, writer and Governor of City of London College (1891-1991). First and last letters, two pages quarto; middle two letters, one page quarto. All in good condition and either docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. In first letter, further to a conversation, Duly asks if he can give a lecture on 'Ships sweat & condensation'. 'I have been away with a Leverhulme Fellowship on Carriage of Goods by Sea & am now on the Pacific Coast again where I find v. great interest in my previous papers & requests for a further account of more recent work.

Coloured advertisement for Swan Vesta matches, in the form of a pastiche of a London Underground sign.

Publication details: 
Without date or place [1920s or 30s?].

Attractive illustration, in red, green, yellow and black, on piece of white card roughly nine and three-quarter inches by six and a quarter, neatly mounted on piece of black card roughly ten and a quarter inches by seven and three-quarters. At head a parody of the London Underground black rectangle over red circle, roughly six and a half inches by three and a quarter, bearing the notice 'ALIGHT HERE' in white letters. Beneath this the words 'FOR EVERY SMOKER.', with a red arrow at foot pointing to a box of Swan Vesta matches. Very good, though lightly foxed.

SPECIAL LIST FOR Brewers, Wine Merchants, Aerated Water Trade, &c.' of firm making 'Carts, Wagons, Vans, Drays, &c. of all descriptions, also Dog-Carts, Phaetons, and other Carriages'.

The Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co. Ltd. [TRANSPORT]
Publication details: 
February 1895; 'HEMMONS, TYP., BRISTOL'.

4 pages of advertisements. 2 leaves folio (roughly 12 inches by 18 inches). In extremely poor condition: grubby, creased and stained, with several closed tears and damage involving loss, particularly to the first leaf, the heading of which has been cut away, so that the name of the firm can only be deduced from the illustrations. There are 27 steel-engravings of various vehicles, of which 5 on the first leaf have been seriously damaged. Details, including prices, are given for each vehicle.

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