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[ The Moberly–Jourdain incident, 1901, or the Ghosts of Petit Trianon or Versailles. ] Collection relating to the case, including typed essay by compiler James Edward Holroyd, four ALsS from Andrew MacKenzie, and a collection of newspaper cuttings.

James Edward Holroyd; Andrew Carr MacKenzie (1911-2001), vice president of the Society for Psychical Research [ The Moberly-Jourdain incident, 1901, or the Ghosts of Petit Trianon or Versailles ]
Publication details: 
Holroyd's essay dating from around 1981. MacKenzie's four letters all dating from 1966. The newspaper cuttings from the 1950s.

The tale told anonymously by Charlotte Anne Moberly (1846-1937) and Eleanor Jourdain (1863-1924) in their 'An Adventure' (1911) is probably the most famous true-life ghost story of the twentieth century, and has been the subject of an enormous amount of analysis. For more information see the couple's entries in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. The present material is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. It was assembled by Holroyd - a Sherlock Holmes expert - with the intention of writing a book on the subject. ONE.

[Violet Eleanor Scott-James, wife of Rolfe Arnold Scott-James, editor of the 'New Weekly'.] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('V. E. S. J.') [to the Irish journalist Robert Lynd], with reference to Wyndham Lewis, Charlotte Mew, Ivy Low and Mary Crosbie.

Violet Eleanor Scott-James [née Brooks] (c.1886-1942), wife of Rolfe Arnold Scott-James (1878-1959), editor of the New Weekly [Robert Lynd (1879-1949); Percy Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957)]
Publication details: 
Addressed from 'Dunedin', Lower Rock Garden, Brighton, on letterhead of 4 Colville Square [London], W. 15 July 1914.

4pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with short closed tears at heads of both leaves. The recipient is not named, but the letter is from the Lynd family papers. Robert Lynd was in St Ives at the time of writing, and the letter begins: 'I'm so glad you are in such a nice place & that the children can join you there. They will love it. London gets so odious by the 15th of July. I came her e last week as I was very tired, & sick of the stuffy feeling of everything.

[Card printed by Cheney & Sons of Banbury, and 'received and approved by Lord Tennyson'.] Sonnet. Dedicated to the Poet Laureate. ['O Greatest Poet of the living age!"]

E. Draper [Eleanor Draper of Banbury?] [Alfred Lord Tennyson; John Cheney, 'Printer in Gold, Silver, and Colours, Banbury'; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury]
Publication details: 
[Cheney & Sons, printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire.] June, 1892.

Printed on one side of 9 x 13 cm card, with rounded corners, edged in silver. A tasteful example of Victorian printing, by a printer whose calling card boasted of his 'Specialities in the best class of work.' Very good, lightly-aged. The word 'Sonnet.' is printed at the head in gothic type, the rest being in roman. The poem begins: 'O GREATEST Poet of the living age! | For many a year to come thy fame will ring | Throughout the land. Grateful to thee, I bring | A simple tribute, writ on simpler page.' Beneath the sonnet, to the left, is the date 'June, 1892.', with 'E.

['A relic from the Ocean Monarch', 1848.] Tiny seal on stone of a sphinx, in brass mount with handle shaped like a pillar. With contemporary note explaining the background and stating that it was 'Presented by Mr John Neilson', and Neilson's own note

[The Ocean Monarch, 1848; John Neilson; Eleanor Avena Blackburne, daughter of John Ireland Blackburne of Hale Hall, near Liverpool]
Publication details: 
Neither seal nor document dated. [Document English, 1840s?]

Seal on stone oval just over 1cm wide; in brass mount just over 3cm high, with handle in shape of a pillar topped with a ring (presumably for attaching to a chain or necklace). Wrapped in a 5.5 x 11 cm packet, made from folding a piece of 17 x 21.5 cm paper (with watermark of R. Turner of Kent), with the following written on it in a Victorian hand (presumably that of Eleanor Avena Blackburne, to whom the item was presented): 'Part of the Ocean Monarch burnt off the coast of Wales | August 1848 | Presented by Mr John Neilson'.

Eighteenth-century transcription of inscription relating to the Eleanor Cross, Geddington, Northamptonshire, filled with errors and describing its restoration in 1712. From the papers of John Blackburne of Orford Hall, Warrington.

[Queen Eleanor of Castile, wife of King Edward I of England; Eleanor Cross, Geddington, Northamptonshire; John Blackburne (1694-1786) of Orford Hall, Warrington, naturalist and horticulturalist]
Publication details: 
Without place or date[1750s?].

1p., landscape 12mo. On aged and lightly-creased laid paper ('PRO PATRIA' watermark), with chipping to extremities. On reverse, in another hand: 'At Northampton a Monument at the Inn'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Grace E. Hadow') from Grace Eleanor Hadow, describing to 'Freda', 'the youngest member of the Freeland Institute', the presentation to Princess Mary of a doll made by her, during a visit by the Queen to Barnett House, Oxford

Grace Eleanor Hadow (1875-1940), Principal of St Anne's College, Oxford, pioneer of women's education [Barnett House; Queen Mary of Teck; Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of Harewood; King George V]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gunfield, Norham Gardens, Oxford. 11 March 1921.

5pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Freda | I think you may like to hear about your doll & the Princess Mary. The doll had a beautifully written card tied to it, saying it was the work of the youngest member of the Freeland Institute. Then it was put on a table with the basket of flowers for the Queen.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Aubrey Smith') from Hollywood actor and England cricket captain Sir Charles Aubrey Smith to 'Mr. Melrose' [literary agent?], discussing the offer to him of two plays by Miss Smith Dampier.

Sir Charles Aubrey Smith (1863-1948), Hollywood actor and captain of the England cricket team [Eleanor Mary Smith Dampier]
Publication details: 
Haymarket Theatre, London; 22 March 1923.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He writes that he has brought Miss Smith Dampier's play 'A Great Gentleman' up to London with him, and that it will be at Melrose's office in the afternoon. 'I have read it - but I do not like it as well as The Queen's Minister, from my own point of view, I mean. | The writing, of course, is what one would expect after reading Miss Smith Dampier's former play - but I had got a long way into the story before it gripped me'. He names the only two scenes which he sees 'vividly'.

Autograph Note Signed "B/L/ Farjeon", novelist, to A. Williams of the "Liverpool Mercury".

B.L. Farjeon, novelist
Publication details: 
12 Buckingham St, Strand, London, 12 Feb. 1879.

One page, 12mo, good condition, saying that illness and the consequences of an accident have prevented him responding courteously to the "notice of my Xmas story in Liverpool Mercury".

A Short Memoir of the Ladies of Llangollen, By the late Rev. J. Prichard, D.D. [Lady Eleanor Butler and the Hon. Miss Ponsonby.]

Rev. John Prichard (1796-1875) [the Ladies of Llangollen; Lady Eleanor Butler; Hon. Sarah Ponsonby]
Publication details: 
Llangollen: Printed and Published by Hugh Jones. [1920s.]
A Short Memoir of the Ladies of Llangollen

12mo, 16 pp. Stapled. In original pink printed wraps, with engraving of the two women, on a country path, on cover. Good, on lightly aged and dusty paper. Cutting of photograph of marble memorial to the couple loosely inserted. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at Oxford, by whom it is dated to the 1920s. Main title on front wrap, with the title given at the head of the text being 'Lady Eleanor Butler and the Hon. Miss Ponsonby.'

Autograph Note Signed ('Eleanor M Sidgwick') to 'Miss Chittenden, Cambridge Training Corps, Wollaston Road, Cambridge'.

Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick [née Balfour] (1845-1936), Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
16 August 1907; on letterhead of Newnham College, Cambridge.

16mo, 1 p. In a bifolium. Seven lines. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In stamped, addressed envelope. Asks if Chittenden will 'come to luncheon' on one of the two following days, as Sidgwick 'hardly saw' her on the previous day.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to Denys Blakelock, biographer of Eleanor Farjeon (pub. 1966) as Denys Blakelock, then Denys, initially signing "edward Ardizzone" then "Ted".

Edward Ardizzone, book illustrator.
Publication details: 
130 Elgin Avenue, London, W9, 1965-1967.

Total 4pp., 4to, with two surviving envelopes addressed in his hand, some corrections and additions, good condition. They are corresponding about Eleanor Farjeon and (Jan. 1965) Ardizzone sends him a letter from her to him "which should enable you to find the poem I mentioned. If I had a copy of 'Silver sand & Snow' I would be able to spot it at once. Alas I haven't got one. | It would certainly pay Eleanor's Estate & me included, if I am to illustrate it on a royalty basis, to offer it at once to Walek [agent?] & cut out Oxford.

Family (holiday) newspaper, typescript, "The Frinton Some-times". And another item.

A member of the Farjeon Family, prob. Joan Jefferson Farjeon, later a set designer.
Publication details: 

Three issues, 12-8-1928, 13-8-1928 and 4-9-1928 (incomplete), 12 pp., 4to, not bound, loose pages as issued (with paper clip), marked by paper-clip rust, mainly good. The first two are also headed "Final Edition", and are vil. 1, nos.1,2. The third has only a title. Much of it is spoof with the rest light-hearted, making copy out of events and people that occur during a holiday. J. Jefferson Farjeon features frequeently with a sprained ankle, breaking the golf-course record (a 6 hole course), and there is news of other members of the family and friends who visit inc.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter

Eleanor Catharine Price [E. C. Price]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two and a half inches. Very good. Folded once (not affecting signature). From an autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of blue paper. Reads '[...] | It was a real pleasure | to see you again the other | day. | Yours afftely | E C Price -'. Docketed in pencil at foot.

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