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[Printed pamphlet inscribed by the author.] An Address delivered at the Music Hall, Boston, in aid of the Fund for Ball's Equestrian Statue of Washington, on the evening of 13 May, 1859, by Robert C. Winthrop.

Robert C. Winthrop [Henry Tennyson Folkard (1850-1916), Librarian, the Free Public Library, Wigan; Thomas Ball (1819-1911), American sculptor; George Washington Monument, Boston, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1859.

60 + 1pp., 8vo. The last page carries an 'Appendix'. In brown printed wraps, with cover headed 'Luxury and the Fine Arts, - In some of their Moral and Historical Relations.' Inscribed at head of cover to 'B. Moran Esqe | with the Author's kind regards'. In fair condition, with signs of age and wear. Disbound, and with library stitching at spine. Front cover with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, and shelfmarks. Note by the librarian Henry Tennyson Folkard on inside front cover: 'Cat. Bought May 1916. | H. T.

[Card printed by Cheney & Sons of Banbury, and 'received and approved by Lord Tennyson'.] Sonnet. Dedicated to the Poet Laureate. ['O Greatest Poet of the living age!"]

E. Draper [Eleanor Draper of Banbury?] [Alfred Lord Tennyson; John Cheney, 'Printer in Gold, Silver, and Colours, Banbury'; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury]
Publication details: 
[Cheney & Sons, printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire.] June, 1892.

Printed on one side of 9 x 13 cm card, with rounded corners, edged in silver. A tasteful example of Victorian printing, by a printer whose calling card boasted of his 'Specialities in the best class of work.' Very good, lightly-aged. The word 'Sonnet.' is printed at the head in gothic type, the rest being in roman. The poem begins: 'O GREATEST Poet of the living age! | For many a year to come thy fame will ring | Throughout the land. Grateful to thee, I bring | A simple tribute, writ on simpler page.' Beneath the sonnet, to the left, is the date 'June, 1892.', with 'E.

Autograph Card Signed ('Edmund C. Stedman') from the American poet Edmund Clarence Stedman to 'Mrs. Ferris', regarding the marriage of the English poet Alfred Lord Tennyson to Emily Sellwood.

Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908), American poet, writer and scientist, educated at Yale University
Publication details: 
New York. 14 November 1890.

On one side of a 9 x 11.5 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly-aged and with a couple of minor spots. Reads: 'New York, Novr. 14th. 1890 | Dear Mrs. Ferris, | In 1850, [date underlined] Alfred Tennyson married Miss Emily Sellwood, daughter of Henry Sellwood, of Horncastle, & took up his residence at Twickenham. He was made Poet Laureate the same year, & was then 41 years old. | Sincerely yrs., | Edmund C. Stedman.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('W C Bennett') from William Cox Bennett to J. T. Baron, boasting that his magazine 'The Lark' is a 'powerful influence'; naming Gladstone, Tennyson and other contributors; and urging the 'Newsvendors' of Blackburn to buy it.

William Cox Bennett (1820-1895), English journalist and poet, editor of 'The Lark' [John T. Baron of Blackburn, Lancashire, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hyde Cottage, 68 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE. 27 November 1883.

3pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Bennett to 'John T Baron Esq. | 48 Griffin Street | Blackburn | [signed] W C Bennett'. He begins by informing Baron that four numbers of 'The Lark' have already been published.

Newspaper cutting from The Times, 15 November 1852, of an article titled 'Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. By Alfred Tennyson.' [Predating the publication of the poem by a day, and quoting more than half of it.]

[Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892), Poet Laureate; Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852); Edward Moxon; The Times of London]
Publication details: 
From The Times, Monday 15 November 1852.

Original cutting, 53 cm long, from The Times, of an article titled 'Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. By Alfred Tennyson.' This poem, one of Tennyson's finest and best-known, was published on 16 November 1852 (two days before Wellington's funeral) by the London publisher Edward Moxon, who had offered Tennyson £200 for 10,000 copies. As Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.

Autograph Note in the third person from Alfred, Lord Tennyson, to the Lord Chamberlain the Earl of Kenmare, declining an invitation.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892), English Poet Laureate, 1850-1892 [Valentine Augustus Browne (1825-1905), 4th Earl of Kenmare, Lord Chamberlain]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey. May 1885.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. On the first leaf of a bifolium, with the second blank leaf carrying traces of glue from mount. The note reads: 'May /85 | Lord Tennyson begs to thank the Lord Chamberlain for the honour of the invitation on June 6th. He regrets that he is unable to avail himself of it.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the American critic and biographer Eugene Parsons to C. J. Caswell,

Eugene Parsons (1855-1933), American author and critic, biographer of George Washington and editor of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Publication details: 
3612 Stanton Avenue, Chicago. 21 November 189<2>.

4pp., 12mo. Worn and stained on four leaves with wear to extremities resulting in slight loss of text, and with at least one leaf lacking. Parsons begins by informing Caswell that he is sending him a copy of the Examiner containing his article on 'Tennyson's Literary Career': 'It was sent to the Editor only a few days after the poet's death when I knew nothing about the title or contents of the new book of poems.' He discusses his plans to insert the article when he republishes his pamphlet (Parsons' 'Tennyson's Life and Poetry' appeared in 1892, with a revised edition the following year).

Autograph Letter Signed ('De Tabley') from the poet John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron De Tabley [Lord De Tabley], to Mrs Kate A. Wright of Birmingham, giving her permission to include five of his poems in an anthology.

John Byrne Leicester Warren, 3rd Baron De Tabley [Lord De Tabley] (1835-1895), English poet, numismatist, botanist and authority on bookplates
Publication details: 
62 Elm Park Rd, Chelsea. 20 June 1893.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed by De Tabley to 'Mrs. Kate. A. Wright. | Monona House | Small Heath | Birmingham.' In reply to her letter of 18 June, he states that he will have pleasure in permitting her to 'insert the five pieces' which she enumerates in her 'forthcoming Collection of Poems and Ballads of the Nineteenth Century'. Kate A. Wright's 'Dainty Poems of the Nineteenth Century' was published in Birmingham in 1895. The titles of the five poems are given in another contemporary hand [Mrs Wright's?] on the reverse of the second leaf.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Irish poet Aubrey de Vere, containing an appreciation of the theologian Richard Holt Hutton, with references to the new edition of his poems, the publishers Macmillan & Co, Baron von Hugel, and the Tennyson family.

Aubrey de Vere [Aubrey Thomas de Vere] (1814-1902), Irish poet [Richard Holt Hutton (1826-1897), writer and theologian]
Publication details: 
August 1895; on letterhead of the Athenaeum, Pall Mall, London.
Autograph Letter Signed from the Irish poet Aubrey de Vere

16mo, 4 pp. 64 lines. Text clear and complete. Hutton was a friend of both de Vere and his correspondent, and 'this will always remain a link between us; for no one who ever knew him can forget him; & no one who remembers him can ever cease to honour him'.

[Bound mimeographed book, with full-page photographs, inscribed by the author.] 'Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T. [her husband Sir Charles Tennyson]'.

Sir Charles Tennyson [Sir Charles Bruce Locker Tennyson] (1879-1977), grandson of the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson [Dame Ivy Gladys Tennyson (1880-1958), nee Pretious]
Publication details: 
Privately printed. Undated. [Inscription dated December 1960.]
Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T.

4to, [i] + 74 pp. Title-page and 74 numbered pages. Each page on the recto of a leaf, with the verso blank. With two full-page photographs (full-length portrait of Ivy in her wedding gown, July 1909; and picture of the couple 'From a portrait by Anthony Devas October 1950') laid down on blank leaves. Tied with green ribbon. Clear and complete. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; binding creased and repaired with tape. Inscribed by Sir Charles Tennyson on inside of front cover 'Jill from | with much love | Dec. 1960'.

[Bound mimeographed book, with full-page photographs, inscribed by the author.] 'Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T. [her husband Sir Charles Tennyson]'.

Sir Charles Tennyson [Sir Charles Bruce Locker Tennyson] (1879-1977), grandson of the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson [Dame Ivy Gladys Tennyson (1880-1958), nee Pretious]
Publication details: 
Privately printed. Undated. [Inscription dated December 1960.]
Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T.

4to, [i] + 74 pp. Title-page and 74 numbered pages. Each page on the recto of a leaf, with the verso blank. With two full-page photographs (full-length portrait of Ivy in her wedding gown, July 1909; and picture of the couple 'From a portrait by Anthony Devas October 1950') laid down on blank leaves. Tied with green ribbon. Clear and complete. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; binding worn and creased. Inscribed 'Jill from [Mom?] With much love  Dec. 1960'. Description, for his grandchildren, of his wife's 'remarkable personality and achievement'.

Autograph Note, Third Person, Charles D'Eyncourt , Tennyson's uncle, to the G.P.O., giving forwarding address.

Charles (Tennyson) D'Eyncourt. Tennyson's uncle [Postal History]
Publication details: 
6 June 1844.
Charles (Tennyson) D'Eyncourt. Tennyson's uncle [Postal History]

Two pages, 12mo, bifoliate, section (presumed postal history or blank) from second leaf. Addressed to General Post Office, countersigned D'Eyncourt. Text of note: Mr. d'Eyncourt will be obliged to the officers of the G.P.O. to send his Letters to | No.1 John Street St James's Sqre | 6 June 1844. From 48 Dover Street in different hand at top of page. Verso of note is stamped No. [8527] Regd. June 7 1844 with notes by various employees of the GPO who were putting the request into effect.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent on medical matters, including vaccination.

Henry Hallam, Historian, Friend of Tennyson.
Publication details: 
67 Wimpole Street, March 19 [pencil note suggests 1857].
Henry Hallam, Historian, Friend of Tennyson.

Three pages, 8vo, some damage, but text clear and complete, tear at fold of bifolium despite attempt to repair with sellotape., He has been asked by a friend to get an answer about the diseases of camels, quoting his enquiry in which one, Photoshootui (if I read the word right), is described, and referring to ancient sources and Native opinion. His correspondent is engaged in a popular treatise, or history, of vaccination. Hallam hopes for references to Western books that might give information.

Original typescript with manuscript corrections by Elbert Hubbard, regarding Tennyson's friendship with Arthur Hallam, and with a quotation from Whitman.

Elbert Hubbard [Elbert Green Hubbard (1856-1915)] [Alfred Lord Tennyson; Arthur Hallam; Walt Whitman]
Publication details: 
Undated [c. 1910?].
Original typescript with manuscript corrections by Elbert Hubbard

12mo, 3 pp, on separate loose leaves. Forty lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on browned paper. Laid out for printing, and with the page numbering 21 to 23 (from 12 to 14). Loosely inserted in a folder with 'Original Manuscript of Elbert Hubbard' printed on the front, which also carries two accession marks.

Autograph draft of letter to the Editor of the Daily Chronicle, rebutting in strong terms the claim that Knowles was editor of the Contemporary Review.

Alexander Strahan [Alexander Stuart Strahan] (1833-1918), English publisher [Sir James Thomas Knowles (1831-1908); Alfred Tennyson]
Publication details: 
14 February 1908; on letterhead of Oakhurst, Ravenscourt Park, W.

12mo (17.5 x 11 cm): 5 pp. On two bifolium letterheads and half of a third. The text of each page is clear and complete on aged and lightly-spotted paper, but gaps between the various sections indicate that the draft is incomplete. Begins 'Sir | I see that in your obituary notice of Sir James Knowles inn today's paper you say that he was the Editor of the Contemporary Review from 1870 to 1877. | This is news to me. I was the Editor and proprietor of the Contemporary Review all these years, and I think I ought to know the facts of the matter.

Poems of Rural Life in Common English.

William Barnes [Dorset dialect poetry]
Publication details: 
London: Macmillan and Co. 1868. [London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street.]

First edition. 8vo: xii + 200 + [iv] pp. (the last four pages an unpaginated publisher's catalogue). In original blue cloth, gilt. Fair, tight copy, on lightly-aged paper, with some spotting to endpapers. Binding with dulled spine and minor spotting. Bookplate of the Rev. English Crooks. Binders ticket ('BOUND BY BURN & CO.') to rear pastedown. Half-title reads 'RURAL POEMS'. The 'translation' of the three collections beginning with 'Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect' (1844).

Autograph Signature ('F. Palgrave') on fragment of letter.

Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861) [born Francis Ephraim Cohen], English historian and antiquary, best-known for his poetry anthology 'The Golden Treasury'.
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of grey wove paper cut into a rough rectangle, 5 x 8 cm. Good, but with light traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Reads '<...> | I have honour to remain | Dear Sir | Yr obt. & hble. Servt | F. Palgrave', with the flourish to the 't' of 'Servt' forming the top horizontal stroke to the 'F.' in Palgrave's signature. Reverse reads '<...> | In conformity <...> | my letter to you <...> | July last, I requir<...> | my name may be <...>'.

Autograph Letter Signed "F. Tennyson Jesse" to unnamed female correspondent.

Fryniwyd Tennyson Jesse (1888-1958), English writer, niece of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead '46, GORDON PLACE, | CAMPDEN GROVE, | KENSINGTON, W.'

One page, octavo. Good, on lightly rucked paper, with one line a little blurred by damp. She would have replied sooner to her correspondent's 'courtesy in enclosing a stamped envelope', but feels sure she will forgive her when she tells her that she has 'been in constant attendance at a hospital owing to my Father having met with an accident. I can't think what good my autograph will do anyone, but still -'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Ashby-Sterry') to 'Mary H. Tennyson' [pseudonym of Mary H. Folkard], 6 Saint George's Square, Regent's Park, N.W.

Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1836-1917), English novelist, poet, journalist and painter ['Mary H. Tennyson', i.e. Mary H. Folkard]
Publication details: 
17 June 1904; on letterhead 8 Saint Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, W.C. [London].

Two pages, 16mo. Very good. Twenty-two lines, attractively written in purple ink beneath a letterhead printed in bright red. With postmarked envelope, addressed in autograph and carrying a penny stamp. He thanks her for sending him a copy of her book 'The Luck of John Seaton'. 'It reached me down in the country where, strange to say, I was already half way through it. I bought it at the railway station & had not arrived at the name of the author, when I received your letter. They ought to always put the name on the cover.' He enjoyed the story 'from beginning to end'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Samuel'.

Edward Tennyson Reed (1860-1933), Punch cartoonist
Publication details: 
20 December [no year]; on letterhead '17, FITZ-GEORGE AVENUE, | WEST KENSINGTON, | W.'

One page, 12mo. Good, if a little aged and lightly creased. He apologises for the delay in 'sending the drawing that now I ask you to please me by accepting' (not present). He asks her to accept it as a present for 'that almost superannuated festivity' of Christmas. 'I send you a coat-of-arms as that includes a certain amount of letterpress which you will I think prefer to a simple drawing'. He has delivered all the drawings bought by Mrs Samuel's friend and has received his thanks.' Signed 'E. T. Rees'.

Autograph Note in third person to G. S. Allan.

Henry Hallam
Publication details: 
24 Wilton Crescent | Thursday May 2' (without year, but docketed '1844').

English historian (1777-1859). One page, 8vo. Folded twice. In good condition although slightly grubby and with one small closed tear at foot from clumsy cutting. Verso attached to remains of previous mount. Reads 'Mr Hallam will be glad to see Mr G. S. Allen tomorrow morning at ten, if he has ceased to attend Mrs Marcets [the author Jane Haldimand Marcet, 1769-1858] or at 1/2 past nine if he still does so.'

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