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[Manuscript] Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich

[The International Exhibition 1862 and other events in 1862 ] Sergeant Brown, flautist
Publication details: 

1862 Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich, Over 425 pages. Played at the opening ceremony of the International Exhibition under Costa, having been at the rehearsal attended by Meyerbeer - good descriptions of both events - and at the Horticultural Gardens next door throughout the length of the exhibition and elsewhere (Crystal Palace, Willis's Rooms, private houses, Lord Mayor's Show "nonsensical custom").

[Offprint from the Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society.] The Beauty and Use of the Vintage Pear.

Herbert E. Durham, Sc.D., etc. [Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society]
Publication details: 
['Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. Volume XLIX., Part 2, 1924.'] Printed for the Royal Horticultural Society by Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd. New-Street Square, London E.C.4. 1925.

[10]pp., 8vo, paginated 157-166. Stapled. In grey printed wraps. Inscribed at head of front cover: 'to E. Spriggs | with kind regards'. Above this, in another hand in red ink, 'DIETETICS'. One manuscript correction to the text. A historical overview, with a four-page appendix (pp.162-166) giving a list in small type of 'perry pears hitherto heard of, met with, or identified'. This offprint is scarce: no copies traced either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

Autograph Signature of the English botanist and horticulturist John Lindley.

John Lindley (1799-1865), English botanist and horticulturist, Professor of Botany, University College, London
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On strip cut from letter. Dimensions: In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Reads 'have complied with my suggestion | Yours Trly | [signed] John Lindley'. The signature has been cut close, and the downward loop of the final letter of the signature is lacking.

Victorian autograph commonplace book of Robert Johnson, Junior, with a poem on his brother's death; diary entries with descriptions of Ibrahim Pasha, a cricket match, fireworks display, opera and ballet at Drury Lane; several pages in shorthand.

Robert Johnson Junr.; Matthew Johnson [Limehouse; Stepney; Lea Valley; Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt (1789-1848)]
Publication details: 
Begun in February 1846.

99pp., 12mo. Eleven pages written in shorthand. In original brown calf binding, marbled endpapers. The front of the volume carries the inscribed on front free endpaper: 'Robert Johnson Junr. | February. 1846'. The text is in two parts, with 29pp. at the front of the volume (inc. 1p. in shorthand); and 70pp. (inc. 10pp. in shorthand) at the rear (with the volume turned upside down). Lightly-aged, and with a light bloom working out from gutter of central pages.

[Printed handbill] A few suggestions for the cultivation of pedigree asparagus. By A. W. Kidner, Lakenheath, Suffolk (W.) Pedigree Breeder K.B.F. Asparagus Crowns.

A.. W. Kidner, Lakenheath, Suffolk, pedigree breeder K.B.F. Asparagus Crowns [Royal Horticultural Society]
Publication details: 
[London?] Circa 1953. A. E. Simpson & Sons, Printers, Mildenhall.
A few suggestions for the cultivation of pedigree asparagus

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Begins: 'THE object of this leaflet is to draw the attention of Asparagus Growers to some facts regarding the Asparagus plant's 'way of Life' which the close study and observation necessary to successful pedigree breeding of a definite strain have taught me.' Kidner is described as 'Author of "ASPARAGUS" (Faber & Faber)', with the announcement that 'KIDNER'S PEDIGREE STRAIN has been given an Award of Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1953.' No copy on COPAC or in the British Museum.

Six documents including Signed Articles of Agreement for Johnson ('of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew') to perform Government 'service as Gardener in India'; with two testimonials and letters from Mary, Countess of Minto, and Cecil Allanson.

John Thomas Johnson, Assistant Curator of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, India [Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Mary, Countess of Minto]
Publication details: 

The collection in good condition, with all but one of the six items carrying ring-binder punch holes. Item One, Articles of Agreement: Foolscap bifolium, 3 pp. Dated 16 September 1904. Printed seventeen-point agreement in the form of a manuscript facsimile. Signed by Johnson, Sir John Edge and Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, and witnessed by 'W. Watson | R[oyal]. G[ardens] Kew' and 'Frank R. Marten | India Office'. Items Two and Three both with mourning border on letterhead of Minto House, Hawick. Item Two, Mary Countess of Minto ('M Minto') to Johnson. 4to: 1 p. 14 September 1914.

Nine Autograph Letters Signed to him (eight in stamped envelopes), two Testimonials Signed, twenty printed competition certificates, and three loose envelopes.

Papers relating to John Dale, nineteenth-century English gardener
Publication details: 
1874 to 1893; from various places in England.

Some of the envelopes are grubby, creased, and stained, but the collection is in good condition overall. Most items are 16mo. The first testimonial (1 page, 16mo), by 'H Smith | Gardener & Bailiff', is dated August 1874. It reads 'John Dale lived under me in the Gardens at The Dale nr Manchester for two years, during which time I found him very steady & industrious & attentive to his duties'. The second testimonial (1 page, 4to, in official envelope addressed to Dale at Petworth Park) is from J. Smith, Curator, Royal Gardens, Kew, and is dated 28 April 1877.

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