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[Private Press; Manuscript] Francis James Publishing Co. | Purchases Book AND "Dissection Book".

F. J. Newbery [Francis James Newbery (b.1881)], sometime with the Golden Cockerel Press and director and manager of the Chiswick Press, here Publisher as "Francis James Publishoing Co.
Publication details: 
[Purchases Book] 1944-1948; [Dissection Book] Dec. 31, 1943- Dec. 1947.

All in Francis James Newbery's hand. Two volumes, sm. folio, good condition. [Purchases Book] c.32pp. used; [Dissection Book] c.14pp. used. A. PURCHASES BOOK: Sources of various items (usually multiple) with costs include: George Bell & Sons (permit to use illustration); Craske, Vaus & Crampton (Fine line blocks); Chiswick Press (colour printing etc; many references); National News Letter (cartridge paper); Novello & Co. (Binding - 3017 copies of 'Easter Eggs'); H.H. Bayne Powell (commission); The Viaduct Process Block Co. (line blocks); P.L.

[Sabilla Novello, daughter of Vncent Novello.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Macirone' [the composer Clara Angela Macirone], regarding her sister Mary Cowden Clarke's ill-health.

Sabilla Novello (1821-1904), singer and author, daughter of Vincent Novello (1781-1861), and sister of Mary Cowden Clarke (1809-1898), wife of Charles Cowden Clarke (1787-1877); Clara Angela Macirone
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Villa Novello, via San Giacomo, Genova. 28 May 1878.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter reads: 'My dear Miss Macirone | Mrs. Cowden has recd. your letter, & forwards the enclosure to Clara [the Countess of Gigliucci, another sister]. | Mrs. C. C's hands are so afflicted that she writes with greatest difficulty; so I write for her. We Villa-ites know no one of the name of "Macirone" excepting your own distinguished family. We rejoice to hear you have regained yr. health, & that sweet Minnie is flourishing. We all send kindest remembrances. Excuse gt. haste'.

[Mary Cowden Clarke, writer, daughter of Vincent Novello.] Five Autograph Letters Signed to the pianist Clara Angela Macirone, sending news from Italy, on topics including music, the Risorgimento, the building of Villa Novello, Carlo Poerio.

Mary Cowden Clarke (1809-1898), daughter of Vincent Novello (1781-1861), and wife of Charles Cowden Clarke (1787-1877), writers and Shakespeare scholars [Clara Angela Macirone]
Publication details: 
Between 1856 and 1879. The first two (1856 and 1859) from Maison Quaglia, au Port, Nice, France; the last three (1864, 1876, 1879) from Villa Novello, Genoa, Italy.

Closely and neatly written on five bifoliums. Text totalling 14pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with minor damage at head of third letter, and wear to extremities of the fourth. The first two letters (1856 and 1859) addressed formally, the third to 'Angela & Minnie', and the fourth and fifth to 'Angela'. She writes the first letter (1856) before her sister Clara's 'approaching visit to England', to thank Macirone for writing to express the pleasure she had received from Charles Cowden Clarke's sister's writing.

[Manuscript] Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich

[The International Exhibition 1862 and other events in 1862 ] Sergeant Brown, flautist
Publication details: 

1862 Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich, Over 425 pages. Played at the opening ceremony of the International Exhibition under Costa, having been at the rehearsal attended by Meyerbeer - good descriptions of both events - and at the Horticultural Gardens next door throughout the length of the exhibition and elsewhere (Crystal Palace, Willis's Rooms, private houses, Lord Mayor's Show "nonsensical custom").

[Novello & Co., Limited, music publishers.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Novello & Co Ltd | W. C. H.') to Dr Carl Peters, informing him that he has money due to him from the sales of his uncle Carl Engel's 'Violin Family'.

'W. C. H.', Novello & Co., Limited, music publishers, London [Dr Carl Peters (1856-1918), German African explorer, nephew of Carl Engel (1812-1882), musicologist]
Publication details: 
On Novello & Co. letterhead, 1 Berners Street, W. London. 30 September 1898.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'Dr. Carl Peters | 29 St James Street | W'. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | We beg to inform you that we have a small amount due to you from the sales of your "Violin Family" by Carl Engel but, before forwarding same, we shall be glad to know whether the above is your correct address.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. L. Hatton.') to Bennett.

John Liptrot Hatton [J. L. Hatton] (1809-1886), English composer and conductor [William Cox Bennett (1820-1895)]
Publication details: 
26 October 1859; 3 Goswell St. E.C. [London], on cancelled letterheada of 13 Park Village West, Regents Park.

12mo, 2 pp. Ten lines of text. Good. Asks 'upon what terms' he may 'publish some of the songs I have set from the charming volume you sent me'. He is 'acquainted with the Gentleman' to whom Bennett has dedicated his book: 'it was in his shop I was introduced to Longfellow'. Possibly referring to Bennett's 'A Sea Song' and 'The Sea-Boy's Dream', set to music by Hatton and both published in 1861.

Autograph Signature.

Marie Novello (1898-1928, born Marie Williams), English pianist
Publication details: 
Undated, but around 1917.

On one side of a leaf (roughly 11 x 16 mm), removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper, with some show-through from amusing drawing on reverse by L. E. H. Phipson. Bold signature reads 'Yours Sincerely | Marie Novello'. Drawing on reverse depicts a monocled old fogey protesting his love to a pretty young thing regarding herself in a handmirror. Captioned 'I'd rather be a young man's slave!' Signed by the illustrator 'L. E. H. Phipson | 6/12/1917'. Docketed in pencil.

Autograph Note Signed ('Clara Gigliucci nata Novello'), 'To - Wright Esqre.' With Times obituary and another.

Countess Clara Gigliucci [nee Clara Novello] (1818-1908), English soprano, daughter of Ivor Novello
Publication details: 
Fermo. Marche | August 24th. 1863.'

One page, octavo. Very good, on lightly aged paper, with embossed blue ink monogram at head. 'Dear Sir | My Sister Isabella, just arrived, tells me you desire my autograph, I have great pleasure in complying with your flattering request. [...]' The blank second leaf of the bifolium is carefully attached to a larger piece of neatly-docketed paper, and has the two newspaper cuttings partially laid down on it. The short Times obituary, dated 17 March 1908, states that 'She must surely have been the last person alive to whom Charles Lamb addressed a poem'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Cowper') to Vincent Novello (1781-1861), English musician.

Edward Cowper (1790-1852), English inventor and printing engineer [Vincent Novello; Sir Charles Wheatstone]
Publication details: 
97 High Holborn [London]; 9 December 1846.

Two pages, 12mo. Mourning border. Damp stained. Cowper has told 'P[rofesso]r. Wheatstone' [Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), Professor of Experimental Philosophy at King's College, pioneer of the telegraph, and seller of musical instruments] of Novello's 'wish to have a little conversation with him'. Gives dates when Wheatstone will be available to see Novello at ''King's College (in the Museum)'. '[H]e will very shortly go to Switzerland & therefore the earlier you meet him the better'.

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