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[ The English agricultural crisis of 1816, 'the year without a summer'. ] Corrected manuscript copy of letter from unnamed Irish landowner (peer?) to the future Sir Robert Bateson, describing the agricultural crisis affecting his English estates.

[ Sir Robert Bateson (1782-1863), Irish Conservative politician ] [ 1816, 'the year without a summer' ]
Publication details: 
Written from England. Note by author: 'Copy to Robt. Bateson Esq. | May 8th. 1816'.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged, folded into packet. 34 lines of text. He begins by expressing his pleasure on Bateson's 'kind attention in naming me one of the God Fathers to your little Boy' [the future Conservative MP Robert Bateson (1816-1843)]. He next turns to the agricultural crisis: 'The accot. you give me of the state of the North of Ireland is very distressing under these circumstances. I feel no inclination to witness it by visiting my Estate there this Summer.

[ Albie Sachs, South African activist. ] Typescript of his book 'Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter', with variations from the published version.

Albie Sachs [ Albert Louis Sachs ] (b.1935), African National Congress activist and former judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but between 1988, when the events described occurred in South Africa, and the publication of the book in 1990.

113pp., 8vo. On 57 leaves, stapled together, with white card backing. No title-page. Worn and aged, with first leaf detached, but in fair condition overall. In 1988, in Maputo, Mozambique, where Sachs was exiled as an ANC activist, he lost an arm and his sight in one eye when a bomb was placed in his car by agents acting for the South African Regime. Sach's memoir is an important document in the history of the South African freedom struggle. Widely praised on its publication, it received the Alan Paton Award in 1991.

[ Complete publication in 4 vols. ] A History of Book Publishing in the United States. [ The Creation of an Industry 1630-1865; The Expansion of an Industry 1865-1919; The Golden Age Between Two Wars 1920-1940; The Great Change 1940-1980 ].

John Tebbel [ Book Publishing in the United States; American book trade ]
Publication details: 
New York & London: R. R. Bowker, A Xerox Education Company. 1972, 1975, 1978, 1981.

Four 8vo volumes, uniform in design and layout. Vol. I: xvi + 646pp. Vol.II: xii + [1] + 813pp. Vol.III: xiii + [1] + 774pp. Vol.IV: xi + [1] + 830pp. In fair overall condition, lightly aged and worn. Titles in white and yellow on blue cloth bindings. Unlike the other three volumes, the first volume is bound in unwaxed rough cloth, which has faded and worn, that volume also having bumped corners. Noet: post will be expensive!

Single leaf extracted from 'Die Chronica van der hilliger Stat van Coellen' (The Cologne Chronicle, 1499) as a keepsake for a 'Colophon' dinner, with folder and explanatory text, together with a leaf from

Johann Koelhoff the Younger, printer of 'Die Chronica van der hilliger Stat van Coellen', 1499 [ 'The Colophon: A Book Collector's Quarterly'; Dr A. S. W. Rosenbach; incunabula ]
Publication details: 
[ Cologne: Johann Koelhoff the Younger, 1499. ] [ New York: The Colophon (Pynson Printers). Undated (1929?) ]

Four items loosely inserted in a 33 x 25.5 cm black paper folder which is in good condition, with light signs of wear. With 26.5 x 20.5 illustrated label on cover, printed in black and brown, for 'The Colophon | A book collector's quarterly'. Presented to the guests at a 'Colophon' dinner (perhaps the inaugural one in 1929?). The contents as follows. ONE: Leaf from the Cologne Chronicle, 1499. The dimensions of the leaf from this incunabulum are roughly 30.5 x 20.5 cm. In fair condition, on aged paper with light damp staining. With three woodcuts, each roughly 5 x 4 cm.

, Indian Guaranteed Railways.] Two Autograph Accounts by Sheena Tennant of a tour with Maitland across India in a private railway car, encountering Bhupal Singh of Udaipur and Pratab Singh of Idar.

Sheena Tennant (1883-1974), niece of Margot Asquith [William James Maitland (1847-1919), Deputy Government Director, Indian Guaranteed Railways; Sir Pratab Singh of Idar; Sir Bhupal Singh of Udaipur]
Publication details: 
India [including Calcutta, Darjeeling, Benares, Lucknow, Cawnpore, Agra, Jaipur, Lahore, Peshawar, Delhi, Bombay]. Two volume account: 29 November 1912 to 27 January 1913. One volume account (in 1913 Asprey's Diary): 1 January to 1 March 1913.

Sheena Lilian Grant Tennant (hereafter ST) came from a privileged Scottish family, being the youngest of the six children (five daughters and a son) of wealthy industrialist James Tennant of Fairlieburne, Fairlie, Argyllshire, a nephew of Sir Charles Tennant of the Glen (father of Margot Asquith, wife of British Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, who was hence James Tennant's cousin). Beginning as a partner in the Glasgow chemical manufacturers Charles Tennant & Co., James Tennant became director of companies including United Alkali Co, North Eastern Electric Supply Co, and Eastern Paper Mills Co.

[F. G. Gordon and the Oxford University Press.] Correspondence with John Johnson, Humphrey Milford, Sir John Forsdyke, S. R. K. Glanville, Sir G. F. Hill, and others, about his book 'Through Basque to Minoan'. With corrected manuscripts, proofs, etc.

Frank Gordon Gordon [né Straube] (1874-1968), classical scholar with theory on Minoan Linear A [John Johnson; Humphrey Milford; Oxford University Press; Sir John Forsdyke; S. R. K. Glanville]
Publication details: 
Letters from various locations (including the British Museum), between 1930 and 1932. [The book published by Oxford University Press, 1931.]

The collection is in good overall condition, with light signs of age and wear. As the following description indicates, much care was taken by OUP with the production of the book, the Press even going so far as to produce new type for it (examples of which are accompany a letter by the printer John Johnson). Unfortunately the book was not well received - a savage review [by Sir P. J.

[Manuscript] Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich

[The International Exhibition 1862 and other events in 1862 ] Sergeant Brown, flautist
Publication details: 

1862 Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich, Over 425 pages. Played at the opening ceremony of the International Exhibition under Costa, having been at the rehearsal attended by Meyerbeer - good descriptions of both events - and at the Horticultural Gardens next door throughout the length of the exhibition and elsewhere (Crystal Palace, Willis's Rooms, private houses, Lord Mayor's Show "nonsensical custom").

[Bert Thomas, cartoonist.] Print of Thomas's celebrated ' "Arf a mo' Kaiser!' First World War cartoon of an English Tommy lighting his pipe, on the front of a brown-paper envelope addressed by Thomas to Suffolk artist William Henry Booth.

Bert Thomas (1883-1966), Welsh cartoonist associated with 'Punch' [William Henry Booth (1861-1928), Suffolk artist]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1918.] Green halfpenny George V postage stamp, with postmark of 'S.W.' beneath the two uprights of a triangle (no base).

The envelope is 27.5 x 12.5 cm, and the cartoon is printed lengthwise (around 15cm long including caption) on the front in brown ink, with facsimile signature. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn, with the flap of the apparently-empty envelope gummed back into place. The stamp is attached in its customary place, with the address in Thomas's autograph beneath it: 'Wm. Booth Esq | The Rosery | Cambridge Rd. | Felixstowe'. Thomas's original cartoon had been drawn in ten minutes for the Weekly Dispatch 'Smokes for Tommy' campaign.

[First edition.] A Room of One's Own.

Virginia Woolf
Publication details: 
Published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 52 Tavistock Square, London, W.C. 1929.

172pp., 12mo. In pink cloth, gilt. No dustwrapper. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in binding with slight spotting and slight wear at tail of spine. Neat small ownership signature in pencil on front free endpaper.

[William A'Court or à Court, 1st Baron Heytesbury.] Autograph Letter Signed from Naples to Charles R. Broughton of the Foreign Office

William à Court [A'Court] (1779-1860), 1st Baron Heytesbury, Envoy Extraordinary to Barbary States, Naples, Spain; Ambassador to Russia, Portugal; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
Naples. 22 June 1815.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Charles R. Broughton Esqre | Foreign Office | London', and docketed by recipient on the same page 'Naples 22 June 1815 | Wm. Court | 12 July | A'. à Court has written 'Duplicate' in the top left-hand corner of the first page (he would have sent several copies of the letter in case one miscarried, but the fact that this is the one that was received by Broughton is evidenced by the docketing). In fair condition, on aged paper, with usual broken wafer.

Printed colour advertisement for the 'Edition de Luxe' of Richard F. Burton's translation of the 'Arabian Night's Entertainments [...] The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night' ('Kamashastra Version'), illustrated by Albert Letchford.

Richard F. Burton [Sir Richard Burton, translator of 'The Arabian Nights'; Albert Letchford; Grolier Society London]
Publication details: 
Grolier Society London. [1890?]

1p., 12mo. Printed in black, brown and red. A mixture of gothic and roman type, within a decorative pseudo-Arabic border enclosing the words 'Edition de Luxe.' at the head, and 'Grolier Society London' at the foot. The text begins 'A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Night's Entertainments now entituled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night with introduction explanatory notes on the manners and customs of Moslem men and a terminal essay upon the nights in twelve volumes by Richard F. Burton.

Printed price list, in French, for Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome, with 'Vins Rouges' and 'Vin Blancs'.

[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome] [the French wine trade; fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome.] Undated [1840s?]

Nicely printed within a border on one side of a piece of 19 x 12 cm laid paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed: 'THOMAS FRÈRES, | NGTS. A VALENCE, DÉPT. DE LA DROME. | REPRÉSENTÉS VOYAGEUR.' 22 'VINS ROUGES' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Bordeaux') and 13 'VINS BLANCS' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Muscat de Beziers') are listed, followed by six items from 'Eau-de-vie vieille du Languedoc' to 'Truffes noires'. Prices are only given (in pencil) for three items.

Four issues of 'Inis Fáil. A Magazine for the Irish in London.' [Inisfáil; Inis Fail; Inisfail]

Athlone Printing Works Co. Ltd. [Inis Fáil. A Magazine for the Irish in London; Inisfáil; Inis Fail; Inisfail; Ireland; Eire; periodical publication; magazines]
Publication details: 
Place of publication not stated [London?]

Nos, 21-24 (all 1906), clean apart from rust to staples , some wear and staining, mainly good condition.'. No. 21 "Free Sample Copy" stamped on first page top. COPAC lists copies at the British Library, Cambridge, and Trinity College Dublin (the latter incomplete). The National Library of Ireland has a set (whether complete unclear).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Elizabeth M. Delafield') from the novelist E. M. Delafield [Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, née de la Pasture] to an unnamed male recipient, referring to Charlotte M. Yonge's 'History of Christian Names'.

E. M. Delafield [Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, née de la Pasture] (1890-1943), English novelist best-known for her 'Diary of a Provincial Lady' [Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Croyle, Cullompton, Devon. 5 December 1939.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. She thanks him for writing to her, and sending 'the two charming postcards'. She continues: 'I, also, often use the History of Christian Names - what a lot of research it must have meant for dear Miss Yonge!' Charlotte M. Yonge's 'History of Christian Names' was first published in 1863, with a revised version appearing in 1884.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Aboyne (later the 9th Marquess of Huntly) from 'A C <Dugend?>' of Aberdeen, concerning the uniforms of 'the Band of Music' (Aberdeenshire Militia?), and containing a 'detailed estimate' of the cost.

George Gordon, 9th Marquess of Huntly [known as the Earl of Aboyne from 1795 to 1836] (1761-1853) [the Aberdeenshire Militia (later the 3rd Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders)]
Publication details: 
2 January 1799; Aberdeen.
Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Aboyne

Both letter and estimate clear and complete; both good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter: 4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Addressed, with faint circular 'ABER | DEEN' postmark in black ink, on reverse of second leaf, to 'The Right Honourable | The Earl of Aboyne | Montrose'. The letter is in two parts: the first (12 lines) on the recto of the first leaf, informs the Earl that 'The Buttons were sent by yesterdays Mail', and that, 'Some days since', he 'sent by the Mail Coach a pattern Coat as a Uniform for the Band.

The Democrat. A Weekly Journal for Men and Women. [first issue]

William Saunders (1823-1895), newspaper publisher and editor and British Liberal politician [William George; Hackney]
Publication details: 
No. 1. Saturday, November 15, 1884. [Printed and Published for the Proprietors by J. C. DURANT, Clement's House, Clements Inn Passage, London, W.C.

Broadsheet, 8 pp. A single sheet, folded twice and unopened. No stapling. Text clear and complete, on aged and spotted paper (not high-acidity newsprint), with wear and chipping to extremities. Articles include 'The American Elections' by Henry George; ''The Crofter Revolt', and 'The "Pall Mall Gazette" Panic'. Also 'Metropolitan Constituencies No. I. - Hackney'. Scarce: no copy at the British Library (Colindale) and the only run on COPAC at the University of London.

Seven Sonnets and A Psalm of Montreal.

Samuel Butler [R. A. Streatfeild, ed.]
Publication details: 
Cambridge: Printed for Private Circulation. 1904.

12mo, 15 pp. In original green printed wraps. Disbound. Vertical fold. On aged paper with fading to wraps and slight damage to spine from disbinding. As Streatfeild explains in his two-page introductory 'Note', five of the seven poems appear here for the first time. Uncommon. COPAC lists copies at Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oxford and the British Library.

Printed Covering Letter, signed by steward 'A Bazzoni', intended to enclose a ticket to the Society's Anniversary Dinner.

Aged Poor Society, London [Augusto Bazzoni; Roman Catholic; philanthropy; charity]
Publication details: 
London, December, 1831.'

4to: 1 p. Printed on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of paper watermarked 'R BARNARD | 1828'. Fifteen lines of text. Text clear and complete on aged, creased paper with chipping to extremities, and the two leaves of the bifolium nearly detached. Docketed in contemporary hands '819' at the head of the printed page, and 'No. 72' on the reverse of the second leaf 'No. 72'.

Anonymous manuscript report, in French, beginning 'On taxe d'impudence les administrateurs, pour avoir donné un ordre au Cap[itain]e. Blanc pour l'exportation des Negres de la Société Vaudeuil, et surtout pour y avoir fait mention de sa cargaison.'

[The slave trade; slavery; Capitaine Blanc; la Société de Vaudeuil; Cayenne, French Guiana; Guadeloupe; Tobago; San Domingo]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated [Before 1848].

4to: 2 pp. 44 lines of text. Neatly written on very good lightly-creased and spotted light-green watermarked laid paper. Apparently an official report. The author begins by pointing out that as the 'ordonnances des Colonies' forbid the exportation of negroes from one French colony to another, such an exportation must be authorised 'd'une maniere autentique par les administrateurs'. Otherwise 'les Negres, le Cape. Blanc, son navire & sa cargaison' could have been seized by the first royal vessel they encountered, or in the first port at which they docked.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Jaubert') to 'monsieur le Baron Grenier, Procureur général de la Cour Imperiale, membre de la Légion d'honneur à Riom'.

Comte François Jaubert (1758-1822), Conseiller d'Etat à Vie; Gouverneur de la Banque de France under the First Empire [Jean, Baron Grenier (1753-1841), Premier Président de la Cour Royale de Riom]
Publication details: 
Letter One: 'Paris, le 27 mai 1811', on letterhead of 'Le Comte de l'Empire, Conseiller d'Etat à Vie, [...]'. Letter Two: 'Paris ce 12 Janvier 1814'.

Both items 4to,1 p. Both items good, on lightly aged and foxed paper. Both bifoliums, with the second item addressed, with broken wafer, on verso of second leaf. Both docketed in pencil in a nineteenth-century hand. Letter One (nineteen lines of text): He is grateful to Grenier for sending 'le procès verbal de l'installation de votre Cour'. Grenier was right to think that Jaubert would be interested in 'l'historique d'une cérémonie qui rend aux Cours la dignité convenable à la magistrature, et qui vous touche particulièrement'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cte Jaubert'), in French, to 'Messieurs Pichon & Didier, Libraires Commissionaires, quai des Augustins No. 47. Paris.'

Comte François Jaubert (1758-1822), Conseiller d'Etat à Vie; Gouverneur de la Banque de France under the First Empire [Pichon et Didier, Paris printers]
Publication details: 
Givry, près Fourchambault, par Nevers (Nièvre) 3 Juin 1827'.

12mo, 1 p. Eighteen lines of text. Good, on aged paper. Address, with broken wafer and two circular postmarks (one in red ink and the other in black) on verso of second leaf of bifolium. Making an order for a periodical publication, and giving instructions for delivery and payment.

7-inch extended play 45 rpm vinyl record entitled 'Tobacco Chant - Part 1 | The Song of the Auctioneer' ['Tobacco Chant - Part 2' on the b-side].

Bob Cage [Produced by G. J. Ashton; Recorded by C. U. Krieger; Tobacco Auctions Ltd, Southern Rhodesia; Halifax, Virginia]
Publication details: 
Tobacco Auctions Limited, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia.

Undated. Dusty, but veryy good, on black vinyl with yellow label and triangular insert. In lightly worn, creased and grubby original sleeve printed in green and yellow, carrying a lengthy note by G. J. Ashton, beginning 'On this record you can hear parts of an actual sale of tobacco held on the floor of Tobacco Auctions Ltd., Salisbury, introduced by BOB CAGE. Mr. Cage, a native of Halifax, Virginia, has been auctioneering tobacco for over fifteen years in the United States and Rhodesia.

Manuscript, in French, entitled 'Notice Sur l'Etablissement industriel fondé par M. Cornillac à Châtillon-sur-Seine (Côte-d'Or), Pour la fabrication des Livres de Piété.

Charles Cornillac, French publisher of Châtillon-sur-Seine, Côte-d'Or (active between 1834-1872)
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but between 1847 and 1859].

12mo: 4 pp. On the first leaves of each of two bifoliums, which are neatly attached the one within the other to make a four-leaf pamphlet the last two leaves of which are blank. Around 150 lines of closely- and neatly-written French text with a few corrections and additions. Presumably intended for publication. Divided into three parts. Begins 'Sauf les Forges, situes a Sainte-Colombe (2 Kilom.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Colladon' | professeur à l Ecole Centrale') to 'Monsieur le Directeur Général des Douanes, Paris'.

Jean-Daniel Colladon (1802-1893), Swiss physicist and engineer, Professor of Mechanics at the École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris [Eugène Flachat (1802-1873)] [steam engines; railway]
Publication details: 
27 January 1835; 'à Lyon chez Messieurs Pine Des Granges', on letterhead of the École.

4to bifolium: 2 pp, with address on otherwise-blank second leaf. Very good on lightly aged paper. Slight wear to extremities. A significant document, casting light on the relative states of engineering in early nineteenth-century France and England, and the role of the scientist in France at that time.

Typed Letter Signed ('John van Druten'), giving advice to an actor named 'France'.

John Van Druten [John William Van Druten] (1901-1957), Anglo-American dramatist
Publication details: 
6 December 1928; 5 Harewood Court, Hanover Square, London W1.

4to, 1 p, 21 lines. On creased and lightly-foxed paper, with a couple of closed tears (not affecting text, which is clear and entire). May refer to the 1928 revival of van Druten's play 'Young Woodley' (previously banned by the censor), or (which is more likely) to his 'After All' (1929).

Ten Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E Walford') to a number of different correspondents (including A., F. and H. Barker, Mrs Ratcliffe and a newspaper editor named 'Taylor').

Edward Walford (1823-97), topographer, genealogist, antiquary and editor of 'Once a Week' and 'The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer'
Publication details: 
Five undated, the others 1860 to 1890; all but one (from Bracknell in Berkshire) from a number of London addresses.

All items good, though on dusty and aged paper. Five items are addressed to sellers of manuscripts (probably the same individual). ONE (to H. Barker, 23 April 1885, on letterhead of 'The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer', one page, octavo): Asks to be offered Wellesley autographs purchased at a recent Sotheby sale, of which he sent an account to 'The Times', which was 'crowded out'. TWO (to F. Barker, 25 April [1885], 'at T.

Charles Auchester. By the Author of "My First Season," "Counterparts," etc.

[Elizabeth Sara Sheppard] [Joseph Joachim; Felix Mendelsohn; Jenny Lind]
Publication details: 
New Edition. London: Ward, Lock, & Co., Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.C. [1882]

Octavo: 415 pp. In contemporary red cloth binding, with title and owner's initials (K.D.F.) in gilt on spine. Internally tight, on aged paper; binding worn, faded and lightly stained. No half-title. Inscribed on title-page 'To my chum, the youngest of the Vixens, on striking twenty - by name Kathleen Douglas Fox, - name of friend - Blanche Wemyss-Whittake date. Nov. 30th. 1885.

Autograph Letter Signed ('P. Lorain | Professeur à la Faculté de Médecine de Paris') to unnamed male correspondent. In French.

Paul Lorain (1827-1875), Medical Examiner and Professor of the History of Medicine and Surgery at the Faculté de Médecine de Paris
Publication details: 
18 July 1873; Assay le Rideau, Loire.

8vo: 1 p. On grubby, creased, discoloured paper, with chipping and slight loss to extremities. In French. As a result of the bad state of his health he is forced to live far from Paris and will not be able to accept the invitiation of the British Medical Assocation. The writer will soon receive the replies of those of Lorain's colleagues who have also been invited.

Six Typed Letters Signed to D. K. Craig of Arthurs Press Ltd.

Hubert Foster [The P.E.N.; Poets, Essayists and Novelists]
Publication details: 
15 October 1945 to 10 December 1946; all six on letterhead of 'THE P.E.N. | A World Association of Writers | LONDON CENTRE'.

Association founded in England in 1921 to promote the interests of writers worldwide. First item, two pages, 12mo; next four, one page, 12mo; last item, one page, octavo. All good, though lightly creased and on discoloured paper. All have two punch holes. Item one with staple marks in top left-hand corner. The collection consists of instructions to the printer of the association's journal 'P.E.N. News'.

Engraving of bearded man walking while reading a book.

John Thomas Smith (1766-1833), artist and antiquary
Publication details: 
London Published as the Act directs December 31st 1815 by John Thomas Smith No 4 Chandos Street Covent Garden.'

On wove paper roughly eleven inches by seven and three-quarters; dimensions of print roughly seven inches by four and a half. Image clear and unaffected, on paper aged and creased, with some staining to extremities. Smith's monogram in bottom left-hand corner. The figure is formally dressed, in frock-coat and stockings, with his hat tucked under his left arm. Clearly a portrait, but of whom is uncertain: it is not among the six works by Smith catalogued by the National Portrait Gallery. A charming evocation of print culture in the early part of the nineteenth century.

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