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Anno Terito & Quarto Victoriae Reginae. Cap. XXIX. An Act to extend the Practice of Vaccination. [23d July 1840.]

[smallpox vaccination; medical history; Victorian medicine; Act of Parliament, 1840]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George E. Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1840.

8vo, 3 pp, paginated [225] to 227. Disbound bifolium. Two stab holes. Good, on lightly aged paper, with closed tear at head of crease line and slight loss along it. A piece of landmark legislation in the field of medical provision.

Typed Letter Signed ('E. Ashworth Underwood') to 'The Editor, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2.'

Edgar Ashworth Underwood (1899-1980), Director, The Wellcome Historical Medical Museum
Publication details: 
8 June 1949; on letterhead of The Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 28, Portman Square, London, W.1.

4to: 1 p. Very good. 18 lines. Concerns a 'lecture by Dr. D. A. Allan' (Douglas Alexander Allan, writer of several works on museums and exhibitions). 'It is very regrettable that Dr. Allan made the statements which he did without confirmation. They were completely erroneous and on the day following he called here and expressed his regrets at the incident. He has now full particulars in skeleton form regarding the activities of this Museum'.

Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek And His "Little Animals" Being Some Account of the Father of Protozoology and Bacteriology and His Multifarious Discoveries in These Diciplines

Clifford Dobell.
Publication details: 
Staples Press Ltd, John Bale Medical Publications, [1932].

FIRST U.K. EDITION, pp.[viii].435,plates, very good in original white cloth, sl. soiled, INSCRIBED by historian of science, Douglas McKie (see Dictionary of National Biography).

The evolution of modern medicine | A series of lectures delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation in April, 1913.

Sir William Osler
Publication details: 
New Haven: Yale University Press. 1921.

For Osler (1849-1919) see the Dictionary of National Biography. 4to. Pages: xv + 243. 107 figures in text. Good, tight copy, with minor spotting. In worn and stained green cloth binding, with lettering entirely faded from spine. Attractive bookplate of Irving S. Cutter, medical author, and a signed inscription from him presenting the book to F. Wood Jones. From the library of the librarian of the Medical Society of London, Nehemiah Asherson.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Gotch') to 'Miss Martin'.

Professor Francis Gotch (1853-1913), British physiologist
Publication details: 
12 January 1895; on embossed letterhead 11, Princes Park Terracce, Liverpool.

12mo: 1 p. Good, with pin holes to top left-hand corner (not affecting text). He might be able to give her his 'lecture on Hypnotism' in May, but 'cannot tell unless I know the approximate date as I am rather a busy person with my official duties here.' Asks her to let him 'know about it'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Rackrill'.

Storey Wilson, British author
Publication details: 
12 March [no year]; on letterhead 23 Claremont Road, Leamington.

Two pages, 12mo. On aged and creased paper. Was 'taken by surprise the other afternoon when you mentioned my book and paid me such a high compliment [...] I cordially appreciate your warm approval of what I have written concerning hospitals, and as you take such a warm interest in health matters I beg to send for your acceptance some other titles of mine on such subjects'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Richard Wilson

Henry Cline [J.H. Shorthouse and John Porter].
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn Fields, 22 Nov. 1821.

Surgeon, Astley Cooper's mentor (DNB), author of medical works. Three pages, 8vo, crude repairs to tears on folds, laid down, text clear and complete. He writes, "That disorder in a horse which constitutes a Roarer, is caused by a membranous projection in a part of the wind pipe (technically called the larynx). It is a consequence . . . [he continues ] . . . "A Roarer is not therefore a diseased horse . . . When a horse is in strong action, his breathing becomes proportionatley quickened . . . and thus the roaring noise is produced.

Letters on the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions

Herbert Mayo
Publication details: 
Sauerlander, Frankfort, and Blackwoods, Edinburgh, 1849

Boards, worn, damage to spine with loss of half, contents very good. Inscribed by author ("From the Author), and signed by Th[omas] Watson, presumably the distinguished English physician and another.

The Medical Guide; containing plain and simple directions for the treatment of the more common diseases.

An Experienced Physician.
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, 1850.

Disbound, 24 pages, 12mo, partly unopened, sl. damaged but no loss of text. Penny chapbook.

The Lettsomian Lectures, delivered at the Medical Society of London, 1879, on bronchial asthma: its causes, pathology, and treatment.

John C[harles]. Thorowgood
Publication details: 
London: Baillière, Tindall, and Cox, King William Street, Strand. 1879.

Small 8vo. Pages i-vi, 3-86 (nothing apparently lacking). Original publishers' catalogue for 1879 at rear. Good tight copy, in worn original brown cloth, gilt. PRESENTATION COPY 'For The Library of the Medical Society of London with The Authors Compts'. With stamps, labels, and other evidence of library provenance. From the collection of the Society's librarian Nehemiah Asherson, and carrying a note by him, over the Society's stamp on the half-title 'DISCARDED FROM THE LIBRARY | RESCUED FROM Pulping | 1971/2'.

Observations on the Recovery of a Man Dead in Appearance by Distending the Lungs with Air.

John Fothergill.
Publication details: 
Ltd edn reprint, California, Sept. 1980.

One of 125 copies printed for K. Garth Huston, M.D. by Richard J. Hoffman, Printer, Van Nuys, California. Pamphlet,13pp., reprint of the original edition (1745), grey wraps, nr fine.

A collection of 10 offprints, etc. of Douglas McKie's publications

Douglas McKie.
Publication details: 

Historian of Science (see Dictionary of National Biography). 1. "Wohler's 'Synthetic' Urea and the Rejection of Vitalism: A Chemical Legend" (Reprinted from "Nature", 20 May 1944, 8pp.; 2. "The Scientific Periodical from 1665 to 1798" (From the Philosophical Magazine Commemoration Number, , July 1948, pp.122-132); 3.

Autograph Letter 'To the Editor', entitled 'Phrenology', and signed 'Apollonius'.

PHRENOLOGY [Wiveliscombe; Somerset Country Gazette]
Publication details: 
Wiveliscombe Decr 18th, 1840'.

Two pages, quarto. On a discoloured piece of brittle, thin wove paper, with some fraying, several closed tears and a little loss (affecting three words). A long, able and closely-written defence of the discipline. '[...] | X appears decidedly opposed to an alarmed at the science, and feels himself awfully degraded with the comparisons drawn by Phrenologists between the human species and the lower animals - that they should exist, breathe, and partake of, in a limited degree, corresponding qualities with the human race.

The Animal Alkaloids, cadaveric and vital.

A.M. Brown, M.D.
Publication details: 
Second edition, London: Hirschfeld Brothers, 1889.

"Or the ptomaines chemically physiologically and pathologically considered in relation to scientific medicine". Introduction by Professor Armand Gautier. Pp.xxv.252 plus 4pp. press opinions and advts of Brown's other books, original cloth gt, good to very good condition. Ex lib "Medical Society of London", some unobtrusive stamps, etc. From the library of the librarian of the Medical Society of London, Nehemiah Asherson.

The illness of Dean Swift.

Sir Walter Russell Brain [Jonathan Swift]
Publication details: 
Reprint from August, 1952 issue | Irish Journal Medical Science'.

Eight pages, 8vo, paginated [337]-344. Stitched as issued. Good, in slightly faded light-green printed card wraps. Inscribed 'with best wishes from Russell.' A nine-line printed passage on a strip of paper has been neatly glued over text on page 343. 'I suggest that the so-called "crisis" in Swift's illness was not in fact related to the cause of his initial mental deterioration, but was an infective intracranial complication of his orbital cellulitis, leading to severe and lasting motor aphasia.' (page 339)

Autograph Letter Signed to [Anne,] Lady Brodie.

Sir Robert Harry Inglis
Publication details: 
7 Bedford Square | Jan. 30. 1854'.

British Tory politician (1786-1855). The recipient was the wife of the noted surgeon Sir Benjamin Brodie the elder (1783-1862). He thanks her for 'the valuable present which you have conveyed to me through Lady Inglis. The subject is one of the deepest interest; and your honoured father ['Serjeant Sellon, a lawyer of repute', according to the DNB] will have treated it with corresponding devotion as well as learning'. He sends his regards to her husband, and signs 'Robert H. Inglis'.

Autograph Note Signed to Mrs Christie Miller.

Sir Christopher Heath
Publication details: 
25 January 1891; on letterhead 36 Cavendish Square, W.

President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (DNB). 1 page, 8vo, in good condition with remains of stub adhering to blank verso. Doctor's handwriting. 'I am quite sure theh bleeding is of no consequence. Please let Geoffrey batter two fingers with the old <?> lotion & put a little bit of cotton wool <?> in the lotion in the end of the finger- - | Yours truly | C. Heath'.?>

Two Autograph Letters Signed to [F. J.] Epps[, F.G.S.]

Sir Philip Manson-Bahr
Publication details: 
The first, 24 May 1951, on letterhead 'THE OLD COTTAGE, | POOTINGS, | NR. EDENBRIDGE, | KENT.'; the second, 3 January 1952, on letterhead '149, HARLEY STREET, W.1. | (MARYLEBONE ROAD END)'.

English physician specialising in tropical medicine (1881-1966). Both 1 page, 16mo. Both dusty but in good condition. The first on blue paper the second on light green. In the first letter he says he is 'glad to be able to report that my paper has been written & is now being typed out. It has taken me many hours to do so in order to make it interesting & attractive to the non-medical reader. Whether I have succeeded in doing so I must leave to you to decide.' He says the paper 'should be in your hands by Monday next.

Autograph note signed to F. Benham,

Sir William Jenner
Publication details: 
2 January 1880, with letterhead 63 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square.

Physician (1815-98), physician extraordinary to Queen Victoria. One page, 12mo, in stamped envelope addressed in autograph. "Dear Mr. Benham, / I shall be happy to meet Dr. Jervis at your house on Tuesday afternoon at 2.45. / Yours very truly / W. Jenner".

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Dawson Turner.

Ernest Abraham Hart
Publication details: 
13 September 1880; 38 Wimpole Street, W.

Medical journalist and reformer (1835-98), editor of the British Medical Journal. 2 pages, 8vo, in good condition, docketed in pencil. The recipient is not the celebrated collector of autographs but a physician of 13 Salisbury Street, Strand. 'I am staying at Weybridge & shall expect to be in town only for an hour on Thursday & shall hardly be able to have the pleasure of seeing your friend, but if you or he should write to me I shall be very glad if I can in anyway be of service to you.'

one autograph letter signed,

Sir William Whitla
Publication details: 
4 March 1891, with letterhead 8 College Square North, Belfast.

Physician (1851-1933). One page, 12mo. "Dear Mr President / I enclose list with a few names added You will find that you had included in your list a large number of the Committee - / Sincy yrs / W. Whitla" With gummed paper from previous mounting adhering to the blank verso.

Autograph letter signed to a member of the family of the civil engineer and politician Sir Charles Lanyon (1813-89),

Sir William MacCormac
Publication details: 
May 4 [no year], with the letterhead 13 Harley Street.

Surgeon (1836-1901). "My dear Lanyon, / The young woman who has been working for me for some time past comes here when I want her to work, very well knowing my writing &c. I should not like to change without Cause but if an opportunity occur would be glad to assist your friend. I am sorry I missed seeing you, but I hope I shall be fortunate when you call again." Signed "W. MacCormac". With four pieces of gummed paper from mounting still adhering.

Autograph Letter Signed, 3pp., 8vo, to J.L. Tupper

Richard Partridge
Publication details: 

Surgeon (1805-1873). He discusses the book, "Bell on Expressions" which he is sending, discussing the illustrations tongue-in-cheek.

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