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[Offprint] The Obstetrical Aspects of Tristram Shandy

C.H.G. Macafee, MB., FRCS, FRCOG.
Publication details: 
Printed by Graham and Heslip LImited, Franklin Works, Belfast, [1950 [Reprinted from 'The Ulster Medical Journal,' May, 1950.

[12]pp., 8vo, printed paper wraps, stapled as issued, covers in poor condition but text complete. No copies listed on COPAC, one printed version on WorldCat (Australia)

Autograph Signature ('A. Tweedie MD.') of the Scottish physician and writer Alexander Tweedie

Alexander Tweedie (1794-1884), FRS, Scottish writer and physician [London Fever Hospital]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 3.5 x 11 cm piece of laid paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged and spotted paper. An elegant signature, firmly written with no surrounding text.

De L'Obésité

Dr Gabriel Leven
Publication details: 
Paris: G. Steinheil, Editeur,, 2, Rue Casimir-Delavigne 2, 1901

126pp., cr. 8vo, paper wraps, unopened, sunned, minor damage, inc. bibliography. Inscribed to "Jolly" by "Leven" on front cover,. Donated by Jolly to the "Histologie College de France" whose stamp and shelf-mark appears on the front cover. No copy on COPAC/WorldCat, one in BnF.

Autograph journal of a 'Trip to Singapore' from Johannesburg, by an unnamed female doctor (presumably the wife of the South African political activist Basil Stein).

[Journal of a trip to Singapore from Johannesburg, South Africa, 1967-1968; Basil Stein (1928-2012), South African political activist]
Publication details: 
From Johannesburg, South Africa, to Singapore. 21 October 1967 to 31 January 1968.

57pp., 4to. In ruled notebook, with marbled boards and brown cloth spine. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A light, observant account of a holiday, with details of her pastimes, the individuals she encounters, social engagements. First page headed 'Trip to Singapore Oct. 1967'. The first entry begins: '21st Oct. Left Jburg by train at 6.30 PM Ben [her husband] saw me off - gave me a box of Lindt chocs! but still could not refrain from pointing out how expensive they were.

Five poems by Captain H. W. Windsor Aubrey, R.A.M.C.: two holographs (including 'The Yellow Peril. Dedicated to the German Emperor'), one with typed copy, two others typed and one mimeographed; four concerning Delhi Barracks, Tidworth.

Captain Henry Wentworth Windsor Aubrey (c.1859-1934), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. [R.A.M.C. Delhi Barracks, Tidworth, Wiltshire; Brimstone Bottom]
Publication details: 
One of the six items on R.A.M.C. letterhead, Delhi Barracks, Tidworth, Salisbury Plain [Wiltshire]; dated 20 February 1918. Four of the others also 1918, and the sixth 1904.

Henry Wentworth Windsor Aubrey was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Dorset Regiment Militia on 21 April 1875, and resigned his commission three years later. He qualified as a Doctor in 1885 and practiced in Clifton, where he was a keen cricketer and golfer. During the First World War he served in the RAMC, reaching the rank of Temporary Captain (Home) on 1 December 1917. The six items (including Item Four, a typescript of Item Three) are in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Five Autograph Letters Signed (one 'Alex Comfort' and four 'Alex C') from the poet and sexologist Alex Comfort to John Rogers, regarding poetry, including a discussion of whether poetry is 'finding a language in England, rather than losing one!'

Alex Comfort [Alexander Comfort] (1920-2000), poet, novelist, doctor and sexologist
Publication details: 
Three from Havengrove, Tudor Road, Barnet; one on letterhead of Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, and another on letterhead of the Royal Waterloo Hospital, London. All undated [c.1942]

Item One: From Havengrove. On reverse of printed 12mo prospectus for the first issue of 'Poetry Folios' magazine (which appeared in 1942), edited by Comfort and Peter Wells. 1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged and creased paper. He thanks him for his letter. 'It is appreciation of this kind that makes one want to go on writing. [...] I wish I could meet you.' Item Two: From Havengrove, on letterhead of 'Poetry Folios'. Undated. 2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-creased and aged paper.

[Printed pamphlet.] Poems from the Diary of a V. A. D. By Carrie Portelly.

Carrie Portelly (1893-1966), V.A.D., of Buckfast, Devon [Voluntary Aid Detachment; field nurse; nursing]
Publication details: 
Printed by Edwin Trim & Co. Ltd. Wimbledon S.W.19. Undated, but individual poems dated between September 1938 and October 1942.

[1] + 38pp., 12mo. Stapled into brown printed wraps, with the title and printer's slug on the cover, which also carries the price of two shillings and sixpence. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Introductory note reads: 'These few pages refer to war-time troubles at home and in hospital, and other people's love laments. C.P.' Unpretentious poetry, giving an insight into the work of a V.A.D.

Autograph Notebook of Private T. M. Rankin, 7394616, 13 FDS [Field Dressing Station], containing lecture notes compiled by him while training as a medical orderly. With six photograph loosely inserted, including three posed army groups.

Private T. M. Rankin, 7394616, 13FDS [Field Dressing Station], Second World War British Army medical orderly
Publication details: 
The notebook dated January to February 1944.

65pp., in narrow ruled 32 x 13 cm notebook, with maroon embossed boards and cloth spine. Rankin has etched his initials into the front board. All in pencil, with the first page headed 'NO I LECTURES JAN-FEB. 44 | T M RANKIN. 7394616. 13 F.D.S.', and carrying a numbered list of 38 topics, from 'Observation of Patient' and 'Diet of Disease' to 'Fracture of Spine' and 'Burns'. Four pages of medical notes follow. Upside-down at the other end of the volume are 59 paginated pages of further notes, preceded by a list of a further 15 topics (numbered 39-53), from 'Eye Drops' to 'Rheumatic Fever'.

Autograph Signature ('Richard Quain') of the Irish physician Sir Richard Quain.

Sir Richard Quain (1816-1898), Irish doctor, physician-extraordinary to the Queen and author of a noted 'Dictionary of Medicine'
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of a 5.5 x 11 cm piece of laid paper. In good condition, lightly-aged and with slight rusting from paperclips on the reverse. Cut from a letter, and reading: '[...] Hospital at Ventnor | Yours very truly | [signed] Richard Quain'.

[Printed handbill.] 'A Course of Lectures on Nursing the Sick Will be given in the Public Institution, Crown Yard, St. Ives, On Wednesdays for Four Weeks, Commencing 27th Feb., 1901, at 7-30 p.m. Lecturer: Miss G. Brocklehurst.'

Miss G. Brocklehurst; J. Hazlitt, District Secretary, St Ives, Hunts [Huntingdonshire County Council; J. G. Hankin & Son, Steam Printers; nursing]
Publication details: 
'J. Hazlitt, District Secretary. | St. Ives, 25th Feb., 1901.' ['J. G. Hankin & Son, Steam Printers, St. Ives, Hunts.']

1p., 8vo (25 x 18.5 cm). In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. 19 lines, printed in a variety of fonts and point sizes, in a style characteristic of the period. Headed: 'HUNTS. COUNTY COUNCIL. | TECHNICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE. | DISTRICT OF ST. IVES.' Signed in type by Hazlitt at the end. 'The Lectures are FREE to all; and it is hoped that many people will attend them, as they will be of a Homely, Useful and Practical Character.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Astley Cooper') from the surgeon and anatomist Sir Astley Paston Cooper accusing Thomas Penrice of Great Yarmouth of being an 'Odd Fish'.

Sir Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper], 1st Baronet (1768-1841), English surgeon, President of the Royal College of Surgeons [Thomas Penrice of Great Yarmouth, Surgeon to the Norfolk Militia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [postmarked February 1824].

1p., 4to. Fifteen lines. On aged paper and worn paper with loss to text, laid down on piece of card. Addressed to 'Mr Penrice | Gt Yarmouth'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Amelia Sieveking'), in English, from Wilhelmine Amalie Sieveking of Hamburgh to her nephew Edward in London, on behalf of 'Miss Lempfert', regarding his assistance in her plans for a boarding school.

Amelia Sieveking [Wilhelmine Amalie Sieveking; Amelia Wilhelmina Sieveking] (1794-1859), philanthropist and pioneer of nursing reform in Germany [Edward Henry Sieveking (1816-1904), British physician]
Publication details: 
Hamburgh; 21 May 1852.

2pp., 12mo. 27 lines. E. H. Sieveking was the son of Amalie Sieveking's brother Edward, who in his youth had settled in England as a merchant. In the letter she requests her nephew's assistance in the case of Miss Lempfert, 'as you are her only personal acquaintance in London'. She writes: 'I hope, you will remember her; but to help your memory, I will mention to you, that during your stay at Hamburgh she was living with her friend, Emma Poel [(1811-1891), her future biographer, see below]. If I am not mistaken, you had once or twice an interesting conversation with her.

Unpublished early nineteenth-century manuscript poem, titled 'The Cockney Quack Doctor', satirising the London working clases and medical profession around the time of Dickens's 'Pickwick Papers'.

[Anonymous nineteenth-century manuscript poem, satirising the London working classes and the medical profession; Charles Dickens; Pickwick Papers]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, 1830s?]

1p., 8vo. Aged and worn, having previously been folded into a tight packet, and laid down on a paper backing. Headed with the title, and neatly written in two columns. The poem consists of 60 lines arranged in six stanzas. The first and last stanzas indicate the tone.

Typed list of 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928' by Lord Dawson of Penn [Bertrand Dawson, 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn], who attended on the king in his last illness, and hastened his death with a lethal injection.

Bertrand Dawson (1864-1945), 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn [Lord Dawson of Penn], Physician-in-Ordinary to King George V, whose death he hastened while attending on him in his last illness [euthanasia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London: c. 1929?]

1p., 4to. On piece of wove paper, watermarked 'Gray Valley | Parchment'. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Neatly folded, and inserted in a brown paper envelope, carrying the following typed note on its front: 'List of Contents of documents of illness of King George V in 1928 and death.' The list is from the papers of Lord Dawson of Penn. It contains fifteen numbered items, and is headed 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928', without authorial attribution. Item 8 is 'Lord Dawson's notes on the King's illness | Also notes from Sir H. Rolleston and Sir R.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Clement Lucas') from Richard Clement Lucas, Senior Surgeon to Guy's Hospital, concerning the gaining a 'good position in the profession' for [Henry Ogilvy Stuart] the son of H. W. Stuart of Woolwich.

R. Clement Lucas [Richard Clement Lucas] (d.1915), Senior Surgeon at Guy’s Hospital; Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons [Surgeon-Major Henry Ogilvy Stuart (d.1896)]
Publication details: 
4 St Thomas's Street, London Bridge, SE. 22 June 1876/

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with original worn and torn envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed by Lucas to 'H. W. Stuart Esq. | Mulgrave House | Rectory Place | Woolwich'. Stuart's son has 'shown himself so good a worker' at Guy's that Lucas is 'anxious that he should have an opportunity of taking a good position in the profession'. Lucas has 'persuaded him to try for the fellowship & if possible, to pass the preliminary next September'. Lucas hopes Stuart will encourage his son, as he is 'convinced that he has the power, if you give him the opportunity'.

Autograph 'Register of Cases' by Dorothy J. Johnson, midwife, in 'Central Midwives Board' register, giving details of 250 births in the Stoke-on-Trent area between 1951 and 1953.

Dorothy J. Johnson, Certified Midwife, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire [England: Central Midwives Board; midwifry]
Publication details: 
Register by 'Messrs. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, London, E.C.4.' The births in Stoke-on-Trent occuring between 25 February 1951 to 13 February 1953.

The register proper consists of 50pp., foolscap 8vo, with ten births described over each of the 25 openings (total 250). It is preceded by a page carrying Johnson's details (her address is given as 9 Ashlands Crescent, Harpfield, Stoke-on-Trent, and her certificate number is 106889), facing the reverse of the front wrap, which carries a notice headed 'On no account must this Register be destroyed. It may be of importance for the defence of the Midwife herself.' In buff wraps, with 'Central Midwives Board. | Register of Cases' and the printing details on the front.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Few Remarks on the Uses and Mode of Applying the New Materials lately invented to supersede Poultices and Fomentation Cloths; and also, as a Protector to the Chest, and a valuable Remedy in Cases of Rheumatism. Etc. Etc.

Alfred Markwick, Surgeon to the Western German Dispensary, &c [The Patent Epithem Company; Chapman and Elcoate, London printers]
Publication details: 
London: Published by the Patent Epithem Company, at their wholesale depot, 69, King William-street, City. 1846. [Chapman and Elcoate, Printers, Peterborough-court, and 5, Shoe-lane, Fleet-street.]

12pp., 12mo. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Uncommon: the only copies of this first edition on COPAC at the British Library and Wellcome.

Autograph note by the English physician Dr William Jenner.

Sir William Jenner (1815-1898), Bart, English physician who discovered the distinction between typhus and typhoid
Publication details: 
8 Harley Street, London. 15 June 1866.

1p., 12mo. Good, on a piece of lightly-aged paper, with fold lines. Possibly written in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'With Dr. Jenners Compts. & thanks - | 8 Harley St | June 15th 1866.'

Typed Letter Signed ('H D'Arcy Power') from the Southampton physician Dr H. D'Arcy Power, written in the spelling of the Phonetic League to 'Bryn', discussing the health of his wife Gretel, and with an autograph postscript by her.

Dr H. D'Arcy Power, Physician, Southampton [The Phonetic League]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead ('Consultations by Appointment Only'), 23 Brighton Road, Southampton. 11 April 1934.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged, worn and creased paper. Seventeen lines in phonetic spelling, with printed key at foot, headed: 'NOTE - Members of the Phonetic League are pledged to use this Alphabet and spelling in correspondence.' Disregarding the use of the diaersis, the letter begins: 'Mi der Bryn, | Zis is only a not ov enqwiri tu asertan wezer yu ar stil aliv.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] Sergeant Surgeons to their Majesties. Thomas Vicary Lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 29th October 1959.

Henry R. Thompson, F.R.C.S., Surgeon, St. Mark's Hospital; Master of the Worshipful Company of Barbers [Royal College of Surgeons of England]
Publication details: 
Printed by Jackson, Ruston and Keeson Limited, Pear Tree Court, London, E.C.1. 'Reprinted from Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Volume 26 - January, 1960. Pages 1-23.'

25pp., 8vo. Eleven photographic figures in text. Stapled and unbound. Printed on art paper. Creasing and wear to title-leaf, otherwise in fair condition, with corners slightly dog-eared. Signature 'Henry' at head of title, with purple stamp: 'With the author's compliments.'' This offprint is scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC in the Guildhall.

[Printed.] St. Thomas's Hospital. Judgment of the Lord Chancellor delivered November 1864. [upon the appeal by the Corporation of London from the Order of Vice Chancellor Sir William Page Wood, [...] approving the Stangate Site for the new Hospital.

[Richard Bethell (1800-1873), 1st Baron Westbury, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain] [Sir William Page Wood; St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark]
Publication details: 
J. B. Nichols and Sons, Printers, 25, Parliament Street. [London, November 1864.]

11 + [i] pp., foolscap 8vo. Stitched and unbound. Grubby and aged, with wear to dog-eared corner. Title printed on reverse of last leaf, with drophead title on p.1 reading: 'ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, from Elizabeth Charlotte Nugent, Marchioness of Westmeath, to her druggists Messrs Fitz & Ch<ambers?>, ordering 'Canisters of Cephalic snuff' and 'one pound of mustard ground to make Poultices'.

Elizabeth Charlotte Nugent [née Verner] (d.1882), Marchioness of Westmeath, wife of George Thomas John Nugent (1785-1871), 1st Marquess of Westmeath
Publication details: 
Cossey [Costessey] Hall, Norfolk. 7 December 1868.

2pp., 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive spike hole. The letter begins: 'The Marchioness of Westmeath is much obliged to Mesrrs. Fitz & for the two Canisters of Cephalic snuff sent according to desire & requests they will be so good as to forward by the Bearer three or four more Canisters - Also a box of Pills made up exactly according to the enclosed prescription which Lady Wth.?>

Photograph Wakefields of Ealing of the staff of Hammersmith Hospital, London, in 1943, with printed key identifying the sitters.

[Hammersmith Hospital, London, 1943; Wakefields, photographers, Ealing; British Postgraduate Medical School]
Publication details: 
Photo by Wakefields, Ealing, London, W5. [Hammersmith Hospital, London. 1943.]

Black and white print, 12 x 29cm., mounted on piece of card, 19.5 x 35cm, with paper guard. The photograph itself is in good condition, with a couple of unobtrusive indentations, with mount and guard a little creased and worn. Printed on the mount above the photograph: 'HAMMERSMITH HOSPITAL - 1945'. The staff are shown in four rows (three standing and one sitting) on grass in front of the hospital building.

Two Autograph Letters Signed "Derby" to John Abraham, Bold Street, Liverpool (envelope present), head of the Dispensing Department of the Liverpool Apothecaries Company, 1838-1845, later of Clay & Abraham, pharmaceutical chemists, about Poisons Bill.

Edward George Geoffrey Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, KG, PC (1799–1869), statesman, three times Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
Publication details: 
St James's Square, [London], 8 & 11 June 1857.

Two pages and one page, 12mo, good condition. A. "I have received the Petition of the Liverpool Chemists' Association against some of the provisions of the Sale of Poisons Bill, and will present it without loss of time. As the Bill has been referred to a Select Committee to consider its provisions in detail, I shall move that your Petition be referred to the same Committee; and if you should be inclined to depute any of your body to come up and be examined in support of your objections, I do not think the Committee would refuse to hear him. In that case however you ought not to lose any time.

Part of corrected autograph draft by Horace Dobell, Consulting Physician, Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, of a preface to a planned abridgment of his book 'On the Mont Dore Cure'.

Horace Dobell [Horace Benge Dobell] (c.1827-1917), Consulting Physician, Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, and at the Mont Dore Sanitorium, Bournemouth
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but after the first publication of the book in 1881.

4pp., landscape 8vo. On four leaves pinned together. On aged and worn paper. With numerous deletions and emendations. COPAC only lists the first edition of this book, so it may be that the second edition was not published.

Manuscript Accounts Day Book of Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now housed in Hitchin Museum], giving names and addresses of purchasers, with products and prices.

Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now in Hitchin Museum]
Publication details: 
17 September 1904 to 22 November 1905.

366pp., narrow folio (16 x 40 cm). 43 lines to the page. In original vellum binding, with covers ruled in blue. On front cover printed label of 'PERKS & LLEWELLYN, | Dispensing & Family Chemist, | HIGH STREET, HITCHIN.' Marbled edges and endpapers. First leaf with 5 cm closed tear. Written out in black ink, in two or three different hands, with the granting of credit recorded in red. Containing a mass of information about local history, product and price. Early entries are stamped with date, later entries have date written out.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from the English osteopath J. J. Dunning to Admiral Milne.

Dr John J. Dunning, Secretary, the British Osteopathic Association [Admiral Milne]
Publication details: 
23 and 24 March 1945; the first on letterhead of the British Osteopathic Association, cancelled to 140 Park Lane; the second on letterhead of the American Club, London.

Both items 12mo, 1 p. Both good, on lightly aged paper. Pinned to one another. Letter One: He is'enclosing two leaflets on disc manipulation'. He has a third, 'fuller and illustrated', and if they interest Milne, he will be 'delighted'. Letter Two: He had 'much rather be found right than wrong', but would 'enjoy either experience, in meeting you again'. Could see Milne's 'pictures' after easter, and hopes to have 'one or two you may like to see as well'. Dunning had served in the United States Army Medical Corps before going to England to practice osteopathy.

[Pamphlet.] Spiritualism and Insanity: An Essay describing the disastrous consequences to the Mental Health which are apt to result from a pursuit of the study of Spiritualism. By Dr. C. Williams, Author of "Insanity: its Causes and Prevention," etc.

Charles Williams (b.1858), LRCP, Assistant Medical Officer, the Warneford, Oxford [spiritualism]
Publication details: 
London: The Ambrose Co., Ltd., 55 & 57 Wigmore Street, W. [1909 or 1910]
Charles Williams (b.1858), LRCP, Assistant Medical Officer, the Warneford, Oxfor

12mo, 53 + [iii] pp. Text clear and complete. Aged and worn, with loose original front cover, printed in green, remaining from the binding. Stamp of 'The Community of the Resurrection' on title-page. A few manuscript notes in light pencil. Scarce: five copies on COPAC, at the British Library, Oxford, Cambridge, the National Library of Scotland, and University of London, variously dated to 1909 and 1910.

[Book.] Euthanasia: or, Medical Treatment in Aid of an easy Death. By William Munk, M.D., F.S.A.

William Munk, M.D., F.S.A., Fellow and late Senior Censor of the Royal College of Physicians [euthanasia; pain relief]
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green, and Co. and New York: 15, East 16th Street. 1887.
Euthanasia: or, Medical Treatment in Aid of an easy Death. By William Munk

12mo, vii + 105 pp. In original cloth quarter-binding of brown spine and blue boards, gilt. Fair, on aged paper, in patchy worn binding with foxed endpapers. With the ownership inscription of the Great Yarmouth solicitor Frederick John Dowsett (author of 'Both Sides of Jewish Character', Westminster Review, 1888). An important and scarce early work in the nineteenth-century resurgence of interest in the subject in the West.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H Macnaughton Jones') from the Irish gynaecologist Henry Macnaughton Jones to 'Dr. Coffin', concerning the diagnosis of 'Mrs. Damon'.

Dr Henry Macnaughton Jones (d.1918), Irish consulting surgeon and writer; Professor of Midwifery, Queen's College, Cork; President of the British Gynaecological Society
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead of 141 Harley Street, Cavendish Square, London.
Dr Henry Macnaughton Jones

12mo, 2 pp. Twenty-six lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Having examined Mrs Damon in her bed, he now finds her 'up & down stairs', and requests Coffin to 'kindly give her a look up & control her & force her to be an invalid for a few days'. Ends with the news that his wife is 'still most seriously & dangerously ill'. For some of Jones's many achievements see his entry in Who Was Who, and also his obituary, British Medical Journal, 4 May 1918, pp.521–522

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