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Offprint titled 'Air Ministry. Meteorological Office. Professional Notes. Vol. 3. No. 39. The Upper Air Circulation of the Atlantic Ocean. Published by the Authority of the Meteorological Committee.'

E. W. Barlow [Edward William Barlow (b.1886)] [Air Ministry, Meteorological Office.]
Publication details: 
1925. London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

8vo: 18 pp, paginated 200-217. Grubby and lightly-aged and creased, with rusty staples. Title-page headed 'For Official Use. M.O. 245s.' Scarce. No copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Nottingham.

Four mid-eighteenth-century printed forms relating to English county militia: 'A Protection', 'Summons for Absentees or other Offenders', 'Mittimus on Refusal to Pay the Penalties', 'A Certificate of a Militia Man changing his Place of Abode'.

[the county militia in eighteenth-century England; Hanoverian English magistracy; warrant; Justice of the Peace]
Publication details: 
The 'Summons' dated '175[ ]' and therefore from the 1750s, the other three items dated '17[ ]' and so eighteenth century. Three of the four 'Printed by J. TOWERS, near Air-Street, Piccadilly.'

All four items well printed on one side of a piece of watermarked laid paper. All four lightly-aged but good. None of them filled in. The third item more dusty than the rest. Item One (15.5 x 20.5 cm): Headed 'No. VII. A PROTECTION.' To be signed by one of the 'Deputy Lieutenant, | Captain, | Commanding Officer.' Exempting the bearer, as a militia man, 'from doing any Highway Duty, commonly called Statute Work'.

Advertisement, with photographic illustrations and diagram, entitled 'The "Bristol" Bombay. Bomber - Transport - Troop Carrier.'

The Bristol Bombay Bomber-Transport [Royal Air Force; aviation; aeronautics]
Publication details: 
Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1. 6062-39'. [1939]

8vo bifolium: 4 pp. On art paper. Unbound. On aged and creased paper. Clear and complete. Arranged as a magazine article, with the text in two columns. Six photographs of the exterior and interior of the plane. Two diagrams, including one full-page and extremely detailed cross-section, captioned 'The Bristol Bombay Bomber-Transport | (Two 1,010 h.p. Bristol Pegasus XXII motors).'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Felicity Hill'). Together with autograph signature (also 'Felcity Hill').

Air Commodore Dame Felicity Hill [Felicity Barbara Hill] (1915-?), Director, Women's Royal Air Force, 1966-1969
Publication details: 
Undated; from Worcester Cottage, Mews Lane, Winchester, Hants.

The six-line letter, which is laid down on a slightly larger piece of lilac paper, was originally on one side of an octavo leaf, but it has had a strip (presumably carrying the name and address of the recipient) beneath the address cut away. It is now in two pieces: 5 x 15.5 and 12 x 15.5 cm. Otherwise very good. Laid down on the top piece is a slip of paper in Hill's hand, reading 'From: Air Commodore Dame Felicity Hill D.B.E. WRAF (retd)'. In the bottom right-hand corner of the second piece of paper is a strip carrying Hill's autograph.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Hilary Blood of the Royal Society of Arts.

Edward Arthur Alexander Shackleton, Baron Shackleton
Publication details: 
31 December 1964; on his letterhead as 'MINISTER OF DEFENCE FOR THE ROYAL AIR FORCE'.

British geographer and Labour politician (1911-94), son of the antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton. One page, quarto. Very good. Folded three times. Docketed in red ink. He must decline the invitation to become a Fellow of the Society. 'It is certainly an honour and I would have liked to accept this invitation, but I have lately had to cut down on the membership of various societies since, as you can imagine, the subscriptions do mount up. This is frankly the reason, for I have become very well aware of the importance of the work of the Royal Society of Arts.'

Autograph Signature.

General James Harold Doolittle
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Distinguished and much-decorated American general (1896-1993), who during World War II led a squadron of army bombers in a series of intrepid raids on the Japanese mainland. In good condition. On a piece of paper 3 inches by 5 inches.

Autograph Letter Signed by 'Handley'

Publication details: 
No date [c.1940-1]; Sgts. Mess, Mildenhall, Suffolk.

2 pages, 8vo, both with Royal Air Force letterhead bearing the motto 'PER ARDUA AD ASTRA'. Not in good condition - creased, frayed, torn and discoloured - but a marvellous and immediate piece of history, regarding what one authority describes as the 'strategic bombing [...] principally against the Ruhr, on which No.149 concentrated during the winter of 1940-1'. The letter begins 'Dear Mum, | Just a line to thank you for the photographs, I think that one of you is very good.

Autograph Signatures of several members on printed keepsake.

D Squadron
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Presumably printed for a Royal Air Force regimental reunion. Card bifoliate, 16mo, with 3 pages printed in green ink and featuring crude vignette of men in action in black ink on recto of first leaf, and with verso of second leaf reserved for autographs. Discoloured but in good condition. Recto of first leaf headed '"D" Squadron | R.A.F. Regiment O.C.T.U., Sidmouth. | 29th October, 1942 - 23rd January, 1943.' Across the opening are listed the men of nos. 13, 14, 15 and 16 flights. Among around a dozen autograph signatures in pencil or pen are those of the Squadron Commander Major J.

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