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[ Dame Sybil Thorndike. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Sybil Thorndike') to 'Mrs. Radcliffe', explaining her reasons for being unable to sit for 'Mr. Priest'.

Dame Sybil Thorndike [ Agnes Sybil Thorndike ] (1882-1976), English actress [ Alfred Priest (1874-1929), English artist ]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead ('Under the Direction of Bronson Albery & Lewis Casson'), from the Criterion Theatre, London. 1 February 1923.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased, with slight tearing at edges. She begins: 'Please forgive me for not answering your letter before, but I have been so rushed!' She is not able to 'sit for Mr. Priest just at present': 'We are just on the point of starting rehearsals for several plays to be toured and, in addition, my two small girls are ill, so that I want to spend all my spare time with them.' She is trying to 'get out of' sittings for another artist.

[ Dame C. V. Wedgwood, historian. ] Volume containing autograph 'List of Written Works since 1930', with notes and comments, and record of payments.

Dame C. V. Wedgwood [ Cicely Veronica Wedgwood ] (1910-1997), English historian
Publication details: 
'Cicely Veronica Wedgwood. Her Book. presented to me in March 1933 by A. H. P.' [ List of books dating from between 1929 and 1947. ]

39pp., 8vo. On good thick Whatman paper, dated 1874, in luxurious black embossed leather binding by J. Y. Knight & Co. of Leeds and London, with brass lock by Bramah (lacking key). In very good condition, in worn binding. Stamped in gilt on front cover is 'PRIVATE MEMA. | A. H. PAWSON'. On the first page Wedgwood has written: 'Cicely Veronica Wedgwood. | Her Book. | presented to me in March 1933 | by | A. H. P. | born 20th. July 1910 | educated | Norland Place School. 1915-1926. | Lady Margaret Hall. 1928-1931 | London School of Economics. 1932-5'.

[ William John Charles Pitcher Wilhelm, costume designer.] Illustrations of costumes for the Empire Theatre ballet 'The Press' (1898), each representing a Fleet Street newspaper.

[ William John Charles Pitcher Wilhelm (1858-1925), costume and theatre designer; Empire Theatre, London; Leopold Wenzel; Katti Lanner; Dame Adeline Genée (1878-1970), ballet dancer; Fleet Street ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Ballet performed at the Empire Theatre, London in 1898.]

In black and white on 34 x 23 cm shiny art paper. Possibly extracted from an unnamed periodical. Lightly aged and worn, and ruckled from being laid down on paper backing. Tiny chip lost at foot. Sixteen female figures are shown, in costumes representing newspapers from the 'Daily Mail' to 'The Sketch', and including 'Mdlle. Zangfretta as Fashion', around a central representation of a scene from the ballet, featuring Adeline Genée as the Liberty of the Press.

[Dame Eva Turner, English soprano.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed (all 'Eva') to Geoffrey Child. The letters concerning LP recordings of her music, and piracies by 'Bill Smith', with reference to Giovanni Martinelli.

Dame Eva Turner (1892-1990), English soprano [Giovanni Martinelli (1885-1969), Italian tenor; Geoffrey Child]
Publication details: 
First letter: Michigan, 4 July 1957. Second letter: Oklahoma, 22 September 1957. Cards from 1960 and 1962.

All four items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. All four in a bold, expansive hand. The two letters accompanied by their envelopes, addressed to Child in London. Letter One: Address: 'c/o Mr & Mrs G. W. Williams, | 615 East Genesee, | Saginaw | Michigan. U.S.A.' 4 July 1957. 4pp., 4to. She is 'on the first lap of my Vacation' and has asked 'Anne' to contact him. 'During the University year I am so frightfully taxed for time - my own correspondence and my personal affairs suffer in consequence and are perforce relegated to the background.

[Printed item.] A Tribute to Dame Dorothy Brock D.B.E., M.A., Litt.D., LL.M. Head Mistress of the Mary Datchelor Girls' School 1918-1950.

[Dame Madeline Dorothy Brock (1886-1969), Headmistress of the Mary Datchelor Girls' School, Camberwell, London; Rachel Pearse; Major Walter F. Pothecary of the Clothworkers' Company]
Publication details: 
[London: The Mary Datchelor Girls' School, Camberwell.] [The Parcener Press Ltd London SE27. 1970.]

52pp., 4to. With an additional 6pp of plates on art paper, including frontispiece of painted portrait of Brock by Maurice Codner. Stapled. In blue wraps with 'M. Dorothy Brock | 1886-1969' in gold on front cover. In good condition, with slight wear and discoloration to wraps. Well laid out, with numerous contribution by those who knew Brock. Foreword by Rachel Pearse, the headmistress of the school at the time, and 'Appreciation' by Major Walter F. Pothecary of the Clothworkers' Company.

[Dame Ethel Locke King and Winifred Bidwell.] Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Martin Wood from Bidwell, enclosing another to Bidwell from Dame Ethel Locke King, regarding the employment of Wood at Caens Hill Auxiliary Military Hospital.

Dame Ethel Locke King (1864-1956), Vice-President of the North Surrey Division, British Red Cross; Winifred Bidwell [Miss Martin Wood; Caens Hill Auxiliary Military Hospital; Brooklands]
Publication details: 
Both on (different) letterheads of the British Red Cross Society, North Surrey and Kingston Division. Dame Ethel Locke King's letter, 21 September [1915]. Winifred Bidwell's letter, 22 September [1915].

Caen's Hill was the property of Mrs Locke King's husband, and opened as a hospital with 32 beds in 1914, with Mrs Locke King as Commandant of the Voluntary Aid Detachment. Two years later it had 44 beds. It shut in 1919. After the war the Locke Kings developed motor racing in the area, with the celebrated Brooklands track. For more on Locke King and her distinguished war work, see her entry in the Oxford DNB and two articles in The Times, 6 and 14 August 1956. Both items 1p., 4to, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Dame Freya Stark and Peggy Drower.] 15 items from the papers of Stark's assistant Peggy Drower, including two letters to her from Stark's biographer Jane F. Geniesse, with a copy the book, an Autograph Card Signed from Caroline Moorhead.

Peggy Drower [Mrs Margaret Hackforth Jones] (1911-2012), Egyptologist and Dame Freya Stark's last assistant at the Ikwan-al-Hurriayah in Cairo [Jane Fletcher Geniesse; Caroline Moorhead]
Publication details: 
Material from London and Washington. Dating from between 1993 and 2001.

The material is loosely inserted in a copy of 'Passionate Nomad. The Life of Freya Stark' by Jane Fletcher Geniesse (New York: Random House, 1999). xxvi + 402 + [2]pp., 8vo. Very good, in like price-clipped dustwrapper, and inscribed to Drower by her daughter. Drower is described on p.296 as 'daughter of Freya's old Baghdad friend Lady Drower, [who] followed Pam Hore-Ruthven as her assistant and spent two years trying to get repaid for the cost, not to mention the enormous effort, of packing up Freya's belongings and sending them to Asolo after the war'.

[Claude Aveling, Registrar, The Royal College of Music.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking Ernest Gye, son of the soprano Madame Albani, for his donation of his mother's clothes 'to our theatrical wardrobe'.

Claude Aveling (1869-1943), librettist and Registrar of the Royal College of Music, London [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), son of Canadian soprano Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye] (1847-1930)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, South Kensington, London. 27 March 1933.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He thanks him 'for the valuable additions to our theatrical wardrobe which you have been so kind as to send us this morning', adding that he can assure Guy 'that we shall make good use of them and will remember with gratitude the source from which they came, for Madame Albani was one of the best beloved friends of the College since its earliest days'.

[Dame Rose Macaulay, English novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. M.') to Maire Gaster ('B. J.'), daughter of Irish nationalist writers Robert Lynd and Sylvia Lynd, written in a playful style regarding a Fascist meeting at the Royal Albert Hall.

Dame [Emilie] Rose Macaulay (1881-1958), English novelist [Maire Gaster [née Maire Lynd] (1912-1990), daughter of Irish nationalist writers Robert Lynd and Sylvia Lynd
Publication details: 
7 Luxborough House, Northumberland Street, W1. 12 March [1936].

2pp., landscape 12mo. On cream paper. In matching envelope addressed to 'Miss M. Lynd | 5, Keats Grove | Hampstead | N.W.3' Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn envelope docketed by Gaster 'From Rose Macaulay re Fascist meeting in the Albert Hall 1935 [sic]?' The letter is addressed to 'Dear B. J.' ('B. J.', short for 'Baby Junior', being Maire Lynd's family nickname). Macaulay begins: 'Many thanks for this, which I return in case it is wanted.

[Dame Rose Macaulay, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rose Macaulay') to C. V. Wedgwood's companion Jacqueline Hope-Wallace. With 'The Christmas Card Planned by Rose Macaulay for 1958', illustrated by Simon Fleet, in copy of 'Pleasure of Ruins'.

Dame [Emilie] Rose Macaulay (1881-1958), English novelist [Jacqueline Hope-Wallace, lifelong companion of the historian C. V. Wedgwood [Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgwood] (1910-1997); Simon Fleet]
Publication details: 
Macaulay's letter from '20 H. H. [Hinde House, Hinde Street, London]', 29 April [no year]. The Christmas card 'planned by Rose Macaulay for 1958' and 'Sent in her memory'. 'Pleasure of Ruins' published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1953.

Macaulay's Autograph Letter Signed: '20 H. H. | 29 April'. 2pp., landscape 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Written, in a shaky and difficult hand, in blue ink and signed 'Rose', with 'Macaulay' added in black ink. Addressed to 'Dear Jacqueline'. Apparently written during or immediately after the Second World War, and concerning petrol coupons 'issued so lavishly to the generous & amiable young nobleman

[Sir Joseph Barnby, composer and conductor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Barnby') to his 'Dear friend' [Madame Albani]

Sir Joseph Barnby (1838-1896), conductor and composer [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930) [Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse]; Sir Walter Parratt (1841-1924), organist and composer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Eton College, Windsor. 12 December 1887.

3pp., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on aged paper. Her letter to him is 'the essence of sweetness': it has 'touched me deeply and will not soon be forgotten'. He supposes that she is unaware that 'Parratt and I travelled down to Windsor in the same train with you - indeed in the same carriage'.

Signature on card ('Alicia Markova') of the prima ballerina Dame Alicia Markova.

Dame Alicia Markova [Lilian Alicia Marks] (1910-2004), Britain's first prima ballerina and in the 1940s the world's highest-paid dancer, discovered by Serge Diaghilev, and partnered by Anton Dolin
Publication details: 
Dated by Markova to 1933.

In black ink on 5 x 8 cm card, with rounded edges. In very good condition, lightly aged, with evidence of previous mounting on the marbled reverse. Reads 'Alicia Markova | 1933.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the actor and playwright Henry Leslie to the actor John Clark, sending a copy of a play ['The Village Blacksmith'] which Ellen Terry 'wanted to take to Webster', and commending Clark for the lead role.

Henry Leslie (1830-1881), English actor and playwright [John Clark, actor; Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928), actress; Benjamin Webster (1798-1882), actor-manager]
Publication details: 
36 Queens Crescent, Haverstock Hill, NW [London]. 25 March 1867.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with small hole through both leaves. He will be too busy over the following days to visit Clark in person, 'and so I send you the first act of the MSS I talked to you about - I may say I read the 1st. act one afternoon to Miss Terry who wanted to take it to Webster - but I was disinclined'. If Clark 'had anything to do with it - the Blacksmith would be the [last word underlined] part'. He asks Clark to return it as soon as he can: 'as this is the American copy - and they expect it (but of course won't get it) by next mail'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Fabian Warre') from the founder of the Imperial War Graves Commission, Sir Fabian Warre, to the diplomat E. F. Gye [Ernest Frederick Gye], congratulating him on his posting to Tangier.

Major General Sir Fabian Warre [Fabian Arthur Goulstone Ware] (1869-1949), founder of the Imperial War Graves Commission [now Commonwealth War Graves Commission] [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Imperial War Graves Commission, 32 Grosvenor Gardens, London. 1 February 1933.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Warre repeats what he has already told Gye, that 'nothing has given me greater pleasure than the news of your recent appointment, though we will miss you in London'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the London publisher John Murray the sixth ('John Grey Murray') to the diplomat Ernest Frederick Gye ['Dear Ernest Gye'], congratulating him on his posting to Tangier.

John Murray the sixth [John Grey Murray; Jock Murray; John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray] (1909-1993), London publisher [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat, son of Ernest Gye and Dame Emma Albani]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of John Murray, 50 Albemarle Street, London. 9 January 1933.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged paper. He offers Gye his 'very best wishes' on his 'new appointment', adding: 'of course do not trouble to answer for this deserves none'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the novelist Michael Sadleir to the diplomat Ernest Frederick Gye, congratulating him on his posting to Tangier.

Michael Sadleir [born Michael Sadler] (1888-1957), English novelist and director of the publishers Constable & Co. [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat, son of Ernest Gye and Dame Emma Albani]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of [the offices of the publishers Constable & Co.,] 10-12 Orange St, London. 1 March 1933.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'dear Ernest'. Marked by Gye 'Ansd.' He is sending Gye 'a word of congratulations on the august appointment to Tangier'. He apologises that he cannot be 'part of the celebration on March 23'. He concludes: 'I hope you are pleased and that everything will prosper. | No answer required of course'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Emma Albani Gye') from the Canadian soprano Dame Emma Albani to 'Mrs. Blois', accepting an invitation to tea.

Dame Emma Albani Gye [née Marie Louise Cécile Emma Lajeunesse] (1847–1930), Canadian soprano
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Southmoor, Dean Park, Bournemouth. 'Friday' [no date].

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of unobtrusive creases. 'We shall be very pleased to come to tea with you on Sunday - I hope you will not mind if we are a little late - I shall be so glad to see Mrs. Arkwright also. With kind regards and many thanks | Believe me | Yours very sincerely | [signed] Emma Albani Gye'.

Two Victorian stained glass windows, each with a central panel relief in white glass paste and grisaille, each with an image from Steuben depicting Esmeralda, from Victor Hugo's 'Hunchback of Notre Dame', dancing with, and nursing, her goat.

[Victorian stained glass window; Charles de Steuben (1788-1856); Victor Hugo (1802-1885), author of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' (1831)]
Publication details: 
[British, c.1850?]

Each wIndow is 22 x 20 cm, with a central 16 x 14 cm panel of white glass, surrounded by a border made up of eight pieces (2 x 2cm corner squares with stars in orange glass, connected by 2 x 14cm rectangular purple panels). Each window has a set of two metal loops at head, for hanging. Metal frame rusted on both, and two border panels cracked on one, otherwise in good condition, with both white glass reliefs undamaged. The two housed in a contemporary silk-lined black leather box with brass clasps.

Typed Letter Signed ('R E Wilkinson') from Richard Edward Wilkinson, British Consul at Izmir, Turkey, to Sir Harry Luke, regarding a tour by Freya Stark of south-western Anatolia.

Richard Edward Wilkinson (1901-1972), British Consul at Izmir, Turkey [Sir Harry Luke (1884-1969), colonial governor; Freya Stark [Dame Freya Madeline Stark] (1893?-1993), traveller and writer]
Publication details: 
British Consulate-General, Izmir, Turkey, on Government letterhead. 10 October 1952.

2pp, 4to. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Docketed by Luke at head of first page. Having received Luke's letter of 5 October, Wilkinson reports that 'Mrs. [Freya] Stark is at present on a tour of south-western Anatolia, visiting places like Halicarnassus, Cnidus, Loryma, Telmissus, Xanthus and so forth.

Four Typed Letters Signed from H. Hugh Harvey to the diplomat Frederick Ernest Gye, regarding gramophone recordings of Gye's mother Dame Emma Albani.

H. Hugh Harvey, musicologist [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), Canadian soprano; her husband Ernest Gye (c.1848-1925) and son Frederick Gye (1879-1955)]
Publication details: 
11 and 19 September, and 6 and 27 October 1952; all four on his letterhead of 24 Wessex Gardens, Golders Green, London.

Totalling 5 pp, 4to. All texts clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He begins the first letter 'I am venturing to address you on the assumption that you are the son of the revered singer DAME EMMA ALBANI, and most sincerely trust that my letter may not come amiss.' Harvey is writing an article for Albani's centenary the following year 'for Sir Compton Mackenzie's magazine The Gramophone - for November, 1952' and is 'very anxious to obtain definite details of the two UNPUBLISHED Records which Madame ALBANI made for The Gramophone Company in 1904', of which he gives the details.

Typed Letter Signed ('Hector Charlesworth') from the Canadian writer Hector Willoughby Charlesworth to the English diplomat Ernest Francis Gye, concerning Mme Albani, the latter's mother,

Hector Charlesworth [Hector Willoughby Charlesworth] (1872-1945), Canadian writer [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), Canadian soprano; Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat]
Publication details: 
On his Toronto letterhead; 1 June 1945.

1 p, 4to. 20 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper. In response to a letter from Gye states that he did not hear Albani sing 'until her last two Canadian tours when she was approaching 50', when he 'thought her best in her singing of Mozart, which revealed her rare vocal finesse'. Charlesworth was told by the 'late Edwin R. Parkhurst, a Toronto music critic, 30 years my senior who had heard her frequently in his younger days in London', that 'these appearances gave no adequate idea of how glorious her voice had been in the seventies'.

Photograph of Dame Peggy Ashcroft at her country home Vine Cottage, from the collection of Jill Balcon (taken by her?), with an inscription by Balcon.

[Dame Peggy Ashcroft [Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft] (1907-1991); Jill Balcon [Jill Angela Henriette Balcon] (1925-2009), actress]
Publication details: 
Undated (1980s?).
Dame Peggy Ashcroft

Colour photograph in grey card wallet frame. Dimensions of photograph 13 x 18 cm. Dimensions of frame 18 x 23 cm. In good condition. A head and shoulders shot of a smiling old Ashcroft in overcoat outdoors in the countryside. Captioned by Balcon on frame at foot of photograph 'Peggy Ashcroft at Vine Cottage (called by her "The Tiny Palace")'. Part of Balcon's own collection.

Autograph signatures of the English contralto Dame Clara Butt ('Clara Butt-Rumford') and her husband Robert Kennerley Rumford ('R. Kennerley Rumford'), baritone.

Dame Clara Butt [Clara Ellen Butt; Clara Butt-Rumford] (1872-1936), English contralto singer, and her husband Robert ('Bertie') Kennerley Rumford (1870-1957), baritone.
Publication details: 
Dated by Rumford 1922.

12mo landscape, on leaf of pink paper removed from autograph album, with one set of rounded corners. In good condition. Butt's inscription is above Rumford's, and large in comparison. Reads 'Clara Butt - | Rumford' and R. Kennerley Rumford | 11 Oct. 22.'

Shakespearian and Dramatic Catalogue [including books from the libraries of Ellen Terry and Henry Arthur Jones]

P. J. & A. E. Dobell, booksellers, 77 Charing Cross Road [Shakespeare; Ellen Terry; Henry Arthur Jones]
Publication details: 
1930. No. 362. Printed by Robt. Stockwell, Baden Place, Borough, London.

8vo, 72 pp. Stapled and unbound. Complete. On aged paper. The outer leaves are worn and coming apart at the spine. Otherwise the item is sound and tight. 1976 items. Items 783 to 883 concern 'the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy'. Items 888 to 893 are 'Books from the Library of the late Dame Ellen Terry.' ('Only a few Books from her Library were sold, and Association Books are very difficult to obtain.'). Items 894 to 982 are 'Books on the Drama and Shakespeare, from the library of Henry Arthur Jones'. Items 983 to 1976 are 'Books on the Drama'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter to 'Miss [later Dame] S[arah]. E[lizabeth]. S[iddons]. Mair' (died 1941).

George Douglas [pseud. of George Douglas Brown]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Scottish novelist (1869-1902) of the 'kailyard school'. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by three inches. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of pink paper. Reads '[...] Let me add that your suggestion as to the poets of the early part of the last century is one which appeals to me much. | I am, dear Madam | yours faithfully | George Douglas. | Miss S. E. S. Mair, | [...]'. Docketed in pencil.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Felicity Hill'). Together with autograph signature (also 'Felcity Hill').

Air Commodore Dame Felicity Hill [Felicity Barbara Hill] (1915-?), Director, Women's Royal Air Force, 1966-1969
Publication details: 
Undated; from Worcester Cottage, Mews Lane, Winchester, Hants.

The six-line letter, which is laid down on a slightly larger piece of lilac paper, was originally on one side of an octavo leaf, but it has had a strip (presumably carrying the name and address of the recipient) beneath the address cut away. It is now in two pieces: 5 x 15.5 and 12 x 15.5 cm. Otherwise very good. Laid down on the top piece is a slip of paper in Hill's hand, reading 'From: Air Commodore Dame Felicity Hill D.B.E. WRAF (retd)'. In the bottom right-hand corner of the second piece of paper is a strip carrying Hill's autograph.

Cyclostyled signature ('Laura Knight') on receipt.

Dame Laura Knight (1877-1972), English impressionist painter [The Artists' General Benevolent Institution]
Publication details: 
2 June 1937; 5 Vigo Street, London, W.1. [printed by Vacher & Sons, Ltd., Westminster House, S.W.1]

On blue paper 10 x 18 cms. Good, with trace of previous white paper mount on reverse. Printed receipt, filled in in manuscript. Reads 'No. [32] 5, VIGO STREET, | W.1. | [June 2nd 1937] | Received a DONATION of [One Guinea] | from [The Misses Ruck] | for the ARTISTS' GENERAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. | £[1] : [1] | [-] | [next word deleted] Secretary | [next two lines cyclostyled in purple ink] most gratefully | Laura Knight'.

Typed Letter Signed to [Mary] Scharlieb, 149 Harley Street.

Leonard Darwin
Publication details: 
24 September 1919; on letterhead of the Professional Classes War Relief Council (Incorporated).

Soldier, policitician, economist, eugenicist (1850-1943) and son of Charles Darwin. The recipient Dame Mary Scharlieb (1845-1931) was an early woman doctor. Two pages, quarto. Good, but on slightly discoloured and lightly creased paper, with staple stains to both top left-hand corners. An interesting letter concerning the efforts of Scharlieb's Committee to 'establish a Home where the wives of professional men could be certain to obtain excellent treatment at moderate fees'.

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