Dame Ethel Locke King (1864-1956), Vice-President of the North Surrey Division, British Red Cross; Winifred Bidwell [Miss Martin Wood; Caens Hill Auxiliary Military Hospital; Brooklands]
Publication details:
Both on (different) letterheads of the British Red Cross Society, North Surrey and Kingston Division. Dame Ethel Locke King's letter, 21 September [1915]. Winifred Bidwell's letter, 22 September [1915].
Caen's Hill was the property of Mrs Locke King's husband, and opened as a hospital with 32 beds in 1914, with Mrs Locke King as Commandant of the Voluntary Aid Detachment. Two years later it had 44 beds. It shut in 1919. After the war the Locke Kings developed motor racing in the area, with the celebrated Brooklands track. For more on Locke King and her distinguished war work, see her entry in the Oxford DNB and two articles in The Times, 6 and 14 August 1956. Both items 1p., 4to, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper.