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[Sidney Hartnoll Beard, President of the animal rights vegetarian society the Order of the Golden Age.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Sidney H. Beard') to John Nayler, explaining in the second what he has done 'to ensure the permanency of our work'

Sidney Hartnoll Beard, founder and President of the 'food reform' movement vegetarian animal rights society the Order of the Golden Age [John Nayler, Methodist journalist]
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of Barcombe Hall, Paignton; 26 May 1904. Letter Two: on letterhead of The Order of the Golden Age, Paignton; 2 August 1905.

Both items 1p., 4to. ONE: 26 May 1904. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He has always shrunk from 'giving advice to anyone concerning investments', but would consider 'the £10 shares of the London Necropolis Company at 7 1/2 as being safe to buy for investment.' He discusses the state of the company, and also suggests 'Japanese bonds'. TWO: 2 August 1905. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with short closed tears to a central crease. 'I am doing what I can to ensure the permanency of our work, but you are doubtless aware that the O.G.A.

[Sir Edwin Landseer.] Seven Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E Landseer'), six to Lady Caroline Kerrison and one to her husband Sir Edward Kerrison, with news of the highlands and country houses, shooting parties, dogs, and his 'mild shipwreck'.

Sir Edwin Landseer (1802-1873), English animal painter and sculptor of the lions in Trafalgar Square [Sir Edward Kerrison and his wife Lady Caroline Kerrison, daughter of the Earl of Ilchester]
Publication details: 
Five on his letterhead, St John's Wood Road, NW [London]; the others on letterhead of Stoke Park and Boulogne, the latter sent to Sir Edward from Kinrara, Aviemore, Scotland. 1865, 1866 (4), 1868 and 1869.

Totalling 14pp., 12mo, and 7pp., 16mo. On seven bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. The Kinrara letter, the only one addressed to Sir Edward Kerrison, has as letterhead a vignette captioned 'BOULOGNE | Laitières Milkwomen'; the Stoke Park letter on cream paper, the others on grey paper, with Landseer's letterhead, with antler motif, printed in red. The seven letters in an envelope with contemporary inscription: 'Letters from Sir Edwin Landseer'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George W. Cox') from the historian Sir George William Cox to 'Miss Cobbe' [Frances Power Cobbe] praising her for her efforts in opposing vivisection.

Sir George Cox [Sir George William Cox] (1827-1902), classical historian, rector of Scrayingham, York [Frances Power Cobbe (1822-1904), suffragist and anti-vivisectionist]
Publication details: 
6 July 1891; Scrayingham Rectory, York.
Autograph Letter Signed ('George W. Cox') from the historian Sir George William

12mo, 3 pp. 44 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, and with the reverse of the second leaf tipped in onto a leaf removed from an autograph album, with manuscript caption reading 'Sir George Cox to Miss Cobbe | given me June 1902.' The letter itself docketed at foot of third page in a contemporary hand. Cox's hand is crabbed and difficult. He thanks her for sending 'Mr Wright's sermon', but can make little use of it: 'The historical portions I must leave on one side.

Extracts from two Letters from Dr. George Hoggan, on Vivisection.

Dr. George Hoggan (1837-1891) [London Anti-Vivisection Society, R. Sydney Glover, Secretary]
Publication details: 
Undated [1880s?]. 'London Anti-Vivisection Society, 180, Brompton Road, S.W.'

12mo, 4 pp. Unbound bifolium pamphlet. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Divided into two sections: 'Experimental Physiology' ('From the Morning Post') and 'Anaesthetics and the Lower Animals' ('From "The Spectator."). Note at end of pamphlet reads 'London Anti-Vivisection Society, 180, Brompton Road, S.W. Price 1/2d., per post 1d., 12 copies 5d.; 1/6 for 50; 2/6 per 100 post free; to be had of Mr. R. SYDNEY GLOVER, Secretary, of whom also may be had (free) a Form of Petition to Parliament against Vivisection.

Typed 'Research Defence Society' document, urging the British Home Secretary Herbert J. Gladstone to issue the Report of the Royal Commission on Experiments on Animals, with the signatures of the twenty-three signatories.

Research Defence Society [Herbert J. Gladstone; Sir Frederick Treves; Sir Edwin Ray Lankester; Sir Savile Crossley; Lascelles; Rothschild; vivisection; Royal Commission on Experiments on Animals]
Publication details: 
20 May 1909. 70 Harley Street, London.

Foolscap bifolium (leaf dimensions roughly 32 x 20 cm): 3 pp. The letter itself is of fifteen lines, on the recto of the first leaf, with five signatures beneath it and the other eighteen on the following two pages. On aged and lightly-creased paper, with chipping to extremities and traces of glue from previous mounting on the blank reverse of the second leaf. A central vertical crease has been strengthened with a thin strip of archival tape. Founded in 1908 by Stephen Paget to defend the use of animals in scientific experimentation, the Research Defence Society is still in existence.

Autograph Letter Signed "J. Wolf" to W.H. Ince.

Josef Wolf, animal painter (DNB).
Publication details: 
59 Berners St, Oxford Street, [London], 15 Sept. 1870.

One page, 8vo, good condition. "I send you hereewith [? Book-Post twenty tickets for our price-drawing [sic] of pictures in aid of the poor Widows & Fatherless [sic] of German soldiers. There is plenty of time for sending the money as it will take another month or so before we shall close rhe acc[ount]s." Thanks and good wishes for a recovery of health.

Two Autograph Signature on slip of paper.

Richard Adams (born 1920), English novelist, best-known for 'Watership Down' (1972)
Publication details: 
Undated and with place not stated.

On strip of paper roughly two inches by eight wide. Good. Two bold signature reads 'Yours sincerely | Richard Adams'. Presumably the collector was expected to cut the autographs off individually - for wgatever purpose.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Ouida [pen name of Maria Louise Ramé (self-styled Marie Louise de la Ramée), 1839-1908]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

Irregularly-cut piece of paper, roughly 2 x 9 cms. Good, strong signature on very good, lightly aged paper. In purple ink. Reads 'Every sympathe | =tically V. Ouida'. Minor traces of previous brown-paper mount on reverse.

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