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[ W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre manager and historian. ] Typescript of an unpublished account of the work of British millers and bakers during the war: 'No Medals for This (The Story of Bread in the Blitz)'. With two related Typed Letters Signed

W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian [ Sydney Walton, publicist ]
Publication details: 
[ London, 1941. ]

148pp., 4to. Bound with pink ribbon into grey card wraps with typed label on cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged binding. Pencil note on title page states '40000 words'. An interesting piece of social history during wartime. In a foreword Macqueen-Pope thanks a number of individuals for their assistance, adding that 'the leading characters in this real life story must perforce remain anonymous'.

[ Victorian 'Pantry Book'. ] Vellum-bound volume containing a series of inventories of silver and plate, glass, steel knives and forks, china, sundries and lamps, in a number of hands.

[ Rev. C. A. Sanford; Victorian 'pantry book'; nineteenth-century English cookery; kitchenware ]
Publication details: 
Dated between August 1854 and February 1870.

26pp., 12mo. Stitched in vellum binding, with flap. On front cover (possibly relating to a previous owner): 'The Revd. C. A. Sanford. | 602'. In good condition, lightly aged, in aged andn worn binding. A series of crowded and untidy pages, written in pencil and pen in a number of different hands. Inside front cover: 'Pantry. Book - | Aug. 1854', relating to the main set of entries, running across twelve pages, with emendations in pencil, arranged under the headings: 'Silver & Plate' ('Plate chest - Upper Tray', '2nd Tray', 'Lower Compartment', 'Side Compartment', 'In pantry.

[Robert Carrier, 'celebrity' chef, cookery writer and television personality.] Autograph Signature inscribed to Joan Bell.

Robert Carrier [Robert Carrier McMahon] (1923-2006), American chef, restauranteur, cookery writer and television personality
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 8.5 x 22 cm rectangle of paper, with corners cut diagonally to make an irregular octagon. Good bold inscription, in black ink, reads: 'Joan Bell - | Bestest - ever | Robert Carrier'.

[Culinary ephemera from Victorian Banbury cake shops.] Six items [printed by Cheney & Sons], including two advertisements for wedding cake boxes by Henry Stone & Son, calling card and letterhead of E. W. Brown's 'Original Cake Shop' ('A.D. 1638').

[Henry Stone & Son, box manufacturers, Banbury; Samuel Betts, cake shop, 70 High St, Banbury; E. W. Brown, cake shop 12 Parson's St, Banbury; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers]
Publication details: 
[Henry Stone & Son, wholesale stationers and box manufacturers, Banbury; E. W. Brown; Samuel Betts; Cheney & Sons, printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire.] Undated [1880s].

The six items in very good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 'Trade List' by 'Henry Stone & Son, Wholesale Stationers and Box Manufacturers, Banbury', for 'Wedding Cake Boxes'. Printed in green on one side of a piece of 25 x 18.5 cm cream paper. At head are engravings for 'No. 21, with Tabs' and 'Nos. 27 and 28, Orange Blossom Design'. Numbers, names, dimensions and prices are given for six 'White Satin Watered Paper, with Lace Flies', and two 'Special New Design | Orange Blossoms on a Silver Ground'.

[Culinary ephemera from Victorian Banbury.] Handbill advertisement by H. A. O. Grimbly ('Sole Vendor'), for '"The Banbury" Concentrated Calves' Feet Jelly' ('Delicious and Economical as well as very Nutritious.')

[H. A. O. Grimbly, 17, High Street, Banbury; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire; cookery; cooking]
Publication details: 
H. A. O. Grimbly, 17, High Street, Banbury. 'Cheney and Sons, Printers, Banbury.' Undated [1880s].

Printed in blue on one side of a piece of 26 x 20.5 cm yellow paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A tasteful production, in a variety of fonts and point sizes, with decorative border and small vignette of two birds. Twelve flavours are listed, including Maraschino and Noyeau, and note: 'These Jellies are packed in hermetically sealed boxes, sufficient in each box to make one pint of Jelly. They can be made in a few minutes, and no straining or boiling required. | DIRECTIONS GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. | Delicious and Economical, as well as very Nutritious. | Accept no substitute.

[Claude Clark, Managing Director of Bedford brewers Newland & Nash.] Autograph notebook of material relating to all the aspects of brewing, including recipes, pricings and calculations, memoranda, transcriptions, cuttings and other matter.

Claude Clark, Managing Director of the Bedford brewers Newland & Nash.
Publication details: 
[Bedford, Bedfordshire, England.] 1875 to 1898.

192pp., 8vo. In contemporary black calf binding, with brass clasp and marbled endpapers. Ownership inscription on fly leaf: 'Claude Clark | Jan. 1875'. The first entry reads: 'System of Brewing according to commenced in Brewery Tuesday Nov 2nd 1875. The charge for instruction was 50 guineas, which was repaid in profits in almost 5 weeks, it was found to act admirably and produced 4 1/2 brls per qr and 5 brls from good malt.' This is followed by a long 'Mashing example'. There follow recipes for 'Dressing', 'Stout', 'India Pale ale', 'XXX Stock ales' and 'Running XXX Ales'.

Typed Letter Signed from Arnold Wesker to Renee Hellman of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, regarding his 'favourite recipe'.

Arnold Wesker (b.1932), English playwright of the 'kitchen sink' school [Renee Hellman; Imperial Cancer Research Fund; Alan Bates]
Publication details: 
27 Bishops Road, London N6. 11 October 1965.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. He asks her whether she means by 'a favourite recipe' one 'which I know of that others are likely not to know of? Or just one that I like but might well be familiar?' He ends by suggesting that she try asking Alan Bates, 'who I think has a secret recipe'. He gives an address for the actor.

Autograph Letter Signed "H L Bulwer", diplomat and writer, to "Hamilton" about a cook for his residence in Spain..

Henry L. Bulwer, 1st Baron Dalling and Bulwer GCB, PC (1801–1872), Liberal politician, diplomat, traveller, and writer.
Publication details: 
18 June [c.1843 when he took up a diplomatic post in Spain]

One page, 8vo, slightly crumpled and stained but text clear and complete, as follows: I remember that at Brussels there used to be female cooks who knew french and english cooking, could you find me one which knoiws well the english way [...] I should be glad to have one who could cook my dinner in regular english style with puddings, tarts, etc etc? I [want?] a quiet honest woman to whom I can confide the care of the small house I have at Aranjuez - the wages are indifferent. | Write to me if such a person is to be found and excuse the trouble I give you [...].

Autograph Letter Signed from the American cook Juliet Corson to 'Miss Booth' [Mary Louise Booth, editor of Harper's Bazaar], discussing the arrangements for the writing of a book ['Every-Day Cookery, Table Talk, and Hints for the Laundry', 1884].

Juliet Corson (1841-1897), American writer of cookery books, Superintendent of the New York Cooking School (founded by her in 1874) [Mary Louise Booth (1831-1889), first editor of Harper's Bazaar]
Publication details: 
Continental Hotel, New York; 6 September 1883.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper, neatly placed in a thin windowpane mount. After acknowledging receipt of $90, Corson announces that the previous week she 'had a letter from the House accepting my book.' She has received no answer to her letter asking for 'some information', and asks Booth to 'be my mediator again'.

Handbill, with prices, for the 'Great Western Cooking Depot, Specially opened for the Working Classes.'

Great Western Cooking Depot, Trongate, Glasgow [Thomas Corbett (d.1880) of South Park, Cove, Dumbartonshire, Scotland]
Publication details: 
[Glasgow, 1870s.]

Apparently originally on a bifolium, the two pages are now each trimmed and on a separate leaf (the first 21 x 10.5 cm and the second 17.5 x 11 cm), and each laid down on a page removed from an album. The reverses are blank. On aged, discoloured paper. The first page is headed 'Great Western Cooking Depot, Specially opened for the Working Classes.

Menu for a dinner of the Worshipful Company of Stationers at Brusnwick Hotel, Blackwall. With ornate doily cut border.

The Worshipful Company of Stationers [Stationers' Company; paper doily]
Publication details: 
London: 18 July 1855.

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 23.5 x 19 cm. A delicate and scarce piece of ephemera, in a remarkably good state of repair. Possibly a proof, as a thin blank strip along one of the vertical edges, intended to be detached and discarded, still adheres. The menu itself is crisply printed in the centre, covering a space roughly 17 x 13.5 cm.

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