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Typed Letter Signed ('Beaverbrook') from the press baron Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, proprietor of the Daily Express, to the London bookseller Charles J. Sawyer, regarding 'the United States Tariff Act'.

William Maxwell "Max" Aitken (1879-1964), 1st Baron Beaverbrook [Lord Beaverbrook], Anglo-Canadian press baron, proprietor of the Daily Express [Charles J. Sawyer, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lord Beaverbrook's Office, 29 Bury Street, St James', SW1 [London]. 14 July 1930.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with strip from mount adhering at head of blank reverse. He thanks Sawyer for his letter: 'I am obliged to you for sending me the front page of the United States Tariff Act'. 'The Americans are out for their own prosperity all the time. I only wish our own Government would show the same propensity.' He addresses the letter to 'Chas. J. Sawyer, Esq., 12 & 13, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W.1.

Substantial typescript, apparently unpublished, of a 'Digest Gazetteer of Scottish Lochs & Rivers', with entries giving a mass of geographic information under 33 shires, and also including details of local hotels for each shire. With six photographs.

[Digest Gazetteer of Scottish Lochs & Rivers; geography of Scotland; salmon fishing; angling]
Publication details: 
Without place. [1920s.] Containing two photographs with the stamp of the Scotsman and Evening Dispatch, Edinburgh.

341pp., foolscap 8vo, typed onto rectos only, and with the main text paginated in blue pencil to 252pp. Six black and white illustrative photographs laid down, two with the stamp of 'The Scotsman' newspaper on the reverse. A substantial volume, bound with string and staples, with thumb index. In brown wraps, with typed label on front: 'DIGEST GAZETTEER | OF | SCOTTISH LOCHS & | RIVERS'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Whig politician Thomas Spring Rice [later Lord Mounteagle] to E. Moran of the Dublin Evening Post, describing '5 long years [...] devoted to the one object namely Limerick', 'Irish affairs' and 'the Catholic cause'.

Thomas Spring Rice (1790-1866), 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon, Anglo-Irish Whig politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1835 to 1839
Publication details: 
[London. 1826.]

4pp., 8vo, and 2pp., 4to. Signed 'Spring Rice'. The first 4pp. are on a 4to leaf folded once to make 4pp., 8vo, and the last 2pp., 4to, are on the first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Addressed, on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium: 'Private | E Morgan | Dublin Evening Post Office | Trinity St'. Spring Rice begins by thanking Moran and 'Mr Conway' [Frederick William Conway (1782-1853), Moran's editor at the Dublin Evening Post] for their communications.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H Niles') from Hezekiah Niles to an unnamed subscriber to his newspaper Niles' Register, complaining of the conduct of 'Mr Kollock', one of the agents who have caused all of Niles' 'difficulties of a pecuniary nature'.

Hezekiah Niles (1777-1839), proprietor and editor of the Baltimore Evening Post and Niles' Weekly [National] Register
Publication details: 
Baltimore; 3 October 1817.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with a small hole caused by the breaking of the seal, affecting one word of text. Niles acknowledges receipt of a 'very friendly letter'. 'My collector has returned, & you already had <?> for the 10$ to Sept. 1818'. Niles considers 'Mr Kollock's conduct, for a man of his standing, [...] very extraordinary - he has other monies of mine, besides the 5$ that you paid in his possession, which it does not suit his convenience to refund.

Hand-coloured watercolour and ink original cartoon artwork published in the 'Solicitor's Journal', with accompanying note.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; Freshfields; Linklaters; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Unsigned and undated [c.1991].

On piece of paper 35 x 22 cm. Dimensions of illustration 32 x 19 cm. Striking illustration, predominantly in dark-blue, purple and grey, showing three City office blocks, topped with the names 'FRESHFIELDS', 'LINKLATERS' and 'CLIFFORD CHANCE', dwarfing a two storey Victorian house. Anonymous businessmen trudging zombie-like towards the blocks, and a smiling figure with his hand in his pocket walking towards the Victorian house, which is cheerily-lit in orange. A note (by Blower?), stapled to the margin in the top left-hand corner (not affecting the image) reads 'Colour match.

A large collection of unpublished material, mostly typewritten, towards a thesis entitled 'William Hazlitt, A Study of his Character & Works'. With a large collection of newspaper and magazine extracts and other printed matter relating to Hazlitt.

John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), Editor of the Manchester City News and Manchester Evening Chronicle [William Hazlitt; C. H. Herford]
Publication details: 
Circa 1914.

A specialist on Dickens and Tennyson, Cuming Walters was for many years a central figure in the literary life of the north-west of England. Shortly before his death (and as reported in The Times, 28 April 1932) he boasted of having written 'between 15,000 and 20,000 leading articles, nearly 20,000 reviews of books, 8,000 dramatic notices, and 15,000 special articles. He had published about 20 books and had written 250 lectures.' The present collection is divided into two parts. A.

Original black and white pen cartoon artwork for the Solicitor's Journal.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Blower '91'. [1991]

Dimensions of image 19 x 15.5 cm. On piece of paper 29 x 21 cm. Very good, with unobtrusive pencil and ink marks in the white space above the image. Taped to backing board and with discoloured paper cover. Shows a dorkish figure wearing a baseball cap marked 'C.S.T.', which has two small televisions on springs over the ears.

Original black and white pen and ink cartoon artwork for the Solicitor's Journal.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Blower '91' [1991].

Dimensions of image 20 x 13.5 cm. On piece of paper 29 x 21 cm. Very good, with four unobtrusive marks and pencil numbering in margin. Taped to backing board and with paper cover. Depicts a suited individual trudging down a corridor festooned with gadgets, including two small beeping television sets attached to his head, a mobile phone in a holster, with bullet belt marked 'BATTERIES', a large camera on his belly, a fax machine draped around his neck, and a suitcase marked 'PC'. Bemused individual looks on from doorway.

Autograph Note Signed [to Chapman].

John Bigelow (1817-1911), American lawyer, newspaper editor (New York Evening Post) and statesman
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

8vo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Good firm hand. Five lines of text and large, bold signature. Reads 'Enclosed please find the note of the General | With compliments to Madam and to Miss Chapman I remain | Very truly yours | [signed] John Bigelow'.

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