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[ George Jellicoe, 2nd Earl Jellicoe. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'George Jellicoe') to military historian Barrie Pitt, regarding his 'escape from Leros' in the aftermath of the Dodecanese Campaign during the Second World War.

George Patrick John Rushworth Jellicoe (1918-2007), 2nd Earl Jellicoe [ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian ]
Publication details: 
Both on his letterhead, 30 Gresham Street, London. 21 July and 24 November 1983.

Both items 1p., 4to. Both in good condition, with light signs of age. ONE: 21 July 1983. A previous letter appears to have been lost, and he is 'dictating this in the country'. He begins his account: 'As far as the surrender at Leros is concerned my memory of the early events that evening is rather vague. It is very probable that I worked my way through to Brigade Headquarters with a small party consisting of Sgt. Workman, Cpl. Dryden and L/Cpl. Allen. However it would have been quite impossible to have got there by jeep as the trip involved more or less crossing the German positions.

[ Sir Patrick Moore. ] Typescript of 13 scripts for South African radio (series title 'Into Space'), with covering note from the South African Broadcasting Corporation and copy of letter from Rhodesia Broadcasting Corporation.

Sir Patrick Moore [Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012), English astronomer and writer and populariser of astronomy
Publication details: 
Moore's typescript without date or place. [Selsey, England, 1972.] The note and letter dating from 1972.

ONE: Typescripts of 13 radio talks. 65pp., 4to. On loose leaves. Titles: 1, 'Our Earth in Space'; 2, 'Dreams of other Worlds'; 3, 'Rockets into Space'; 4, 'Man-made Moons'; 5, 'Man in Space'; 6, 'Space Research and Ourselves'; 7, 'Contact with the Moon'; 8, '"One small Step . . . ."'; 9, 'Space Stations and Lunar Bases'; 10, 'Mariners to Mars'; 11, 'Into the Hot Regions'; 12, 'The Grand Tour'; 13, 'Flight to the Stars'. TWO: Typed Note, signed on behalf of T. Van Heerden, Head of External Services, SABC. 16 March 1972.

[ Sir Patrick Moore. ] Typescript, with Autograph corrections, of 13 scripts for South African radio (series title 'Into Space'), with version rewritten for publication, and four Autograph Letters Signed, and Autograph Card Signed to H. David Lloyd.

Sir Patrick Moore [Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012), English astronomer and writer and populariser of astronomy [ H. David Lloyd of South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) ]
Publication details: 
Moore's correspondence on his letterhead, Farthings, 39 West Street, Selsey, Sussex. Dated between 11 November 1972 and 5 February 1973. The talks undated, but from shortly before this.

Collection of eleven items. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Typescripts of 13 radio talks. 65pp., 4to. On loose leaves. Titles: 1, 'Our Earth in Space'; 2, 'Dreams of other Worlds'; 3, 'Rockets into Space'; 4, 'Man-made Moons'; 5, 'Man in Space'; 6, 'Space Research and Ourselves'; 7, 'Contact with the Moon'; 8, '"One small Step . . . ."'; 9, 'Space Stations and Lunar Bases'; 10, 'Mariners to Mars'; 11, 'Into the Hot Regions'; 12, 'The Grand Tour'; 13, 'Flight to the Stars'. With a few manuscript emendations by Moore in black felt-tip pen, and other editorial emendations.

[Charles Stewart Parnell and the Parnell Commission.] Offprint from The Times: 'Parnellism and Crime. | Facsimile Page from the "Irish World." | Reprinted from The Times of June 7, 1887.

[Sir Robert Anderson; The Times of London; Charles Stewart Parnell; The Parnell Commission; Patrick Ford; Patrick Egan; Irish Land League]
Publication details: 
London: Printed and published by George Edward Wright, at The Times office, Printing-House Square. 1887.

For the context of this item see Parnell's entry in the Oxford DNB, and T. W. Moody's study 'The Times versus Parnell and Co., 1887-90' (in 'Historical Studies VI', ed. Moody; London: RKP, 1968). Moody notes that the first three Times articles (7, 10 and 14 March) 'were quickly reprinted in pamphlet form (price one penny)', but makes no mention of the present item. On both sides of single 60.5 x 47.5 cm leaf (on wove paper with 1887 watermark of 'The Times Taverham Mill'). Folded four times to make a packet with 15 x 12 cm title, which reads in full: 'Parnellism and Crime.

[Charles Graves, brother of the poet Robert Graves.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Clark' of Warwick School, informing him that he is 'to become a schoolmaster' by giving a talk on the BBC, and discussing education and 'Broadcasting to schools'.

Charles Graves [Charles Ranke Patrick Graves] (1899-1977), journalist and writer, son of Alfred Perceval Graves (1846-1931), and brother of the poet Robert Graves (1895-1985)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 34 Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh. 23 April 1937.

6pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is writing to inform Clark that he is 'about to become a schoolmaster - temporarily only', and is 'giving the English Literature Course to Scottish Schools this session'. He is 'speaking on "Poetry of To-Day and Yesterday", or, in more precise terms, on Poetry since the death of Tennyson'. He gives the times of his talk, and hopes Clark will 'tune in'. 'Broadcasting to schools is increasing up here, though I imagine that it will be equally as popular, if not more popular, in England'.

[Mrs Patrick Campbell.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Beatrice Stella Campbell') to the Midlands brewer and art collector Laurence William Hodson of Compton Hall, entreating him to let her have a picture by Sir Edward Burne-Jones

Mrs Patrick Campbell [Beatrice Stella Campbell [née Tanner]] (1865-1940), English actress [Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall near Wolverhampton, brewer and Arts and Crafts patron]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 33 Kensington Square, W. [London] 21 May 1899.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition. In envelope addressed to 'Laurence W. Hodson | Compton Hall | near Wolverhampton'. The letter begins: 'I beg that when you are in London you will let me see you. I have a little story to tell you about the beautiful little unfinished ('Psyche') picture of Sir Edwards [i.e. Burne-Jones] that you possess. Perhaps when you have heard it you will think more kindly of my wish to buy it from you - Please let me call on you - I will use no wiles!

[Mrs Patrick Campbell.] Autograph Note Signed ('B S Campbell') to Lawrence W. Hodson, with manuscript secretarial letter (or transcript) to 'Mr. Wallis', imploring the return from Hodson of a painting given to her by 'Sir Edward [Burne-Jones]'.

Mrs Patrick Campbell [nee Beatrice Stella Tanner] (1865-1940), English actress [Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898); Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall]
Publication details: 
Campbell's note on letterhead of 33 Kensington Square, London; in envelope postmarked 26 June 1899. The copy letter to Wallis from the Royal Hotel, Southport, 9 April 1899.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE. Autograph note. 1p., 12mo. In envelope with stamp and postmark, addressed by Campbell to 'Lawrence W. Hodson Esq | Compton Hall. | near Wolverhampton'. The note reads: 'Dear Mr. Hodson. | I shall be very happy to see you on Thursday at 4 o'c. I consider it most kind of you to consider the matter at all. | Yours very truly | B S Campbell'. TWO. Secretarial letter or copy. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In a neat close hand, with what purports to be the signature of 'Beatrice Stella Campbell', but is not.

Manuscript letter, in Greek, from 'Haris' in Heraklion, informing Patrick Leigh Fermor of allegations that he ordered the execution of 'Apolorona and Hania' and others, and that he is organizing the military occupation of Crete by the British.

[Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915-2011), British soldier and travel writer; 'Haris' of Heraklion, Cretan opponent of Communism; Cretan resistance; SOE; Major 'Xan' Fielding (1918-1991)]
Publication details: 
Heraklion [Crete, Greece]. 12 January 1947.

4pp., 8vo. 96 lines of text. On paper ruled for accounts. On lightly-aged paper, with loss to corners and at central edge, affecting a few lines of text. Accompanying the letter is a translation (2pp., 8vo) by Colin Jordan, with the assistance of Dr Loukas Christodloulos. The letter is of great interest, casting light on Leigh Fermor's activities in Crete in the period following the Second World War.

Revised Autograph Manuscript draft of 'Cardinal Wiseman's reply to the Address of the Clergy of the Diocese of Beverley' (headed 'To the Clergy of the Diocese of Beverley').

Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman [Cardinal Wiseman] (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
London. 10 February 1851.

3pp., foolscap 8vo. On three leaves, with the reverse of the first docketed 'Cardinal Wiseman's reply to the Address of the Clergy of the Diocese of Brierley | Feb: 10th. 1851'. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to the heads of the leaves. The address was published in the Tablet, 22 February 1851. The first page is headed 'To the Clergy of the Diocese of Beverley' and the first paragraph reads: 'My Rev.

Autographs of Ian Bannen, Patrick Magee, Prunella Scales and 13 others cast members of the 1958 London production of Eugene O'Neill's 'The Iceman Cometh', with Arts Theatre Club and Winter Garden Theatre programmes, tickets, cuttings and a letter.

[1958 London production of Eugene O'Neill's 'The Iceman Cometh', featuring Ian Bannen; Patrick Magee; Michael Balfour; Prunella Scales; The Arts Theatre Club and Winter Garden Theatre, Drury Lane]
Publication details: 
The Arts Theatre Club, 6 and 7 Great Newport Street, WC2, and Winter Garden Theatre, Drury Lane, London. 1958.

17 items, the collection in good condition, on aged paper. Item One: Autographs of sixteen individuals associated with the production, all signing to 'Sonia'. 2pp., 12mo. On bifolium removed from ruled notebook. The signatories are: Michael Bryant, Robert Hunter, Margaret Whiting, Hilda Braid, Vivian Matalon, Tony Church ('Sonia, our proletarian beauty | from hungry Hugo'), Jack MacGowran, Robert Adams, Prunella Scales ('Maggie'), Michael Balfour ('May you triumph over virtue'), Patrick Magee, Tony Robertson, Joby Blanshard, Anthony Jacobs, Lee Montagu and Ian Bannen.

[First issue of radio magazine.] T. & R. Bulletin. Published by the Transmitter and Relay Section of the Radio Society of Great Britain. ['Dedicated to the Interests of the Transmitting Amateur.']

[The Transmitter and Relay Section of the Radio Society of Great Britain, 53 Victoria Street, SW1, London]
Publication details: 
The Radio Society of Great Britain, 53 Victoria Street, SW1 [London]. 'For "T. & R." Members Only.' No. 1. July 1925.

12pp., 4to. In original printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged wraps with chipping to extremities and spine reinforced with tape. Articles include 'The Tetrodyne' by H. Andrews, 'Circuit for Reception on 20 Metres Band' by E. J. Simmonds, 'Key Crashes', 'G2W.J.', 'Experimental Work With Mosul'. The T. & R. Bulletin ran from 1925 to 1942. COPAC lists copies at Imperial College, Oxford, Cambridge and the British Library. From the papers of telecommunications expert Pat Hawker [John Patrick Hawker] (1923-2012).

[Printed colour photographic brochure.] ABC TV in focus. ABC Television reports on: Programmes in Production. Facilities for Tomorrow.

[Rodney Gedye, author; Robert Claxton, designer; ABC Television [Associated British Corporation]; ITV [Independent Television]; 'The Avengers' television series]
Publication details: 
Published by ABC Promotion Department, February 1963. Westerham Press.

48pp., 4to. Profusely illustrated with 'modern' layout. Internally good, in worn covers with loss to spine. Five photographs relating to the cult series 'The Avengers' feature on five pages, including three photographs of 'Mrs Catherine Gale' (Honor Blackman), one with 'John Steed' (Patrick McNee), and two of sets (one 'a special two-tier section'). Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at the National Library of Scotland. From the J. P. Hawker papers.

[Printed broadsheet inscribed by Naomi Mitchison to Robert and Sylvia Lynd.] A Hammersmith Folk-Song | Discovered by N. M. and dedicated by her to A. P. H. of that ilk | Pure Grow the Little Ones | (To the tune of Green Grow the Rushes oh.

'N. M.' [Naomi Mitchison [Naomi May Margaret Mitchison; née Haldane] (1897-1999); A. P. Herbert (1890-1971)]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, 1920s.]

2pp., folio. Tastefully printed in old-fashioned style on both sides of a sheet of thick wove 37 x 24.5 cm paper. Aged and worn, with chipping and closed tears to three edges. Inscribed by Mitchison at head of first page: 'Robert & Sylvia Lynd with best wishes from N. M. !' Twelve verses, followed by twelve pseud-scholarly 'Notes' (number 10 refers to a 'Prof. Bumpfendorf'). A topical political spoof, with the last verse reading: 'I'll sing you twelve, oh. | Pure Grow the Little Ones, | What is your twelve, oh?

Typed Letter Signed ('Kilmuir') from the Lord Chancellor David Patrick Maxwell Fyfe, 1st Earl of Kilmuir [Lord Kilmuir], to the Labour peer Lord Chorley, in 'expansion' of his 'somewhat cryptic remarks' in the previous night's House of Lords debate.

David Patrick Maxwell Fyfe (1900-1967), 1st Earl of Kilmuir [Lord Kilmuir], Conservative Home Secretary (1951-4); Lord Chancellor (1954-62) [Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley, 1st Baron Chorley]
Publication details: 
On House of Lords letterhead; 3 July 1956.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads: 'In expansion of my somewhat cryptic remarks reported in col. 241 of the Official Report of last night's debate you may care to have the following note about the point which you raised.' There follow quotations relating to 'The summary offence [...] under subsection (1) of section 9 of the Vehicles (Excise) Act, 1949' and 'The indictable offence [...] under section 5 of the Perjury Act, 1911'. From the Chorley papers.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Maurice') from writer and British Council official Maurice Cardiff to Felicity Rhodes, the first letter accompanied by a typed poem by Cardiff, and the second by an Autograph Poem by him titled 'A Winter Casualty'.

Maurice Cardiff [Maurice Henry Cardiff] (1915-2006), writer and British Council officer, friend of Patrick Leigh Fermor, Peggy Guggenheim, Edward James and Lawrence Durrell [Constantine P. Cavafy]
Publication details: 
The two letters both on letterheads of Stones Farm, Little Haseley, Oxford, and dated 29 May 1995 and 4 February 1996. The poems without place or date.

All items in good condition. The letters on blue paper, and each in a stamped, postmarked envelope, addressed to 'Mrs Felicity Rhodes | North Lodge | 128 Banbury Road | Oxford'. Letter One (29 May 1995): 2pp., 12mo. He thanks her for typing the poem, which is 'only just the first part of a rather long one and doesn't really quite stand on its own - not that the whole thing comes off except for a few lines here and there.' he has 'never thought of having any Poems published', as he is 'only too aware of how sadly they limp along'. He has only shown them to 'one or two friends'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Maurice') from writer and British Council official Maurice Cardiff to Felicity Rhodes, the first letter accompanied by a typed poem by Cardiff, and the second by an Autograph Poem by him titled 'A Winter Casualty'.

Maurice Cardiff [Maurice Henry Cardiff] (1915-2006), writer and British Council officer, friend of Patrick Leigh Fermor, Peggy Guggenheim, Edward James and Lawrence Durrell [Constantine P. Cavafy]
Publication details: 
The two letters both on letterheads of Stones Farm, Little Haseley, Oxford, and dated 29 May 1995 and 4 February 1996. The poems without place or date.

All items in good condition. The letters on blue paper, and each in a stamped, postmarked envelope, addressed to 'Mrs Felicity Rhodes | North Lodge | 128 Banbury Road | Oxford'. Letter One (29 May 1995): 2pp., 12mo. He thanks her for typing the poem, which is 'only just the first part of a rather long one and doesn't really quite stand on its own - not that the whole thing comes off except for a few lines here and there.' he has 'never thought of having any Poems published', as he is 'only too aware of how sadly they limp along'. He has only shown them to 'one or two friends'.

Typed insurance valuation by auctioneers Christie, Manson & Woods of the art collection and library of the Labour Party politician Tom Driberg [Baron Bradwell]. With typed and manuscript material relating to bequests to a number of celebrated friends

Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg, Baron Bradwell] (1905-1976), journalist and Labour Party politician [Sir John Betjeman; Michael Foot; Joan Littlewood; Stanley Orme; Lord Paget of Northampton]
Publication details: 
Valuation: Christie, Manson & Woods, 8 King Street, St James's, London. 1973.

Valuation: 29pp., 4to, in a brown folder bound with green ribbon. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With a few manuscript additions. The title reads: 'T. DRIBERG, ESQ., 601 MOUNTJOY HOUSE, BARBICAN, LONDON, E.C.2. | VALUATIONS FOR INSURANCE | CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS.

Typed Letter Signed and Memo from the Claims Section, British Embassy, Athens, regarding clothing and money allegedly lent to Major Patrick Leigh Fermor by Kyriakos Pattakos of Amariou.

[Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor [Paddy Leigh Fermor] (1915-2011), British scholar, travel writer and soldier who fought in Crete in the Second World War] [Kyriakos Pattakos of Amariou]
Publication details: 
Letter addressed to Leigh Fermor from Claims Section, British Embassy, Athens. 22 October 1946. Memo without date or place.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The two are attached with a rusty pin, and there is a tiny hole at the head of the memo, affecting the word 'Kyriakos'. LETTER: 1p., 4to. Signature illegible. Addressed 'To: Mr. P. Leigh Fermor | British Council | ATHENS | From: Claims Section | British Embassy | ATHENS'. With 'Ref: 133/2803/109' and headed 'Subject: Force 133 Claim - Kyriakos PATTAKOS (2803)'. Requesting Leigh Fermor's 'general observations' on the enclosed memo regarding Pattakos's 'petition to H.M. Ambassador requesting payment of compensation amounting to £150/200.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Pat Lucan') from George Charles Patrick Bingham, 6th Earl of Lucan, the Labour Chief Whip in the House of Lords, to Chorley

George Charles Patrick Bingham [Pat Lucan] (1898-1964), 6th Earl of Lucan, Labour Chief Whip in the House of Lords [Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley (1895-1978), 1st Baron Chorley, Labour politician]
Publication details: 
On House of Lords letterhead. 28 April 1955.

2pp., 12mo. 20 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Asking Chorley if he would be one of '3 members for the committee which is to be set up to examine the powers of this House over its members relative to their attendance - that is probably not an accurate description of it, but I have not got the reference handy, and I think you will know what I mean!' The committee is to be appointed the following June, 'but Hendriks would be glad to have the names beforehand'. 'Wedgy Benn [William Wedgwood Benn, 1st Viscount Stansgate] and Lewis Silkin' have also been asked. From the Chorley papers.

Engraved portrait of Major Patrick George Craigie, CB, from a photograph by Reinhold Thiele & Co., with anonymous printed biography of 'Major P. G. Craigie, C.B.' in 'Heywood's Authentic Series of Press Biographies', in green printed folder.

Publication details: 
Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150, Holborn, London. Biography dated 'October, 1902.'

The two items and the folder are all lightly-aged and in good condition. Green card folder, with 'Heywood's Authentic Series of Press Biographies. | Major P. G. Craigie, C.B.' and 'C/21' printed on front. The printed biography is 9pp., 8vo, on nine loose leaves attached to one another by a brass stud. The engraving, by Art Repro Co, from a photograph by Reinhold Thiele & Co. of Chancery Lane, is on a piece of thick paper 29 x 21 cm. Dimensions of plate 15.5 x 10.5 cm. A bearded Craigie stands in formal attire with right hand in pocket.

Autograph Note Signed ('Gorman Mahon') from the Irish nationalist Charles James Patrick Mahon ['the O'Gorman Mahon'] to 'Monsieur Mermet'.

Charles James Patrick Mahon [known as the O'Gorman Mahon or James Patrick Mahon] (1800-1891), Irish nationalist journalist, barrister, and Member of Parliament, a supporter of O'Connell and Parnell
Publication details: 
Hotel D<?> [Paris?]; 23 April 1832.

1p., 12mo. On aged and creased paper, with the second leaf of the bifolium (the lower part of which is torn away) carrying the address 'A Monsr | Monsieur. Mermet'. Reads: 'My Dear Mermet | I trust this will find you sufficiently well to enable you to come over here immediately on receipt of this from your's [sic] | [signed] Gorman Mahon | Monday Morg | 10 oClock A M. | April 23, 1832. | Hotel D<?>'.

Signed photograph of Mrs Patrick Campbell (Beatrice Stella Cornwallis-West), laid down on a leaf from an autograph album which has the signature of the Czech violinist and composer Jan Kubelik on the reverse.

Mrs Patrick Campbell (1865-1940; born Beatrice Stella Tanner and later Beatrice Stella Cornwallis-West), English actress; Jan Kubelik (1880-1940), Czech violinist and composer
Publication details: 
Undated. Photograph printed by Haycock, Cadle & Graham Ltd., Camberwell, London, S.E.5'.
Signed photograph of Mrs Patrick Campbell

Fair, on lightly-aged paper. The publicity photograph of Mrs Patrick Campbell, : Roughly 10.5 x 13 cm. Printed in green. Depicts her leaning forwards, with neck and forearms exposed. Across the foot she has written: 'Beatrice Stella Cornwallis West. | (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)'. Laid down on a leaf from an autograph album, on the reverse of which is Kubelik's signature: 'jan Kubelik | 25.XI.1921'.

Engraved, cloth-backed maps by Hewitt of the 'Northern Part of Scotland' and 'Southern Part of Scotland', decorated with engraved views [said to be by William Daniell] of 'the Island of Staffa' and 'Port Patrick in Wigton Shire'. In original cloth.

[Nathaniel Rogers Hewitt and William Daniell, engravers; map of Scotland from John Thomson's 'New General Atlas', 1821]
Publication details: 
[J. Thomson, Edinburgh: c. 1821.] 'Hewitt, Sc. Buckingham Pl. Fitzroy Sqr.'
 'Northern Part of Scotland' and 'Southern Part of Scotland'

The two maps facing one another in the original green cloth binding, with that of northern Scotland to the left and of southern Scotland to the right. Each map consisting of eight 25 x 15 cm panels, each of two rows of four panels each. Printed in black, with additional lines in red and blue. Worn and aged, but in fair condition overal, clear and complete. Small armorial stamp in gilt on front board, and in ink on reverse of one of the maps.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. F. Hamilton') to 'My dear Harmsworth' (Viscount Northcliffe?). With a copy of his booklet translation: 'In St. Patrick's Praise: The Hymn of St. Secundinus (Sechnall)'.

[G. F. Hamilton, Rector of Moylough, Co. Galway] [Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 13 March 1919; on letterhead of the Rectory, Moylough, Co. Galway. Booklet: Dublin: The Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., 61 Middle Abbey Street.

Letter: 12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'Your hands must be full just now, judging from the Daily Papers.' He presents the 'booklet' as 'a small memento of friendship for you', and describes as 'just published by me on a hymn considered (by Bernard, Bury etc.) to be a contemporary of St. Patrick. An 11th. cent MS. containing it is in T. C. D. Library. And it is also given in a 7th. cent. MS. at Milan.' Postscript referring to an article he has sent Harmsworth, 'for which I received thanks (quite unsolicited) of the Prof. of English Literature, T.C.D.!

Autograph Letter Signed ('N Card. Wiseman'), in French, to 'Mons Castermann, Editeur, Tournai'.

Cardinal Wiseman [Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman] (1802-1865)
Publication details: 
16 August 1856; Brussells.

12mo: 1 p. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the address, with postmark, on the reverse of the second. On brittle, aged paper. The letter has been neatly folded three times, and there are a few closed tears along the crease lines, including one through the initial 'N' of the signature. Wiseman thanks Castermann for the copy he has sent of 'votre nouvelle édition en Français de "Fabiola". Not only is the 'execution typographique de l'ouvrage' deserving of his praise, but also the translation, which leaves nothing to be desired.

Hand-coloured watercolour and ink original cartoon artwork published in the 'Solicitor's Journal', with accompanying note.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; Freshfields; Linklaters; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Unsigned and undated [c.1991].

On piece of paper 35 x 22 cm. Dimensions of illustration 32 x 19 cm. Striking illustration, predominantly in dark-blue, purple and grey, showing three City office blocks, topped with the names 'FRESHFIELDS', 'LINKLATERS' and 'CLIFFORD CHANCE', dwarfing a two storey Victorian house. Anonymous businessmen trudging zombie-like towards the blocks, and a smiling figure with his hand in his pocket walking towards the Victorian house, which is cheerily-lit in orange. A note (by Blower?), stapled to the margin in the top left-hand corner (not affecting the image) reads 'Colour match.

Facsimile of Autograph Letter Signed, sent as circular to town clerks of Scottish Burghs.

John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquis of Bute
Publication details: 
Mount Stuart | Rothesay.' [no year, but 1897 or after]

Scottish nobleman (1847-1900) and author. Two pages, folio. Folded twice. First leaf of a bifoliate. On very good paper watermarked 'J WHATMAN | 1897'. Very good, but second (blank) leaf of bifoliate somewhat grubby. Facsimile signature 'Bute'. Long letter announcing the completion of his 'Arms of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland' (Blackwood, 1897) and appealing for information for his forthcoming 'Arms of the Baronial and Police Burghs of Scotland' (Blackwood & Sons, 1903).

Cnuasachd bheag amhrán. Le haghaidh aos óg na Gaedhilge d'foghluim ins na sgoileannaibh. An t'Athair Pádraig Breathnach do chruinnigh. [Cuid a tri.]

Pádraig Breathnach [Father Patrick Walsh (c.1885-1927), Irish cleric, republican and folklorist]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Muinntir Bhrúin & Nualláin do chlódh-bhuail. [circa 1920?]

16mo (15 x 12 cm), 32 pp. Stapled pamphlet, in original green printed wraps. Text complete and clear, on aged and dogeared paper. Wraps worn and stained. Part three only of an annotated collection of ballads. Six-page English glossary at rear. Scarce: the National Library of Ireland only appears to have Part Five, and the only record on COPAC is of Parts One and Three at Trinity College, Dublin.

Original black and white pen and ink cartoon artwork for the Solicitor's Journal.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Blower '91' [1991].

Dimensions of image 20 x 13.5 cm. On piece of paper 29 x 21 cm. Very good, with four unobtrusive marks and pencil numbering in margin. Taped to backing board and with paper cover. Depicts a suited individual trudging down a corridor festooned with gadgets, including two small beeping television sets attached to his head, a mobile phone in a holster, with bullet belt marked 'BATTERIES', a large camera on his belly, a fax machine draped around his neck, and a suitcase marked 'PC'. Bemused individual looks on from doorway.

Original black and white pen cartoon artwork for the Solicitor's Journal.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Blower '91'. [1991]

Dimensions of image 19 x 15.5 cm. On piece of paper 29 x 21 cm. Very good, with unobtrusive pencil and ink marks in the white space above the image. Taped to backing board and with discoloured paper cover. Shows a dorkish figure wearing a baseball cap marked 'C.S.T.', which has two small televisions on springs over the ears.

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