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[ P. G. Wodehouse, humorist. ] Two typewritten drafts, each with autograph emendations, of 'The Day I met the Master', Barrie Pitt's account of his encounter with Wodehouse in Tost internment camp. With printed version the article, and other material

[ P. G. Wodehouse [ Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse ] (1881-1975), English humorist ] Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian, editor of 'Purnell's History of the Second World War'
Publication details: 
1992 and 1993.

All items in good condition, with minor signs of age. The drafts are both printed on yellow paper. Each is 4pp., 4to. The two appear the same textually, but one has two slips of paper with amended text attached, and the autograph emendations to the two are different from one another. Also present is a leaf from 'Lifewise' magazine, November 1993, with one page carrying Pitt's memoir, accompanied by a photograph of Wodehouse being interviewed at Tost by Angus Thuermer. The piece begins: 'I first saw P. G.

[ John Fisher Murray ('Maire'), Irish poet and humorist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Fisher Murray'), offering the London publisher Richard Bentley a 'humorous paper' and 'a series of Essays on LONDON'.

John Fisher Murray [ 'Maire' ] (1811-1865), Irish poet and humorist [ Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher and proprietor of 'Bentley's Miscellany' ]
Publication details: 
11 Bark Place, Bayswater. 10 November 1843.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Richard Bentley Esqre'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph concerns a 'humorous paper' he is forwarding for Bentley's consideration (i.e. possible publication in Bentley's Miscellany). In the second paragraph he informs him that he has ready 'a series of Essays on LONDON, similar to those which attracted so much attention in Blackwood'.

[D. B. Wyndham Lewis, humorist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, a letter of condolence on the death of her husband, the essayist Robert Lynd.

D. B. Wyndham Lewis [Dominic Bevan Wyndham Lewis] (1891-1969), humorist, for a while Daily Express 'Beachcomber' [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 31 Pembroke Road, W8 [London]. 8 October 1949.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. 'His gentleness was always a lenitive and an example in such a raving jungle as Fleet Street. He will be badly missed everywhere by everybody.' He concludes by lamenting that as he is leaving for Italy the following day, the present letter will have to be his 'only tribute, alas. But I hope you will read into it a lot of things difficult to write.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Anstey') from the humorist Thomas Anstey Guthrie to the Editor of 'The Academy', responding to a request for comment on a list of suggested members for an 'Academy of Letters'.

F. Anstey [Thomas Anstey Guthrie] (1856-1934), humorist [James Sutherland Cotton (1847-1918), editor of the 'Academy', 1896-1903]
Publication details: 
8 November 1897; on lettehead of 16 Duke Street Mansions, Grosvenor Square, London.
Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Anstey') from the humorist Thomas Anstey Guthrie

12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Marked up for publication, with the first sentence deleted. On aged and stained paper. He 'can only say that your list seems to me as representative as any that could be drawn up', and that he does not 'feel in a position to offer any criticism upon it'. The edited version of Anstey's letter appeared with others in 'The Academy' in November 1897, in a piece with the opening sentence: 'We have received a large correspondence in response to our request for comment on the list of suggested members for an ACADEMY OF LETTERS published last week.'

Autograph Signature on card.

Max O'Rell' (Paul Blouet, 1848-1903), French satirical author and journalist
Publication details: 
18 March 1895; place not stated.

Dimensions of card roughly two and three-quarter inches by four inches wide. Good, with light creasing to corners. Clear signature reads 'Yours very sincerely | Max O'Rell | 18 March 1895'.

Autograph Card Signed ('Marshall P. Wilder') to the English publisher [William Swan] Sonnenschein (1855-1934).

Marshall Pinckney Wilder (1859-1914), American humourist
Publication details: 
19 August 1889; on Marshall's letterhead from 'The Alpine', 55 West 33rd. Street, New York.

8.5 x 11 cms. Grubby and lightly spotted. Reads 'My dear Mr Sonnenschein | Kindly send draft as I can collect here - | Merrily Yours | Marshall P. Wilder'. Presumably refers to the English printing of his 'The people I've smiled with: recollections of a merry little life' (1889).

Autograph Letter Signed ('C S.Calverley') to Mrs [?] Lewis [of Ickleton?].

Charles Stuart Calverley (1831-1884), English poet and wit [Sir George Grove]
Publication details: 
Bishopsbourne Rectory, Canterbury; 19 August [year not stated].

Three pages, 12mo. Very good. The blank verso of the second leaf of the bifolium laid down on remains of leaf detached from autograph album. Begins 'At length by certain Proofs 'tis plain (to quote a hymn familiar to my childhood but forgotten now all but that first line) that the readers of Macmillan will know all that is to be known about the mistletoe, thanks to your labours, before Christmas.' He hopes she has received the proofs, and says that 'Grove, the Editor, writes to me that they are in type & he is forwarding them to Ickleton'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent, an autograph-hunter.

Walter Lewis Emanuel [PUNCH]
Publication details: 
17 April 1910; on letterhead '17, Holland Park Avenue, W.'

English humorist (1869-1915), a long-time contributor to 'Punch' magazine. One page, 12mo. Good on somewhat discoloured paper. Reads 'Dear Miss Manook. | No, of course I was not annoyed. I am sorry I have not a copy of any book of mine by me, and I have not time today to write one for you.' Signed 'Walter Emanuel'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mark [Bonham-Carter].

Barbara Bentley [née Hastings], widow of Nicolas Bentley
Publication details: 
30 August 1978; on Nicolas Bentley's Shepton Mallet letterhead.

Barbara Hastings, daughter of the jurist Sir Patrick Hastings, married Nicolas Bentley (1907-78) in October 1934. In the 1940s she wrote a series of children's books which he illustrated. Two pages, octavo. good, but folded twice and with some creases. An important letter, in which she describes the circumstances of her husband's death. She is very grateful for his letter. 'It was an enormous pleasure to have you here with Kenneth and Billie [bookseller Kenneth Bredon and his wife], but do you know I think it was that dreadful fire that killed poor Nick - indirectly.

Autograph Postcard Signed to Kenneth Bredon, of Bredon's Bookshop in Brighton.

Nicolas Bentley
Publication details: 
Postmarked 24 September 1974; 'The Old School, Downhead, Shepton Mallet, Somerset.'

One page, very good. Postcard illustration of Marie Taglioni. In Bentley's distinctive neat hand. 'If & when Angus & Robertson's traveller shows you a book called Dead Funny, illus. by Bill Tidy, pubs. Ask & Grant, I hope you'll feel compelled to place a huge order: The Grant is Arabella's husband, just breaking into publishing (mad!) How are you & Billie? We should love to see you both, but I doubt that you ever come this way. If you do, you can count on a warm bed & reception. Try & make it sometimes.' Signed 'Nick'.

Autograph Signature.

Sir Francis Cowley Burnand
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Editor of Punch (1836-1917), and co-author with Sir Arthur Sullivan of 'Cox and Box'. In good condition. On slip, 1 inch by 2 1/2, cut from letter. Signed 'F C Burnand'.

autograph note signed to <M S Shren Esq?>

Douglas Jerrold
Publication details: 
1p, 16mo, 26 May [no date], Putney

Victorian writer and humorist. Difficult handwriting. 'My dear Sir/ | Will Monday be equally convenient to you? If no I shall be happy to see you either here or in town, as shall best suit your leisure.' Docketed with large underlined '2' in blue pencil, creased and discoloured. Blank second leaf damaged by removal from album, and with glue stains and remains of blue paper.

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