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[J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery.] Trade catalogue, profusely illustrated with photographs and diagrams, and detailed descriptive text.

J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd. Grove Iron Works, Wakefield, manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery, founded 1824 [Edwardian trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., Grove Iron Works, Wakefield. London Office, 37, Walbrook, E.C. [J. H. Davenport & Co., Columbian Printing Works, Leeds, Yorks.] [1901.]

409 + [6]pp., 8vo. In blue cloth, with ornate design printed in silver on front cover, around a laid down photographic portrait of 'The late Alderman J. Rhodes, J.P. Founder of the Firm in 1824.' Spine reads: '1824. J. RHODES & SONS, LTD., 1901.' Text embossed on back cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly-worn and aged binding. Two leaves of addenda tipped-in, the first, with text printed in red, headed 'Notice. - American Competition!'; the second carrying text and illustration of the '"Rhodes" "Excelsior" Treadle Guillotine Shear'.

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] Printed programme of the 'Christmas Concert and Distribution of Prizes, On Thursday, December 19th, 1889.'

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London, 1889; Rev. W. Hammersley, headmaster]
Publication details: 
[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] Printed by J. Martin & Son, Portman Printing Works, 18 Lisson Grove, NW. 1889.

18pp., 12mo. Unbound stapled pamphlet on grey paper. The cover carries the names of officers. The pamphlet also features lists of 'Prize Medallists' (boys, 1867-1889; girls, 1869-1889), 'Prize Children', and pupils commended for 'Attendance', together with the programme for the concert, including the words of numerous hymns and songs sung, with names of participants. No copy of this or of any other of the school's Christmas Programmes has been traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] 'Sunday School Award of Merit' medal, manuscript 'Prize Essay written for Mr. Blair's Prize', two printed Christmas Concert progammes, and printed label signed by Rev. W. Hammersley and Rev. E. B. Ottley

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London, 1889 and 1890; Rev. W. Hammersley, headmaster; Rev. E. B. Ottley, Chairman of Committee]
Publication details: 
[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] The Christmas Concert programmes both printed by J. Martin & Son, Portman Printing Works, 18 Lisson Grove, NW; 1889 and 1890. The prize essay dated December 1890. The other two items undated.

The five items, which would make for an attractive display on the theme of Victorian education, relate to the Hampden Gurney Schools, which were founded in 1863, in the newly-named Hampden Gurney Streeet, as a memorial to the recently-deceased Rev. John Hampden Gurney (1802-1862), Rector of St Mary’s, Bryanston Square. The school is now the Hampden Gurney Church of England Primary School, and is located in Nutford Place. ONE: Metal circular medal, 3.75 cm in diameter. In very good condition.

[James F. L. Wood, Assistant Manager, Society for the Suppression of Mendicity.] Manuscript confidential report (signed 'Exd. R Ferguson') to A. J. B. Beresford Hope, on nine cases of begging letters sent from the Lisson Grove area of London.

James F. L. Wood, Assistant Manager, Society for the Suppression of Mendicity [Mendicity Society] [Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope (1820-1887), Conservative politician; R. Ferguson]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Begging Letter Department, Mendicity Office, Red Lion Square. 3 April 1856.

3pp., folio. Bifolium on grey paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'A. J. B. Beresford Hope | Esq | Arklow House', with Penny Red stamp and postmarks. In good condition, on aged paper, with some discoloration to the reverse of the second leaf. Printed in red at the head of the first page: 'THIS REPORT IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

Autograph Letter Signed from the West Indian merchant Justinian Casamajor, of Potterells, Hertfordshire, to 'Mrs. Curling', describing the judgement of the Court of Chancery in Antigua regarding the estates of the late Mathew Christian.

Justinian Casamajor [Justinian Casamayor; Casamayorga] of Potterells Grove, Hertfordshire, West Indian merchant [Mathew Christian [Matthew Christian] (d.1778) of Antigua; sugar plantations; slavery]
Publication details: 
St Helens Place, London; 19 January 1809.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 56 lines. Good, on aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mrs. Curling'. Casamajor is taking 'the earliest opportunity' to inform Mrs Curling 'by the last Packet', that he has 'received an Acc[oun]t. from my agent in Antigua, that the Court of Chancery in that Island had disallowed all Charges of Interest on the Arrears of the Annuities on the late Mathew Christians Estates amounting to £2567.2.5 also the Trustees Commission of £50 a year for 16 years, to this our Counsel'.

[Book] 'Shooting and Salmon Fishing. Hints and Recollections', with Autograph Letter Signed by the author, Augustus Grimble, to the Scottish wildlife artist Vincent Robert Balfour-Browne.

Augustus Grimble [Vincent Robert Stewart Ramsey Balfour-Browne (1880-1963), Scottish wildlife artist; field sports; hunting, shooting and salmon fishing]
Publication details: 
Book: London: Chapman and Hall, Ld. 1892. Letter: 28 August 1903; on letterhead of Penrose, Henley-on-Thames.
Shooting and Salmon Fishing. Hints and Recollections

Book: 8vo: xi + 259 pp. Eighteen plates (with the seventh plate, 'A Death Trap', as frontispiece). Fair copy, on lightly aged and foxed paper. In original green binding, gilt, with wear to hinges, corners and head and tail of spine. With autograph inscription of 'V. R. Balfour-Browne, Oxford. February 1901.' A nice association between two notable individuals in the world of field sports. The letter, addressed to 'Dear B. B.', is 12mo, 2 pp, in bifolium; in good condition; laid down by the blank second leaf to the recto of the book's fly leaf.

A Catalogue of a Library of Books, [...] Prints, Books of Prints, Paintings, [...] and miscellaneous Articles, the Property of a Gentleman, removed from Southampton. [priced by auctioneers for proprietor]

J. C. & S. Stevens, auctioneers, 38 King Street, Covent Garden [Victorian book auction catalogue; Alexander Hoyes of Bittern Grove, near Southampton]
Publication details: 
Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. J. C. & S. Stevens, at their Great Room, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, On Thursday, the 18th day of July, 1844. [Alfred Robins, Printer, 101, Long Acre.]

8vo, 8 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with wear to extremities. According to the title-page the sale contains 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Johnson's Poets, Scott's Works, Swift's ditto, Annual Register, British Theatre, and other Works, in various branches of Literature; Prints, Books of Prints, Paintings, Mahogany Cabinets, Antiquities, Gold Repeater, Grand Piano-Forte, by Zeitter'.

Short Poems and Sacred Verses. Third Series.

A. S. [minor Victorian poetry; nineteenth-century devotional verse]
Publication details: 
London: 1895. [Printed for Private Circulation.]' [London: G. E. Waters, Printer, 97, Westbourne Grove, Bayswater, W.'

12mo: iv + 164 pp. In original green cloth, with the title in gilt on the front cover. All edges gilt. Slightly foxed. Good and tight, in lightly worn cloth. A curious collection, with the index of first lines containing such entries as 'Sweet Edgbaston bells' [this poem dated 1844], 'Dear Varinka', ' 'Twas a boy in a cut-off jacket' and 'They call me little Trottie'. All three series are excessively scarce. The only copy of this third series on COPAC is in the British Library, and the only copy on WorldCat in California.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Clarendon') to Edmund Hodgson.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Edmund Hodgson, bookseller and auctioneer, 192 Fleet Street; The Booksellers' Provident Institution, Abbots Langley]
Publication details: 
12 June 1867, on letterhead of The Grove, Watford.

12mo, 1 p, 11 lines. Good, with thin strip of discoloration along the outer edge. He is grateful to Hodgson 'for thinking of me'. Nothing would give Clarendon greater pleasure 'than to meet the Members of the Booksellers Provid[en]t Institution at Abbot's Langley', but unfortunately he has to go to London that Friday morning 'in order to keep some engagements that I have made on Saturday'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. R. Planché') to unnamed male correspondent.

James Robinson Planché [J. R. Planché] (1796-1880), English playwright and herald
Publication details: 
Saturday [no date]; Michael's Grove Lodge [Brompton].

12mo, 1 p, 11 lines. Very good. He begins by giving R. J. Smith's Brompton address. He was 'delighted to hear of Lord Powis' and hopes 'there is no mistake about it'. 'Remember in printing his Title he is a Knight of the Garter. - On the back of our 2nd. No. I see Lord Southampton printed as "the Earl of Southampton"!' Asks the recipient's view of the previous day's 'Times': 'And look at the Morning Post to day.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Clunie') to an unnamed male autograph collector.

John Clunie (1784-1858), Principal of Leaf Square and Seedley Grove Academies, 1812 to 1837
Publication details: 
20 June 1836; Seedley Grove, near Manchester.

One page, on piece of lightly aged paper, roughly six and a half inches by seven. Strip neatly torn away at head (not affecting text, but perhaps bearing recipient's address). Good, with a little damage from breaking of wafer and slight evidence of previous mounting on revese. Thirteen lines. He is sending the selected autographs, and will 'be happy to receive, at your leisure, those of Currie, Daubeny, Mc.Culloch, Flowers, Woodville & Phillips & Jones - or such 5 of them as you can best spare'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C S.Calverley') to Mrs [?] Lewis [of Ickleton?].

Charles Stuart Calverley (1831-1884), English poet and wit [Sir George Grove]
Publication details: 
Bishopsbourne Rectory, Canterbury; 19 August [year not stated].

Three pages, 12mo. Very good. The blank verso of the second leaf of the bifolium laid down on remains of leaf detached from autograph album. Begins 'At length by certain Proofs 'tis plain (to quote a hymn familiar to my childhood but forgotten now all but that first line) that the readers of Macmillan will know all that is to be known about the mistletoe, thanks to your labours, before Christmas.' He hopes she has received the proofs, and says that 'Grove, the Editor, writes to me that they are in type & he is forwarding them to Ickleton'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-70)
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Crescent; 11 July 1852.

Three pages, 12mo. Good. He did not receive the letter till his return from the continent the previous week. '"The Grove" is a comfortable mansion but there is nothing in any way remarkable about it - Clutterbuck's history of Hertfordshire contains all that is known respecting the persons who have possessed it. There is a fine collection of pictures, many of them by Vandyke & Sir P. Lely, wch. belonged to the Chancellor Clarendon & of them you will find an accurate description in the 3d. Vol. of the "Clarendon Gallery" published a few months ago by my sister Lady Theresa Lewis.

Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Hogan; with printed prospectus of one of de Chatelain's works.

Jean-Baptiste Francois Ernest de Chatelain, 'Le Chevalier de Chatelain'
Publication details: 
18 December 1862; on letterhead of Castelnau Lodge, Warwick Crescent, Westbourne Terrace Road, London.

Anglo-French journalist (1801-81) and friend of Mallarme. Letter: two pages, octavo. Good, though on creased, discoloured and spotted paper. The verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate is ruckled and with glue stains showing through from the verso, which is attached to a piece of ruled paper. Reads 'Mon cher voisin | I enclose an order for the Westminster Play for to night, which may perhaps interest you or your son. If either of you are able to go, you should be there early.

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