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[John Jay Chapman, American essayist.] Autograph Draft of Letter to Kenneth Macgowan, President, Harvard Dramatic Club, regarding the reading of a play 'under the auspices of the Dramatic Club'.

John Jay Chapman (1862-1933), American author, husband of Elizabeth Astor Winthrop Chanler (1866-1937) [Kenneth Macgowan (1888-1963), President, Harvard Dramatic Club]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Sylvania, Barrytown-on-Hudson [New York state]. 3 November 1910.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He writes that he will be 'most delighted to read the play under the auspices of the Dramatic Club'. He suggests a date, 'as being the farthest off & giving time generally', but if another is preferable, he 'can attend'. If Macgowan 'will fix the day and let know [sic] - (in case Monday is a bad day)', he will 'follow your decision'.

[Printed programme.] Redhill Open Lawn Tennis Tournament (Eighth Year), 1909.

Redhill Open Lawn Tennis Tournament, 1909 [Kenneth Powell (1885-1915), English sportsman; Friedrich Wilhelm "Fieten" Rahe (1888-1949), German tennis player, runner-up at Wimbledon in 1913]
Publication details: 
C. Stephens, Printer, West Street, Reigate. 1909.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and folded paper. Headed: 'Saturday, 24th July. The Tea to-day is kindly provided by Mrs. Searle.' Giving the scorecard, with names of all participants and results from first round to final, for nine events from the 'Gentlemen's Singles (Level). New Challenge Cup presented by SIR J. COLMAN, Bart.' (F. W. Rahe versus K. Powell) to 'Ladies Doubles (Handicap)' (Miss Harper and Miss Russell versus the Misses Bowyer). Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[Lord Annan and Virginia Woolf's cousin Dorothea Jane Stephen.] Three Autograph Letters Signed from 'N. G. Annan' to 'Miss Stephen', on his biography of her uncle Sir Leslie Stephen. With autograph notes by her, including a childhood reminiscence.

Noel Gilroy Annan (1916-2000), Baron Annan [Lord Annan] [Dorothea Jane Stephen (1871-1965), daughter of James Fitzjames Stephen, niece of Sir Leslie Stephen and cousin of Virginia Woolf]
Publication details: 
All three on letterhead of King's College, Cambridge. The three dated by the recipient to 'Spt. or Oct. 1951', '2/10. [2 October] 1951' and '29/2/52' [29 February 1952].

The three letters in very good condition; the first two attached to one another in one corner by a stud. Also included is Dorothea Stephen's copy of Annan's biography ('Leslie Stephen: His Thought and Character in Relation to his Time', 1951), worn and without dustwrapper, with her ownership signature ('D J. Stephen'), and a page of autograph notes critical of the book at the rear.

[Royal Army Medical Corps printed Second World War circular.] Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements.

Major K. G. A. Barlow [Kenneth Green Armitage Barlow], Royal Army Medical Corps [blood transfusion in the British Army of the Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Royal Army Medical Corps.] 'BLA | 1 June 45.'

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Headed: 'Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements. Ref: 1BTU/S/108/45. | To: ALL GENERAL HOSPITALS. | CCSs. | Transfusion Officers. | Pathologists. | Officers i/c Blood Banks.' Facsimile at foot of the signature of 'KGA Barlow Major, RAMC., | A/CC., No. 1 Base Transfusion Unit.' The document is arranged under four headings: 'Blood Taking Sets'; 'Blood Storage'; 'Grouping of Donors' and 'Cross Matching'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

National Association of Training Corps for Girls pamphlet with covers illustrated by 'Fougasse' (Cyril Kenneth Bird) titled 'Taking the Plunge?' Enclosing a printed circular letter by the Director of the Corps, Kathleen Curlett

'Fougasse' [Cyril Kenneth Bird] (1887-1965), British cartoonist [Kathleen Curlett, Director, National Association of Training Corps for Girls, London (formed in 1942)]
Publication details: 
The pamphlet: London, 'Publicity Arts Ltd W C'. No date (circa 1946). Circular: On letterhead of the National Association of Training Corps for Girls, Alfred House, 24, Cromwell Place, London, S.W.7. June, 1946.

Both items in good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Pamphlet: 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Covers printed in black, orange, red, yellow and blue. Both front and back covers edged in orange in distinctive Fougasse style.

[Roy Fuller, poet.] Three Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Letters Signed (the first 'Roy Fisher' and the other four 'Roy') to the literary scholar Miriam Allott, regarding an edition of the collected poems of her late husband Kenneth Allott.

Roy Fuller (1912-1991), English poet and novelist [Miriam Allott [née Farris] (1920–2010), literary scholar and wife of the poet and criticKenneth Allott (1912-1973)]
Publication details: 
All five on his letterhead, 37 Langton Way, London SE3 7TJ. 26 May, 12 and 17 July, and 10 and 20 August 1973.

Each letter 1p., 8vo. In very good condition, lightly aged and worn. The first two letters in autograph, the other three typed. ONE (26 May 1973): He condoles with her on her husband's death. 'I always greatly admired his poetry & then his work as a critic. I've just been writing down hisname in the index of my second book of Oxford lectures, where I refer briefly to both these activities of his. It is a sad loss, particularly to those of us who admire creative & sensitive scholarship, so rare & so much needed now.

[Sir Kenneth Macmillan, choreographer.] Fourteen photographs of him by the theatre designer Yolanda Sonnabend, taken to assist her in painting her 1991 portrait of him, now in the National Portrait Gallery.

Kenneth Macmillan (1929-1992), Scottish ballet dancer and choreographer, artistic director of the Royal Ballet, 1970-1977 [Yolanda Sonnabend (b.1935), theatre designer and portrait painter]
Publication details: 
[London?] The fourteen photographs taken in preparation for Sonnabend's portrait, commissioned in 1991.

Thirteen of the fourteen photographs are in black and white, with the largest 21.5 x 15.5 cm (with slight paint staining at edge), another 17.5 x 12.5 cm, and the other nine roughly 12.5 x 9 cm. The other print is a colour polaroid, with paint smudges from Sonnabend's portrait on the white mount. Other than the paint marks to three of the prints, in good condition, although six of the smaller ones have aged due to acid in the paper stock.

[Printed booklet on 'the first "Uncle" in British Broadcasting'.] Kenneth A. Wright. A list of his compositions published by Winthrop Rogers, Ltd. Sole Agents: Hawkes & Son (London), Ltd. [With biography, sample scores and photographic portrait.]

[Kenneth A. Wright [Kenneth Anthony Wright] (1899-1975), composer and Assistant Director of Music at the BBC; Winthrop Rogers, Ltd., music publishers; Hawkes & Sons (London), Ltd.; Vaughan & Freeman]
Publication details: 
London: Winthrop Rogers, Ltd. Sole Agents: Hawkes & Son (London), Ltd. Undated [circa 1927].

12pp., 16mo (14 x 8.5 cm). Stapled. Printed in brown ink on shiny light-brown art paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slightly rusty staples. Photographic portrait of Wright on cover. Full-page biographical note on p.2. 'List of Compositions' on p.3. Pp.4-11 carry eight reproductions of the first pages of the sheet music of various compositions. The back cover (p.12) carries 'A Few Opinions' (Musical Mirror; Morning Post; Liverpool Post & Mercury; Music Teacher; Musical Opinion; Basil Maine).

Typed Letter Signed from the artist and educator Marion Richardson to her protégé H. Clarence Whaite, discussing his application for the post of HM Inspector of Art, and her own career as an inspector.

Marion Richardson (1892-1946), artist and calligrapher, Inspector of Art, London County Council [H. Clarence Whaite (1895-1978), Head of Art Department, University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the London County Council Education Officer's Department, 72 Queen's Gate, SW7. 7 August 1937.

1p., 8vo. Fair, on aged and spotted paper. She thanks him for his 'most interesting letter'. 'I have not seen the Board's advertisement, but I feel sure that an appointment of this kind would give you scope for improving conditions, and you would certainly be able to help teachers "struggling" and otherwise. Surely you ought to apply. [...] I can honestly say that I have, in spite of struggles, been very happy as an inspector.

Typed Letter Signed from John Papworth to Mrs Ena Driberg, wife of the Labour MP Tom Driberg

John Papworth (b.1921), English economist and activist, personal adviser to the President of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda [Ena Mary Binfield, née Lyttelton, wife of Tom Driberg of Bradwell Lodge, Essex]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Asian and Overseas Socialist Fellowship (London Branch). 15 November 1957.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged paper, with one small burn-hole to margin. Addressed to 'Mrs. T. Driberg, | Bradwell Lodge, | Bradwell juxta Mare, | nr. Southminster, | Essex.' He thanks her for receiving 'an African boy from Northern Rhodesia and some members of my family', and 'showing us the details of your charming house so unhesitatingly'. He discusses the 'astonishing contrast the house is to the landscape around it.

[Mimeographed typed playscript for the Playhouse Theatre, Kidderminster.] Pinocchio, from Carlo Colloddi's "Pinocchio - The Story of a Puppet", freely adapted for the stage and music added by Kenneth Rose.

Kenneth Rose, Chairman of the Nonentities Society, The Playhouse Theatre, Kidderminster [Carlo Collodi; Pinocchio]
Publication details: 

4to, [iii] + 76 pp. In original orange titled wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, in worn and frayed wraps. A three-act adaptation of Collodi's children's classic, with cast of characters, 'Synopsis of Scenes', and 'Musical Contents' listing the plays twenty-six songs.

Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley to the actor C. Kenneth Benda, concerning the rights to his book 'Trent's Last Case', and a proposal by Benda for a stage adaptation.

Nicolas Bentley [Nicolas Clerihew Bentley (1907-1978)], British author and illustrator [C. Kenneth Benda (1902-1978), British actor]
Publication details: 
10 June 1966; on Bentley's letterhead, 7 Hobury Street, Chelsea.
Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley

4to, 1 p. 19 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper, with strip of sunning to left-hand margin. Neat signature: 'Nicolas Bentley'. The film and television rights to the book were all 'bought some years ago by Herbert Wilcox, who, as I understand it, still owns them'. Bentley has reports the opinion of 'Messrs A. P. Watt, my late father's agent', on the question of the radio rights. 'I control the stage rights', Bentley states, giving the conditions on which he would agree to a stage adaptation.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Lady Honora'.

Kenneth Alexander Howard, 1st Earl of Effingham
Publication details: 
No 56 Jermyn Street | April 15th 1838'.

General and courtier (1767-1845). Three pages, 12mo. Folded twice. Good, but on discoloured, lightly creased paper. Difficult hand. Regarding the 'Talents & Acquirements' of a certain 'Captain Spiller'. 'I am much obliged to you for your kind Enquiries after Lady Howard, she is now on her Road to Yorkshire from Bath, where she has recently been.' Signed 'Howard'. Postscript: 'I only came to Town on Tuesday Evening. I will mention Captain Spiller to Lord Morpeth in the hopes that it may be of some avail.'

Autograph Postcard Signed to Kenneth Bredon, of Bredon's Bookshop in Brighton.

Nicolas Bentley
Publication details: 
Postmarked 24 September 1974; 'The Old School, Downhead, Shepton Mallet, Somerset.'

One page, very good. Postcard illustration of Marie Taglioni. In Bentley's distinctive neat hand. 'If & when Angus & Robertson's traveller shows you a book called Dead Funny, illus. by Bill Tidy, pubs. Ask & Grant, I hope you'll feel compelled to place a huge order: The Grant is Arabella's husband, just breaking into publishing (mad!) How are you & Billie? We should love to see you both, but I doubt that you ever come this way. If you do, you can count on a warm bed & reception. Try & make it sometimes.' Signed 'Nick'.

Quo musa tendis?

J[ames]. K[enneth]. Stephen [JACK THE RIPPER]
Publication details: 
Cambridge: Macmillan and Bowes. 1891.

First edition. 12mo. Pages: 2 ('BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LAPSUS CALAMI.') + x + 84 + 4 pages of publishers' advertisements. Very good in original worn light-blue cloth with heavily-worn label on spine. Ownership inscription of Richard E. Benson (1892) on front free endpaper. Stephen was first put forward as Jack the Ripper in Michael Harrison's biography of Prince Albert Victor, 'Clarence' (1972).

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