Music and Theatre

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Autograph Letter Signed by George Lumbard ('Geo Lumbard') to unnamed correspondent.

Christy's Minstrels [The Christy Minstrels; Edwin Pearce Christy; George Christy [Harrington]; George Lumbard]
Publication details: 
Town Hall, Buckingham; 12 March 1866.

One page, 12mo. Good on piece of lightly-creased and aged paper, neatly mounted on slightly-larger piece of paper. Enclosing funds 'for the Use of St Andrews Hall April 2nd. 3rd. & 4th./66 for Christys Minstrels Concerts'. Postscript requests that receipt be sent to Reading in Berkshire: 'Shall be there on Thursday next'. A significant document. 1866 marked the introduction of the minstrel show into England by Christy's Minstrels, and the first of several extremely successful tours by the company.

Autograph Letter Signed ('I Begrez') to unnamed male correspondent.

Pierre Ignace Begrez (1787-1863), French singer, violinist and composer
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'I shall sing il "Soave e bel contento" [aria by Pacini] and will be happy to take a part in the quintetto[,] you must procure the parts of my song'. May possibly refer to the J. N. Hummel Benefit Concert in London on 29 April 1830, where Pacini's aria was played.

Mr. Douglas Jerrold and Mr. Charles Kean

[Charles Kean]
Publication details: 
No place of date [1854?]

Pamphlet, bifoliate, sm. folio, [4pp.], sl. chipped and marked, NO sign of extraction from a book. The author reminds the reader of the attacks on Charles Kean in "Punch" and "Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper" "in which "rational criticism is entirely superseded by personal hostility". He asks what gave rise to such "pertinaceous malevolence", finding the answer in the correspondence between Jerrold and Kean (26 April to 14 Oct.

Collection of thirteen Autograph Letters Signed, addressed to Robinson by various individuals, mostly relating to the publication of Robinson's song 'Gently Down the Stream'.

Walter W. Robinson, English composer; Theodore Distin (1823-93), English singer; F. C. Wood, 'Lithographical Music Copyist'; the Original Lilian Minstrels; Grafton Hall
Publication details: 
London; 1871-1878.

The collection is in good condition, with each letter entirely legible. Two items particularly aged, and one with a couple of closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Each item bears evidence of the fact that the collection was previously held together with a pin. An interesting sidelight into the musical culture of Victorian London. COPAC only locates one copy (at Cambridge) of Robinson's piece, published by W. Sprague of Westminster in [1874], copied by F. C. Wood, 'words by permission of Messrs. Hopwood & Crew'. All items 12mo.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'H. Carvill Esqr', on leaf of printed handbill advertisement for Jefferies' 'FAREWELL BENEFIT | (Previous to his departure for Australia)', Saturday Orchestral Union, The Queen's Concert Rooms, Hanover Square.

Richard Thomas Jefferies (1841-1920), Anglo-Australian musician
Publication details: 
Letter from 263 Stanhope St. [London] N.W.; advertisement for concert on 15 April 1871.

12mo bifolium. A frail, aged survival of a scarce and significant item, with wear, staining and several closed tears. THE LETTER (one page, on recto of second leaf of bifolium), signed 'R. T. Jefferies', asks 'Can you not give me your assistance at my next concert you would be conferring a favor on me by attending and I should also be glad if you could send a few vocal friends, will not any of the boys be able to attend. Please excuse haste'. In another hand on verso of second leaf, 'Rehearsals | Metropolitan Lecture Hall adjoining Gower St Railway Station Saturday 3#'.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Miss [Marie] Tempest", actress.

Charles Warner, actor (DNB)
Publication details: 
33 Brunswick Square, WC, 7 May 1900.

Two pages, 8vo, minor defects, mainly good. He apologises for not using (or knowing) her full married name and tries to persuade her to give a part to his son whose career he summarises (Athos in "The Three Musketeers", juvenile lead in the "Absent-Minded Beggar"). In a postscript he suggests he would make "an ideal Rochester".

Typed notes signed (x 6) to Thomas Bass,

C.B. Cochran
Publication details: 
between 1927 and 1937.

English impressario (1872-1951), nicknamed "Cocky", closely associated with Noel Coward, knighted in 1948. All one page, five with the letterhead Charles B. Cochran, 49 Old Bond Street (three 8vo and two 4to), and one, 12mo, with the letterhead of the Midland Hotel, Manchester. One in stamped addressed envelope. All thanking Bass (of 22 Delta Street, Lightbourne, Moston, Manchester) for his letters praising the Manchester performances of Cochran's revue.

a letter addressed to her signed on behalf of the solicitors Maggison & <Preught>,

Elizabeth Brunton,
Publication details: 
18 April 1843, <?> Road, Bedford Row.

Lessee of the Adelphi Theatre. English actress (1799-1860), wife of the actor Frederick Henry Yates (1795-1842). 2 pp, 12mo. An interesting letter to "Mrs. Yates" shedding light on the theatre mores of the period. "Mr. Beckett & Mr.

autograph letter signed to Ella [Davis],

Florence Terry
Publication details: 
23 August 1881, Theatre Royal, Oldham.

English actress (1855-96), sister of Ellen Terry and member of celebrated theatrical dynasty. 2 pp, 12mo. "You really must think me a pig for not having written to you all this time - but now I send these few lines to thank you first for your good wishes and congratulations on my engagement to Mr Morris & for kind remembrance of my birthday - The card was a very pretty one - I hope to be home after the 4th of next month - so I shall hope to see you before long now: It must be delightful on the Thames: With love and thanks to you & Alice Lewis for all your good wishes".

Typed note,

Marie Tempest (Dame Mary Susan Tempest)
Publication details: 

English actress (1866-1942). One page, 8vo, with green border and letterhead 55 Avenue Road, Regent's Park. A formal letter written in the third person, presumably on the death of her husband W. Graham Browne (1870-1937). "Miss Marie Tempest is deeply moved by your expression of sympathy. The letters and telegrams she has received have helped her more than she is able to say. There have been so many that she is unable to reply to them personally, but she hopes that you will realise all that your sympathy has meant in her great sorrow."

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Ford'.

Olga Nethersole
Publication details: 
29 July 1898; on letterhead '5, NORFOLK STREET, | PARK LANE, W.'

English actress of Spanish descent (1866-1951). Two pages, 12mo. On grey paper. Folded twice. In very good condition, but with minor traces of paper mounts adhering to two corners of first leaf of bifoliate. Florid signature. She declines the luncheon invitation as she has friends coming down. She is 'going to try & have tea with Mrs Gooch. But it is a little difficult to get away when one has people staying.' She is sorry to have missed her correspondent.

Autograph fragment signed,

Kate Josephine Bateman [Mrs George Crowe]
Publication details: 
no date or place.

American-born actress (1842-1917). End of letter on mourning paper, now 12mo, signed in her married name. "Very truly yrs / Kate Crowe".

autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Wood,

May Agathe
Publication details: 
without date or place.

One page, 12mo. She has just returned from the theatre at 11 o'clock and is "delighted to have been able to obtain a ticket". Signed "May". Stuck to the foot of the page is a newspaper cutting describing Sarah Bernhardt's performance in Emile Moreau's play on Queen Elizabeth. This ends, "A word is fairly due to the work of M. Lou Teilegen and Madame May Agathe, and to the excellence of the stage management." Creased and with traces of mount on reverse.

Autograph letter signed to Miss M[ary]. H. Folkard,

Kate Josephine Bateman [Mrs George Crowe]
Publication details: 
18 November [1897], with letterhead 48 Wetherby Mansions, Earl's Court Square.

American-born actress (1842-1917). 2 pp, 12mo, on mourning paper, in matching stamped envelope addressed in autograph "Miss M. H. Folkard / Wigram Ward / Kings Coll. Hospital / Lincoln's Inn Fields". "I am more than grieved to hear of yr. illness. What a long, long weary time you have had! May I go to see you on Sunday? I wd. love to go before - but I am teaching all day [at the theatre school she had founded in 1892] - & acting at night - & have not a minute before Sunday. My love to you dear friend - & Miss Daley's - / Your always affte. / Kate Crowe".

autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Ellen Kean (née Ellen Tree)
Publication details: 
docketed "22 May 1850", no place.

English actress (1806-80), wife of Charles John Kean (1811-68). One page, 12mo. "Sir/ / Under the sofa in our sitting room you will find a long narrow deal Box. [at least we left it there] it contains a roll of Pictures - will you oblige me by sending it properly directed to Mr. Kean 8 Torrington Square London and sent immediately / Ellen Kean". Cropped, with traces of previous mount on reverse.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Barry,

Kate Josephine Bateman [Mrs George Crowe]
Publication details: 
7 January [no date], with letterhead 88 Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court.

2 pp, 12mo. "My dear Mrs. Barry / I wonder if you will give us the pleasure of coming to the children's little party on Tues. Eng. 7 to 10.30. Do - if it won't be too much of a bore! / Love to all - / Yrs. afftly. / Kate Crowe".

Autograph letter signed to Mr [?] Ball,

Maria Foote, Countess of Harrington
Publication details: 
no date or place.

Actress, singer and dancer (1797?-1867), a great beauty whose amours were the subject of a number of pamphlets. "Thursday 2 o'clock", 3 pp, 12mo. She sent him a dinner invitation that morning but he had gone. "Thank Ferdinand for his Book which I return - and for the apple - which I shall cut up with some curiosity". In a postscript she thanks him for "I cannot sing". Signed "M H", so dating from after her marriage to Harrington in 1831. In good overall condition, despite negligible water staining, tears and traces of mount.

autograph note signed to Mr [?] Shaw,

Ellen Kean (nee Tree)
Publication details: 
6 July [no year], with letterhead 47 Queensborough Terrace, Kensington Gardens.

English actress (1806-80), wife of Charles John Kean (1811-68). "Dear Mr. Shaw / I have not forgotten the little girl and I want more books / I hope you are well through this weather / yours very sincerely / Ellen Kean". Negligible evidence of previous mounting.

publicity photograph signed,

Peggy O'Neil
Publication details: 
no date or place.

Film and theatre actress who died in 1960. A charming 1920's tinted portrait photograph ("Beagles' Postcards") , 5½ by 3½ inches, of a smiling "Miss Peggy O'Neil" looking over her right shoulder to the camera, her hair cut short and her right hand to her throat. Inscribed at bottom right, "Peggy O'Neil / "Paddy" ". Mounted on a piece of thin card.

autograph letters signed (x 2 ) to Miss [?] Cole,

Kate Josephine Bateman [Mrs George Crowe]
Publication details: 
1898 and 1900.

American-born actress (1842-1917). Both 2 pp, on 12mo mourning paper. The first, 19 January 1898, with the letterhead 48 Wetherby Mansions, Earl's Court Square. She apologises for not writing sooner. "I am rather frightened at yr. proposal - for I have never addressed a meeting in my life - & have shrunk from so responsible a position - & fear I shd. do the work very badly - tho' I feel with all my heart for your good cause. / I have neither the time, nor the ability to prepare a paper - & make them give. / May I go to you - to ask you just what wd. be expected of me?

Autograph note signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Kate Josephine Bateman [Mrs George Crowe]
Publication details: 
4 June 1872, 6 Kensington Gore.

American-born actress (1842-1917). One page, 12mo. "In answer to yr. note I first appeared in Manchester in the year 1864 in the character of "Leah". / Yrs: respectfully / K. J. Bateman Crowe". With traces of glue and paper to reverse of blank second leaf.

autograph letter signed to Miss [?] Lewis,

Ada Rehan, actress
Publication details: 
18 June 1890, on letterhead of the Hotel Métropole, London

Irish-born American actress (1860-1916). 3 pp, 12mo. "I fear a matinée will prevent my coming on July 4th. Some benefit I have promised to play for - but if I come off early enough - & am not too tired I will certainly <?> in & see you / I hope that you and all your delightful family are well". Creased, but otherwise in reasonable condition.

Autograph note signed,

Sybil Thorndike
Publication details: 
no date or place.

English actress (1882-1976), Dame of the British Empire (1931), Companion of Honour (1970). Written on an empty 12mo envelope. "Please come round & see me when the matinee is over. / Sybil Thorndike".

Autograph letter signed to unnamed female correspondent,

Kate Rorke
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 64 St John's Wood Road.

Actress and teacher of elocution (c.1866-1945). One page, 8vo. "I am so sorry that your letter came too late for me to send you any tickets for our concert. Perhaps you will help us another year? - Truly yours / Kate Rorke-Gardiner". [Her first husband was Edward Gardiner (died 1899). Loss to one corner, and traces of previous mounting on blank verso.

Autograph letter signed to Madame [?] Sterling,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
9 February [no year], with embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. 2 pp, 12mo. "Send me the lines & I will see what I can do. I am so sorry to give you all this trouble for I know how busy you are / yrs very sincerely / M. E. Bancroft".

autograph note signed to Miss [?] McCarthy,

Ada Rehan, actress
Publication details: 
8 November 1891, on letterhead of the Gordon Hotels Ltd.

Irish-born American actress (1860-1916). 2 pp, 8vo. "Can you and your dear Father come and have a little lunch with me on Wed: at 1 o.clock {- just really to say goodbye / drop me a line if you will - With love - but in haste / Ada Rehan". Traces of paper and glue from previous mounting on blank sides.

autograph letter signed to [Thomas] Bass,

Georgina Milne
Publication details: 
9 January 1913, New Theatre, Manchester.

Actress. 2 pp, 12mo. She thanks him for his letters and the handkerchiefs. "I am very glad you enjoyed "Kismet", it is indeed a fine play." She encloses a postcard [not present] and will let him have one of the photographs she is having taken.

autograph note signed to [Tom] Bass of Manchester,

Phyllis Neilson-Terry
Publication details: 
without date or place.

English actress (1892-1977), daughter of actor Fred Terry (1864-1932) and his wife the actress Julia Emilie Neilson (1868-1957). One page, 4to, in a large hand. "Dear Mr. Bass. / Many thanks for yr. kind letter & the present. / It was nice of you. / Yours very truly / Phyllis Neilson-Terry". Paper somewhat discoloured.

autograph notes (x 2) signed to [Tom] Bass of Manchester,

Esme Percy
Publication details: 
both 1911.

[Saville] Esme Percy, Actor (1887-1957). The first, 21 November [1911], Theatre Royal, Bury, Lancashire. "So glad you are coming over Saturday night. If you will kindly let me know how many of you are coming I shall be pleased to give you all Tea if you will accept my invitation." The second, 24 November 1911, Theatre Royal, Bury, Lancashire, on deleted letterhead of the Gaiety Theatre, Manchester. "I shall expect you at 5 pm at 34 Shepherd St. Bury - am so glad your friends are coming with you". Two items,

calling card signed,

Ada Rehan, actress
Publication details: 
dated 1894.

Irish-born American actress (1860-1916). Calling card 2½ by 3¼ inches, "Miss Rehan. / 164 West 93rd. Street.", with the name crossed out and signed on the reverse "Ada Rehan / 1894."

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