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[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Typed report of a talk given at Norwich Central Public Library, titled 'The Making of a Book'.

[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council (F. S. Denys Page, President); George Arthur Stephens, city librarian, Norwich ]
Publication details: 
[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Undated [1920s].

2pp., 4to. Carbon. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins: 'The third of a series of lectures arranged by the Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council was held at the Norwich Central Public Library on March 19, when the City Librarian (Mr. Geo A. Stephen, the author of "Commercial Bookbinding" and other works) gave a lecture on "The Making of a Modern Book". The lecture was illustrated by about a hundred lantern slides and exhibits. [...] Mr. F.S.

[Printed programme.] Redhill Open Lawn Tennis Tournament (Eighth Year), 1909.

Redhill Open Lawn Tennis Tournament, 1909 [Kenneth Powell (1885-1915), English sportsman; Friedrich Wilhelm "Fieten" Rahe (1888-1949), German tennis player, runner-up at Wimbledon in 1913]
Publication details: 
C. Stephens, Printer, West Street, Reigate. 1909.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and folded paper. Headed: 'Saturday, 24th July. The Tea to-day is kindly provided by Mrs. Searle.' Giving the scorecard, with names of all participants and results from first round to final, for nine events from the 'Gentlemen's Singles (Level). New Challenge Cup presented by SIR J. COLMAN, Bart.' (F. W. Rahe versus K. Powell) to 'Ladies Doubles (Handicap)' (Miss Harper and Miss Russell versus the Misses Bowyer). Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[The Royal Army Medical Corps in the immediate aftermath of the First World War.] Long Typed Copy of letter from H. N. Stephens to his mother from the Sedan area of the Western Front, in the days following the signing of the armistice.

H. N. Stephens (of the Royal Army Medical Corps?) [Harold N. Stephens; The First World War; The Armistice]
Publication details: 
15 November 1918.

5pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with the last leaf tipped-in onto a piece of board. An interesting document, filled with valuable detail. The RAMC is not mentioned, but from the context Stephens would appear to have been a member. Writing from an unidentified location, he begins by explaining that his division 'came out of the line a few days ago, and has been making its way slowly back for a rest. [...] we are staying on here for a bit, and are busy transporting civilians to their homes from villages all over the countryside.

[George Charles Brodrick, Warden of Merton College, Oxford.] Autograph Card Signed ('George C Brodrick') to 'Mr. Leveson-Gower', regarding two 'anti English articles' in the North American Revew, one by Lloyd Stephens Bryce.

George Charles Brodrick (1831-1903), Warden of Merton College, Oxford [Lloyd Stephens Bryce (1851-1917), American journalist; the North American Review]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Merton College, Oxford. 20 February 1900.

On both sides of the 11 x 9 cm card. Very good, with light signs of age. He feels he must thank him for 'two numbers of the North American Review, both containing interesting articles'. despite 'their anti English spirit'. He was glad to read 'Bryce's article' to which he feels 'some injustice has been done'.

Warrant (commission), signed by 'Arden.', 'Charles Small Pybus.' and 'Chs. Middleton' as Lords of the Admiralty, and 'Php Stephens' as Secretary, appointing Paterson 'Captain of His Majesty's Ship the Ariadne'.

Charles George Perceval, 2nd Baron Arden; Charles Small Pybus; Charles Middleton, 1st Baron Barham; Sir Philip Stephens, First Secretary of the Admiralty [Admiral Charles William Paterson]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of vellum, dimensions 27 x 32 cm. Neatly folded to make eight rectangles. Red wax seal under paper in top left-hand corner, embossed with the Admiralty anchor. One blue 2s 6d stamp in left-hand margin. Small paper stamp on the reverse, which is docketed 'Ariadne | Capt. Paterson | Admty Conf Comm | 20 Jany 1794'. Text entirely legible on lightly discoloured vellum. The body of the document is printed over fifteen lines, with the specific information added in manuscript.

Warrant (commission), signed by 'Sandwich', 'Bamber Gascoyne' and 'Greville' as Lords of the Admiralty, and 'Php Stephens' as Secretary, appointing Paterson 'Second Lieutenant of His Majesty's Ship the Formidable'.

John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty; Bamber Gascoyne; Hon. Charles Francis Greville; Sir Philip Stephens, 1st Secretary of the Admiralty [Admiral Charles William Paterson]
Publication details: 

One one side of a piece of vellum, dimensions 28.5 x 33 cm. Neatly folded to make eight rectangles. Red wax seal under paper in top left-hand corner, embossed with the Admiralty anchor. Two blue 2s 6d stamps in left-hand margin. Small paper stamp on reverse. Text entirely legible on lightly discoloured vellum, with one small hole (not affecting legibility of text) caused by wear to a fold. The body of the document is printed over fifteen lines, with the specific information added in manuscript.

Signed Letter ('Php Stephens'), in a secretarial hand, to the Duke of Clarence.

Sir Philip Stephens (1723-1809), Admiralty official [William IV (1765-1837), King of England (as Duke of Clarence); Royal Navy; Valiant; Andromeda]
Publication details: 
Admiralty Office 22d. June 1790.'

Foolscap bifolium: 1 p. Worn, and on discoloured paper, but with text clear and entire. Thirteen lines of text.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'H. Carvill Esqr', on leaf of printed handbill advertisement for Jefferies' 'FAREWELL BENEFIT | (Previous to his departure for Australia)', Saturday Orchestral Union, The Queen's Concert Rooms, Hanover Square.

Richard Thomas Jefferies (1841-1920), Anglo-Australian musician
Publication details: 
Letter from 263 Stanhope St. [London] N.W.; advertisement for concert on 15 April 1871.

12mo bifolium. A frail, aged survival of a scarce and significant item, with wear, staining and several closed tears. THE LETTER (one page, on recto of second leaf of bifolium), signed 'R. T. Jefferies', asks 'Can you not give me your assistance at my next concert you would be conferring a favor on me by attending and I should also be glad if you could send a few vocal friends, will not any of the boys be able to attend. Please excuse haste'. In another hand on verso of second leaf, 'Rehearsals | Metropolitan Lecture Hall adjoining Gower St Railway Station Saturday 3#'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Canon [Edward Haderezer] Knowles.

George Stephens
Publication details: 
Husaby, Grimslof Station, Smaland, Sweden, July 30, 1880.'

English runic archaeologist (1813-95). The recipient (c.1820-1896) was Principal of St Bees Theological College in Cumbria. Three pages, octavo. A frail survival, in poor condition, on discoloured, fraying paper, with several closed tears and loss to second leaf of bifolium, affecting three lines of text, and repaired with archival tape. Red letterhead vignette of stone with runic inscription. 'Your favor of the 13th has followed me to this place, my son's estate, where I have a large part of my library, Museum and Collections, as he has plenty of room in his large house.

Two Typed Letters Signed to W. Perry, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Captain Sir Harold George Campbell
Publication details: 
29 November and 4 December 1933; both on letterhead '11, GROSVENOR CRESCENT, S.W.1.'

British soldier and courtier (1888-1969), Equerry and Groom of the Robes to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II. Both letters written in capacity as Private Secretary to the Duke of York. Both very good, though grubby, docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. LETTER ONE (one page, 12mo): 'Further to your letter of September 20th., which the Duke of York has had under his consideration, His Royal Highness desires me to tell you that he will be very pelased to be present at the Meeting at which Mr. Robert Hyde will read a paper, on February 7th. 1934.

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