Music and Theatre

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Detailed pen drawing captioned 'Hill's Organ at Birmingham'. Signature of Sir Oliver Lodge on reverse.

Hugh Clayson [William Hill's Organ, Birmingham Town Hall; Sir Oliver Lodge (1851-1940)]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Hugh Clayson. Dec. '08'.

On a piece of yellow paper, 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Dimensions of image 12.5 x 17.5 cm, neatly enclosed within a border. Good, on aged paper discoloured at extremities of margin. An accurate and detailed drawing of the organ in its setting on the balcony, with ceiling above and the surrounding steps, columns and alcoves.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte', signed by 'Leslie Regan'.

Dr Leslie Regan (1900-1968), Professor of Harmony at the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Dated '10 July 1919'.

On one side of a leaf, roughly 18 x 24 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Sixteen grand staff bars, followed by 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte | [signed] Leslie Regan | 10 July 1919.'

Autograph Manuscript musical score, entitled 'À la gigue. | F. W. (1924)', with autograph signature of 'Frank Wright' at the end.

Frank Wright (1901-1970), Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring at the Guildhall School of Music, and editor of 'The Conductor' [brass bands]
Publication details: 
Dated '21st December 1927'.

On one side of a leaf of pink printed music paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an album. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Twenty-one grand staff bars. Signed 'Frank Wright. | 21st. December 1927.' in bottom right-hand corner. According to Newsome ('The Modern Brass Band'), Wright was 'a highly influential figure in the brass band movement'.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'From "The Waters of Babylon" (Psalm 137) | (May 1935.)', with autograph signature ('E. Phyllis Roberts'). With autograph poem, 'To the Gentle Owner of this Album', signed by 'Moir Carnegie'.

E. Phyllis Roberts, organist, winner of the Henry W. Richards Prize for the organ at the Royal Academy of Music; Dr Moir Carnegie of the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Dated 'June 15th, 1935.'

On one side of a piece of pink paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Eight bars of music and libretto, with staves for 'Soprani', 'Alti', 'Tenori' and 'Bassi'. Covering most of the page, and followed by 'From "The Waters of Babylon" (Psalm 137) | (May 1935.) | E. Phyllis Roberts. | June 15th, 1935.' Twenty-nine line poem 'To the Gentle Owner of this Album' on the reverse, signed 'Moir Carnegie | 21-6-10'. (in whose name a "prestigious" prize was given).

Autograph Signature of Phillips ('Montague F. Phillips'), with manuscript of score of musical phrase; autograph signature of Butterworth ('Clara Butterworth').

Montague Phillips [Montague Fawcett Phillips] (1885-1969), English composer and organist; his wife Clara Butterworth (1888-1996), soprano
Publication details: 
Phillips's signature dated 1927.

On the recto of a piece of pink paper, roughly 17.5 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Phillips's autograph is in the top left-hand corner, reading 'Montague F. Phillips | March 1927.' Above it are four bars of musical notation, marked 'allegro' and titled 'The Fishermen of England. The Rebel Maid" - both by Phillips).' Beneath this, and divided from it by a diagonal line, is Phillips's wife's autograph: 'Yours sincerely | Clara Butterworth'. The couple met while both students at the Royal Academy of Music.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. L. Hatton.') to Bennett.

John Liptrot Hatton [J. L. Hatton] (1809-1886), English composer and conductor [William Cox Bennett (1820-1895)]
Publication details: 
26 October 1859; 3 Goswell St. E.C. [London], on cancelled letterheada of 13 Park Village West, Regents Park.

12mo, 2 pp. Ten lines of text. Good. Asks 'upon what terms' he may 'publish some of the songs I have set from the charming volume you sent me'. He is 'acquainted with the Gentleman' to whom Bennett has dedicated his book: 'it was in his shop I was introduced to Longfellow'. Possibly referring to Bennett's 'A Sea Song' and 'The Sea-Boy's Dream', set to music by Hatton and both published in 1861.

Autograph Manuscript musical score of 'The Curates Gavotte', signed 'W G. Webber'.

William George Webber, English organist and composer [Royal College of Music]
Publication details: 
Dated 'Feb 1928'.

On one side of a piece of printed music paper, roughly 21 x 22 cm. Laid down on a page removed from an album. Good, with one dogeared corner. Seventeen grand staff bars, arranged on four levels, followed by 'Yours sincerely, W G. Webber | Feb 1928'. Webber was at the Royal College of Music at the same time as the father of Andrew and Julian Lloyd Webber, who changed his name from W. S. Webber to W. S. Lloyd Webber to avoid confusion with him. No record of "The Curate's Gavotte" found.

The autographs of the four members of the Gresham Singers.

The Gresham Singers; Hatherley Clarke; Charles Flinn; Greeves Johnson; Leonard Salisbury; Arnold Stoker [English musicians' autographs]
Publication details: 
17 August 1923; Eastbourne.

On a leaf (roughly 11 x 17 cm) removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly spotted paper. Reads 'All good wishes from The Gresham Singers | 17 Aug. 1923 | Eastbourne | Hatherley Clarke | Charles Flinn | Greeves Johnson | Leonard Salisbury'. Signature of 'Arnold Stoker | 7/3/1919' on reverse. Stoker was winner of the Guildhall Gold Medal in 1919.

Traite de la Construction des Theatres.

Alphonse Gosset, Architecte a Reims, Laureat de la Societe Centrale des Architectes (1878).
Publication details: 
Paris: Libraire Polytechnique Baudry et Cie, Editeurs. 1886.

Quarto: 140 pages. 62 plates. Somewhat grubby and with a few nicks and dogears, but good overall, on browning high-acidity paper. In original red printed cloth, stained and with cover becoming detached. Accession number in red in top-right hand corner of title-page.

Copyright publishing agreement for two songs by 'Mr Blanchard' [Thomas Blanchard?], in a secretarial hand, signed by Brewer.

Samuel Brewer, London publisher of sheet music
Publication details: 
27 February 1849; 23 Bishopsgate St. Within [City of London].

4to, 1 p. Bifolium, addressed with postmarks, penny red stamp, and remains of black wax seal, on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr Blanchard, 5 Hackney Terrace, South Hackney'. Text clear and complete. In poor condition, on aged, ruckled and stained paper. Following their 'conversation of Saturday Morning' Brewer agrees 'to purchase the Copyrights of the "City Polka's [sic] & also the Song entitled "Ever the Same" upon the following terms [...]'.

Autograph Letter in the third person to the publishers Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

Sir Charles Hallé [born in Germany as Carl Halle] (1819-1895), English conductor and pianist
Publication details: 
30 June 1890; Sydney, Australia.

12mo, 1 p. Twelve lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged and grubby paper. A formal letter in the third person. He has 'received with surprise the enclosed invoice. [not present] He has given no orders for any copies of the work & must therefore decline to accept the parcel, should it have been sent out to him in Australia.' If it is 'lying at his London house' he will forward it to the firm 'on his return home'.

Programme for 'The "When We Were Very Young" Ball', in aid of the Brompton Hospital, at the Savoy Hotel, London; containing the cast list of 'Past Bedtime', 'Specially written and arranged by Douglas Byng'. Cover illustration by Stewart Ross.

Douglas Byng; Stewart Ross, illustrator [The Brompton Hospital for Consumption]
Publication details: 
Savoy Hotel; 15 January 1930. [Printed by 'Shears, Sydney Street, Chelsea'.]

12mo bifolium (leaf dimensions 21 x 13 cm): 4 pp. On lightly-aged and creased paper, with a little spotting. Strikingly simple stylised illustration (14 x 9 cm) by Ross on cover, depicting a girl with long blonde hair, large black bow an elongated neck. The 'special appeal' (whose patrons are the king and queen) aims to raise £100,000 for 'The Brompton Hospital for Consumption'. The second page lists the Appeal's officers, and the third gives the cast list for Byng's play, including Ernest Thesiger, Viola Tree, Florence Desmond and Cicely Courtneidge.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Ellis') to Messrs Gosling & Sharpe, London bankers.

George Ellis (d.1895) [playwright of Drury Lane and Surrey Theatres?] [the wreck of the Oneida, 1850; August Edouard]
Publication details: 
4 September 1878; on letterhead of 10 Bolton Road, St John's Wood.

12mo bifolium: 3 pp. Good on slightly grubby paper. He wishes to be informed 'which branch of the family the enclosed represent'. 'They are part of a large collection of persons connected with the Stock Exchange & mercantile world. The collection - some hundreds - was saved from the wreck of the "Oneida" in 1850', and is the work of August Edouard, 'who served under the first Napoleon'. He has 'the history of them, and a very interesting one it is'.

Prompt copy typescript, with manuscript stage directions, titled 'Excerpt from Act 3. "Man and Superman" by BERNARD SHAW'.

George Bernard Shaw [Alec Clunes; Arts Theatre Club, London; May Hemery Ltd]
Publication details: 
[London: May Hemery Ltd for the Arts Theatre Club, 1946.]

From the collection of Alec Clunes, who performed as Don Juan in this excerpt from 'Man and Superman' ('Don Juan in Hell') at the Arts Theatre Club in 1946. Carbon copy of typescript by May Hemery Ltd, paginated 1 to 60, on the rectos of sixty leaves, preceded by title leaf ('Excerpt from Act Three | "MAN AND SUPERMAN" | By | BERNARD SHAW'. In original blue paper wraps, with yellow tape spine and label on front wrap. Grubby and worn, and with light staining to wraps, but tight, complete and clear. Numerous manuscript stage directions, mostly on the facing versos.

Autograph Signature with a bar of musical notation.

Willy Hess (1859-1939), German violin virtuoso
Publication details: 
April 1892. Place not stated.

On one side of a piece of pink wove paper, roughly 19 x 15 cm. In poor condition, aged and ruckled, with several closed tears repaired on reverse with archival tape, and a hole (roughly 1 x 1.5 cm) through the musical notation, which heads the page and consists of a staff with grand clef and three notes of music. Beneath this: '[signature, underlined] Willy Hess | April 1892'.

Autograph Signature ('Jan Kubelik') in pencil beneath photographic portrait on cover of Percy Pitt and A. Kalisch's programme for 'Kubelik Farewell Recital' at the Queen's Hall, London.

Jan Kubelik (1880-1940), Czech violinist and composer
Publication details: 
Printed date on programme: 7 October 1905.

The cover is printed on one side of a piece of shiny art paper, roughly 20.5 x 13 cm. Photograph of Kubelik and his violin roughly 10.5 x 8 cm. Paper lightly creased and with slight wear along vertical fold across middle of photograph. Good firm signature.

Autograph Signature and two black and white Photographs.

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990), American composer, pianist and conductor
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, 1973.

All three items in very good condition. Clear, bold signature, on a cropped piece of paper three inches by five wide, reading 'Leonard Bernstein | Edinburgh | <'73>'. The first photograph (six and a half inches by eight wide, and with the stamp of the Scottish Tourist Board on the reverse), shows a smiling Bernstein in a Prince of Wales check double-breasted jacket with a bespectacled old gentleman in a single-breasted pinstripe jacket, admiring a bagpiper in full regalia at a British railway station (Edinburgh Waverley?).

Envelope, addressed in Kean's autograph to the secretary of the Athenaeum Club, James Claude Webster.

Charles Kean [Charles John Kean] (1811-1868), Anglo-Irish actor, son of Edmund Kean [James Claude Webster; the Athenaeum Club, London]
Publication details: 
Docketed 'Decr. 1857.'

The dimensions of the envelope are roughly 6.5 x 12 cm. The flap has been gummed down and the reverse bears traces of glue from previous mounting. The front of the envelope is good, though slightly grubby. Reads 'James Claude Webster Esqe. | Secretary | Athenaeum Club | Pall Mall'. Docketed in a contemporary hand, in the top left corner, 'Charles Kean the Actor. | Decr. 1857.'

Five hand-coloured prints of French actors performing in French and Italian plays at the Comédie Française in the eighteenth century.

Robert Sayer of Fleet Street, London printseller [theatrical prints; Comédie Française; Bellecour; Marie Favart, Trial, Clerval; Laurette]
Publication details: 
All five prints 'Publish'd by Robt. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street London, as the Act directs, 1st. Septr. 1772.'

Each of the five on a piece of good laid paper, roughly 15 cm square. Wide margins, with indentation of plate 9.5 x 8 cm. All five good, with occasional light creasing to margins. The second and third items more aged that the others, but all good and suitable for framing. Delicately engraved and skillfully coloured. Item One: 'Mr. Bellecour. 3 Comed. Franc. Le Joueur. dans la Comédie du même nom.' Item Two: '19 Comed. Franc. Michau et Henri. dans la Partie de Chasse d'Henri IV. Qu'êtes-vous? allons, qu'êtes-vous?' Item Three: 'Made. Favart. 22 Coméd. Ital. La Vieille.

Royal Adelphi Theatre programme for Doyle's play 'The House of Temperley'.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle [Royal Adelphi Theatre]
Publication details: 
['Weightman Mountain & Andrews, Ltd., Printers, 31 & 33 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. 14/2/10' [i.e. 14 February 1910].]

Dimensions roughly 26 x 20 cm. Four printed pages, in a bifolium, stapled into coloured illustrated covers. A scarce piece of theatre ephemera, in reasonable condition: creased, with rusted wraps and with one short closed tear to front cover, which carries the words 'Adelphi Theatre. Sole Proprietors, A. & S. Gatti.' and an illustration, painted in an impressionist style, of a fashionable group dining. Stamped 'Saturday Feb 19'. The back cover, also in colour, carries an advertisement for 'Vinolia Toilet Preparations', with an illustration, entitled 'Envy', by 'W.

Autograph signature.

Noël Eadie [Noel Eadie] (1901-1950), Scottish soprano
Publication details: 
Dated 21 January 1924.

On a leaf of pink paper, roughly 13.5 x 11 cm, removed from an autograph album. Lightly creased and with a thin glue stain along inner margin (not affecting text). The inscription, in a top outer corner, reads 'Noël Eadie | 21. 1. 24'. It is somewhat smudged, either having bled or been badly blotted.

Autograph signature.

Felix Swinstead (1880-1959), English composer
Publication details: 

On piece of laid paper paper (roughly 11 x 16 cm) cut from diary. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Under the heading 'June 25'.

Autograph Signature.

Marie Novello (1898-1928, born Marie Williams), English pianist
Publication details: 
Undated, but around 1917.

On one side of a leaf (roughly 11 x 16 mm), removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper, with some show-through from amusing drawing on reverse by L. E. H. Phipson. Bold signature reads 'Yours Sincerely | Marie Novello'. Drawing on reverse depicts a monocled old fogey protesting his love to a pretty young thing regarding herself in a handmirror. Captioned 'I'd rather be a young man's slave!' Signed by the illustrator 'L. E. H. Phipson | 6/12/1917'. Docketed in pencil.

Autograph Signature.

Hugo Rignold (1905-1976), British violinist and conductor
Publication details: 

On leaf (roughly 10 x 15 cm) torn from autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Signed 'Hugo Rignold' with another signature ('John <?> | <?>') in pencil above it. Docketed in pencil.

Autograph Signature ('Frank Barrington Foote').

Francis Barrington Foote [Frank Barrington Foote] (born c.1850; fl. 1911), English singer
Publication details: 

On piece of laid paper (roughly 13 x 11 cm). Aged and chipped. Reads 'Yours truly | Frank Barrington Foote'. Chipping to the outer edge, very close to the last couple of letters of the signature. Foote, who frequently sang with Adelina Patti at Covent Garden, ended his days destitute in New York City.

Autograph signature ('Henry J. Wood') with publicity photo.

Sir Henry Wood [Sir Henry Joseph Wood (1869-1944); the proms; Royal Albert Hall]
Publication details: 
Undated, but after his knighthood in 1911.

On a leaf (roughly 21.5 x 14) removed from a programme. Grubby, worn and with a central vertical fold. Laid down on a leaf (22 x 18 cm, and ruckled and spotted) removed from an autograph album. The autographed page only carries Wood's photographic portrait (12.5 x 8 cm), captioned 'Sir Henry J. Wood'). Bold signature in bottom right-hand corner of photograph: 'Sincerely yours | Henry J. Wood'.

Autograph Signature ('Hugh P. Allen').

Sir Hugh Allen [Sir Hugh Percy Allen (1869-1946)], English organist and director of the Bach Choir
Publication details: 

On a light-green leaf (11 x 14 cm) removed from an autograph album. Lightly aged and creased. Reads 'Hugh P. Allen | Nov 8. 1928'. Lightly docketed in pencil. Two other autographs on reverse.

Autograph Signature ('Steuart Wilson').

Sir James Steuart Wilson (1889-1966), English tenor and musical administrator
Publication details: 

On a fragment, roughly 11 x 16 cm, of a page of laid paper from a diary. Good, on lightly aged paper. Two signatures, under the heading 'July 22': 'Spencer <?> | Steuart Wilson.' Lightly docketed in pencil.

The signatures of the four musicians on one leaf.

Cedric Sharpe (1891-), cellist and composer; Ethel Hobday (1872-), pianist; Marjorie Hayward, violinist; Dora Stevens, soprano [autographs of British classical musicians]
Publication details: 
Docketed 'Autumn 1924'.

On light-yellow page (roughly 11 x 14 cm) removed from autograph album. Four glue stains showing through from the reverse (not affecting the signatures), otherwise good. Reads 'Dora Stevens | Ethel Hobday | Marjorie Hayward | Cedric Sharpe'. Lightly docketed in pencil.

Autograph Signature ('B. J. Dale').

Benjamin James Dale (1885-1943), English composer, Warden of the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 

On piece of laid paper (roughly 8.5 x 16 cm) cut from diary. On aged paper with wear and 1 cm closed tear at head. Clear and clean signature, beneath the heading 'July 17'.

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