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Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript insertions, and Autograph Signature, for three months' annuity.

Lady Ann Sylvius [nee Howard] [Anne Sylvius] [wife of the English diplomat Sir Gabriell Silvius] [Gabriel de Silvius]
Publication details: 

One page. Dimensions of paper roughly eight inches by six and three-quarters. Trimmed but with no loss to text. Very good on aged paper. 'Received by me [Lady Anne Silvius] Of the Honourable Richard Hampden Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Fifty pounds] in full of all former Directions, and for Three Months Annuity, due at [Xmas] last past, of [200] Pounds per Annum'. Signed 'Ann: Sylvius', and with the signature [slightly trimmed] of 'Eliz Jones'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Fanny [Brough].

Amy Mayhew [daughter of the journalist Henry Mayhew (1812-87)]
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead '22, Berners Street. | W.'

Three pages, 12mo. Very good. The letterhead, in red, carries Mayhew's crest, with his initials 'HM' and motto 'LABOR VINCIT'. An insight into doings within the Mayhew family. As her correspondent has 'not been here', she is concerned that she 'must have offended you in some way or another'.

Signed Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript insertions.

Jane, Countess Dowager of Bridgewater [nee Lady Jane Paulet], widow of John Egerton, 3rd Earl of Bridgewater (1646–1701)
Publication details: 

One page. Paper dimensions roughly fourteen inches by nine and a half inches. Good, with cream paper backing. 'Received then by me [Jane Countess Dowager of Bridgewater ass[ign] of Charles Bertie Esqr] [...] Of [James Vernon Esqr] One of the Four Tellers of the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, the Sum of [Threescore pounds] being for [Twenty ffour] Months Interest of [ffive Hundred Pounds] [...]'. Signed 'J Bridgewater'. Witnessed by 'J Peirce'.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 3) to Col. Harvey

Margot Asquith,
Publication details: 
1913 and 1915

Wife of Prime Minister. 2-5pp., 8vo. Extensive eulogising of her husband, H.H. Asquith, and condemnation of his enemies. (Asquith was replaced by Lloyd George in 1916.) Three items,

Autograph Letter Signed by the Society's secretary W. E. Page to Messrs Coutts & Co, Bankers.

Publication details: 
2 October 1901, on printed letterhead of the Society, 191, High Street, Stoke Newington, N.
Autograph Letter Signed by the Society's secretary

The society's letterhead has a circular engraving, 1 1/2 inches in diameter, of Jesus and a fallen woman, surrounded by the quotation ':JESUS SAID UNTO HER, NEITHER DO I CONDEMN THEE: GO, AND SIN NO MORE.' It describes the Society as 'Being "THE LONDON FEMALE PENITENTIARY," founded at Pentonville, 1807, and "THE GUARDIAN SOCIETY," founded 1812, for the RESCUE, RECLAMATION, and PROTECTION of BETRAYED and FALLEN WOMEN from all parts of the United Kingdom, and now united under one management." 1 page, 8vo. Grubby, with staple marks and a closed tear affecting two words of text.

Part of Autograph Note, third person, to Richard Bentley, publisher.

Maria Edgeworth
Publication details: 
Edgeworthtown, 11 Nov. 1833.

Part of letter, c. 4 x 4",somewhat roughly trimmed with loss of bottom half of text. Surviving text as follows: Miss Edgeworth informs Mr Bentley that by some mistake in the way of sending the packet containing the proof sheet of Helen it came by mail coach & cost 9/10 - / To avoid similar mistakes in future" [text ends]. Bentley published "Helen" in 1834.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs Milner Gibson

Georgiana Fullerton
Publication details: 
27 Chapel Street, Park Lane, W., 20 June (no year)

Novelist and philanthropist. Mrs Milner Gibson, wife of the statesman, Thomas Milner Gibson, was a society hostess of note (see DNB). 2pp., 8vo. She says "It is very cruel to pounce upon those just arrived but [?] the Tale of our poor gentlemen the belongs most to be pitied perhaps of all sufferers. I take advantage of hearing that you are expected in London to beg of you to help us next week. We remember well all you did for us on a former occasion".

Autograph Letter Signed, to an unnamed correspondent.

Ruby M. Ayres.
Publication details: 
Corner Ways, Sheepcote Road, Harrow, 16 Nov. 192[4?]

Novelist. One page, 8vo, minor defects, text clear and complete. She explians her tardy response ot his letter by saying she was abroad. She acknowledges familiarity with the works of Calverley but "I am ashamed to admit that when I wrote "The Road that Bends" [pubd 1916] = some ten years ago, I did not remember that one quotation came from his "First Love"." She thanks him for the "connection".

Autograph letter signed to [Caroline Fox? - item derives from collection of letters addressed to "Miss Fox"]

Agnes Berry
Publication details: 
Richmond <?>6 June (no year).

Friend of Horace Walpole. One page, trimmed 12mo. She cleverly expresses an invitation to visit. The wit is obvious, some of the words not. With: autograph note, trimmed 12mo, Richmond Hill, 2 Aug. (no year), saying simply "Yes certainly pray come to us tomorrow - We dine at 9 - this is all the Post hour will give me leave to day". Two items,

Autograph note signed to an unnamed artist

Agnes Berry.
Publication details: 
Curzon Street, 18 April (no year).

Friend of Horace Walpole, Mary Berry's sister and constant companion (1764-1852). Text as follows: "Will you be so good as let your door be open to us tomorrow about 4 oclock, as our days in London are now so few that we are unwilling to delay any longer our last visit to your Studio."

Signature and minimal text.

E.C. Gaskell.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Novelist (1810-1865). Signature removed from album, c. 3 x 1.5", , clear and attractive text as follows: "Yours very truly / E.C. Gaskell // Plymouth Grove." Thie album from which it was removed contained letters and clipped signatures, some of which had been provided by Sir David Brewster, scientist (see DNB), a relative of the collector. I can find no evidence that Brewster corresponded with Gaskell, but Mrs Gordon's biography of Brewster reveals that they met on at least one occasion.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Locker.

Mrs Elizabeth Charles [nee Rundle] (1828-1896), English author
Publication details: 
Thursday | Combe Edge | Hampstead Heath'.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with some light glue stains on reverse, to which a small printed strip giving a printed list of Mrs Charles's works is attached. 'I was hoping to hear your boy was better - & I am very glad he is - thanks - but I am engaged on Thursday, & for some little time to come - so many people from all quarters coming just now & I hope you may be able to come & see me before very long'. Signed 'Bettie Charles'.

Unpublished Manuscript Poem Signed.

Elizabeth Bentley.
Publication details: 

Of Norwich, labouring-class poetess (1767-1839). Some of her work reprinted in "Women Romantic Poets, 1785-1832. An Anthology", ed. Breen. Piece of paper, c.7 x 6", discoloured and marke, chipped and small tears on fold marks, text clear and complete, 18 lines, rhyming couplets, some as follows: "To Miss Drake and Miss E. Drake. / Dear honour'd ladies, this address excuse, / The grateful tribute of my humble muse; / Ye in whose minds each Grace her charm displays, / And infant Virtue sheds her early rays. . . .

The signatures of the above.

Nancy Astor and Margaret Wintringham
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Piece of paper, laid down on detached album leaf, c.4" x 3", with signatures only of Nancy Astor and Margaret Wintringham, the first and second women MPs, withe note giving that information.

Six Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Margaret Fishenden (nee White)
Publication details: 
1925-6; all items on embossed government letterheads, from various locations including the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Fuel Research Bord.

English scientist (1889-1977), who worked with Rutherford in Manchester. All eight items quarto and very good. Most carrying the Society's stamp and some docketed. All signed 'Margaret Fishenden'. Mostly concerning the delivery and publication of a lecture on 'Domestic Heating'. Letter of 11 January 1926 suggests a number of people who should be invited.

Document signed "Anne Isabella Noel Byron" and others.

Anne Isabella Baroness Noel Byron
Publication details: 
I August 1853.

Conveyance of Lands at Stapleton in the County of Leicester, Joseph Knight and John Edwards (the other signatories) to Baroness Noel Byron, widow of the poet, and others (family). A vellum deed, 26" x 20", folded, 2 leaves, with a PL:AN including the land (coloured) involved in the agreement, c. 12 x 12", adjacent to Wigstones Farm Stapleton and Kirkby Lordship.. Good condition although front panel of folded item is stained without loss or obscuring.

Autograph Letter Signed to T. E. Lea.

Frederick Rowton
Publication details: 
26 November 1884; City of London Institution.

Rowton edited a celebrated anthology of British female poets. One page, 12mo. Poor: grubby and with remains of stub from previous mounting adhering to edge of bifoliate. 'It will give me great pleasure to deliver my Lecture on Charles Dickens at the Southwark Institution during the next Season. - My terms will be eight Guineas for the Three. - | I may perhaps be allowed to say that I am now delivering these Lectures (the Second comes on tomorrow night) at this Institution, with very great success, to crowded audiences.

Autograph Poem Signed.

Elizabeth P. Peabody.
Publication details: 
No place, 16 May 1886

American Educator, established first kindergarten in the USA (1860), sometime Boston bookshop owner, author, member of the Transcendental Club, etc. (see American DNB). A four-line poem in eight lines, one page, c.8 x 5", laid down on another stiffer paper, some ruckling, final word blotched, mainly good condition. First line: "What is Beauty but God, / as He comes to the Eye? . . . [final line] But Eva will be Heaven / tomorrow." She has added " Aged 82".

Autograph Letter Signed "Nellie Harris" to Martin Secker, publisher.

Mrs Frank Harris.
Publication details: 
5 Minetta Lane, New York, 5 March 1946.

Widow of Frank Harris. One page, 8vo, good condition. She reminds him that she signed a contarct for the publication of an abridged version of her "husband's "Book". "Life & Loves". She has yet to receive proofss for her approval, arguing that the book is not yet published. She asks when he will do so.

Autograph Postcard Signed to 'Mrs. Black'.

Eliza Lynn Linton
Publication details: 
Postmarked 8 January 1891; 'Queen Annes Mansions. St James's Park SW.'

Novelist and miscellaneous writer (1822-98). Dimensions roughly five inches by three. Grubby and with minor fraying, loss and closed tears to edges (not affecting text). Printed halfpenny stamp and two postmarks in black ink. Addressed to 'Mrs. Black | 5 Hazlitt Road | W. Kensington | W.' 'I have not received ye Ladies Pictorial, but fine - all very well done with great sympathy & tenderness & so well written - I have begun by informal LSaturdays - & shall be very glad to see you if you could come'. Signed 'E: Lynn Linton'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to [the Hon.] Mrs [Alicia Margaret Tyssen] Amherst.

Augusta Noel (nee Keppel)
Publication details: 
9 May [no year] and 'Friday' [no date] [but both 1885]; on 29A Grosvenor Square letterheads.

English author (1838-1902). The recipient was later Baroness Rockley. Both items are very good. They can be dated from the reference to the Noel's mother (nee Susan trotter, died 1885) and the mourning border. ITEM ONE (three pages, 12mo): 'I send you a very rough little story, for the Children's Hospital book. I do not know whether it will suit your purpose, but I must just let it go as it is.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Anne Benson Procter [nee Skepper] [Bryan Waller Procter, 'Barry Cornwall']
Publication details: 
14 February 1874; 32 Weymouth St, Portland Place, W.

Wife (1799-1888) of the English poet Bryan Waller Procter ('Barry Cornwall', 1787-1874), and stepdaughter of the noted jurist Basil Montagu. One page, 12mo. Very good on slightly paper, and with closed tear to blank second leaf of bifoliate. Written on behalf of her husband during his final illness. 'Mr Procter desires me to say that you have his ready permission to print The Old Arm Chair | I regret to say that my husband is now too feeble to write to you.' Signed 'Anne B. Procter'.

Autograph Letter to the printseller [Dominic Paul] Colnaghi.

Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Bury
Publication details: 
Tuesday 29th April. [no year] | No 3. Park Square | Regent Park'.

English novelist (1775-1861). One page, 12mo. A frail item in poor condition: on discoloured, frayed paper, with several closed tears and some loss to edges. A formal letter in the third person. 'Lady Charlotte Bury presents Her Comp[limen]ts. to Mr: Colnaghi and would be obliged to Him if He could make it convenient to call upon Her any time this Day, as she wishes to speak to Him respecting Some Drawings which she intends to publish'.

Autograph Note, third person, to unknown correspondent.

Lady Charlotte Bury.
Publication details: 

Novelist (see DNB). Page trimmed with loss of correspondent's name etc., laid down on stiff paper. "Lady Charlotte Bury earnestly requests to have proof sheets sent ot her." Note: Perhaps proofs of ‘‘The Three Great Sanctuaries . . ." published in 1833.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Gentlemen" [ her publishers ]

Mary C. Hay.
Publication details: 
Astley, [Hadwall] Salop, 28 March 187[2?].

Novelist (see DNB). Two pages, 8vo, minor defects, text clear and complete. She asks them to republish some of her periodical work in book form. "The first story wd be a volume in itself (it is called 'At the Seaside'). The others wd be short ones from 'London Society', 'Tinsley', 'Belgravia', 'The Argosy', 'St. James' . . ." She will await a proposal and leave the terms to them.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Mary Carpenter
Publication details: 
Red Lodge House | Bristol Sept. 6. 62'.

English educationalist and philanthropist (1807-77). One page, 12mo. Good, but on discoloured paper and with remnants of three labels from previous mounting adhering. Reads 'Dear Sir | The parcel went off to-day by Luggage train. It can be opened if more convenient to pack. | Please to let me know which sketch you prefer. The Red Sea, the Distant Pyramids or Garibaldi's Island.'

Autograph Note Signed "M Baron Wilson", to "Mr E. J. Carpenter, (Office), Bull & Mouth City".

Mrs Margaret Baron Wilson
Publication details: 
No place, 12 May 1834.

Maiden name was Margaret Harries 1797-1846, author (DNB). One page, minor defects, text clear and complete. "After due consideration, tho' I think the enclosed Poem very good, I fear it may offend some of my readers - and I therefoe, return it you - The rest shall be made use of - I believe one has already appeared. . ." Note: In 1834 she was editing "The New Monthly Belle Assemblée".

Autograph Letter Signed to [Morley] Stuart, editor of the Cambridge Daily News.

Florence A. Keynes
Publication details: 
{Headed notepaper-official] The Guildhall, Cambridge, 7 Nov. 1933.

Mother of John Maynard Keynes, sometime Mayor of Cambridge. One page, 4to, minor defects, text clear and complete, as follows: You are really too kind in what you say in this evening's paper - but I do greatly appreciate your good will, & the support you have invariably given me during my year of office. / You & your staff have been of real assistance throughout. Please accept my very warm thanks."

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mr Redgrave", one of the Artistic Redgrave brothers (see DNB).

Anna Maria Hall.
Publication details: 
Avenue Villa, 50 Holland Street, Kensington, W., London, 17 Feb. [no year].

Irish novelist and editor, see DNB. She is not allowed to leave the house but cxan have visitors. Her husband, Samuel Carter Hall, has been very ill as has his nephew Sanford Rochat. She thanks God that Rochat "is able to get back in a quiet way to the War Office - and Mr Hall is working not so quietly at "the Art Journal again" - but it has been a dangerous season. She looks forward to seeing him and reports on the health of friends.

Autograph note, third person, to de La Rue, Library, Soho Square.

Lady Perceval.
Publication details: 
Curzon St, 10 July [1805 (postmark and librarian's[?]note).

One page, 4to, minor defects, text clear and complete. "Lady Perceval's Compts. to <. de La Rue, & requests he will send the following Books, or, if he has them not in the Library that he will be so good as to write for them to Paris./ Gradus ad Parnassum - bonne Edition francoise-/ Les opuscules Latins[sic] de M. Le Bean/ 2 Vols./ Praed[i]um Rusticum de Vaniere [Jacobi Vanierii Praedium rusticum.. Jakob Vaniers Gedichte von der Landwirthschaft.

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