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[ M. E. Braddon, Victorian novelist. ] Autograph Note Signed ('M. E Braddon') expressing thanks for a gift.

M. E. Braddon [ Mary Elizabeth Braddon, 'Mrs. John Maxwell' ] (1835-1915), Victorian novelist, author of 'Lady Audley's Secret'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lichfield House, Richmond. 1 January 1878.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'With Mary Maxwell's love & best wishes, & many thanks for the charmingly illustrated Xmas book of The Children in the Wood | M. E Braddon | January 1. 1878.'

[ John Gibson Lockhart, Scottish author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J G Lockhart'), with red wax seal, to the travel writer Mrs Henry Stistetd [ Clotilda Elizabeth Stisted ], commending her book ('Letters from the Bye-ways of Italy').

John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854), Scottish author, editor of Quarterly Review, son-in-law of Sir Walter Scott [ Clotilda Elizabeth Stisted [ Mrs. Henry Stisted ] (1790-1868), Irish travel writer ]
Publication details: 
Regents Park. 5 February 1846.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed (with seal in red wax, and two postmarks) on reverse of second leaf: 'through France | Italie | Mrs Stisted | Villa Brodrick | Bagni di Lucca'. He thanks her for sending 'a very agreeable book', which he wishes had reached him ' a year ago when the Quarterly Review was taking Lady Travellers in hand'. If 'another batch of them' should be 'ready by & bye' her book 'will run no risk of being forgotten'.

[ Elizabeth Wright Macauley, poet, actress and Owenite preacher. ] Corrected draft of Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliz Wright Macauley'), 'To the King' (i.e. King William IV), in favour of the royal imposter 'Princess Olive of Cumberland'.

Elizabeth Wright Macauley (c.1785-1837), actress, poet, playwright and Owenite lecturer [ Olivia Serres [née Wilmot] (1772-1835), royal impostor claiming to be Princess Olive of Cumberland ]
Publication details: 
52 Clarendon Square, St Pancras [ London ]. 23 September 1833.

10pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An accompanying entry from a French manuscripts catalogue states that the letter was sent to the magazine 'The Age', but not printed.

[ William Howitt, Victorian author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Howitt') to a 'Dear Friend', regarding a coming Chancery action against 'Saunders', 'Dilke', and the 'Autograph and Album mania' ('the great pestilence of the day').

William Howitt (1792-1879), English author, spiritualist and friend of Elizabeth Gaskell
Publication details: 
Clapton. 21 February 1847.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. Written in a difficult hand, but with an accompanying contemporary manuscript transcription on a separate leaf. Addressed to 'Dear Friend'. He begins by saying that he is sending autographs, but explains that, so great is his 'horror', that it is his practice to 'destroy all that come into my hands. | Without reference to you in particular, I regard the Autograph and Album mania as the great pestilence of the day'.

[ Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd. ] Nine Typed Letters Signed, five of them by managing director Gustave Tuck, to royal photographer Marcus Adams, regarding rights, and copyright infringement by a 'German Rattle', of images of Princess Elizabeth and others.

Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd, Moorfields, London publishers known for their postcards [ Gustave Tuck; Sir Reginald Tuck; Marcus Adams (1875-1959), royal photographer; Bertram Park (1883-1972) ]
Publication details: 
All nine on letterhead of 'Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ld., Raphael House, Moorfields, London, E.C.2. Dating from between 1928 and 1935.

11pp., 4to. Five are signed by Gustave Tuck, three by Desmond A. Tuck and one by Sir Reginald Tuck (the three men being named on the letterhead, together with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as the company's directors). Four are addressed to Adams personally, four to his firm (with one for the attention of 'Miss Dorothy Clarke'), and one to Bertram Adams, another royal photographer, with whom Adams shared premises at 43 Dover Street, Mayfair. The ornate letterhead, printed in brown, carries royal warrants and an engraving of Raphael House. On aged and worn paper, with slight damp staining.

[ Bertram Park, photographer. ] Thirteen Typed Letters Signed to royal photographer Marcus Adams, his son Gilbert, and two others, written with rancour regarding their joint business arrangements, and expressing contempt for the photographer's art.

Bertram Park [ Bertram Charles Percival Park ] (1883-1972), British photographer, author and horticulturalist [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959), royal photographer; his son Gilbert Adams (1906-1996) ]
Publication details: 
Either on letterheads of 43 Dover Street, Mayfair ('Studios: Bertram Park, Marcus Adams Ltd., Yvonne Gregory, James Vintner.'), or the Old Shooting Box, Eastcote High Road, Pinner, Middlesex. One dated 1950, the rest from between 1954 and 1962.

Thirteen Typed Letters Signed: seven to Marcus Adams, four to Gilbert Adams, and one apiece to 'Miss Farr' and 'Mr Murray'. Totalling 16pp., and with eight on Dover Street letterheads, and five on Park's personal Pinner letterheads. Five signed 'Bertram', one 'B.P.'', the other seven 'Bertram Park'. The thirteen items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear.

[ First edition, inscribed by the author. ] Portraits of my Married Friends; or, A Peep into Hymen's Kingdom.

'Uncle Ben' [ Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth White (c.1820-1866, née Waterman [ Rhoda White ]]
Publication details: 
New York: D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway. London: 16 Little Britain. 1858.

343pp., 8vo, with sixteen-page publishers' catalogue at rear. Frontispiece and six full-page illustrations (one for each story). In blue cloth, with decorations in gilt on boards, and gilt titles on spine, all edges gilt, and attractive patterned endpapers. In fair condition, on aged paper, rebacked. Inscription on reverse of frontispiece reads: 'To Mary Charnock, | from the Author, | Mrs Rhoda E. White, | with every kindest wish.

[ 'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' on her brother-in-law G. K. Chesterton. ] Typescript of an article ('sketch') titled 'G. K. C. IN FLEET STREET. | by | Mrs. Cecil Chesterton.'

'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' [ Ada Elizabeth Chesterton, née Ada Eliza Jones ] (1869-1962), journalist and sister-in-law of the writer G. K. Chesterton [ Gilbert Keith Chesterton ] (1874-1936)
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after the demise of the 'New Witness' in 1923, and before G. K. Chesterton's death in 1936.

3pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged, worn and browned paper. Ada Chesterton worked with her brother-in-law while assistant editor of the 'New Witness'. Her admiration for his talents was fully reciprocated, G. K. Chesterton describing his sister-in-law as 'brilliant'. It begins: 'Very much has been written and said of G. K. C. the poet, the pamphleteer, the genius of paradox, who holds the attention of his listeners by his dazzling sleight of words. I am going to write of him from a different angle - G. K. C. the journalist as he is known and gauged in Fleet Street.

[Elizabeth Rundle Charles, Victorian author and hymn-writer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bessie Charles') to 'Mrs Leader'

Bessie Charles [ Elizabeth Rundle Charles ] (1828-1896), author of 'The Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family' (1862)
Publication details: 
7 Victoria Street, Westminster. 'Sunday' [no date].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. With mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper. Declining a dinner invitation and expressing regret at not being able to call, being 'very much occupied'.

[John Jay Chapman, American essayist.] Autograph Draft of Letter to Kenneth Macgowan, President, Harvard Dramatic Club, regarding the reading of a play 'under the auspices of the Dramatic Club'.

John Jay Chapman (1862-1933), American author, husband of Elizabeth Astor Winthrop Chanler (1866-1937) [Kenneth Macgowan (1888-1963), President, Harvard Dramatic Club]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Sylvania, Barrytown-on-Hudson [New York state]. 3 November 1910.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He writes that he will be 'most delighted to read the play under the auspices of the Dramatic Club'. He suggests a date, 'as being the farthest off & giving time generally', but if another is preferable, he 'can attend'. If Macgowan 'will fix the day and let know [sic] - (in case Monday is a bad day)', he will 'follow your decision'.

[Women's suffrage; printed handbill] Pamphlet headed 'Married Women's Property Committee', containing transcript of letter from Secretary Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme and 'Directions for preparing a Petition to the House of Commons'.

Mary C. Wolstenholme, Secretary, Married Women's Property Committee [John Hinde Palmer; female suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[Married Women's Property Committee.]

[2]p., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged, disbound. Wolstenholme's letter, dated '63, FINBOROUGH ROAD, S.W., | February 15th, 1873.', on the recto of the first leaf; and the 'DIRECTIONS' on the recto of the second. The letter begins: 'The "Married Women's Property Act (1870) Amendment Bill" No. I, introduced by Mr. Hinde Palmer, stands as the first order of the day for Wednesday next, the 19th inst., and will, if it passes the second reading on that day, be put down for committee on Friday, the 21st inst.' No copy traced, either on COPAC or on OCLC WorldCat.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Legislative Restrictions on the Industry of Women, considered from the Women's Point of View.

Josephine E. Butler, Ada Smith, Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme, Dinah Goodall, Emilie A. Venturi [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
'Matthews and Sons, Steam Printers, 54, Berwick Street, London, W.' [1874.]

18 + [1]pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, no wraps, disbound. Authors named at end as: 'JOSEPHINE E. BUTLER, Liverpool. | ADA SMITH, (Factory Worker,) Nottingham. | ELIZABETH C. WOLSTENHOLME, Congleton. | DINAH GOODALL, (Factory Worker,) Leeds. | EMILIE A. VENTURI, London.' Apparently no copy on market currently.

[Printed item.] Report of Proceedings, including Annual Report, Subscription List, Treasurer's Balance Sheet, and Speeches at the Annual Meeting, Held at the Rooms of the Social Science Association, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, 23rd January, 1879.

[Married Women's Property Committee] Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[Married Women's Property Committee.] Manchester: Alexander Ireland & Co., Printers. 1879.

39 + [1]pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. One copy on COPAC (at the Bishopsgate Library) and none on OCLC WorldCat.

Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Proof Copy of Tenth Annual Report of the Married Women's Property Committee, presented at the Annual Meeting, February 4th, 1880.

[Married Women's Property Committee] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[Married Women's Property Committee.] ['A. Ireland & Co., Printers, Pall Mall, Manchester.'] [1880.]

[1] + 16pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. No copy of this proof on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. Three copies of the report on OCLC WorldCat, and none on COPAC or at the British Library.

[Female suffrage; printed handill.] Married Women's Property Act (1870) Amendment Bill. Explanatory Statement.

[Married Women's Property Committee] [Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer] [Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy (1833-1918)] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[Married Women's Property Committee.] 'A. Ireland and Co., Printers, Pall Mall, Manchester.' Undated [1874 or later].

2pp., 8vo. Handbill with drophead title, and the first page headed: 'Copies of this Leaflet, price 8d. per 100 post free, and of all other papers issued by the Committee, may be had from the Secretary, Mrs. WOLSTENHOLME ELMY, Congleton, Cheshire.' In good condition, lightly-aged, disbound. No copy on COPAC or at the British Library. One copy on OCLC Worldcat.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Session of 1881. Married Women's Property Committee.

[Married Women's Property Committee] [Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer?] [Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy (1833-1918)] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[Married Women's Property Committee.] No printer [but probably by A. Ireland & Co., Manchester]. [1881.]

3pp., 8vo. Drophead title, followed by a list in two columns of names of 28 members of the Committee, including 'DR. PANKHURST' and 'MRS. PANKHURST', below which are names and addresses of treasurer and secretary. Text begins: 'Mr. J. HINDE PALMER, M.P., Q.C., will, immediately upon the meeting of Parliament on the 6th of January, re-introduce the Married Women's Property Acts Consolidation Bill, [...]'. The third page is headed 'WANTED, THREE HUNDRED POUNDS' and dated 'January, 1881.' Regarding an offer of £50 by 'Mr. R. B.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Debate in the House of Commons on the Second Reading of the Married Women's Property Act (1870) Amendment Bill. Introduced by Mr. HINDE PALMER, on Wednesday, February 19th, 1873.

[Married Women's Property Act, 1873; Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme; J. G. Shaw Lefevre; John Hinde Palmer; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer]
Publication details: 
Manchester: Alexander Ireland & Co., Printers. 1873. [At foot of last page: 'Copies of this pamphlet may be had from Miss WOLSTENHOLME, 63, Finborough Road, London, S.W.']

22pp., 8vo. Disbound, and with title-leaf loose, otherwise in good condition, lightly-aged. J. G. Shaw Lefevre, as well as Gregory, Lopez, O. Morgan, Staveley Hill, W. Fowler, W. S. J. Wheelhouse, P. H. Muntz, H. C. Raikes, and the Attorney General. Three copies on COPAC, and three on OCLC WorldCat. No copy currently on the market.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Mr. Hinde Palmer's Married Women's Property Bill. (From the Law Times, March 1, 1873.)

[John Hinde Palmer; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; Married Women's Property Bill, 1873] [Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy (1833-1918)] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
['Copies of this paper may be had from Miss WOLSTENHOLME, 63, Finborough Road, S.W.'] ['A. Ireland and Co., Printers, Manchester.'] [1873.]

4pp., 8vo. Drophead title. In good condition, lightly-aged, disbound. No copy on COPAC, and the only copy on OCLC WorldCat at the National Library of Australia.

[Female suffrage; printed handbill.] Mr. Mundella, M.P., on the Right of Women to Work for Wages.

'Mr. Mundella, M.P.' [Anthony John Mundella [A. J. Mundella] (1825-1897); Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy (1833-1918)] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Frederick Bell & Co., Steam Printers, King's Road, Chelsea. Signed in type at end: 'ELIZABETH C. WOLSTENHOLME, | 63, Finborough Road, London, S.W.'

1p., 8vo. Handbill with drophead title. In fair condition, aged and chipped at extremities. Laid down on leaf removed from book. No copy traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Violet Attlee, wife of the Prime Minister Clement Attlee.] Autograph Note Signed ('V H A') at head of Autograph Letter from Downing Street secretary E. J. Sayer, apologising for a mistake.

Violet Helen Attlee [née Millar] (1896-1964), Countess Attlee, wife of Clement Attlee (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, Labour Prime Minister; Elizabeth Sayer, later Cooper, Downing Street secretar
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Prime Minister. Sayer's apology: 30 March 1950. Violet Attlee's reply on the same day.

1p., on 20.5 x 8.5 cm slip, headed by the Prime Minister's official letterhead. Sayer's apology is headed 'Mrs Attlee', and she writes that she feels she 'must apologise in writing for the mistake I made over the arrangements for giving your two seats to the Misses Trevor', hoping that it did not cause inconvenience and promising not to do the like again. Violet Attlee's reply, headed 'Miss Sayer', is at the head of the letter: 'Please don't worry. It is quite a relief to me to find that somebody besides myself makes mistakes! | W H A 30/3'.

Elizabethan manuscript vellum bond of Robert Mote of Lambeth Surrey yeoman to William Evans citizen and merchant tailor of London, concerning a messuage in the Parish of St Saviour's Southwark.

[Robert Mote of Lambeth; William Evans, citizen of London and merchant tailor]
Publication details: 
[London.] 3 June 22 Eliz. [1580].

On one side of a small skin of vellum (circa 28 x 29 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English, with signed Latin note on reverse by a notary public. Boundaries given. Scan on application.

[Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames.] Nine indentures, deeds, and other property documents, including one signed by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon and her son, another by her husband William Babbington Maxwell, and one by Sir Henry George Norris.

Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames, owned by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon [Mrs Maxwell] (1835-1915), Sir Henry George Norris (1865-1934), MP, Henry Lascelles (1690-1753), MP and slave owner
Publication details: 
[Relating to Lichfield House, Sheen Road, Richmond upon Thames.] London; between 1914 and 1933.

Lascelles bought Lichfield House in 1729, and committed suicide there in 1753. The enormous success of Braddon's novels 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862) and 'Aurora Floyd' (1863) allowed her to buy Lichfield House, where she too died. It was demolished in the 1930s. ONE: Manuscript indenture on vellum. 'Mrs. M. E. Maxwell to G. M. Maxwell Esq | Conveyance of freehold property known as "The Homestead" Sheen Road Richmond Surrey'. 10 June 1914. 4pp., 8vo, with covering page. Laid out in usual fashion, bound with green ribbon with tax stamps, Land Registry stamp, and two seals in red wax.

[Sir Egerton Brydges.] Part of the Autograph Manuscript of his 'Clavering's Auto-Biography', containing portraits of Mrs Chapone, Captain Francis Grose, Joseph Ritson, Isaac D'Israeli, the Miss Burys; Dr Charles Symmons and Caroline Symmons.]

Sir Egerton Brydges [Samuel Egerton Brydges] (1762-1837), writer and genealogist [Lee Priory Press; Mrs Chapone; Francis Grose; Joseph Ritson; Isaac D'Israeli; Dr Charles Symmons; Horace Walpole]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but published in 'The Metropolitan' magazine, London, July 1832.

On both sides of a 33 x 12.5 cm strip of paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with tiny part of mount adhering to one corner, and the merest loss to another. 'Egerton Bry' is written in another small hand in light pencil at the head. The Osborn Collection at Yale possesses what its catalogue entry describes as a 'probably incomplete' section of the manuscript, ' purporting to be the memoirs of a certain John Fitznigel Clavering, whose career and interests bear a strong likeness to those of Brydges himself'. The Yale cataloguer is unaware that 'Clavering's Auto-Biography.

Elizabeth Smith of Consiton, biblical scholar and translator.] Part of manuscript by 'Miss Elizabeth Smith of Coniston given to S L by her Mother', on the 'anarchy & confusion' threatening the world as a result of the decline of Sunday worship.

Elizabeth Smith (1776-1806) of Coniston, biblical scholar and translator, sister of Sir Charles Felix Smith (1786-1858)
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

2pp., 4to. On a single leaf of aged and worn paper. 56 lines of text (26 lines to each page), with one emendation ink (deleted) and another in pencil. Apparently unpublished. The first page begins: 'It is presumed we have now refuted the arguments, if arguments they may be called, of those who dispute our being bound to observe the sabbath; but there still remains another question - how it is to be observed?

[Eliza Straubenzee, formerly wife of the London banker John Hankey.] Autograph Letter Signed to her 'dear Children', addressed to her son John Peter Hankey, written from India following her 'interesting and remarkable trial' for adultery.

Eliza [Lydia] Straubenzee [née Thomson; previously Hankey] (c.1757-1825), wife of Lt Col. [Marwood] Turner Van Straubenzee (c.1748-1823), following her divorce from London merchant banker John Hankey
Publication details: 
Poonamalee [Poonamallee, India]. 29 January 1784.

The present item presents a double significance as a result of the circumstances in which it was composed. The author writes in a tone of forced levity to her two sons John Peter Hankey (1770-1807) and Thomson Hankey (1773-1855), grandsons of the banker Sir Thomas Hankey (1704-1770), from whom she is separated as a result of her divorce from their father, following a sensational adultery case, her marriage to Hankey having been dissolved by an act of parliament in the previous year, her hairdresser and maid having deposed that she was living in a state of intimacy with Lt-Col.

[Elizabeth Rayner Parkes, campaigner for women's rights.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bessie R Belloc') to an unnamed male recipient, regarding the sending of 'the particulars of my Life', in response to a circular.

Elizabeth Rayner Parkes [ Bessie Belloc ] (1929-1925), journalst and campaigner for women's rights
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 11 Great College Street, Westminster. 20 April 1898.

1p., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with small pin holes at head. The letter reads: 'I enclose the particulars of my Life for which you have asked me [not present] | I only received your communication on the 7th of April, tho' I see your circular is dated in March; or I would have written earlier -'. In a contemporary hand on the reverse: 'Madame Belloc, authoress, has written interesting memoirs. A prominent lady of the older literary generation.'

[The Chester Vale coffee plantation, Jamaica, owned by the Breon family.] Six sets of manuscript accounts, four for Edmund Breon; one for Thomas Cockburn, guardian of Miss Elizabeth Susanna Breon; and one for her husband Colin McLarty, MD.

[The Chester Vale coffee plantation, Jamaica; Edmund Breon, proprietor; his daughter Elizabeth Susanna Breon; her husband Colin McLarty; Thomas Cockburn of Cockburn, Robertson & Vassall, solicitors]
Publication details: 
Kingston, Jamaica. 1785, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1792, 1795.

Chester Vale, a substantial estate of 1420 acres, paid taxes on 124 slaves in 1801. McLarty (d.1844) was Physician-General for Surrey (Jamaica), and several letters written by him from the island are in the National Library of Scotland, and are quoted in Alan L Karras's 'Sojourners in the Sun: Scottish Migrants in Jamaica and the Chesapeake, 1740-1800' (Cornell, 1992). In 1794 he acquired Chester Vale on his marriage to Elizabeth Susanna Breon, whose father Edmund Breon had died in 1792, leaving her the ward of the solicitor Thomas Cockburn.

[Elisabeth Frink, English sculptor.] Invitation and illustrated programme of her 'First one-man Exhibition' of 'Sculpture & Drawings', at the St George's Gallery, London.

Elisabeth Frink [Elizabeth Jean Frink] (1930-1993), English sculptor and printmaker [Yolanda Sonnaband (b.1935), theatre designer and portrait painter; Typography Froshaug]
Publication details: 
St George's Gallery, 7 Cork Street, London W1. 17 May to 18 June 1955. The programme by 'Typography Froshaug / Printed in Great Britain'.

Both items on aged and lightly-worn paper. ONE: Invitation. Printed postcard, addressed on reverse to 'Mrs Molanda [sic] Sonnaband, | 30, Hamilton Terrace, | N.W.8.' Tastefully designed, in sans-serif font, the card reads: 'Elisabeth Frink | Basil Jonzen requests the honour of your company at the Private View of the first one-man exhibition of sculpture & drawings of Elisabeth Frink at St. George's Gallery Paintings & Sculpture. 3pm Tuesday 17 May 1955 | 10am to 6pm (1pm Saturdays) 7 Cork Street . London W1'. TWO: Programme.

[Margaret Francis Harris, theatre designer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Margaret Harris') to 'Mr Rhodes', discussing the sale of her 'Motley designs' to the University of Illinois.

Margaret Harris [Margaret Francis Harris] (1904-2000), English opera, costume and theatre designer [Motley Theatre Design Group]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Theatre Design Course at Riverside, Riverside Studios, Crisp Road, Hammersmith. 17 June 1982.

2pp., 8vo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She apologises for not being able to be 'helpful on any of your questions'. She does not even possess a copy of her own 'Designing and Making Stage Costume'. 'I have no Motley designs at all, as every one which was in my possession has been sold to the University of Illinois, who have taken the whole collection of about 3000 swatches.' She is glad to hear that he has some of them, 'as it means that there are a few still in this country'.

[Dilys Powell, journalist and film critic.] Typed Letter Signed to Robert Swan, declining his 'interesting offer' of 'original portrait drawings' by Swan himself.

Dilys Powell [Elizabeth Dilys Powell] (1901-1995), British journalist, author and film critic [Robert Swan]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Sunday Times, 135 Fleet Street, London. 14 Octobeer 1936.

1p., 4to. On creased and lightly-aged paper, with wear and chipping to edges. She thanks him for his letter 'and for your offer of original potrait drawings by yourself', in which she was 'greatly interested'. She explains that there is a limitation of space, 'and as a general rule we are exhibiting portraits only when we can associate with them some other relic or possession of the writer concerned'. In response to 'our appeal' she has received 'souvenirs of past writers, and I am concentrating on these. This being so, I feel I must very reluctantly decline your interesting offer'.

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