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Four Autograph Notes Signed to "Mr Henry" (1917. 1919) and Mrs Henry (1927).

Philip Connard.
Publication details: 
Little Sutton (x1), 17a Whiteheads Grove, Chelsea (x3),1917 (x1), 1919 (x2), 1927 (x1).

Artist (see DNB), official war artist to Royal Navy (Ist WW), etc. Total 4pp, 8vo, good condition.(1917) He mentions Henry's illness and suggests that he continue the portrait when he returns from the States. (1919) Thanks ("It is good of you to give to A.B.F."). "The title is all right & settled long ago ". He sends tickets for a Private View at the RA and ASBI dinner hoping he will be his guest. (1927) He accepts a dinner invitation from Mrs Henry and suggests a game of golf ("if so will will he [Mr Henry] come with me to Royal Wimbledon"). Four items,

Printed petition 'To the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council for Trade and Plantations', calling for the repeal of all duties on goods arriving in the Port of London, and for an extension of 'the Warehousing System'.[

Publication details: 
Cooke, Printer, Dunstan's Hill,'; dated '76, Cornhill, | 9 March 1814.'

2 pages, 4to, on the rectos of both leaves of a bifoliate. Folded for self-mailing, and addressed on the verso of the second leaf to 'Mr: F Huth | 1 South Street | Finsbury Square'. This page, which has 'URGENT; - | On Warehousing System' printed on it, also carries two oval postmarks, one of which, in black ink, reads 'TwoPyPost. | Unpaid | Lombard St'. Docketed '1814 | M. L. P. Merac | London 9 March'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edward, Prince of Saxe-Weimar
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Army officer (1823-1902), nephew of Queen Adelaide, wife of William IV, and one of the young Queen Victoria's playfellows. Paper dimensions roughly 2 1/2 inches by 1 1/2. In good condition, although with two light creases. Reads 'Edd. Saxeweimar'. Small fragment of letter with mourning border on reverse. Docketed in heavy black ink on reverse 'Prince Edd of Saxe Weimar', with some showthrough under signature on other side.

Autograph Letter Signed "Charlie Beresford" to "Maurice" [prob. Sir John Frederick Maurice, see DNB].

Charles Beresford, Lord Beresford
Publication details: 
Somerby Hall, Oakham, 29 [March] 1888.

Admiral (see DNB). 4 pages, 8vo, small piece of tape masks the month and another word, ow good and clear. His correspondent's letter to him has depressed him because it underates the "immense appriacation we as Seamen have for the patriotic line you have lately taken up." He is "delighted" with Maurice's book [prob. "Military History of the Campaign of 1882 in Egypt" published this year, 1888]. "I quite agree with you in all you say & consider your views the real statesmanlike Views of that immensely important point.


[JAPANESE PRISONERS OF WAR] "orders [...] issued by the Japanese Western Command FUKUOKA Prisoners of War Camps Orders"
Publication details: 
[Fukuoka, Japan], circa 1943.

Fukuoka is notorious as the site of some of the worst of the atrocities committed by the Japanese during World War II, including the vivisection of eight living American airmen. Twelve standing orders, each described in detail, and most with lettered subdivisions (46 in all), covering more than 120 lines of text, typedwritten with corrections, on one side each of two 4to sheets of wove paper, both sheets approximately fourteen inches by nine. Creased and with a small amount of fraying, but in good condition overall.

Ruled exercise book filled calling cards, telegrams and Autograph and Typed Letters andn other communications of congratulation on the bar mitzvah of Thomas Bendheim.

Publication details: 
Most date from September 1941; most from London.

Mr and Mrs H. Benheim and family lived at 17 Holcroft Avenue, London, NW2. The exercise book has green wraps, with 'HABERDASHERS' ASKE'S HAMPSTEAD SCHOOL' printed on the front and scored through. Above this, in manuscript, 'R. Bendheim. | French Grammar & Vocab'. 23 ruled leaves, with the material mostly glued over the pencil French exercises. A few items loosely inserted. Not in the best of condition, but a fascinating insight into the Jewish community of north London at a critical moment in its history.

Autograph Note Signed to Mrs <Swanthwaite?>.

Vice-Admiral Sir Percy Scott
Publication details: 
Monday' [no date]; on letterhead of the United Service Club, Pall Mall, S.W.

British naval officer and inventor (1853-1924; DNB). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition. Attached to larger piece of card, docketed with a brief biography. 'I shall be delighted to come tomorrow at 4. pm. | Yours sincerely | Percy Scott'.

Autograph Signature.

General James Harold Doolittle
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Distinguished and much-decorated American general (1896-1993), who during World War II led a squadron of army bombers in a series of intrepid raids on the Japanese mainland. In good condition. On a piece of paper 3 inches by 5 inches.

6 Typed Letters Signed to Mrs Theodora Roscoe.

Sir Arthur Bryant
Publication details: 
1945-1950; the first three from The White House, East Claydon, near Bletchley, Bucks, the next two from 18 Rutland Gate, London, and the last one from Smedmore House, near Wareham, Dorset.

English historian and biographer of Pepys (1899-1985). All six letters are 1 page, 8vo. In poor condition: creased, frayed and discoloured, with ruststains from a paperclip. All six are signed 'Arthur Bryant' and three are addressed to Mrs Cecil Roscoe, presumably the recipient's husband's name. Two of the letters are addressed to Roscoe at the Society of Women Journalists, Stationers' Hall. In the first letter Bryant says he would be pleased to address the Society. He might however be forced to cancel, 'owing to my absence from the country on Service duty'.

Autograph Letter Signed by 'Handley'

Publication details: 
No date [c.1940-1]; Sgts. Mess, Mildenhall, Suffolk.

2 pages, 8vo, both with Royal Air Force letterhead bearing the motto 'PER ARDUA AD ASTRA'. Not in good condition - creased, frayed, torn and discoloured - but a marvellous and immediate piece of history, regarding what one authority describes as the 'strategic bombing [...] principally against the Ruhr, on which No.149 concentrated during the winter of 1940-1'. The letter begins 'Dear Mum, | Just a line to thank you for the photographs, I think that one of you is very good.

Autograph Signatures of several members on printed keepsake.

D Squadron
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Presumably printed for a Royal Air Force regimental reunion. Card bifoliate, 16mo, with 3 pages printed in green ink and featuring crude vignette of men in action in black ink on recto of first leaf, and with verso of second leaf reserved for autographs. Discoloured but in good condition. Recto of first leaf headed '"D" Squadron | R.A.F. Regiment O.C.T.U., Sidmouth. | 29th October, 1942 - 23rd January, 1943.' Across the opening are listed the men of nos. 13, 14, 15 and 16 flights. Among around a dozen autograph signatures in pencil or pen are those of the Squadron Commander Major J.

autograph letter signed to Major William Owen Lanyon, C.M.G. [later Sir William Owen Lanyon, Administrator of the Transvaal]

Earl of Carnarvon
Publication details: 
4pp, 8vo, 30 August 1875, no place, on mourning letterhead with blindstamped Carnarvon crest

Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon, British statesman who made Canada a confederation but failed to create a federation of South Africa; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Interesting matter relating to South African affairs. He encloses (not present) a passage of Lanyon's from the Government Gazette.

Document Signed.

Henry Marchant.
Publication details: 

Revolutionary patriot, Continental Congressman and lawyer, Rhode Island (1741-1796). Two pages, 4to, damaged and soiled but text clear and complete. Summary in different hand "1784 / Case to answer in the Estate of Joseph Warton Esq., by Henry Marchant on Ist Decr. 1784" [Warton was Colonial Governor of Rhode Island.] Marchant states the problem relating to the liabilities of Warton's widow and gives his opinion as to the circumstancers in which she was answerable to the liabilities and claims.

Autograph note signed to Sir John Cam Hobhouse (1786-1869, later Baron Broughton), President of the Board of Control,

Sir Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere
Publication details: 
4 June 1847, Belgrave Square.

General (1773-1865), who distinguished himself as commander of the allied cavalry in the Peninsular War. One page, 8vo. "Although Captn: Martin did not serve under my Command in India, I venture to forward to you his Memorial, and trust you will take an opportunity of bringing his claim under the gracious & favourable consideration of Her Majesty - I have the honor to be / Sir / Yr. most obt. Hble: Sert: / Combermere. Genl. / late commr: in Chief / in India". Paper ruckled, and with glue stains from previous mounting. With biographical cutting adhering to head of recto.

one autograph letter signed to [?] Veitch,19 January

Hedworth Hylton, 1st Baron Hylton (1829-99)
Publication details: 
19 January 1897, with embossment Ammerdown, Radstock, Bath.

4 pp, 12mo. "My dear Veitch / You give a better account of yourself. I am so sorry to have been unable to come over but I have scarcely been out of dorrs for the last week. / I think we can take care of you if you will come. You need not dress for dinner, or leave your room if you prefer to stay there, and I am sure this house is warmer than your's. I will send the Brougham for you whenever you will allow me to do so. / Ever yrs / Hylton". Docketted in pencil beneath signature, "Soldier rallier of the Balaklava charge - Capt Jolly".

Autograph Letter Signed (Part of ), correspondent unknown.

Sir William Grant
Publication details: 
No date (watermark, 1813)

Canadian lawyer and English Master of the Rolls (1752-1832). Part of ALS signed, referring to "Sir Alexr Cochrane's propositions as to prizes that may be taken in conjunct expeditions on the coast of America" on which he does not feel able to give directions.

To the Brave of the Land of the Mimosa. The Japanese. (Poem).

Everard Digby
Publication details: 
No place or date but 1905-ish.

Printed Handbill, c.7.5 x 12", pink paper, fold marks, sl. tear on folds. An exhortation to the Japanese against the Russians commencing "Heed not the boasting Russian horde who claim our dearest rights, / Hold we our heads aloft, stand firm, in many glorious fights; / Forward - ye sons of Fair Japan . . ./ Sedition enters not our ranks as in the Russian host . . ./ They shall lead us to Port Arthur, our Standard there shall soar . . ./ . .. the treacherous Muscovite . . . / Anarchy looms in the distance . . ./ The innocent who have been sacrificed in Siberia's icy zone . . .".

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