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Autograph Note Signed ('Count de la Chapelle') to 'C. Law'.

Alfred, Comte de la Chapelle (b.1830) [Alfred de la Chapelle; Count de la Chapelle; Napoleon III; Franco-Prussian War]
Publication details: 
5 July 1872; 200 Fleet Street, E.C. London.

12mo, 1 p, 5 lines. Text and signature clear and entire, but on brittle, aged and creased paper, with loss and closed tears to extremities. Reads 'by order of his majesty the Emperor I beg to forward at your adress [sic] an exemplary "les forces militaires de la france en 1870". De la Chapelle is the named as author of this volume.

Telegram [from Pollock in German to his newspaper in S. Rhodesia] reporting on the Munich Agreement between Chamberlain and Hitler at Berchtesgaden.

James Pollock, war correspondent [Adolf Hitler; Second World War; Rhodesia; Sudetenland; Munich Agreement]
Publication details: 
Stamped 'SALISBURY . S. RHODESIA | 28 SEP 38' [1938].

On one side of an 8vo leaf. Worn and creased, but with text clear and entire. Printed in red ink, and headed 'POST OFFICE TELEGRAMS, S. RHODESIA.' Four strips of text, reading 'CHAMBERLAIN POINTS AT BERCHTESGADEN HITLER SAID THE SUDETENS MUST HAVE SELF DETERMINATION AND RETURN TO THE REICH IF THEY DESIRED AND THAT RATHER THAN WAIT HE WAS PREPARED TO RISK A WORLD WAR = END MESSAGE'. From the archive of James Pollock, accredited Correspondent of Argus South African Newspapers Ltd.

Three Typed Letters Signed (all 'J T. Walker'), and one Autograph Note, to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts. Together with 19 newspaper cuttings relating to unions and strikes in Australia.

James Thomas Walker (1841-1923), Australian banker, born in Scotland [unions and strikes in Australia; William Morris Hughes (1862-1952), Prime Minister of Australia; Wharf Labourers Union]
Publication details: 
Two letters of 16 March 1916 and one of 24 March 1916; all three on letterhead of Yaralla Chambers, 109 Pitt Street, Sydney; autograph note of 21 March 1916, from Sydney, New South Wales.

The letters and note are good, on lightly aged paper; the third letter with closed tear at foot of both leaves, affecting Walker's signature. Two of the three letters are docketed and bear the Society's stamp. The cuttings good on aged high-acidity paper. Letter One (4to, 1 p): He cannot afford the Society's subscription, due to 'the immensely increased taxation by the Federal Government, and by the State Governments in N.S. Wales and Queensland (not to mention donations to various War Funds)'.

Five items relating to Horton's application for permission to operate a wireless telegraph, including his 'Licence to establish wireless telegraphy station for experiments in wireless telegraphy'.

John Laurence Horton (1915-1997), British analytical chemist and radio ham [Wireless Telegraphy Acts, 1904-1926; Post Office Telegrams; Postmaster General; General Post Office]
Publication details: 
All 1939.

All five items in good condition, with a little rust spotting from a staple. A little wear to the edge of item two, not affecting text. Four of the five stamped with Horton's call sign '2AHN'. Item One: a printed leaflet (4to, 2 pp), dated GENERAL POST OFFICE, | London | March, 1939.', headed 'B | EXPERIMENTS IN WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY | [...] | AUTHORITY FOR SENDING AND RECEIVING | SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS OF ISSUE | NOTE. - All sending stations must also be equipped for reception'. Item Two: Typewritten copy of Horton's 'Application for Experimental Licence 25th.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed secretary of state.

Colonel James Francis Erskine, of the Regiment of Swiss Chasseurs
Publication details: 
7 March 1783; 'Kensington gravell Pitts'.

Erskine, who died in 1806, was the grandson of the 27th Earl of Mar. 3 pages, 8vo. In very good condition. The letter, addressed to 'your Excellency', concerns 'The Honble. Captain Cunningham who had resigned a Troop of Dragoons on the Irish Establishment to go upon Service with the same rank in my unfortunate Regiment of Swiss Chasseurs'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Charles Oman') to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman (1860-1946), British military historian and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on embossed letterhead of the House of Commons Library.

One page, 12mo. Good but with paperclip spotting at head (not affecting text). Three-line quotation clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. 'Broadmindedness, so called, is generally no more than the silly fear of being thought narrow-minded - | [signed] Charles Oman'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Wickham Steed') to Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

Henry Wickham Steed (1871-1956), English journalist and historian, nicknamed 'Stickum'
Publication details: 
1 June 1932; on letterhead Lansdowne House 7, Holland Park, W.11 [London].

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Absence abroad has prevented me hitherto from complying with your request. I have pleasure in enclosing herewith a specimen of my signature.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Rayson Venables') to Viscount Montgomery of Alamein.

Horace Rayson Venables (b. c.1898) [AUTOGRAPHS; Montgomery of Alamein]
Publication details: 
3 June 1943; 28 Chalcot Square, Regent's Park, N.W.1, on cancelled letterhead of 44 Oakfield Court, N.8.

Four pages, 12mo. Good, on aged paper with one half-inch closed tear. Claims to be 'compiling an historic book [...] which has been left to the nation', and asks for his contribution. Provides a full-page list from the 'over 500 Autographs'. The collection 'could not be complete without' Montgomery's 'honoured name'. Asks for 'a few words (as many others have done) on the blank side so as to keep this for Gen Alexander & others who took part in your campaign'. Congratulates him on his 'brilliant Victory'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spencer Todd') to autograph collector S[eymour]. C. J. Freeman-Matthews of Cape Town.

John Spencer Brydges Todd (1840-1921), Executive Commissioner, Paris, for the Universal Exhibition of 1878, and colonial officer
Publication details: 
18 August 1900; on crested letterhead '112, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.'

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Although I am surprised at your wishing to include mine in your collection of autographs, here it is. | I agree with Sir Alfred Milner that Work, Brains & Opportunity are necessary to success; and that the last is most necessary. But I think that Self-control should be added to His Excellency's list.' A printed biographical cutting is appended.

Typed Letter Signed ('Walter Runciman') to L. P. Jacks.

Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford (1870-1949), English Liberal politician [paper making; the book trade; publishing]
Publication details: 
21 February 1916; on letterhead of the Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, London, S.W.

12mo, 3 pp, 35 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper, and with a thin strip from mount adhering at head of blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. Discusses 'the restriction on the importation of paper and paper making materials', imposed 'with the object of securing more tonnage space in incoming vessels'.

Autograph Note Signed [to Chapman].

John Bigelow (1817-1911), American lawyer, newspaper editor (New York Evening Post) and statesman
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

8vo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Good firm hand. Five lines of text and large, bold signature. Reads 'Enclosed please find the note of the General | With compliments to Madam and to Miss Chapman I remain | Very truly yours | [signed] John Bigelow'.

Ought France to Worship the Bonapartes?

Ahriman I., pseud. [Napoleon Bonaparte]
Publication details: 
London: Robert Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly. 1863. [W.H. Collingridge, City Press, 117 to 119, Aldersgate Street, E.C.]

8vo: [iv] + 90 + [ii] pp. In original grey printed wraps. The answer to the question in the title is an emphatic 'No!', with the author's argument summed up in the conclusion: 'The publication of these remarks has been elicited by a feeling of indignation and surprise, on learning, that, in any part of the world, and especially of France, the man, whom a former generation cursed, should now be deemed worthy of being canonised.' The author puts his case forcefully and well, marshalling a number of quotations from classical and modern sources.

Twelve Typed Letters and one Autograph Letter relating to the printing of the 'Society of Arts Journal', addressed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood and George Kenneth Menzies, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts, together with one printed circular.

[PRINTING: FIRST WORLD WAR]William Archibald Clowes (1866-1937), Chairman, William Clowes & Sons Ltd, English printers
Publication details: 
10 August 1915 to 23 November 1917.

Clowes is an eminent firm of English printers, founded in London in 1803, and still thriving in Suffolk. The twelve typed letters are each one page, quarto, on the firm's Duke Street letterhead. The autograph letter is one page, 12mo, with mourning border. The collection in good condition overall, with a few items aged and lightly creased. Most items docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. All items except the circular signed by 'W A Clowes', who (he informs Wood in his first letter) has taken over from his cousin, Captain W. C.

Loss of The Centaur Man-of-War, In the year 1782. (Written by Capt. Inglefield.)

[John Nicholson Inglefield] [Shipwrecks; The Centaur; Naval; Maritime; The Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated [c.1818?].

Eight 16mo leaves ['A4' at foot of recto of first leaf]. Sixteen unpaginated pages. Unbound, in contemporary marble wraps. Aged and slightly stained, but good overall. Dramatic fold-out handcoloured engraving of distressed men in rowboat in turbulent sea, roughly four and a half inches by five wide, captioned 'CENTAU. | Situation of part of the Crew who are leaveing [sic] the Wreck in a Boat.' Closed tear in engraving unobtrusively repaired on reverse with archival tape. Small stamp of the Webster Collection, with manuscript date 1924, on reverse of print.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. D.') to 'E. W.'

Taffrail' (Commander Henry Taprell Dorling,1883-1968), British sailor and author
Publication details: 
18 December [no year], on letterhead 'FROM CAPTAIN TAPRELL DORLING, D.S.O., R.N. | MARLINGS, | WOKING. | TEL: 981.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good on lightly-foxed blue paper. He has sent his correspondent's letter to the naval correspondent of The Times, and hopes 'that some good may come of it.' Would like to receive 'any more snippets you have from time to time. I didn't know, for instance, that the racing whaler had Sussex until the other day, otherwise I should have tried to make a song about it!' Sends seasons greetings, and wishes him the 'Best of luck'.

Autograph Letter Signed by George Lumbard ('Geo Lumbard') to unnamed correspondent.

Christy's Minstrels [The Christy Minstrels; Edwin Pearce Christy; George Christy [Harrington]; George Lumbard]
Publication details: 
Town Hall, Buckingham; 12 March 1866.

One page, 12mo. Good on piece of lightly-creased and aged paper, neatly mounted on slightly-larger piece of paper. Enclosing funds 'for the Use of St Andrews Hall April 2nd. 3rd. & 4th./66 for Christys Minstrels Concerts'. Postscript requests that receipt be sent to Reading in Berkshire: 'Shall be there on Thursday next'. A significant document. 1866 marked the introduction of the minstrel show into England by Christy's Minstrels, and the first of several extremely successful tours by the company.

Six maps and plans.

Java; Malaya; Malaysia; Indonesia; Semarang; Sumatra
Publication details: 
Circa 1940s.

All six items aged, but in reasonable condition overall. ITEM ONE: Cloth (British army?) map, roughly thirty-six inches by twenty-three wide, in colours, of 'SIAM (THAILAND) (EXTREME SOUTH) MALAYA (F.M.S.) SUMATRA (CENTRAL), with 'SIAM (THAILAND) (PART OF) SUMATRA (NORTH)' on reverse. With pin holes in corner borders (not affecting map). ITEM TWO: Dutch cloth-backed map, roughly twenty-two inches by thirty-five, in colours (Lith: G. Kolff & Co. Batavia'), for the 'Java Motor Club', of 'MIDDEN [middle] JAVA'. With a little damp staining to reverse.

Autograph Signature ('Edward Lugard') on fragment of document.

General the Rt Hon Sir Edward Lugard, GCB (1810-98)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly one centimetre by six wide. Close-cropped but clear and entire. On aged paper with traces of glue from previous mount on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to J[ames] Finn.

Stratford Canning
Publication details: 
22 August 1850; Therapia.

Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, British diplomat (1786-1880; DNB), for many years Ambassador to the Sublime Porte. The recipient, James Finn (died 1872), was British consul at Jerusalem from 1849–1858, also representing the U.S.A. 3 pages, 8vo. Creased, but in good condition. Reads 'The bearer of this letter is Miss Harriet Larrimore, a native of the United States of America, and a religious devotee, going for the third time to Jerusalem. She has a passport from Her Majesty's Minister at Athens, to which I have added my visa.

Autograph Letter Signed to James Finn.

Stratford Canning
Publication details: 
25 September 1867; Westbrook.

Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, British diplomat (1786-1880; DNB), for many years Ambassador to the Sublime Porte. The recipient, James Finn (died 1872), was British consul at Jerusalem from 1849–1858. 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition. He has sent his correspondent's 'memorandum respecting Abyssinia' to Lord Stanley, 'who is a better judge than I can presume to be of any advantage which might result from putting into practice the suggestions it contains'. He has 'a due sense of the confidence you have shewn me'. Signed 'Stratford de R.'

Sheet music for 'The Victory Song'.

Dr Horace Maybray King (1901-86), Labour M.P. and Speaker of the House of Commons, 1965-71
Publication details: 
Without date or place [Bournemouth, circa 1941?].

Quarto bifolium. Four unbound pages. Very good with a little light creasing. Illustrated cover in blue ink by E. Coolin showing a warship and plane and a British soldier holding an axe and the decapitated head of Hitler. INSCRIBED on cover 'With deepest regards from the Composer H M King'. 'This song, inspired by Quentin Reynolds' famous broadcast to Mr.

Fragment of Autograph Document entitled 'To Juista [ or Luista ]'.

Levi Bartlett
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

American physician (1763-1828), son of Josiah Bartlett, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. One page, octavo. On creased, discoloured paper. Several closed tears repaired on reverse with archival tape. Forty-four lines in a close hand, beginning 'The 2nd objection you make to my idea that "all Sin proceed from the want of wisdom" requires some explanation.' and ending 'I agree with you that the animal powers often lead people to do wrong actions'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir John Goodricke, Bart, diplomat (see DNB)

George Maddison, diplomat.
Publication details: 
The Hague, 22 June 1773.

Two pages, 4to, vestiges of seals, small sections cut out of conjoint blank (probably postal features) which has address panel as follows: "A Monsieur /[france / Hamburg?] / Monsieur le Chevalier Goodricke, / Envoye Extraordinaire & Plenipotent[iar]y / de Sa Majeste Britannique / Stockholm." Address page has the contemporary note (Goodricke's hand) concerning date received "Recd 2d July 1773 / Answered same day." Additonal pencil notes add that Maddison was "Under Secretary at the Foreign Office", information repeated in anothe pencil note which adds that he was under Sir Joseph Yorke,

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown correspondent

Philip S. Robinson.
Publication details: 
17 Jan. (?) 1885

Naturalist and miscellaneous writer. One page, 8vo. He says that he is about to leave for the Sudan and apologises for his discourtesy in not replying sooner. With: holograph list, 2pp., 8vo, of works by Robinson and key dates, events, and positions in his life, including a professorship in India, work for newspapers, authorship of a fishing brochure. His adventurous life was thought to have ended in the bush on Cuba where he was to have reported on the Spanish-American War.

Typed Letter Signed to A[rthur]. B[everley]. Baxter.

John Allsebrook Simon, 1st Viscount Simon
Publication details: 
2 February 1940; on letterhead of 11 Downing Street, Whitehall.

British Liberal politician (1873-1954). Written while Chamberlain's Chancellor of the Exchequer. The recipient, Sir Arthur Beverley Baxter (1891-1964), was a Conservative Member of Parliament, author and editor of the Daily Express. One page, quarto. Lightly creased and grubby, with some wear at head. An amusing, chatty letter, beginning 'My dear B. B. | You were not among the faithful in the House last night when I wound up with a bee---autiful speech, which naturally was too late for a full report.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Philip Magnus [of the Royal Society of Arts], Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey.

Sir Arthur Isaac Durrant [Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
27 September 1918; on letterhead of the War Cabinet Committee on Accommodation.

English civil servant (1864-1939). The recipient was an educationalist and authority on Edmund Burke. One page, quarto. Very good on slightly discoloured paper. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'On behalf of Sir Alfred Mond [Committee Chairman], I hasten to assure you and the Committee at the Royal Society of Arts that there is at present no intention on the part of H.M.

Typed Letter Signed to [Mary] Scharlieb, 149 Harley Street.

Leonard Darwin
Publication details: 
24 September 1919; on letterhead of the Professional Classes War Relief Council (Incorporated).

Soldier, policitician, economist, eugenicist (1850-1943) and son of Charles Darwin. The recipient Dame Mary Scharlieb (1845-1931) was an early woman doctor. Two pages, quarto. Good, but on slightly discoloured and lightly creased paper, with staple stains to both top left-hand corners. An interesting letter concerning the efforts of Scharlieb's Committee to 'establish a Home where the wives of professional men could be certain to obtain excellent treatment at moderate fees'.

Autograph Letter Signed, Autograph Note, and newspaper article.

GEORGE BOOTH HEMING [Goldsmiths' Company; Daily Graphic]
Publication details: 
The note 10 January 1918 and the letter 14 January 1918; both on letterheads of Heming & Co., 28 Conduit St.

Mayor of Westminster (1858-1938), and prominent member of the Goldsmiths' Company, for whom he established an annual competition for craftsmen and schools in London. All items very good. Both manuscript items bearing the Society's stamp and the note also docketed. THE LETTER (one page, 12mo): 'I shall certainly try to be at the meeting on Feby 27th & will speak if opportunity arises - also will call upon you someday either this or next week.' Signed 'G. Booth Heming'. THE NOTE (one page, 12mo): 'With G.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander McBean.

General Sir John Bloomfield Gough
Publication details: 
26 October 1877; on letterhead 'Knockeevan, Clonmel.'

Soldier (born 1804) who served in the China War, the Gwalior campaign, and in India, retiring in 1877. Reads 'Agreeable to your request I have the pleasure to enclose a photograph of myself [not present] also my Autograph - | I remember your Father in the Reg[imen]t and the sad accident in the Magazine which caused his death'. Signed 'B Gough | General | Colonel Scots Greys'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir Charles Edward] Trevelyan.

Alexander William Kinglake [Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan]
Publication details: 
28, Hyde Park Place | Marble Arch | March 19.' [no year, but post 1875].

English historian (1809-91), author of a celebrated account of the Crimean War, and of the book 'Eothen' (1844). The recipient Trevelyan (1807-86) was another historian, and Macaulay's brother-in-law. Three pages, 12mo. With mourning border. Good, but on discoloured paper, and with traces of glue from previous mounting adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. Date on watermark 1875. Interesting assessment of one celebrated historian by another.

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