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Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'C. H. Firth') to Messrs George Routledge and Sons, relating to revisions of his editions of the Newcastle's and Hutchinson's lives.

Sir Charles Harding Firth [C. H. Firth] (1857-1936), Regius Professor of Modern History at the University of Oxford, 1904-1925 [George Routledge (1812-1888, publisher]
Publication details: 
2, 4 and 25 January, and 1 November, 1906. All on letterhead of 2 Northmoor Road, Oxford.

All four items 12mo bifoliums; the first of three pages and the other three of four. Text of all four clear and complete. Good on aged and lightly-creased paper. Minor water staining at head of first leaf of first item. Letter One (28 lines): Discussing the delivery of 'the alterations & additions' of the two lives, and the correction of the proofs by Routledge's reader. 'I shall of course require some payment for my revision of the two books, & you have not said anything on this head.

[Drop-head title:] LETTER, No. 1. To the Editor of the Naval & Military Gazette. [LETTER, No. 2. To the Editor of the Naval & MIlitary Gazette. "The Duke and the Storming of Towns."] [LETTER, No. 3. (Confidential.) 26th August, 1839.]

W. D. B. [Naval and Military Gazette; Duke of Wellington; Birmingham Riots of 1839]
Publication details: 
Dated 'W. D. B. | 4th September, 1839.' Printer not stated.

12mo (leaf dimensions 22.5 x 14 cm): 12 pp paginated [3] to 14. Lacking (presumed) title-leaf. Unstitched, and consisting of one sheet of paper, 45 x 28 cm, folded twice to make four leaves; and one half sheet, 22.5 x 28 cm, folded to make two leaves. Text clear and entire, on heavily aged and spotted paper chipped at extremities. In an attempt to defend a perceived attack on his honour, W. D. B. prints, with commentary, three letters written by him to the editor of the Naval and Military Gazette, only the first of which was published (6 August 1839).

Seven original aerial propaganda leaflets dropped by Bomber Command (six over Germany; one over France), 1939-1945; with copies of a further two (in German). All nine items with accompanying contemporary typewritten translations by W. A. Green.

British propaganda leaflets dropped on Germany and France by Bomber Command, 1939-1945 [World War Two; Psywar; Political Warfare Executive]
Publication details: 
1939 to 1945.

Seven scarce examples of English Second World War propaganda, six aimed at Germany and the last at France. Ephemeral and scarce. The seven are clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper with occasional minor rust spotting. Each consists of two pages printed on a leaf 21 x 13.5 cm, except for Five, the dimensions of which are 21 x 13 cm. Five (red and black) is the only item not printed simply in black and white. All seven in German, except Seven, which is in French. All translations in typescript and on A4 leaves.

Pamphlet titled 'More Food And How To Get It - People's Convention Plan'.

The People's Convention [Denis Noel Pritt; Winston Churchill; the Communist Party of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
Undated, but published in 1941. 'Published by the People's Convention. Napier House, 24 High Holborn, London, W.C.1, and printed by the Marston Printing Co. [...] at Beechwood Works, Beechwood Rise, Watford, Herts.'

12 pp. Complete and clear, on browned high-acidity paper. According to one authority 'The People's Convention (P.C.) began life as the People's Vigilance Committee, set up by the Hammersmith Labour Party and Trades Council in July 1940. The leading figure was Denis Noel Pritt, a recently expelled Labour M.P., but the aims were very much in line with the policies of the Communist Party (C.P.) in that period of the Phoney War.' The Convention met in January 1941 and folded at the end of the year.

Printed circular letter from Auchinleck 'To all officers whether belonging to the Staff or to the Services who are working in Headquarter Offices in this Command'. Consisting of a celebrated (and spurious) quotation from Wellington, and two cartoons.

Field Marshal Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander in Chief, Middle East Command [Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington; military history; Second World War; British Army]
Publication details: 

A celebrated and scarce piece of Second World War ephemera. Printed on one side of a piece of paper 33.5 x 21.5 cm. Text and illustrations clear and complete. In good overall condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper with small damp stain to top left-hand corner and repair on reverse to small closed tear. The text consists of a supposed 'Extract from a letter written by The Duke of Wellington from Spain, about 1810.

Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan', carbon printed on cloth, giving a detailed layout of the gold mine, keyed to seventy-seven entries. With Manuscript table of results of 'Crown Deep tube milling tests, 1907'.

Crown Deep Ltd (gold mine) [South African Gold Mining; Mines]
Publication details: 
Insurance Plan' dated in manuscript 1898. Manuscript table covering the period from 1 August to 9 October 1907.

The two items rolled into tubes. The 'Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan' carbon printed on one side of a piece of cloth roughly 44 x 102 cm. In good condition: slightly discoloured and frayed. The keyed entries range from '1 No. 1 Headgear & all appurtenances' to '77 Shed near Feedwater tanks', and include '69 Coolie Compound at Dam' and '57 Stable Boy's House'. The table of results of the 'milling tests', approximately 37 x 74 cm, is clear and complete on discoloured paper with closed tears at head repaired with archival tape.

Five printed items relating to the Co-operative Holidays Association, including the first three issues in a series of 'Co-Operative Holidays Association General Notes'.

Co-operative Holidays Association, Manchester [the co-operative movement]
Publication details: 
General Notes': October and December 1918, and February 1919. ['Published at the Offices of The Co-operative Holidays Association, College House, Brusnwick Street, Manchester. Printed by The Edgeley Press Ltd., Stockport.' Other items 1918 and 1920.

Items One to Three: three 'Co-operative Holidays Association General Notes' pamphlets, all 4pp, on unbound 8vo bifoliums. Text clear and complete, on aged and worn paper, with a 3 cm closed tear to both leaves of the second number. Each issue ends with a long list of 'Rambling Clubs and Secretaries'. Headings of notes include 'One Shilling Literature Subscription', 'Sir William Mather', 'Canadian Guests', 'Personalia'. Also a report of the annual general meeting.

Printed programme of the 'Arrangements for the Ceremony of the Presentation of the Freedom of the City of London to The Right Hon. Lord Milner of St. James' and Cape Town, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.'

Alfred Milner (1854-1925), 1st Viscount Milner [Lord Milner] [The Corporation of the City of London; freedom of the city; Guildhall]
Publication details: 
Tuesday, 23rd July, 1901.'

4tp bifolium: 3 pp. Text clear and complete on aged and lightly-creased paper. The first page is headed by the crest of the City of London. Gives the timetable for the ceremony, and the routes to be followed by the holders of 'three distinct Cards [white, pink and blue] assigning seats in different localities'. 'The Prime Warden and Wardens of the Fishmongers' Company will present Lord Milner with the Freedom.

Chromolithograph engraving depicting Napoleon Bonaparte in youth and old age.

[Napoleon Bonaparte; Napoleonic Wars; chromolithograph; chromolithography; engraving]
Publication details: 
Undated (circa 1840?).

Dimensions 21 x 25 cm. No margin. No indication of artist, engraver, publisher or date. A good, clean image, with slight wear to extremities and evidence of previous mounting on reverse. A striking and attractive image, showing a young Napoleon, in dashing and colourful costume, his left hand extended towards an eagle perching on a branch of a tree behind him, and his right hand holding the left hand of an aged and dejected napoleon, seated on a rock in front of the tree, a stormy and windswept St Helena sea before him.

Belle Fresque Napoléonienne', in the form of a broadside poster in a wallet, inscribed by de Régie to Jules Dechamps, together with twenty cuttings of newspaper and magazine articles by de Régie.

René de Vivie de Régie, 'Rédacteur à la "Revue des Études Napoléoniennes" [Napoleon Bonaparte; Professor Jules Dechamps (1888-1968), Queen Mary College]
Publication details: 
The poster dated 1925; the cuttings circa 1928-29.

The poster is printed on one side of a piece of paper approximately 110 x 75 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With its green printed wallet (21 x 28.5 cm), lightly worn and creased. Wallet covered in text, including the words 'NAPOLÉON FLORILÈGE' in large type. A curious piece of Napoleonic hagiography, with the text, consisting of a large number of unconnected effusions on his greatness ('Astre humain. Dieu terrestre'), in a variety of types and point sizes, arranged in six columns.

Eleven manuscript Ordres de Marche (Orders of March) and seven manuscript Ordres de Bataille (Lines of Battle) of the French fleet under de Conflans which lost the Battle of Quiberon Bay; in a printed 'Vaisseaux du Roi Partagés en Trois Divisions.'

[Hubert de Brienne (1690-1777), Comte de Conflans; Admiral Hawke; Battle of Quiberon Bay, 1759]
Publication details: 
Dated in manuscript 'Á Bord du Soleil Royal, en rade de Brest le 1ier. 9bre. 1759.' [1 November 1759]

4to: 23 pp. Paginated 1-23. Twelve leaves; verso of last leaf blank. No title (presumably none called for). In early twentieth-century marbled boards, with green cloth spine. Text clear and complete, apart from damage to three words on title leaf. Ruckled and stained. Slight loss at head and foot of title, which also has a long closed tear repaired with gummed paper. Ownership inscription of Captain N. F. Duff. An excessively scarce survival, relating to the Battle of Quiberon bay, one of the greatest of English naval victories, rightly described by A. T.

Part of an Autograph Letter Signed "W.F. Williams" to J.C. Webster, [Secretary of The Athenaeum Club, London].

Sir William Fenwick Williams [W.F. Williams], MP, "The Hero of Kars", C in C North America during Civil War.
Publication details: 
No place or date

Part of letter,14.5 x 10cm, staining but text clear as follows: (recto) "the receipt of your letter of the 10th Inst and to inform you that I have taken the steps necessary | J,C. Webster Esq."; (verso) "I have the honor to ["be" has been cut off] | Your obt. Servant ! WF Williams". The verso is docketed with information about Williams (MP, Kars).

Part of Letter to the Secretary of the Athenaeum Club, London, J.C. Webster.

Charles Sumner, American statesman.
Publication details: 
No place or date

Part of a letter, 11 x 5.5cm, stained but surviving text clear,as follows: (recto) "of the Athenaeum [Club] for a period of two months. | J.E. Webster Esq.". (verso) I have the honor to be, | Sir, | Your obedient servant, | Charles Sumner."

Original watercolour illustration, with measurements, captioned 'Drill Motions', and docketed 'Drill Motions at Bunhill Fields'.

[the Honourable Artillery Company; Bunhill Fields; the City of London; military drill manual; the British Army]
Publication details: 
Anonymous and undated. [Circa 1810?]

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 28.5 x 24 cm. On aged, somewhat grubby paper, with 6 cm closed tear repaired with tape on reverse. Full-length diagrammatic depiction of a British army officer in uniform of the Napoleonic period (black boots with spurs, tight white breeches, green jacket with yellow trim and black hat with red plume), holding his sword horizontally in front of his face. A set of thirteen numbered angles are projected from the tip of the blade, some bracketed 'all these are strait in Front'. Others are described as 'flat'.

A speech delivered in the House of Commons in the debate on the North American blockade, Tuesday, March 7, 1862.

Sir Roundell Palmer, M.P., Her Majesty's Solicitor-General [the Earl of Selborne; American Civil War]
Publication details: 
London: James Ridgway, Piccadilly. W. 1862.

Octavo: 29 + [2] pp. Unbound, stabbed and stitched. Slightly dogeared, on grubby, lightly-spotted paper. Loss to top right-hand corner of title-leaf (not affecting text). Two pages of advertisements at rear, headed 'Important pamphlets, etc. Recently published by James Ridgway, Piccadilly.'

Speech delivered in the House of Commons on the "Alabama" Question, on Friday, March 11, 1863.

Sir Roundell Palmer, M.P., Her Majesty's Solicitor-General [the Earl of Selborne]
Publication details: 
London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. 1863. [R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, London.]

Octavo: 28 pp. Unbound, stabbed and stitched. Slightly dogeared, on grubby, lightly-spotted paper. Loss to top right-hand corner of title-leaf (not affecting text). Marked up in ink in a contemporary hand. COPAC lists copies at the British Library, Manchester and National Library of Scotland. The 'Alabama Question' related to what indemnity should be paid by Great Britain for damage done to United States commerce by the Alabama and other confederate cruisers built in British ports.

Printed form headed 'Royal Naval College,' not filled in, which when completed is intended to give 'an account' of the 'progress' made by an individual 'in his studies at this establishment'.

[Royal Naval College, Portsmouth; Royal Navy; naval and maritime; the Admiralty]
Publication details: 
Without date or place [early nineteenth century].

Folio bifolium (dimensions of leaf roughly 32 x 20 cm): one page, with the reverse of the leaf and the whole of the second leaf of the bifolium blank. Unbound. Good, on lightly aged and creased laid paper with a Britannia watermark. Eighteen lines of text, mostly taken up with comments on the teaching at the College of Latin and Greek, followed by an 'Extract from the General Report transmitted to the Admiralty Office' with room for the Student's name, his date of admission, and progress in mathematics, English, Latin and Greek, History and Geography, French and Drawing.

Scrapbook with numerous contemporary cuttings from English newspapers, in the main relating to the Zulu War (1879) and the First Boer War (1880-1881); together with some poetical transcriptions in a contemporary hand.

[Ellis Fasser; South Africa; South African; Zulu War; First Boer War; Battle of Isandlwana; Rorke's Drift]
Publication details: 
1879, 1880 and 1881.

The cuttings are laid down in a contemporary landscape 8vo scrapbook (dimensions of leaf roughly 15 cm x 25), with brown calf spine and marbled boards and endpapers. The scrapbook is worn and loose, but the cuttings, although on high acidity paper, are clear and entirely legible. A unique assemblage, casting valuable contemporary light on the two conflicts from the British point of view. The cuttings, many of them extensive, relating to the Zulu War begin at one end and those relating to the First Boer War at the other.

The Declaration Of his Highnesse Prince Charles, To All His Majesties loving Subjects, concerning the grounds and ends of His present Engagement upon the Fleet in the Downs. With His Highnesse Letter to The Lord Major, Aldermen, [...].

King Charles II of Great Britain [The Downs Mutiny, 1648; King Charles I; the English Civil War; Oliver Cromwell; Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
London: ['Printed in the Yeare, 1648.']

Title continues: '[...] Aldermen, and Common Councell of the City of London.' 4to: 8 pp, paginated [ii] + 6. Trimmed (leaf dimensions roughly 165 x 135 mm) causing loss of the last line of text (the publication details beneath the word 'LONDON') on the title. Stitched as issued. Unbound. In poor condition, on aged, spotted and creased paper, with chipping to extremities and with the lower part of the last leaf torn away causing loss of around a dozen lines of text. A few lines in a contemporary hand on the first couple of leaves.

Handcoloured engraving, 'Etched by W Heath', 'From a Sketch by Paul <Sevinre?>', of 'Alexander Emperor of Russia'.

William Heath, engraver; Richard Lambe, printseller, Gracechurch Street, London [Alexander I, Emperor of Russia]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1814?]. 'Published by R. Lambe, Gracechurch Street.'

305 mm high and 225 mm wide. The print has been trimmed, with the top corners cut away to give the print the appearance of an arched window. A strip, 35 mm high, at the foot contains the caption, with the bottom right-hand corner damaged (not affecting print) by removal from backing. A good crisp impression, on lightly-aged paper, the only faults being loss to the sky above the Emperor as a result of the trimming of the top corners, and a couple of spots of glue to the sky.

The Official Theatre Guide of London [EPHEMERA]

Publication details: 
Complete run from 2 January to 9 September 1939, issued weekly.

Thirty-six weekly issues. As poster, c.29 x 39cm, fold marks indicate possible use as a brochure, good condition. Information given on verso: Theatre, Nearest Tube, Eves. & Mats, Play, Description of Play. At the bottom information about "Official Ticket Agents for All London Theatres" and a line encouraging smoking (especially Abdullas). Information given on recto: Garges in Theatreland, Contractors to West End Theatres, the title "page", and two columns of "Theatre Notes". The only MS. annotations are: Issue for 2-7 Jan.

Typed Letter Signed to "Mr Drucker", bookseller.

Arthur Koestler, author of "Darkness at Noon" and other works..
Publication details: 
8 Montpelier Square, London, SW7, 15 November 1975

One page, 8vo, good condition. He is responding to news that Drucker has found the thtree books he requested. One of the books [Louis Fisscer's] "Men and Politics" "was intended for a mutual friend of the late Louis Fischer amd myself: Mrs Agnes Walker (she was once Agnes Knickerbocker, if you remember the famous journalist who died in an aircrash in India)." He gives an address in NY for the book to be sent to her and asks for the other books to be sent to the above address with an invoice for all three with airmail postage added.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all three 'W. Elwin') to historian Alexander William Kinglake (1809-1891).

Whitwell Elwin (1816-1900), English journalist, editor of the 'Quarterly Review'
Publication details: 
1875, 1883, 1887; all three from Booton Rectory, Norwich.

All three letters 12mo, and closely written. All three with rusted pinholes at head. A valuable correspondence, in which one of Victorian England's leading critics describes his response to the work of one of the age's foremost historians. LETTER ONE (1 page, 26 lines, good): He thanks Kinglake for sending his 'new volume' [of 'The Invasion of the Crimea']. 'I am reading it with great delight. The work to me is unique both in military & literary history.

Ticket of admittance to 'The Lying in State of The Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, K.G.'.

Winston Churchill [The Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, K.G.]
Publication details: 
Westminster Hall, 1965.

Printed on one side of a piece of blue card 9 x 11 cm. Good, with a little light spotting. Headed 'DISABLED PERSON', and made out to Miss L. Russell, with two dates and time of admission in manuscript on the reverse. A must for all Churchill completists.

Printed handbill, with facsimile signature, of statement by Churchill beginning 'On what may be the eve of an attempted invasion or battle for our native land'. Addressed to Surgeon Commander Paterson, H.M.S. Victory.

Winston Churchill [Winston Spencer Churchill; Surgeon Commander A. C. Paterson, H.M.S. Victory]
Publication details: 
Headed '10, DOWNING STREET, | WHITEHALL', and dated in print '4th July, 1940.'

Printed on one side of a piece of unwatermarked cream wove paper. Dimensions roughly 24 x 19 cm. Folded and lightly creased, and with some staining (not affecting the text, which is entirely legible) to left-hand margin and top left-hand corner. 24 lines of text. According to Churchill's memoirs, this 'admonition' was 'circulated throught the inner circles of the governing machine' and then read to the House of Commons the following day.

Handbill entitled 'The Recruiting Officer's Speech.'

The Recruiting Officer' [evangelical Christianity; handbills; Salvation Army; George Brimmer, London printer; G. and I. Offer, booksellers; ephemera]
Publication details: 
[c. 1818] London: Printed by G. Brimmer, 15, Water-lane, Fleet-street; and sold by G. and I. Offer, Postern Row, Tower Hill, and J. Higham, 6, Chiswell Street.

On one side of a piece of unwatermarked wove paper, 32 x 25 cm. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Attractively produced within a decorative border, with the title in gothic script and the text beginning in a single column before splitting into two. Printer's and publishers' details at foot, with advertisement of five works published between 1815 and 1817.

The conference. Instructions given to Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knt. William Beckford, Esq; the Right Hon. Thomas Harley, Esq; and Barlow Trecothick, Esq; representatives of the City of London: by their constituents.

The City of London [Alderman William Beckford; Sir Robert Ladbroke; Thomas Harley; Barlow Trecothick; Charles Clavey]
Publication details: 
(Signed) CHARLES CLAVEY, Chairman of the Common Hall. Guildhall, Feb. 10, 1769.'

Printed on one side only of a piece of watermarked laid paper, dimensions 32.5 x 19.5 cm. Folded twice for insertion in the magazine. Good, apart from strip of approximately 0.5 x 5.5 cm loss along top fold, affecting one word of text, and neatly repaired with archival tape. At head of page clean impression of satirical engraving (roughly 8.5 x 13 cm), showing Beckford (father of the connoisseur), in Lord Mayor's robes, telling Harley to 'Receive Instructions & not Silver'. Harley, holding a jacket, tailor's iron and shears, replies 'Teach us our Lesson! Are we then School Boys?

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane Halliday') to an unnamed Lord of the Admiralty.

Lady Jane Halliday [née Tollemache] (1750-1802), English society beauty painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds [Lord Hugh Seymour; the Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Grove Cottage near Cowes'. Undated, but docketed '22 Sept: 1800'.

4to, 1 p, 12 lines. Very good, on aged paper. Asking the recipient 'through this medium to recommend my son Lieut Halliday [Francis Halliday, born around 1776; fl. 1820] of the Thunderer, now at Jamaica, to the notice of Lord Hugh Seymour; Sir Hyde Parker has sent me an account of him, but to my great disappointment has not brought him Home - - - - - Francis has been six years in the East & West Indies & very attentive to his profession'. She feels sure that 'a line from yr. Lordship to Lord Hugh could not fail of being of great use to him'. Docketed on reverse 'Mem: Enquire abt.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Miss Pye-Smith".

George Clausen, painter
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 61 Carlton Hill, N.W., 10 January [19]11.

One page, 4to, good condition, discussing Claude and explaining the nature of the "Claude mirror" giving insights into his theory of painting.

Four Autograph Letters Signed by Florrie Cockle (one signed 'Florrie Cockle (soon Iggulden)' and another 'Willie and Florrie'); one Autograph Letter Signed ('Birt') by Birt Cockle; all to their sisters Kate and Maggie.

Florrie Cockle and Albert ('Birt') Cockle [Willie Iggulden; Boer War; South Africa]
Publication details: 
East London, South Africa; 1898 and 1899.

Very good, on aged and lightly creased paper. Six long letters to family in England written during a turbulent period in South African history. Affectionate, chatty, and written from a lower-middle-class point of view (Florrie: 'we always have an h[ou]r., when I change my dress for the afternoon after dinner'). Mostly dealing with family matters. Letter One (from 'Florrie', 4 September 1898, 'P.O. East London, South Africa', 4to: 4 pp): tells an amusing story about Birt, a cart and a goat. Letter Two (from 'Florrie', 11 September 1898, address as Letter One, 4to: 2 pp).

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