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[ Longmans, London publishers. ] Prospectus for Clarke Abel's 'Personal Observations, made during the Progress of the British Embassy through China', and list of Longmans books 'Published in the Course of August and September [1817]'.

Clarke Abel, Physician and Naturalist to the Embassy [ Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, of Paternoster-row, London Booksellers; Longmans; East India Company ]
Publication details: 
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-row. The prospectus is undated; the list of publications is dated 'Oct. 1817.'

The two items are disbound, but attached to one another. On aged and worn paper. PROSPECTUS: 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'Mr. Abel's Account of the Embassy to China. | In the press, and immediately will be published, | In One Volume, Quarto, illustrated by Maps and other Engravings, of Landscape, Natural History, Geology, &c.

[Printed pamphlet.] Criminals, Idiots, Women and Minors. Is the Classification sound? A Discussion on the Laws concerning the Property of Married Women. [Reprinted, by Messrs. Longmans' permission, from Fraser's Magazine, December, 1868.]

Frances Power Cobbe [Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; Fraser's Magazine; Longman & Co] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Manchester: A. Ireland and Co., Pall Mall. 1869.

27pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Several copies on CoOPAC, none of this first edition on the market currently.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Extracts from Mr Mill's Subjection of Women. With Permission of Messrs. Longman & Co.

[John Stuart Mill] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Published for the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, by Messrs Trübner and Co., 6 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. [Circa 1870.]

16pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased, with minor marking to last page, no wraps, disbound. No copy in the British Library. COPAC lists several copies. No other copy currently on the market.

Engraved 'Map of the Route from Kiakhta to Peking, through Mongolia; 1820 and 1821: By Iegor Timkovski.'

Iegor Timkovski [Egor Fedorovich Timkovski (1790-1875)] [Longman & Co., London publishers.]
Publication details: 
London: Published by Longman & Co. June, 1826.

Printed in black ink on one side of a piece of 55 x 44 cm wove paper. Dimensions of map 53 x 43 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with some foxing. Folds into a 21 x 10 cm packet. A detailed image, with key of eight features: Capital of a District; Town; Fort; Temple; Encampment; Post Station; Halt; Post Road; Public Road. The map was included in 'Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China, and Residence in Pekin, in the years l820-l821' by George Timkowski ('with corrections and notes by Julius von Klaproth').

[Longman, Brown & Co. of Paternoster Row, London publishers.] Four sets of double-column manuscript accounts for the publication of Rev. E. J. Shepherd's five 'Letters' to Rev. S. R. Maitland on the genuineness of Cyprian's writings.

Longman, Brown & Co. of Paternoster Row, London publishers [Rev. Edward John Shepherd (1805-1874), Rector of Trottiscliffe; Rev. Samuel Roffey Maitland (1792-1866), Librarian at Lambeth Palace]
Publication details: 
All four sets of accounts on the same printed form by 'Messrs. Long and Co.' of Paternoster Row, London. Covering the years 1852, 1853, 1854, 1856 and 1857.

All four items in good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Totalling 6pp., 4to, on six leaves, written lengthwise in red-ruled columns. The first two sets of accounts each 2pp., on a bifolium; the last two each 1p., on a single leaf. Each of the four sets of accounts is on the same printed form, with a full-page printed text, dated from 'Paternoster Row, London, | January 1843.', headed 'Messrs.

[Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London publishers.] Illustrated 'Specimen' of 'An Encyclopedia of Rural Sports by D. P. Blaine.

D. P. Blaine [Delabere Pritchett Blaine]; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London publishers
Publication details: 
London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans. ['London: Printed by A. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square.'] 1 September 1839.

8vo booklet of four leaves, containing eight specimen pages (119, 497, 375, 499, 551, 716, 718, 850), all illustrateed. Stitched and stabbed, in blue printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The cover of the wrap carries the illustrated title, with the date 'Sept. 1. 1839.' in small print at the foot; the reverse carries the first six parts of the 'Sketch of Contents', which continues with parts seven to nine on the reverse of the back wrap (paginated 3).

Printed advertisement for 'The First Volume of the Athenaeum, A Magazine of Literary and Miscellaneous Information. (Published Monthly)'

John Aikin (1747-1822), editor of The Athenaeum magazine, 1807-1809 [Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-row; Cadell and Davies, Strand, London]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-row; and Cadell and Davies, Strand.

2pp., 12mo. Stabbed as issued. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with wear to two edges. The first page reads: 'This day is published, price 12s. 6d. in extra boards, | The First Volume of the Athenaeum, A Magazine of Literary and Miscellaneous Information. (Published Monthly) containing, [there follows a list of eighteen topics, in two columns] | Conducted by J. Aikin, M.D. | London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-row; and Cadell and Davies, Strand.' In bottom right-hand corner of page: '(Turn over)'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M Berry') from the diarist Mary Berry, sister of Agnes Berry and friend of Horace Walpole, [to her publishers Longman & Co] regarding proofs [of her book 'A Comparative View of the Social Life of England and France'].

Mary Berry (1763-1852), author and diarist, sister and companion of Agnes Berry (1764-1852), and friend of Horace Walpole [Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, publishers, of Paternoster Row, London]
Publication details: 
'Petersham Wedy. Mony' [1828].

1p., 12mo. 12 lines. Good on lightly-aged paper. She is requesting 'an alteration to be made in the Contents of Chapr 9. to the necessity of which I had not adverted till I saw that Chapr. in Print'. After correcting the chapter she 'desired a Revise', but 'foolishly forgot to Revise the Contents of the Chapr.' 'It cannot however be too late & must be done, as the Chapr: ends with Mr Fox'. The work referred to is clearly Miss Berry's 'Comparative View', published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green in 1828, the ninth and last chapter of which does indeed end with Charles James Fox.

Manuscript itemised bill for books from 'Mr. John Nourse to Thomas Longman', with signed receipt by Longman at foot.

Thomas Longman (1730–1797), London bookseller and publisher, nephew of the founder of the business Thomas Longman (1699-1755); John Nourse (1705-1780) bookseller at 138 Strand, London
Publication details: 
Nourse's bill is dated from London, for items purchased between 13 February and 5 October 1770. Longman's receipt is dated 4 April 1771.

1p., landscape 8vo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with small spike-hole (not affecting text), and minor traces of previous mount on reverse, which is docketed 'J. Nourse to T. Longman, 1770.' The bill lists five items, from 'Johnsons Dicty 2 V. folio' to 'Sherwin's Tables', with the date of purchase and price, coming to a total of £14 8s 4d. The receipt at the foot of the page reads 'April 4. 1771 Received the Contents - | [signed] Thos Longman'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the geologist and reformer Leonard Horner to his daughter Lady Mary Lyell, widow of Sir Charles Lyell, quoting letters from Thomas Longman and the son of Macvey Napier about an Edinburgh Review article on W. H. Prescott.

Leonard Horner (1785-1864), Scottish geologist, father of Lady Mary Lyell (1808-73), wife of Sir Charles Lyell [William Hickling Prescott; George Ticknor; Thomas Longman; Macvey Napier]
Publication details: 
17 Queen's Road West, Regent's Park, London; 31 July 1860.

2pp., 12mo. Closely and neatly written. 45 lines of text. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. An interesting item, pulling together several strands of nineteenth-century Anglo-American literature. Having received a letter from his daughter telling him that George Ticknor (1791-1871) of Boston was 'desirous of knowing who was the author of an article in the Edinburgh Review on a work of Mr Prescott', Horner has written to the publisher 'Mr Longman as the most likely person to give or get me the information'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Lang') to unnamed male correspondent.

Andrew Lang (1844-1912), Scottish man of letters
Publication details: 
15 December [no year, but after 1906]; on letterhead of Alleyne House, St. Andrews, Scotland.

12mo: 3 pp. Bifolium. 27 lines, written in a shaky hand. On creased, discoloured paper, and with some damage to the second leaf caused by careless removal from mount. Two irregularly-shaped closed tears on the second leaf, one to the left of the signature, have been neatly repaired on the reverse with archival tape. He is glad that his correspondent likes 'our Odyssey: the Iliad is less attractive. [...] I dare not remember all my books, but will ask Messrs Longman to send a list of what they possess. All are very unpopular.' He doesn't write in 'T.

The History, Or Anecdotes, Of the Revolution in Russia, In the Year 1762. Translated from the French of M. De Rulhiere.

Claude Carloman de Rulhiere [Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia; Russian eighteenth-century history; revolution of 1762]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for T. N. Longman, Paternoster-Row. 1797.

8vo: [ii] + xxiv + 178 + [ii] pp. With half-title, and final leaf containing two pages of 'New Publications printed for T. N. Longman, No. 39, Paternoster-Row.' Frontispiece, becoming detached, of 'Catherine II. Empress of Russia, Taken from an Original Bust.' Tight copy, on aged and lightly discoloured paper, in worn and stained contemporary half-binding of chipped vellum spine and corners and marbled boards. Minor staining at foot of frontispiece, title and first leaf of prelims.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Longman') to 'Cooke' [presumably a member of thhe London family of engravers].

William Longman (1813-1877), English publisher [Longmans]
Publication details: 
5 July 1869; on letterhead 39, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.

12mo: 3 pp. Very good. He hopes Cooke's son has 'conveyed to you our hope that you would be able to accompany him to Ashlyns [Longman's country house, Ashlyns Hall, Berkhampsted] next week'. 'The weather is now getting all right & I hope it will be quite summer weather when your son - & you? - come.' Doesn't suppose Cooke has 'had time to look out any drawings to experiment on'.

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