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[ Lord Glenelg and the Distillery Laws. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cha. Grant') to John Cockburn Ross regarding his memorial proposing 'the amelioration of the Distillery Laws', with reference to the Highland Distillery and Sir Charles Ross.

Charles Grant (1778-1866), 1st Baron Glenelg, Secretary of State for War and President of the Board of Trade [ John Cockburn Ross of Rowchester; Highland Distillery; Mackenzie; Sir Charles Ross' ]
Publication details: 
London. 1 April 1807.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He has communicated the recipient's letter, with the memorial regarding 'the amelioration of the Distillery Laws', to 'Sir Charles Ross & Brigadier Genl Mackenzie', and they have been well received. 'One of the Gentlemen submitted the Memorial to the perusal of the Lords Stafford & Seaforth who as I understand are zealous for the reform of those Laws'. Seaforth has signed.

[ King George II, as George, Prince of Wales. ] Manuscript list, for the Royal Household, of 'Wines To be sent for to France For His Royall Highness.s service for the Year 1718.'

[ King George II (1683-1760), as George, Prince of Wales ] [ Hanoverian wines and spirits ]
Publication details: 
[London? Circa 1717 or 1718.]

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of buff card mount adhering to reverse, which is docketed: 'Wines To be sent for | To France for the Year | 1718.' Written in a fair bold hand, employing the long s, and amended in second looser hand. Reads: 'Wines To be sent for to France, For His Royall Highness.s service for the Year 1718. | 2 Tunn Pontac. | 3 Tunn Castle Margoux [sic] [amended to 'La '] | 4 Tunn La Fite or La Tour. | 15 Tunn Dessenam, Chateau Dassan & Obrian. [amended to 'High Mar<?>'] | 24 Tunn Claret | 1 Tunn ['Graves' added] White Pontac.?>

[Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich.] Printed circular advertisement, informing the public that he has purchased the business of Mr. Gosling. With price list and engraving of the Red Lion Inn.

Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich
Publication details: 
Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich. [Henry S. Richardson, Printer, Greenwich.] July 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The recto of the first leaf is headed by a 6.5 x 8 cm engraving of the Red Lion Inn. Beneath this is an advertisement in the form of a letter from 'NATHANIEL WEGG' to 'Sir, or Madam', addressed from 'RED LION, EAST STREET, GREENWICH. | July, 1841.' He states that he has 'repurchased the business lately carried on by Mr. GOSLING', and recommends his 'STOCK OF WINES, which was laid in by me at my commencement in business in December 1838, and which for selection and flavour may safely defy competition'.

[Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart.] Autograph Letter in the third person from Major-General Stewart to his wine merchant Knobel of South Audley Street, regarding the sending of a hamper of wine and ale to Woodbridge, and an order for port.

Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart (1774-1827), Commanding Officer of the Rifle Corps, and Scottish Member of Parliament [Solomon Knobel, wine merchant, South Audley Street, London]
Publication details: 
3 Gloucester Street [London]. 24 July 1812.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Stewart's seal in red wax, to 'Mr. Knobel | Wine Merchant | South Audley Street'. He asks Knobel to 'send a person & a Hamper to pack up three dozen of wine & ale left at the Major General's for the Country, as before'. He asks for the hamper to be sent, 'so packed & sealed, together with 3 dozen hamper of His, (Mr. Knobel's) best Port ready for immediate drinking by the Hoy to Woodbridge in Suffolk, as last winter'.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'H. Taylor Collector', of the Inland Revenue, to the Supervisor, Wandsworth, regarding experiments and tests to ascertain 'whether Casks that have contained Spirits have or have not been grogged'.

[H. Taylor, Collector, Inland Revenue, 18 Newington Butts, London; Supervisor, Wandsworth; Grogging Spirit Casks]
Publication details: 
On government letterhead, with stamp of the Inland Revenue, 18 Newington Butts. 9 [corrected from 8] September 1892.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on faded blue paper, with slight chipping and repair with archival tape.

Lithographed advertisement for 'Dry Sherry', by the Cadiz Wine Company, 8 Duke Street, St James's, London, in the form of a facsimile circular letter by William Paas. With printed advertisement for 'Sparkling Chablis', with quotations from newspapers

William Paas, Cadiz Wine Company (established 1847), 8 Duke Street, St James's, London [Guy Père et Fils; fine wines]
Publication details: 
Both items from the Cadiz Wine Company, 8 Duke Street, St James's, SW [London]. The facsimile of the Paas letter dated 18 May 1877. The printed advertisement with quotations dating from 1876 and 1877.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The facsimile Paas letter: 1p., 12mo. Begins: 'Among our many regular Shipments from Cadiz few wines have attracted more general attention than our C.W.C. a magnificent Dry Sherry, very pale an delicate quite the Amontillado Character, perfectly free from Spirit and harshness'. Printed advertisement: 1p., 12mo. Headed: 'SPARKLING CHABLIS, 40s. doz. - This light, elegant and exhilarating Wine will be found superior to cheap Champagne, and is particularly recommended to Invalids for its purity, at so moderate a price.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Member of Parliament for Norfolk Thomas de Grey of Merton Hall near Thetford, regarding the supply of 'a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla [sic]', and 'a Hogshead of Sherry'.

Thomas de Grey (1717-1781) of Merton Hall near Thetford, Member of Parliament for Norfolk from 1764 to 1774 [fine wine]
Publication details: 
'Merton' [i.e. Merton Hall, near Thetford, Norfolk]. 15 December [no year].

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. De Grey begins: 'You have very much obliged me by accepting a small Present of Game, and many of my neighbours as well as myself will rejoyce in your Correspondent supplying me with a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla, [sic] if a Hogshead of Sherry could be procured without any additional trouble, it would add to the Obligation'.

Printed price list, in French, for Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome, with 'Vins Rouges' and 'Vin Blancs'.

[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome] [the French wine trade; fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome.] Undated [1840s?]

Nicely printed within a border on one side of a piece of 19 x 12 cm laid paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed: 'THOMAS FRÈRES, | NGTS. A VALENCE, DÉPT. DE LA DROME. | REPRÉSENTÉS VOYAGEUR.' 22 'VINS ROUGES' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Bordeaux') and 13 'VINS BLANCS' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Muscat de Beziers') are listed, followed by six items from 'Eau-de-vie vieille du Languedoc' to 'Truffes noires'. Prices are only given (in pencil) for three items.

Printed card of Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham, advertising 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits'.

[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham] [fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham.] Undated [1820s].

An attractive example of provincial printing, in letterpress on one side of piece of 9 x 6 cm card. Headed: 'RICHARD TUCKEY, | WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, | High Street, | FAREHAM.' Giving prices in shillings and pence for four Wines (Fine old Port; Sherry; Maderia [sic]; White Cape) and six 'Genuine Spirits' (Cognac, Fine old; Jamaica Rum, old and soft; English Geneva; Hollands ditto. pure white; Porter; Cyder). Printed in roman, with four words in black letter ('FAREHAM', 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits') and two words in italic ('High Street,').

Engraved receipt of C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London, listing twenty-six types of wine and spirit.

[C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London]
Publication details: 
[C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London.] Undated [1820s].

1p., 4to. On thin paper. In good condition, lightly-aged, and laid down on a piece of card. The receipt has not been filled in in any way. Beneath the decorative letterhead are the 26 categories, in copperplate: Port; E. J. Madeira; W. J. Madeira; Malmsey Madeira; Cape Madeira; Bucellas; Lisbon; Teneriffe; Sherry; Mountain; Calcavella; Hock; Moselle; Hermitage; Burgundy; Claret; Sauterne; Champagne; Vin de Grave; Barsac; Frontigniac; Constantia White & Red; Brandy Cognac; Rum Jama.; Hollands; Shrub.

[Printed card.] Price List of Wines and Spirits. Avery & Son, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Tenterden, Kent.

[Avery & Son, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Tenterden, Kent; Walter Thomson, Tenterden printer]
Publication details: 
Printed by W. Thomson, Tenterden. Undated [1870s?].

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium on pink card. In fair condition, lightly-aged. Attractive cover page, with text in a variety of types within decorative border: 'Price List. | OF | Wines and Spirits. | AVERY & SON, | Wine and Spirit Merchants, | TENTERDEN, | KENT.' Vignette at end of last page, with printer's slug at foot: 'W. THOMSON, TENTERDEN.' The list is divided into: clarets; burgundies; still hocks; champagne; sparkling samur, moselle, etc.; sherries; ports; marsala; madeira; spirits. Prices are usually given per dozen, for bottles and half-bottles.

Manuscript priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines (with vintage), made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families, titled 'Mariés le 24 September 1839. Régistre de notre mobilier.' With genealogical notes.

[Nineteenth-century priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines, made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families]
Publication details: 
The inventory is dated 24 September 1839. The genealogical notes date from the 1860s.

The inventory (14pp.) is at the front of a 4to notebook, with ten pages of genelogical and other notes at the back. In good condition, on aged-paper, in worn original vellum quarter-binding, with blue patterned paper boards, and ties. Label on front board: 'Mobilier Picard A Faurel'. The inventory is dated 1839 on a title-page, but includes entries from the 1840s. It is divided into the following four sections, under calligraphic headings: 'Argenterie' (2pp.), 'Meubles Meublant' (5pp.), 'Linge' (4pp.) and 'Vins Fins' (3pp.).

Original and unpublished drawing by 'E. W.' [for London wine merchants Saccone & Speed], entitled 'Silent Testimony', showing a vintner warming a bottle of wine over a candle in a wine cellar.

'E. W.', artist [Saccone & Speed Ltd, London wine and spirit merchants]
Publication details: 
Undated [1920s?].
'E. W.', artist [Saccone & Speed Ltd, London wine and spirit merchants]

Paper dimensions roughly 33 x 25 cm. The dimensions of the black and white pencil drawing are 30 x 21.5 cm. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Stamped on otherwise-blank reverse: 'SACCONE & SPEED, LTD | 32, SACKVILLE STREET, | PICCADILLY, W.1'. Initialed 'E. W.' by the artist in bottom right-hand corner. Caption beneath drawing reads 'SILENT TESTIMONY.

Colour booklet of 'Labels. Their Origin and Present Day Uses. With the Compliments of W. J. Cummins, Colour Printer, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham. Representatives in - London, Lancashire, Midlands, and North East. India, British West Indies.'

lW. J. Cummins, Colour Printer, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham [printing ephemera]
Publication details: 
No date [1920s?]. Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham: W. J. Cummins, Colour Printer.

4to: 22 pp. Leaf dimensions roughly 280 x 210 mm. Ring binder in original card wraps printed in red. Very good in lightly-spotted wraps. Ring binding slightly rusted. Features ten pages of bright, striking and attractive label designs. The first page shows four 'Colours of Design Separated' for 'William's Extra Stout'. The second page shows, in four diagrams, how 'The colours are printed one after the other' on a label for American Cream Soda. Another page shows the design for 'Smith & Jones Ltd Nut Brown Ale in three colour combinations. Other products include S.

Card carrying Autograph Inscription to Charles Wilson.

Alec Waugh (Alexander Raban Waugh, 1898-1981), English novelist, elder brother of Evelyn Waugh
Publication details: 

On one side of the card. Dimensions, 8.5 x 11 cms. Very good. Neat inscription reading 'For Charles Wilson | with Alec Waugh's best wishes | July. 31. 1948 /.'

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