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[ Catholic Film Institute, London. ] Hon. Secretary's Report, 1949, and Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 30th June, 1949.

Rev. John A. V. Burke, Hon. Sec., Catholic Film Institute, London
Publication details: 
[ Catholic Film Institute, London. ] 1949. [ Carey & Claridge, Printers, 253 Fulham Road, Chelsea, S.W.3. ]

Stapled printed pamphlet. 11 + [1]pp., 16mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper with rusted staples. A page of officers, headed by the Archbishop of Westminster as President, and Rt Rev. Abbot Upson as Vice-President, is followed by Burke's five-page report, and then three pages of balance sheets for the organisation, 'Focus', general funds, 'Penny-a-Day' Fund, and 'Fatima' Fund. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Rev. Issac Williams, Oxford Movement cleric. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Isaac Williams') to Rev. W. S. O. du Sautoy, regarding a memorial to Bishop Ken.

Rev. Isaac Williams (1802-1865), prominent member of the Oxford Movement [ Rev. William Stevens Oliver du Sautoy (1809-1865) ]
Publication details: 
No place. 11 September [circa 1845].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of short closed tears at fore-edge. He states that he will derive 'much satisfaction in being allowed to join in any undertaking to do honor to the Memory of Bishop Ken' [ Thomas Ken (1637-1711) ], and subscribes for three guineas. The memorial would appear to have been a stained-glass window in Ken's church at Frome by 'Mr. O'Connor and his son', as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine, February 1845 and February 1849.

[Oxford Movement; E.B. Pusey, churchman, and others.] Six Autograph Letters Signed ('E B Pusey' and 'E B P') to Francis Richard Wegg-Prosser ('W. P.'), discussing his conversion to Roman Catholicism. With substantial related correspondence.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Church of England clergyman, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford [Francis Richard Wegg-Prosser [ne Haggitt] (1824-1911), founder of Belmont Abbey]
Publication details: 
One letter dated from Christ Church, Oxford; 5 November 1852, another from 'Pusey nr. Faringdon [Oxfordshire]' and third from 'Asherne | Dartmouth [Kent]'. Wegg-Prosser's copy letter from 45 Grosvenor Place [London]; 7 May 1862.

The Oxford Movement; E.B. Pusey and othersEdward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Church of England clergyman, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford [Francis Richard Wegg-Prosser [ne Haggitt] (1824-1911), founder of Belmont Abbey] With: a collection of letters on the same or similar subjects from various clergymen to Wegg-Prosser, converted to the Catholic Church.[Pusey] Six Autograph Letters Signed ('E B Pusey' and 'E B P') to Francis Richard Wegg-Prosser ('W. P.'), discussing his conversion to Roman Catholicism [conversion 1852].

['Francesca Marton' [Margaret Bellasis], historical novelist.] Typed Letter Signed ('Margaret Bellasis | "Francesca Marton') to 'Mr. Wiener', agreeing to give a talk to his 'Society' and discussing a BBC radio adapation of her work by Lance Sieveking

Margaret Bellasis [Margaret Rosa Bellasis], historial novelist under the pseudonym 'Francesca Marton' [Lance Sieveking (1896-1972), English writer and BBC radio and television producer]
Publication details: 
"Pilot's Cottage", 35 Victoria Road, Deal, Kent. 2 March 1968.

2pp., 12mo. 36 lines. She begins by accepting an invitation to give a talk to Wiener's 'Society', about which she has 'hears so much'. She is 'honoured to add my name to such a distinguished roll of speakers'. She next explains why she believes radio to be 'infinitely superior to TV'. She next turns to 'Mr. Sieveking's adaptation', which she considers 'very clever, as he had to leave out the descriptions which formed such an important part of the book. He allowed me to see and criticise all his scripts, too. I'm so glad you are liking the result. Isn't the signature-tune pleasing?

Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas W Russell') from Charles William Russell of Maynooth College, regarding an article by his correspondent for the Dublin Review.

Charles William Russell (1812-1880), President of St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland, and the priest who was instrumental in John Henry Newman's conversion to Catholicism
Publication details: 
27 April 1852; St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland.
Charles William Russell

12mo, 5 pp. 78 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. His unnamed correspondent's paper was sent to Russell 'by Mr Bagshawe, who expressed his opinion that it would not suit our pages'. Gives his reasons for concurring with Bagshawe, and thinking that the paper 'would to our readers be heavy & uninteresting'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Herbert') from Lady Elizabeth Herbert to 'My dear Bishop' [probably Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford], regarding a vote in the House of Lords, and 'base & ungenerous treatment' of Lord Sydney.

Lady Elizabeth Herbert
Publication details: 
11 May 1858; on letterhead of 49 Belgrave Square.
Lady Elizabeth Herbert

12mo, 2 pp. Fair, on lightly aged and creased paper. Although it is 'unnecessary' , she is writing 'in Sidney's name to implore for your Vote & interest on Friday next as against the Govt. - Independently of the grave question at issue as regards India no friend of Lord Canning's can be indifferent to the base & ungenerous treatment he has received'. Sidney is writing to the Bishop of Salisbury 'in the same sense', and if he cannot come to London for the vote, he will, she hopes, 'send his proxy'. Docketed on reverse 'Authoress'.

The History of the Church of Rome. to the End of the Episcopate of Damasus, A.D. 384 (with related items).

Edward John Shepherd, Rector of Luddesdown.
Publication details: 
London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851

Author's own copy. Pp.vxi.541, cr. 8vo, with additional "Corrections" page, hf-lea, raised bands, worn, contents good, interleaved with additional blank pages, a few of which have notes in Shepherd's hand. The book derives from the residual archive of the family of E.J. Shepherd. No copy recorded in Lambeth Palace Library Catalogue. With (from the same archive): the Accounts, 1851-1853, prepared by Longmans giving costs and sales, these in MS. but they are on the reverse of a lengthy printed statement by Longman's headed "Paternoster Row, London | January 1843. | Messrs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('N Card. Wiseman'), in French, to 'Mons Castermann, Editeur, Tournai'.

Cardinal Wiseman [Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman] (1802-1865)
Publication details: 
16 August 1856; Brussells.

12mo: 1 p. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the address, with postmark, on the reverse of the second. On brittle, aged paper. The letter has been neatly folded three times, and there are a few closed tears along the crease lines, including one through the initial 'N' of the signature. Wiseman thanks Castermann for the copy he has sent of 'votre nouvelle édition en Français de "Fabiola". Not only is the 'execution typographique de l'ouvrage' deserving of his praise, but also the translation, which leaves nothing to be desired.

Engraving ('ACTS XXVII XXXV') by Eric Gill from a drawing by David Jones; with long typewritten transcript from a letter from Jones to Evan Gill.

David Jones; Eric Gill; Evan Gill
Publication details: 
The engraving dated by Jones (in the letter) to around 1935. The letter dated 22 November 1957.

The engraving illustrates the biblical passage describing an incident during the wreck off Crete of a ship carrying Saint Paul. Acts 27:35: 'And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat.' Printed on one side of a piece of paper, 28 x 19 cm, with one rough edge. A striking image, irregularly shaped, with white lines against a black background, showing centurions and others on the deck of a ship on a stormy sea, with land in the distance.

Autograph Note Signed ('Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie') to unnamed male correspondent.

John Oliver Hobbes' (Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie, nee Richards, 1867-1906), Anglo-American Catholic novelist
Publication details: 
12 December 1901; Steephill Castle, Ventnor.

One page, 12mo. On aged and spotted paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse. Craigie's 'PMTC' monogram in top left-hand corner, and a red '45' in a red circle in top right-hand. Fourteen-line biographical cutting laid down along one edge. Reads 'Dear Sir | I have much pleasure in sending you my autograph. | Yours faithfully | Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ad. Tanquerey'), in French, to an unnamed cleric.

Adolphe Tanquerey (1854-1932), French theologian, Member of the Society of St Sulpice, and Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St Mary's Seminary, Baltimore
Publication details: 
25 July 1911; Blainville, Nauche.

12mo: 2 pp. Very good on lightly aged paper. 29 lines of text. He will not fail to make use of his correspondent's comments in a new edition. Discusses the section he is working on at present and proposes to send his correspondent an off print. He has ordered other off prints to be sent, in return for his correspondent's useful remarks. For a couple of months he will be at Blainville, 'sur le bord de la mer, ou je puis mieux travailler qu'a Paris, tout en prenant un peu de repos'. Docketed at foot of reverse, 'Theologian, Sulpicien'.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Card Vaughan').

Herbert Cardinal Vaughan (1832-1903), English Roman Catholic cardinal and Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly 11 x 11 cm. Good, on lightly discoloured paper, with traces of tissue mounts adhering to blank reverse. With five lines of text: '<...> Thank you sincerely for your letters & the enclosure. I quite feel that you cannot be in sympathy with certain proceedings. | Yours faithfully | [signed] Herbert Card Vaughan'.

Handbook for the Study and Discussion of Political Popery

John Coghlan
Publication details: 
"Edinburgh, Ballantyne and Coy Paul's Work" (= manuscript imprint), [1868]

Manuscript, 356pp, 8vo, hf. lea. worn, a very substantial anddetailed precis of an unpublished book, a comprehensive discussion from the Anti-Catholic (papist) standpoint from social, political and religious aspects. The background is probably the Tractarian Movement and Newman's activities on behalf of the Catholic Church (Newman is mentioned). The conclusion is that "Perhaps the Pope may yet indulge his flock by giving them the Scriptures and civil liberty, to which let us all say, Amen." The title on spine as follows: "Mr Soutter's M.S. Contents Mr Coghlan's book, 1868".

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent [bookseller]

Frederick Charles Husenbeth
Publication details: 
Cossey Septr. 26 1854'.

Roman Catholic divine and author (1796-1872). One page, 12mo. Frail item in poor condition. On discoloured paper with loss to one edge (affecting five words of text) caused by damp staining. Small spike hole in centre. Clearly written to a bookseller. Reads 'Dear Sir | Be so good as to send e from your List No. XXXIII - No. 418 Natural Hist of England irect that and all parcels as below, but letters merely Cossey near Norwich.' Signed 'F. C. Husenbeth'. Postscript reads 'Address on parcels | Very Rev. Dr. Husenbeth | Care of Mr. Spatchett | St. John's | Madder Market | Norwich'.

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