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[ Arthur Morrison ] Autograph Note Signed "Arthur Morrison" to "Fraulein [Clausen?]" about translation of his work into Geman.

Arthur Morrison, novelist (working class life and detective fiction).
Publication details: 
[Headed Notepaper] Salcombe House, Loughton, Essex, 8 August 1902.

One page, 8vo, bifolium, fold mark, good condition. "I am obliged by your letter. Some of my books have been translated into German, but not all. My agent, Mr Watt [A.P. Watt], who transacts all my business, is at present away on holiday, but I will send him your letter and ask him to communicate with you on his return."

[ Sr Walter Scott, 'The Wizard of the North'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Scott') to his publisher James Ballantyne ('Dear James')

Sir Walter Scott [ 'The Wizard of the North' ] (1771-1832), Scottish writer, author of the Waverley Novels [ James Ballantyne (1772-1833), Scottish editor and publisher ]
Publication details: 
No place [ Abbotsford ]. 'Wednesday Morning' [27 November 1826?].

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, laid down on card backing removed from an album. He writes that he only received Ballantyne's letter on his return from Melville Castle (seat of Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville), where he was 'obliged to go for a day'. He is now returning 'sheets P. & Q to press and will soon send copy'. He has been 'pleased with a note from Cadell that we had a Pisgah peep of <?>'. The letter ends with the Latin tag: 'post tot discrimina rerum' ('after many dangers').?>

Autograph Note Signed 'Will. H. Lizars' on receipt of payment for work on Walter Scott novels.

[ William Home Lizars ] William H. Lizars (1788–1859), Scottish painter and engraver.
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, 8 June 1827.

One page, 21 x 8cm, one dge frayed and sunned, text clear and complete. Lizars acknowledges paymentof £49.14 from "John Gibson Junr, Esqre for the Trustees of Sir Walter Scott, Bart [...] payment of [annexed?] account [not present] for Titles to Tales & Romances."

[Terry Pratchett] Eight Typed Letters Signed or "initialled" (a squiggle) to Sally Worboyes of Fen Farm Arts Ltd (seminars for would-be writers, Pratchett being one of the well-known tutors).

Terry Pratchett, fantasy author
Publication details: 

Eight typed letters, total nine pages, 4to, varying in length from 2 or 3 lines to a page and a half.

Gog and Magog; or, The Doom of Russia, as pourtrayed in The Prophetic Scriptures: with remarks ... [continued]

Publication details: 
Piper, Stephenson & Spence, James Nisbet, London, and others 1854

[continued title] on The Present Crisis and the Battle of Armageddon; togther with Strictures on the Pamphlet 'The Coming Struggle'." 32pp., 8vo, printed wraps, edges stained, spine with residual string from binding in, minor damage, contents good condition. "The Coming Struggle" which is a target for this pamphlet, is ascribed to Scottish sensation writer, David Pae. Scarce: COPAC lists copies only at the major libraries (NLS, BL, CUL, Oxford).

Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Dear France'.

Edgar Jepson [Edgar Alfred Jepson] (1863-1938), English writer of detective fiction, sometimes under the name 'R. Edison Page'
Publication details: 
Letter One: 17 May 1907; Hillfarance, Elm Road, Wembley. Letter Two: 29 June 1907; 23 Bath Road, Bedford Park. London W.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged and foxed paper. Letter One: 12mo (15 x 10 cm), 1 p. He thanks him 'for the Tickets': 'we are looking forward to seeing you act. I shall be very pleased to come to smoke a cigarette after the first act off the Duel.' ('The Duel' was produced at the Garrick Theatre, London, in 1907.) Letter Two: 12mo, 2 pp. He thanks him 'for the excellent evening you gave me at The Coronet the other night. | The Incubus is an admirable play, and admirably acted.' He hopes France 'had a good week of it': 'I told innumerable people not to miss it.'

Autograph Card Signed ('Agnes Castle' and 'Egerton Castle').

Egerton Castle (1858-1920) and his wife Agnes Castle, nee Sweetman (1860-1922), British historical novelists
Publication details: 
6 December 1901; place not stated [Brighton].

Printed Post Card, dimensions three and a half inches by five and a half. Good, on aged paper, but with the reverse (showing the remains of a photograph of Brighton) damaged by its removal from an autograph album. Unobtrusive vertical crease. Reads (apparently in Egerton Castle's hand) 'Dear Miss Gray | Your letter has been forwarded to us here. We have much pleasure in sending you the autographs you desire'.

Scrapbook collection of newspaper cuttings and illustrations relating to Harper's book 'The Hardy Country'.

Charles George Harper [Thomas Hardy]
Publication details: 

Harper (1863-1943) was a writer and charming 'pen-artist'. His 'The Hardy country: literary landmarks of the Wessex novels' was published by A. and C. Black in 1904 and reprinted in 1911 and 1925. Quarto scrapbook of approximately fifty leaves. Leather half-binding in poor condition, worn and with much loss to spine. Internally very good, with minor spotting and discoloration. The cuttings, from newspapers as diverse as the Weymouth Telegraph and the New York Post, are mostly laid down, with several on slips of the Author's Clippings Bureau.

Five Autograph Letters Signed to [G. K. Menzies,] the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Maurice Drake
Publication details: 
2 October 1922; 21 November 1922; 1 December 1922; 26 February 1923; 22 March 1923; the first four on letterhead 'The Three Gables, | Cathedral Close, | Exeter', the fifth on embossed letterhead 'COLWELL COTTAGE, | EXETER.'

English glass painter and novelist (1875-1923). All five items in very good condition, and all but the third and fifth stamped and docketed. ITEM ONE: two pages, 4to. He will be 'delighed and honoured by reading a paper before the R.S.A.' Gives a choice of dates and states 'I shall want a lantern.' He wants 'to draw the Society's attention to the fact that the various processes in making a modern window follow the developments of stained glass from the 11th (or perhaps the 9th) century to the beginning of the 15th.' Explains his thesis in some detail, and discusses possible titles.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Henry De Vere Stacpoole
Publication details: 
24 April 1930; on letterhead of the Royal Marine Hotel, Ventnor.

Irish novelist (1863-1951). One page, 12mo. Good, but with some rust stains from staple. Reads 'Dear Sir | I enclose autograph with much pleasure | Believe me | yours truly | H De Vere Stacpoole.'

My friend Henry Miller.

Alfred Perles
Publication details: 
London: Neville Spearman, 1955.

8vo. Pages: xi + 242. 11 plates. Good, despite one bump at head of back board. Dustwrapper good, despite fraying at head and tail of spine and show-through sellotape discolouration . Dustjacket discoloration to free endpapers. Neat inscription, presumably by Perles, in green ink on front free endpaper 'To | Jack Mitchell | from Alfred Perles | & | Henry Miller | London March, 56.'

Autograph Letter Signed [to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Publication details: 
29 October 1935; on letterhead of the 'Admiralty Research | Laboratory, | Teddington, Middlesex.'

Novelist, short story writer and poet (1884-1954). Two pages, quarto. Very good, though dusty and with small staple holes to one corner. Docketed. Apologises for the late reply to the invitation to join the Society ('the oversight was due to the intervention of leave and other causes'). 'Though I am afraid that I shall not be able to avail myself to any great extent of the advantage offered by your Society, staff members of this Laboratory will doubtless be glad to attend your lectures as they have already done in the past.' Consequently he will offer himself for election. Signed 'F. B.

Autographed Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Hugh Walpole
Publication details: 
30 May 1924; no place.

New Zealand-born English author (1884-1941), best know for his series of 'Herries Chronicles'. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by five inches. Folded once (not affecting signature). Mounted on larger piece of cream paper. From Autograph album. Reads 'With the best | wishes of | Hugh Walpole | May 30th. | 1924'.

Typed Letter Signed to unnamed female correspondent.

Horace Annesley Vachell
Publication details: 
6 October 1935; on letterhead 'WIDCOMBE MANOR, | BATH.'

English novelist and playwright (1861-1955). One page, 4to. Folded twice. In good condition, although with slight fraying to corners. Reads 'Dear Madam: -- | You can certainly quote the passage you mention in Quinneys', but I think you ought to get permission to do so from my publisher. It will be granted I make no doubt. This is his style and address: | Major, Sir John Murray, D.S.O. | 50, Albemarle Street, | LONDON, W.1. | With all good wishes, | Faithfully yours, | Horace Annesley Vachell.'

Autograph Letter Signed to [F. J.] Epps[, F.G.S.].

Margery Fisher
Publication details: 
26 May [no year]; on letterhead 'Old Rectory Ashton Northampton'.

Margery Lilian Edith Turner Fisher (1913-92), English novelist. 1 page, 8vo. With two folds but in good condition overall. She is enclosing 'a rather assorted MS. of my husband's paper for the <?>' and hopes 'the delay has not been too frightful for you. | He would be grateful if you could let him have 3 proofs of the galleys as soon as they are available. | If the figure is unsatisfactory, he will get it re-drawn, but he thinks it should do all right.'

Autograph Signature.

Eden Phillpots
Publication details: 
February 1928; no place.

English novelist, poet and dramatist (1862-1960), noted for his works on Devon. On piece of paper, 3 inches by 4 1/2. In good condition, and attached to a piece of blue card docketed with list of Phillpots works. Distinctive and attractive signature, 'Eden Philpotts | Feb: 1928'.

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