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[ Sinclair Beiles, South African beat poet. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Sinclair') to 'Dear Emperor of France & Asturias' (David de Keyser?), with title-page only of play 'Mort à la Campagne | Une comédie en trois actes | de SINCLAIR BEILES'.

Sinclair Beiles (1930-2000), South African beat poet, associate of William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin and pioneer of the 'cut-up' technique [ David de Keyser (b.1927), English actor ]
Publication details: 
Letter: on 'Necotex' letterhead, Amsterdam, Holland; 2 April 1970. Title-page of play: without date or place. ('Tout renseignements | David de Keyser, Ltd. | 77, Dean Street 77 | London W.1'.

Letter: 1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. 34 lines of text. A playful (stoned?) communication. He thanks him for 'giving me the Sahara right up to the North African Coast', and explains his plans for making the area 'fertile by piping into it water from the Mediterranean'. He asks him to forward 'photocopies of this letter' to Alec Natas ('a very powerful electrician'), and to Linda Talbot. There are also references to 'Marion', Ivan Katzen, 'Lord Levy' and 'the Imperial Dentist, Sol Philips'.

[Sir Michael Clapham, while proprietor of the Cloanthus Press, Cambridge.] Scrapbook of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth, containing forty examples of items either printed by him, or with woodcuts by his sister Christiana, or a combination of both.

Sir Michael Clapham (1912-2002), printer and industrialist; his sister Christiana Muriel Clapham (d.1967), engraver; children of Sir John Harold Clapham (1873-1946) [Cloanthus Press, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Items dating from between 1932 and 1937; many from the Clapham family home, Storey's End, Cambridge.

The 40 items range in size from 25 x 19cm to 5 x 4.5cm. All in good condition, lightly-aged, and all but five laid down on the grey paper leaves of a heavily-worn album, with back cover loose, and with ownership signature of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth Clapham at head of first page. The couple married in 1935, and one of the 40 items is a card with text in red featuring Elisabeth's maiden name. It conveys 'Good wishes for Christmas & the New Year from Elisabeth Rea | 6 Barton Street, S.W.1'.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, from the Scottish politician and statistician Sir John Sinclair to London solicitor John Spottiswoode, regarding an inheritance claim pertaining to the Ratter family.

Sir John Sinclair (1754-1835), 1st Baronet, Scottish politician and writer on finance and agriculture, who coined the word 'statistics' [John Spottiswoode (1743-1811), London solicitor; Ratter family]
Publication details: 
'Whitehall | Sundy Eveng' [May 1790].

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is on the recto of the first leaf, with the address - 'John Spottiswoode Esq. | Sackville St' - on the reverse of the second, which is also docketed 'Sir John Sinclair | Whitehall May 1790'. The letter reads: 'Sir John Sinclair presents his Comps. to Mr Spottiswoode - He has examined the Letter sent to Mr Grant and thinks that the objections mentioned in it, do not require any delay in drawing up the Claim.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair to Lady Deas, wife of the judge Sir George Deas.

Catherine Sinclair (1800-1864), Scottish novelist [Sarah, Lady Deas [born Sarah Outram], wife of Sir George Deas (1804-1887), Lord Deas, Scottish judge]
Publication details: 
'Thursday' [April 1863]; place not stated.
Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair

12mo, 1 p. Mourning border. Twelve lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with small scrap torn away from top right-hand corner. By that evening's post, they have received 'the sad intelligence that my sister in law, Lady Camilla Sinclair has died at Thurso Castle'. Her brother Sir George Sinclair and his family 'are in great grief', and she is 'under the melancholy necessity of sending an apology' for cancelling 'our engagement to you which we had anticipated with so much pleasure'.

Sixteen original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne addressing the First Army of the British Army of the First World War at Ranchicourt in France in August 1917, including three prints forming a panorama of the whole scene.

[General Sir Henry Sinclair Horne (1861-1929); the First Army; the British Army; the First World War; the 5th Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1917.]
Sixteen original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne

Each print is in black and white, landscape and 17.5 x 23 cm. They are lightly-worn and in fair condition; one has a short closed tear and another a vertical crease at one side (neither of these in the panorama). Part of the same series of British official war photographs (one was published on 26 January 1918 on p. 469 of Part 180, Vol. X, of 'The Great War' magazine), and each numbered between S480 and S501.

Seven original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne addressing the First Army of the British Army of the First World War at Ranchicourt in France in August 1917.

[General Sir Henry Sinclair Horne (1861-1929); the First Army; the British Army; the First World War; the 5th Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1917.]
Seven original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne

Each print is in black and white, landscape and 17.5 x 23 cm. They are lightly-worn and in fair condition. Part of a series of British official war photographs (one was published on 26 January 1918 on p. 469 of Part 180, Vol. X, of 'The Great War' magazine), and each numbered between S480 and S501. Shots of troops marching past the Chateau, of a large body of men in battledress standing in grounds, being addressed by the General and a padre, standing at a rostrum draped with the Union Flag and other allied flags, with officers seated beside it.

One Autograph Letter Signed and another Signed Letter in a secretarial hand (both 'John Sinclair') from Sinclair to Lord Alloway, one discussing his 'son's singular adventure with The Emperor Napoleon, immediately previous to the Battle of Jena'.

Sir John Sinclair (1754-1835) [David Cathcart (1763-1829), Lord Alloway; Napoleon Bonaparte; Sir Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
Both from 133 George Street, Edinburgh: the Autograph Letter docketed 'January 1826'; and the secretarial letter dated 4 February 1826
One Autograph Letter Signed, Sir John Sinclair, agriculturist

Autograph Letter: 4to, 1 p. 10 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Inviting him and his family to dine with him and Lord and Lady Glasgow. Secretarial Letter: 12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Sending the 'narrative of my son's singular adventure', which he has 'been induced to draw up [...] for the purpose of supplying The Author of "Waverley," with "new materials," for his intended History of that extraordinary character'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Wedderburn; and Autograph Note to Mr and Mrs G. Wedderburn.

Catherine Sinclair (1800-1864), Scottish novelist
Publication details: 
Letter, 13 February [no year or place]; Note, 23 March [no year], 133 George Street [Edinburgh].

LETTER: One page, 12mo. Good, on aged, creased paper, with trace of stub on blank verso. Crest at head. 'It will give my brother & me much pleasure to accept your kind invitation for Tuesday evening the 16th. - I dine that day with Lady Sempill which will make me later than I should wish, but I hope to reach your house soon after 10'. NOTE: One page, 12mo, good, with fraying at head and traces of mount adhering to blank verso. A formal note written in the third person. 'Miss Catherine Sinclair will be happy to have the honor of accepting Mrs. Wedderburns & Mr.

Autograph Receipt Signed to James Phillips of George Yard, Lombard Street, London.

Sir John Sinclair, Bart.
Publication details: 
London - 29th Feby - 1788. -'

Scottish politician (1754-1835), President of the Board of Agriculture, opponent of William Pitt the younger and editor of Ossian. The recipient James Phillips was a bookseller and stationer. On piece of paper roughly eight inches by three inches. Grubby and lightly stained. Evidence of previous mounting. Repair to slight damage to one edge with loss of two words of text. Embossed four-penny receipt stamp (slightly damaged) on reverse.

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