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[ Dion Boucicault the younger, actor and theatre manager. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Dion Boucicault') to 'Mr Clarkson', regarding 'wigs that are being made for Sir Arthur Pinero's new play'.

Dion Boucicault the younger (1859-1929), actor and theatre manager, husband of the actress Irene Vanbrugh [ Sir Arthur Wing Pinero; Duke of York's Theatre, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Duke of York's Theatre, London. 25 September 1912.

1p., landscape 8Vo. In fair condition, aged and with a number of vertical crease lines. Reads: 'Dear Mr Clarkson, | Will you please give instructions that any wigs that are being made for Sir Arthur Pinero's new play should be here not later than 11 o'clock on Monday morning next. Our Dress Parade is at 12 o'clock.' The play Boucicault refers to is 'The Widow of Wasdale Head'.

[ Joseph Warton, Poet Laureate. ] Autograph Receipt Signed ('Jos. Warton') of monies (presumably tuition fees) from Hugh Rogers.

Joseph Warton (1728-1790), Poet Laureate [ Trinity College, Oxford ]
Publication details: 
No place. 16 July 1767.

On one side of 11 x 18.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. On reverse is small circular printed paper label of the Ray Rawlins Collection. Reads: 'July 16 1767 Received of Hugh Rogers Esqr the Above Sum in Full for His Son till Last Whitsuntide | by me | Jos. Warton'. Hugh Rogers of Helston, had a son, John, at Trinity, Oxford, presuambly tutored by Warton.

[Facsimile; printed; Walter Scott Jr] Letters exchanged by Sir Walter Scott (Jr.) and John Younger, shoemaker of St Boswells

[Sir Walter Scott (Jr) and John Younger, Shoemaker]
Publication details: 
Abbotsford, Thursday [28 Sept. 1837] , 29 Sept. 1837 and 4 Oct. 1837.

Four pages, 4to, bifolium, minor staining, fold mark, mainly good condition. Sir Walter orders a pair of boots for fishing, giving full detail of dimensions etc. John Younger, boot/shoe maker, saying first of all how long it takes and what steps he'd altready taken (29 Sept.) and then giving instructions on how to use and maintain the boots (including a response to Walter Scott's revelation that he wears worsted stockings under large boots. I'm informed that this was supposed to have been pasted into a copy of Younger's Autobiography (as it was into the NLS copy).

[Philip Henry Stanhope, 4th Earl Stanhope, as Lord Mahon.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mahon') to 'Badcock' [William Stanhope Badcock], discussing the 'disasters' in Holland, his brother's military career, 'the late fraud', his 'African Sheep & Goat'.

Philip Henry Stanhope, 4th Earl Stanhope (1781-1855), English aristocrat (until 1816 Lord Mahon), nephew of William Pitt the younger [Vice Admiral William Stanhope Badcock [Lovell] (1788-1859)]
Publication details: 
'Loake's Hill [near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire], April 2d. 1814.'

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. An excellent letter, filled with content. Mahon has received Badcock's letter and is 'glad to find that you have had the company of Lord & Lady Buckingham at Portsmouth'. Following 'the disasters that have taken place in Holland' (the Six Days' Campaign) he expected 'that the Militia Battalion would have been sent thither, & indeed there seems to have been some hesitation upon the subject of their destination, as their departure has been delayed long after they were embarked'.

Manuscript 'Agreement to repurchase Furniture at L No. 4. Albany at the expiration of Lease' between 'George Hibbert Esqre.' and George Krehmer, Russian Consul-General. With 'Inventory and Valuation'. Signed by Hibbert; witnessed by Sprigges.

George Hibbert the Younger (fl. 1877), of Albany, Piccadilly, son of the bookcollector George Hibbert (1757-1837); Charles Sprigges [George Krehmer, Russian Consul-General in London]
Publication details: 
London. 1 November 1849.

3pp., foolscap 8vo, with the fourth page carrying the description of the document when folded into the usual packet. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. With embossed tax stamp and circular stamp in black ink dating the document to London, 24 September 1849. The agreement, on the first two pages, is 'Between George Hibbert of Albany Piccadilly in the County of Middlesex Esquire of the one part and George Krehmer of Albanyaforesaid Esquire of the other part.' It is signed 'George Hibbert', with 'Witness Charles Sprigges'.

Initialled corrected Autograph Copy by George Colman the Younger for his brother-in-law David Morris, of a letter [to S. J. Arnold?], written during Colman's chancery dispute with Morris, his business partner at the Haymarket Theatre, London.

George Colman the Younger (1762-1836), English dramatist, joint-manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London, with Thomas Harris
Publication details: 
'7 March 1815 | Melina Place Westr Road'.

1p., 4to. 31 lines. Fair, on aged paper. On paper with watermarked date of 1814. Initialled 'G. C.'; with the words 'Copy to Morris' in the top left-hand corner. Docketed on reverse 'Copy to Morris March 1815'. Colman writes that is is now his intention, 'as it ever has been, to use every effort in my power for the interest of the Theatre, by carrying on the business in the best manner that the continual obstacles opposed to my plans will permit'. He states that he is 'in treaty with various Performers for the approaching Summer'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Colman') from the playwright George Colman the Younger, defending his imposition of a financial penalty on the recipient [apparently an actress] for non-attendance [at a performance at the Haymarket Theatre].

George Colman the younger (1762-1836), playwright and manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [James Winston (1773?-1843), acting manager at the Haymarket Theatre]
Publication details: 
Melina Place, London; 21 July 1814.

1p., 4to. On aged and grubby paper. The letter provides an interesting insight into the niceties of Regency theatrical practice. Colman peremptorily addresses it to 'Madam', before expressing his displeasure and defending his imposition of a penalty, as a result of the non-attendance of the recipient (apparently an actress) at a performance at the Haymarket.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Melmoth') from the writer William Melmoth the Younger to the attorney Joseph Sharpe

William Melmoth the Younger (c.1710-1799), translator of Pliny and Cicero, and author of 'Fitzosborne's Letters' (1748, 1749)
Publication details: 
Bath; 15 January 1767.

1 p, 4to. Nine lines, in a neat and close hand. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, and still tipped-in onto a leaf from an autograph album. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf of bifolium, to 'Mr. Jos. Sharpe, | at his chambers in | Lincolns Inn | London'. He wrote to Sharpe five weeks previously, sending a lease for his perusal, 'and likewise to authorise you to deliver up my sister's plate upon Mr. Argile paying you ye. <?> I agreed to take.' If the latter matter is still unsettled, he instructs Sharpe to apply to Argile's attorney 'to settle it forthwith'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm: Melmoth') to 'my very dear Sophia [Walters]', exhibiting a warmth unusual in one writing 'at the advanced Age of eighty five'.

William Melmoth the Younger (c.1710-1799), translator of Pliny and Cicero, and author of 'Fitzosborne's Letters' (1748, 1749) [Sophia Walters]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated. Docketed in a contemporary hand: '1798 Written at the advanced Age of eighty five [sic, for 88]'.

1 p, landscape 12mo (18.5 x 11.5 cm). Eleven long lines in a small neat hand. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Tipped in onto a piece of paper, 21 x 13 cm. The reference to Melmoth's 'advanced Age' is at the foot of the page. Docketed on reverse in a contemporary hand: 'From Mr. Melmoth to Mrs. Walters'. Begins: 'Believe me, my very dear Sophia, I am so truely [sic] your obedient servant in every affectionate & friendly sense of those terms, that there is no office in which you can employ me I shd.

Autograph Note in the third person from the London auctioneer James Christie to the journalist Charles Molloy Westmacott, with signed receipt by Christie's warehouseman John Biddle for '69 Pictures'.

James Christie the younger (1773-1831), London auctioneer and antiquary [Charles Molloy Westmacott (c.1786-1868), editor of 'The Age', half-brother of sculptor Sir Richard Westmacott (1775-1856)]
Publication details: 
King Street; 14 February 1825.
James Christie the younger (1773-1831), London auctioneer

1 p, 4to. On a bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf: 'Thursday at 11 O'Clock | Chas. Westmacott, Esqr., | 5, Clements Inn.' Fair, on creased and aged paper. Christie's note reads 'Mr Christie presents his Compts. to Mr. Westmacott. | with Mr. Westmacott's permission, the bearer of this Mr. Christie's warehouseman, will remove the Pictures to King St. | King St, | Monday Feb. 14 | 1825.' Beneath this, in another hand, Recd 69 Pictures | [signed] John Biddle'. Above Biddle's receipt, in a third hand, are the word 'Received' and 'Recd 69 [i.e. Christie & Manson?]' in pencil.

Copy of manuscript 'King's Warrant' [King George III], declaring 'Major General Saml. Townsend, discharged from further accounting for the Sum of £17464. 14. 8 received by him for Recruiting Service from the end of the year 1778, to 24th. June 1786.'

[Major-General Samuel Irwin Townsend (1732-1794), 19th Foot; American War of Independence; King George III'; William Pitt the Younger; Edward James Eliot; Sir John Aubrey]
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at Saint James's this First day of May 1787 in the Twenty Seventh Year of Our Reign.'
Major-General Samuel Irwin Townsend

Folio, 2 pp. On first leaf of bifolium, with the verso of the second leaf docketed, under the heading 'King's Warrant'. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Headed '(Copy)', and with 'George R' in a bold hand in the top left-hand corner. Although the signature is almost certainly not in the hand of the king, the document is docketed in pencil: 'Signature of his late beloved Majesty King George III on Copy of a Warrant retained by General Saml. Townsend'.

Autograph Letter in the third person to Buchan, regarding 'Mr. Pitt', 'his abilities and fortitude' and 'the dilemma' arising from 'the present situation'.

Thomas Pitt, 1st Baron Camelford (1737-1793), politician and art collector [David Steuart Erskine, eleventh earl of Buchan (1742-1829), antiquary and reformer]
Publication details: 
8 February 1784; Oxford Street.

4to, 1 p. On piece of watermarked laid paper. Thirteen lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with thin strip of stub adhering to blank reverse. Docketed at head, in a contemporary hand, '331 | Lord Camelford for fac simile'. Camelford was not at home when Buchan called, but he 'will take care that his Lordship's Letter shall be transmitted to Mr Pitt [his cousin William Pitt the younger?]'. Pitt 'will doubtless feel himself flatter'd with his Lordship's testimony in favour of his abilities and fortitude'.

Lines Drawn and ornamentally inscribed on a White Silk Riband with which [...] the Editor was decorated [...] by the Baron and Baroness Von Sass, at their seat of Tadaiken, in the Duchy of Courland, on 21st November, 1790, [...].

[William Tooke the younger (1777-1863)] [Russia; Russian; Bloomsbury Inns of Court Association; rifle clubs; George Bramwell; private printing; St Petersburg]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

12mo: 8 pp. Leaf dimensions 18 x 11.5 cm. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Good, on lightly-aged paper with foxing to first page. Complete: paginated [1] to 8, and with 'Finis.' at the end.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Colman') to unnamed male correspondent.

George Colman the younger (1762-1836), English dramatist and writer
Publication details: 
Sunday night. Piccadilly.'

One page, quarto. Good, on piece of watermarked laid paper, with small closed tear at foot of right-hand margin. He is 'once more' returning the play, 'having made the further omissions which you propose. | With many thanks for your kindness, in the ready attention you give to a matter of infinite moment to me'.

Portrait entitled 'Thomas Hearne.', engraved by William Daniell after a drawing by George Dance.

George Dance the Younger (1741-1825), English architect and surveyor [William Daniel (1769-1837), English artist and engraver; Thomas Hearne (1744-1817), English watercolour artist]
Publication details: 
Geo. Dance delt. Jany. 11. 1795. Published by Willm. Daniell, No. 9 Cleveland Street Fitzroy Square London, Decr. 15. 1809. Wm. Daniell Fecit.'

Dimensions of paper roughly eleven and a half inches by eight wide. A good clean impression on grubby and lightly foxed paper. A meticulous head and shoulders view of a seated Hearne, in profile, facing to his left. One of the 72 engravings from chalk portraits by Dance of his friends which were published between 1808 and 1814.

Coloured lithographic portrait engraving of 'THE RIGHT HONBLE. WILLIAM PIT. | From an original drawing by the late Mr. Sayers in the possession of Francis Turner Esqr. | Drawn on Stone by R. J. L. [i.e. Richard James Lane]'.

William Pitt the younger [James Sayers (1748-1823), artist; Richard James Lane (1800-72), line engraver and lithographer; Graf & Soret]
Publication details: 
(not Published) | Printed by Graf & Soret.'

EXCESSIVELY RARE. Apparently not present in the National Portrait Gallery collection. The portrait is on a piece of India paper roughly four and a half inches by three and a half wide, mounted on a piece of thick wove paper roughly eleven inches by eight and a half wide. The mount bears the text. Good, though somewhat grubby, and with the mount lightly creased and foxed. While Sayers is best-known as a Pittite caricaturist this image is certainly not a caricature.

Autograph Receipt Signed to James Phillips of George Yard, Lombard Street, London.

Sir John Sinclair, Bart.
Publication details: 
London - 29th Feby - 1788. -'

Scottish politician (1754-1835), President of the Board of Agriculture, opponent of William Pitt the younger and editor of Ossian. The recipient James Phillips was a bookseller and stationer. On piece of paper roughly eight inches by three inches. Grubby and lightly stained. Evidence of previous mounting. Repair to slight damage to one edge with loss of two words of text. Embossed four-penny receipt stamp (slightly damaged) on reverse.

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