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[ Ulla-Brit Edberg, Swedish playwright. ] Unpublished typescript of English 'draft of translation' of the play 'Paris - tidig morgon', titled 'Paris - Early Morning'. In two parts.

Ulla-Brit Edberg (b.1928), Swedish playwright [Kungliga Teatern, Operan; Sveriges Radio.]
Publication details: 
'Ulla Britt Edberg | Stockholm, Sweden. Circa 1977.]

105pp., 8vo. Duplicated typescript, in two parts, each with title-page, continuously paginated. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The piece, described as a 'musikdramatiskt' (music drama), was produced in 1976 by the Kungliga Teatern, Operan, and in 1977 on the Sveriges Radio. No other copy traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Sir Edward Thornton, diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Thornton') to Viscount Castlereagh, writing from Sweden, to which he has travelled in HMS Victory, asking for a knighthood for negotiating the first treaty between Britain and Russia.

Sir Edward Thornton, Count of Cassilhas in the Portuguese nobility (1766-1852), diplomat [Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh and 2nd Marquess of Londonderry (1769-1822), Tory foreign secretary]
Publication details: 
Stockholm. 7 December 1812.

5pp., 4to. On two bifoliums. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, with slight wear and creasing at the foot of both bifoliums, and labels from previous mounting still adhering. Headed 'Private'.

Two journals by the same anonymous British author, the first describing a trip to the Arctic Circle in Norway in 1963, and the second a camping trip to Denmark, Finland and Sweden in 1964.

[Journals of two trips by an English couple to Scandinavia: Norway in 1963; Denmark, Finland and Sweden in 1964]
Publication details: 
Frist Journal: Norway; 13 June to 18 July 1963. Second Journal: Denmark, Finland and Sweden; 14 May to 17 July 1964.

Both items in good condition, in worn wraps, on lightly-aged paper. The two journals give bright, pleasant accounts of the two trips. The author appears to be a British woman, whose husband is named Sidney. FIRST JOURNAL: 60pp., small 4to. Two pencil drawings. In 'Baberton spiral note book'. Two items (a guide to Tromsø Domkirke and a receipt) loosely inserted. The first entry reads: 'Arrived Bergen 1600 1/2 late owing to fog on way over. Also fairly choppy towards end of crossing. Oil trouble with ar so went to a Garage directed by young man who squeezed in amongst luggage.

Four long Autograph Letters Signed from Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada, to his brother Jens Bing (in Sweden?), giving detailed and scientific advice on farming from a Canadian and American viewpoint. With Autograph Letter Signed from a third brother.

Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada [North American agriculture; farming; Jens Bing; Sweden; Swedish; Scandinavian]
Publication details: 
One of the letters without place, the other three from Vancouver, Canada, two of them addressed from 4194 West 11th Avenue. 25 July, 24 September and 3 and 11 October 1944.

The four letters total 76pp., 4to. In very good condition, neatly written on lightly-aged paper. All signed 'Paul' (two preceded by 'Your old brother'). Three of the letters are addressed to 'My dear Jens' and the other 'Skål, Frater Amantissime!' The second letter is addressed from 'The Bing House in which live Lyn Bing and Porg [sic] Bing, Vancouver, Canada'. Bing refers to the four letter as 'the 5th. of the Epistles', indicating that one is missing from the sequence.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Nathl.. Greene') from the American newspaper editor Nathaniel Greene to W. Chamberlain junior, with reference to the Swedish Consul Claudius Edward Habicht. With engraved portrait.

Nathaniel Greene (1797-1877), journalist and editor associated with Concord Gazette, New Hampshire Gazette, Haverhill Gazette, Essex Patriot, and Statesman [W. Chamberlain; Claudius Edward Habicht]
Publication details: 
Boston; 17 November 1840.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Greene writes that he is returning Chamberlain's 'Copenhagen letter, together with a translation from the pen of C. E. Hablicht Esq. Swedish Consul at this port', to whom he 'applied for the purpose'. He has 'every disposition to be useful on all similar occasions'. The engraving of Greene, beneath which is a facsimile of his signature, and the words 'Postmaster Boston Mass.', is in good condition, lightly and neatly attached onto a paper mount. Greene was himself also a translator, from German, Italian and French.

Eight Typed Letters Signed from Axel Munthe, author of 'The Story of San Michele', written in a charming and entertaining style to his young friend 'Miss Judith' - Judith Masefield, daughter of the English poet laureate John Masefield.

Axel Munthe [Axel Martin Fredrik Munthe] (1857-1949), Swedish physician and author of 'The Story of San Michele' [Judith Masefield (1904-1988), daughter of the Poet Laureate John Masefield]
Publication details: 
Written from Italy and London in 1930 and (perhaps) 1931.

'The Story of San Michele' is one of the most popular works of the twentieth century, and this delightful correspondence bears ample testimony to the extraordinary allure of its author. The eight letters are entirely legible, in fair condition on aged paper. They total 3 pp in folio, and 8 pp in 4to. The sequence is tentative, none of the letters giving the year. The numerous errors, in large part due to Munthe's growing blindness, are largely unnoticed in the following transcripts. Letter One (2 pp, 4to). 'Rome Villa Svezia Via Aldrovandi 27 Feb 8 [1930]'.

[Printed paper] The Educational Systems of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, with special reference to the Education of Girls and Adults, being The Report presented to the Trustees of the Gilchrist Educational Trust on a visit to Scandinavia in 1892 [...]

Elizabeth Healey, Cambridge Training College for Women Teachers [Gilchrist Educational Trust; Sweden, Norway Finland; nineteenth-century education for girls and the handicapped in Scandinavia]
Publication details: 
London: Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 1892. 'Published with the Authority of the Gilchrist Trustees.'
The Educational Systems of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark

8vo, [vi] + 36 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Aged, and with staple hole to top inner corner; in worn wraps. Stamp on front wrap of the 'Education Department Library', with red 'Education Department. Reference Library.' label on back wrap. Pp. 5-23 give a 'General Plan of Education in Girls' Schools in Scandinavia' (in eleven subsections) and discuss 'The Education of Girls after the End of the Ordinary School Course'. Also included are 'Philanthropic Schools' for 'Deaf Mutes' and 'Deformed and Crippled Children and Adults'.

Manuscript list of British subscribers' names, headed 'Nightingale Fund. | Subscription to present Madame Jenny Goldschmidt-Lind with a Marble Bust of the Queen'.

Jenny Lind [Johanna Maria Lind; Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt] (1820-1887), opera singer, known as 'the Swedish Nightingale'
Publication details: 
[London, England; 1855.]

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with minor evidence of the letter having been laid down on the blank reverse of the second leaf. Thirty names, with sums subscribed. The list is headed 'The Lord Mayor (Salomons) 5. - [five pounds]'. (David Salomons was Lord Mayor of London in 1855.] Several of the names are ticked in pencil, with another noted as 'Not paid' and another as 'Dead'. Among the subscribers is the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper (one pound). Jenny Lind had raised money for the "[Florence] Nightingale Fund".

Allegorical coloured engraved portrait of 'Bernadotte', with explanation, 'Drawn & Etchd by W Heath'.

William Heath ('Paul Pry'); Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, 'The Repository of the Arts', Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1814; Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte; Charles XIV John, King of Sweden]
Publication details: 
Pub March 4th 1814 R Akermann Strand'.

BM 13489. Landscape. On a piece of wove paper, roughly 215 x 305 mm. Good, on heavily-aged paper and with strip of blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. The title 'BERNADOTTE' is at the head, and the publication details and caption at the foot. Shows Bernadotte in martial pose and uniform, riding his white horse over a fearsome serpent. He wears a sash on which are written the words 'Leipsic' and 'Victory'.

Promotional booklet in English, with photographic illustrations: 'From Industrial Sweden. Aktiebolaget Bofors. Bofors, Sweden.

Bofors Steel Works, Gothenburg, Sweden [Bofors anti-aircraft gun; armaments; warfare; military]
Publication details: 
Gothenburg: 1923. ['Wald. Zachrissons Boktr. A.-B., Göteborg 1923'.]

4to (28.5 x 21.5 cm): 8 pp. In original buff printed wraps. Printed on shiny art paper. Text complete and clear. Lightly spotted, with central vertical fold, grubby wraps, rusted staples. Twelve photographs, ranging in size from half- to quarter-page: 'General View of the Bofors Works', 'Erecting shop', 'Fitting shop', '15 cm. Guns', 'Hardening tower', '15 cm. (6 inch.) double gun-carriage M/12', 'Rolling Mill housing, weight 33 tons', 'Runner for water turbine', 'Ore Crusher', 'Exterior of the Bofors Steel Works', 'Screw Automatics' and 'Details'.

Autograph Signature.

Christine Nilson (1843-1921), Swedish singer, the subject of Corot's famous painting 'The Bohemian with a Mandolin'
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On a piece of laid watermarked paper roughly 11.5 cm square. Good firm underlined signature, about 8 cm long. On aged paper, with pin holes above and below, and a vertical fold about 1 cm above.

Autograph Letter Signed to Canon [Edward Haderezer] Knowles.

George Stephens
Publication details: 
Husaby, Grimslof Station, Smaland, Sweden, July 30, 1880.'

English runic archaeologist (1813-95). The recipient (c.1820-1896) was Principal of St Bees Theological College in Cumbria. Three pages, octavo. A frail survival, in poor condition, on discoloured, fraying paper, with several closed tears and loss to second leaf of bifolium, affecting three lines of text, and repaired with archival tape. Red letterhead vignette of stone with runic inscription. 'Your favor of the 13th has followed me to this place, my son's estate, where I have a large part of my library, Museum and Collections, as he has plenty of room in his large house.

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