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Autograph Card Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Margot Asquith'), both in French, to unnamed male correspondent ['Cher trest Cher Coq'].

Margot Asquith [nee Margot Emma Alice Tennant], Countess of Oxford and Asquith (1864-1945)
Publication details: 
Card 1 July and Note 3 July [both no year, but before 1919]; both with printed address '20 Cavendish Square, W. [London]'.

Dimensions of card roughly 8 x 12 cm. Very good though lightly aged. Asking her correspondent to dinner in the following week. Note, addressed to 'Cher tres Cher Coq', on one side of 8vo grey paper. Very good, though lightly creased. She will be 'enchante de vous voir chez moi' on Wednesday [6 July] at 1 o'clock. Both items written before the Asquiths 1919 move from Cavendish Square to 44 Bedford Square. Two items,

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to the publishers Williams & Norgate.

Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil (1830-1903), 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, British Conservative Prime Minister on three occasions
Publication details: 
25 January 1897; on letterhead 20, Arlington Street, S.W. [London].

12mo: 1 p. Good. Purple receipt stamp in top left-hand corner. 'Lord Salisbury requests Messrs. Williams & Norgate to send him Harnack's "Die Chronologie der Altchristlichen Literatur bis Eusebius". Also another volume he published 3 or 4 years ago on the same subject - the "Geschichte".' One presumes that the present British Prime Minister is equally cultured.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Palmerston') to Major General Patrick Campbell (1779-1857), British Consul General in Egypt.

Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865), British Prime Minister (as Foreign Secretary)
Publication details: 
13 December 1837; Foreign Office.

4to: 1 p. Good. Folded three times. A neatly-written letter of introduction for 'Major William Henry Grote [1795-1844], of the 33d. Regiment, now at Malta, Brother of Mr. Grote MP. for London, who is about to visit Egypt': 'I beg leave to introduce him to your acquaintance, and to recommend him to your Protection and good Offices.'

Autograph Letter Signed "W. Sidney Smith" to the Prime Minister, the Earl of Liverpool.

Admiral Sir [William] Sidney Smith, hero of Acre.
Publication details: 
Paris, 6 Aug. 1818.

Four pages, 4to, fair condition. Smith has put a cross through the first page, suggesting a draft - with no loss or obscuring. He believes he has had proof of Liverpool's goodwill towards him and is emboldened to ask that a protege "be included in the next list of Post Captains".

Printed Circular ('To Her Majestys Consul') Signed 'Aberdeen'.

George Hamilton Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860), Scottish Tory politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1852-55
Publication details: 
Foreign Office, [London]; 30 April 1846.

One page, large octavo. Aged and with light staining. Docketed on second leaf of bifolium: 'Requesting Consuls not to receive Copies of books as presents to Her Majesty'.

Manuscript debenture, signed 'Macclesfield' and 'Walpole'.

George Parker (c.1697-1764), 2nd Earl of Macclesfield, astronomer; Robert Walpole (1701-1751), 2nd Earl of Orford (as Baron Walpole)
Publication details: 
3 November 1741; [Whitehall].

Two pages. On piece of paper roughly five inches by nine wide. Aged and with a few nicks, but good overall. Seven lines, beginning 'Debentur Carolo Duci St. Alban Magro Austrag Dni Rs [...]'. 'Letter Money' in margin. Various docketings cross-wise on reverse, including signature of 'Jno: Bidleson' ('John Bidleson Atto. Int. J Dawson') and sums totalling £343 2s 6d.

Document Signed "[?] Decazes" to "M. Gaillard Senainville, agent de la Societe d'encouragt".

Elie, Duc Decazes, French Statesman.
Publication details: 
Ministere de l'Interieur, Paris, 14 April 1819.

In French. Two pages, fol., secretarial hand, signed by Decazes. He is appoijmting Inspectors ("travail" and "surveillance" to ensure the proper operation of the Exposition "des produits de l'industrie francaise, qui doit avoir lieu au Louvre le 25 Avril prochain". He recalls that his correspondent was responsible, at the Exposition of 1806, for "toutes les operations concernant la classification des produits, et leur distribution . . .".

Three Typed Letters Signed to Morley Stuart, Editor of the Cambridge Independent Press; together with photograph and press cuttings relating to Montagu, with letters from Asquith's and Lloyd George's secretaries.

Edwin Samuel Montagu [Herbert Henry Asquith; David Lloyd George]
Publication details: 
1915 to 1924; from various places.

British Liberal politician (1879-1924), Secretary of State for India, 1917-22. Jewish opponent of the Balfour Declaration. Untidy collection, discoloured with age and crudely mounted on leaves taken from autograph album, with cuttings pasted over parts of letters, etc. All three of Montagu's letters signed 'Ed S Montagu'. LETTER ONE (9 February 1915, 24 Queen Anne's Gate, S.W., one page, octavo): Is grateful for a letter and cutting.

Coloured lithographic portrait engraving of 'THE RIGHT HONBLE. WILLIAM PIT. | From an original drawing by the late Mr. Sayers in the possession of Francis Turner Esqr. | Drawn on Stone by R. J. L. [i.e. Richard James Lane]'.

William Pitt the younger [James Sayers (1748-1823), artist; Richard James Lane (1800-72), line engraver and lithographer; Graf & Soret]
Publication details: 
(not Published) | Printed by Graf & Soret.'

EXCESSIVELY RARE. Apparently not present in the National Portrait Gallery collection. The portrait is on a piece of India paper roughly four and a half inches by three and a half wide, mounted on a piece of thick wove paper roughly eleven inches by eight and a half wide. The mount bears the text. Good, though somewhat grubby, and with the mount lightly creased and foxed. While Sayers is best-known as a Pittite caricaturist this image is certainly not a caricature.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 3) to Col. Harvey

Margot Asquith,
Publication details: 
1913 and 1915

Wife of Prime Minister. 2-5pp., 8vo. Extensive eulogising of her husband, H.H. Asquith, and condemnation of his enemies. (Asquith was replaced by Lloyd George in 1916.) Three items,

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-98), British Liberal Prime Minister
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly four and a half inches by one and a quarter. Good, on ruckled and slightly discoloured paper, with traces of glue adhering to reverse. Reads 'Very sincerely yours | W E Gladstone'.

Etched portrait, by W (?) Burton

William Ewart Gladstone [W. Burton]
Publication details: 

A clean copy, on good thick paper, of an engraving, three versions of which are in the National Portrait Gallery (NPG D8332, NPG D8333, NPG D8334), where they are dated 1889, and described as being etched 'after a photograph originally published in the Pall Mall Gazette 'Grand Old Man' extra'. Dimensions of paper roughly nine inches by six, dimensions of image roughly five inches by four. Burton's signature is faintly etched at the foot of plate, and the print is docketed in pencil 'W E G' at the foot of the paper, with 'Burton 1/-' on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Burns'.

Lady Dorothy Macmillan
Publication details: 
No date; on letterhead '14 CHESTER SQUARE | S.W.I'.

Wife (1900-66) of the Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, and daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. Three pages, 12mo. Grubby, creased and stained (perhaps with tears?). She was 'up in Stockton' the previous week, and heard that her correspondent's son was ill. 'Having children of my own, I know how very precious they are & how terribly one feels it when anything is wrong with them. It is dreadful when one sees such little things ill & one feels it is so cruel that it should happen to them.

Autograph Note Signed [with initial 'D.'] to unnamed correspondent.

Benjamin Disraeli
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

British Nineteenth-century Tory Prime Minister and novelist. 1 page, 8vo, creased and somewhat discoloured. 'From the Rector of Chalfont | Will you ask whether, can have this second delivery. | I think I tried for it in vain when we were in opposition. | Yrs | D.' The reference to the Rector of Chalfont is unexplained. Docketed at head in pencil 'The Rt. Honble. B. D'Israeli'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Wellington (2nd Duke)
Publication details: 
21 November 1875; S[trathfield]-Saye.

English military commander and Tory Prime Minister (DNB), vanquisher of Napoleon at Waterloo. 1 page, 16mo, in good condition with neat crease not affecting signature. The reverse of the blank second leaf bears evidence of having been stuck in album. 'Sir | I fear I cannot serve you But I will see when I go to London. | I am Sir | Your obed Sert | Wellington'.

Autograph Signature.

Sir Robert Peel
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English Tory prime minister (1750-1830). On creased and grubby slip of paper, dimensions approximately 1 1/2 inches by 4 1/2, with three small glue stains from mounting on reverse. Reads 'Very faithfully yours | Robert Peel'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

G. W. Bisseneek [Georgs Bisenieks?]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Prime Minister of Latvia. On slip of paper approximately one inch by three inches. In good condition, with one crease, and neatly glued to docketed piece of green card. Signed 'G. W. Bisseneeks".

The Two Imperialisms Speech by Mr. Anthony Eden at the Constitutional Club, London, on April 17th, 1940.

Anthony Eden
Publication details: 
Printed in England', [1940].

Conservative Prime Minister (1897-1977). Stapled 8vo pamphlet, unbound, four leaves, 7 pages. Grubby, creased and with loss to the corners of the first leaf. Begins: 'THIS war is not a clash between rival dynasties. Its basic causes are not economic; nor is it even a struggle to decide the balance of power.' Shelfmark in manuscript at foot of first page. The British Library does not appear to possess a copy of this pamphlet.

Autograph Signature on fragment of official document.

Publication details: 
No date or place.

British Whig Prime Minister (DNB). Rectangular piece of paper approximately two inches by five, lightly creased and discoloured. Signed 'Melbourne' beneath the words 'By His Majesty's Command.' in another hand. In the same hand on the reverse are fragments of eight lines apparently relating to the retention in 'strict Custody' of one France <?> in the thirty-ninth year of the Reign of King George III. Docketted in ink and pencil beneath Melbourne's signature 'Melbourne'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Publication details: 
Broadlands, 11 October 1836.

British Tory Prime Minister (DNB). One page, 16mo, on mourning paper, creased but in good condition. The foot of the leaf, which would have borne the recipient's name, has been neatly torn away. 'My dear Sir, | We shall be very glad to see you on Monday, & the Three oclock Train will bring you here in good Time | Yrs Faithfully | Palmerston'.

ALS, 1p, 4to to Clement Shorter, editor of the Sphere newspaper

Viscountess Lee of Fareham (see husband's DNB entry) on Chequers, the British Prime Ministers' country house
Publication details: 
30 October [no year, but between 1917 and 1921], on Chequers letterhead

Says that Chequers has been "thoroughly photographed twice since our alterations" (1910 and 1917), but that she would be glad to allow Shorter to have other photographs taken. Country Life does not give the Lees copies of these photographs, but does sometimes allow other newspapers to reproduce them. "I remember very well the luncheon at Lord Curzon's about a year ago - Would you care to come to see Chequers before we leave?" The Lees acquired Chequers in 1909, the Chequers Estate Act was passed in 1917 and the couple left in 1921.

one receipt signed,

Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool
Publication details: 

One page, 12mo. On recto: "<...> 1797 of John Meheux the sum <...> / <... f>orty five Pounds for one <...> / me as one of the Commissioners <...> / <...> from Michaelmas to <...> / [signed] Hawkesbury". Docketted in pencil and in ink. On verso: "25 Decr. 1797 / The Rt Honble Lord Hawkesbury Commissioner 3/m Salary to 25th inst / £375: 0: 0". Some discolouration to paper.

Autograph fragment signed to an unnamed correspondent,

Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Tory prime minister
Publication details: 
without date or place, but docketted in pencil "D[ownin]g. S[tree]t. 1812".

A piece of laid paper, 4 inches by 2. "<...> humble Servant / Robert Peel". Grubby and with minor discoloration from previous mounting.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Lord John Russell
Publication details: 
Pembroke Lodge, 21 May 1850

(Prime Minister) Three pages, 8vo, very good condition. Text as follows: I have a request to make to you, with which I hope you will compy. It is that you will serve in the Royal Commission to enquire into the state of the University of Cambrige./ Professor Sedgwick & Sir John Herschel I [...?] likewise to ask to be members of the Commission - And in any nomination I may number I should wish to choose persons whose names will inspire confidence in the University.

Typed letters (x 2) signed to Peter Barling of the Cricket Society,

Alec Douglas-Home.
Publication details: 
11 May and 26 October 1966, both on his House of Commons letterhead.

Baron Home of the Hirsel. Conservative prime minister (1903-95). Both letters one page, 12mo. In the first he says he will accept Barling's invitation to the Autumn Dinner as long as "nothing prevents me from being with you that evening". In the second he thanks Barling for further details of the dinner, and reiterates his hope "that nothing will crop up in the House of Commons that evening which might prevent me from attending". Both letters have two punch holes from previous keeping in a ring binder. Two items,

Typed note signed,

Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery
Publication details: 
28 November 1927, with letterhead The Durdans, Epsom.

Liberal Prime Minister (1847-1929). One page, 12mo, on mourning paper. "Dictated. / My dear Constance, / I always reckon on your sympathy, and so your kind note has not taken me by surprise. / Your affte / [signature]". The signature looks like little more than "Ry".

Autograph note signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Catherine Gladstone
Publication details: 
21 November [no year], Downing Street.

(c.1813-1900), wife of the Liberal Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone (1809-98). 2 pp, 12mo. "I am very sorry your note has not been answered. The truth is I am overwhelmed with applications & it is with very great regret that I must refuse your request. / I hope to be in Wells soon & in any case I could not make another engagement." Two spots of glue from previous mounting adhering to the reverse.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed archdeacon.

Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey
Publication details: 
8 February 1840, Howick.

British Whig prime minister (1764-1845). One page, 8vo, with crested seal in red wax adhering to remains of second leaf. "My dear Mr. Arch-Deacon / I have just received a letter from the Bishop, saying that he will be here on Friday, to stay till Monday. I wish you could be persuaded to meet him here, & cannot help hoping that your intended visit to Balmbro' may not prove an insuperable obstacle to your affording us that pleasure - / I am ever most faithfully yours / Grey." In bad condition: with extensive tears repaired with archival tape.

Autograph letter, third person, to the President of the Royal Society.

Lord John Russell.
Publication details: 
H[ome] O[ffice], 14 May 1839.

Prime Minister 1846-1852 and 1865-1866 (1792-1878). Two pages, 8vo, good condition. He "requests the President of the Royal Society to obtain the opinion of some of the members of the Society conversant with the Science of Botany, whether it may be advisable, with a View to extend the knowledge of Botany, that a Charter of Incorporation should be granted to the Royal Botanical Society (Regents Park.

Autograph note signed to an unknown correspondent (name removed).

Robert Peel.
Publication details: 
Drayton Manor, 27 Dec. (no year).

Prime Minister (1788-1850). One page, 8vo, name of correspondent removed, rest of text apparently complete. "Should you be disengaged on Saturday next, will you give me the pleasure of your Company at 1/2 before twelve to shoot here in the morning and dress and dine here afterwards."

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