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Autograph Letter Signed to the Reverend Vickers of Bearwood in Dorset.

Arthur Christopher Benson [Magdalene College]
Publication details: 
3 June 1924; on letterhead of the Old Lodge, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Prolific author (1862-1925), responsible for the words to 'Land of Hope and Glory'. Brother of the novelist E. F. Benson et al. Four pages, 12mo. Good though grubby, and on paper foxed and discoloured with age. Discusses his 'little paper on Stuart Donaldson'. 'He had a wonderfully <?> and courageous spirit [...] I knew Fred Donaldson well, but never quite understood him. St Clair, now Bishop of Sarum, was my own contemporary & close friend. [...] Donaldson did a great work here in lifting the College out of obscurity into life & activity. He (& I) came here in 1904. There were then 30 men.

Ten Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Maurice Everett Webb [Sir Aston Webb; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1924 to 1927; on letterheads of Sir Aston Webb & Son, '19, QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, | WESTMINSTER, | LONDON, S.W.1.'

Architect (1880-1939), son of Sir Aston Webb, designer of Admiralty Arch, the Victoria Memorial, etc. All ten items very good. Five docketed and six bearing R.S.A. stamp. All ten signed 'Maurice E. Webb'. An interesting and important correspondence, mainly concerning the renovation of the R.S.A.'s Adelphi building.

Three Autograph Letters Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (named one letter) and G. K. Menzies (one letter), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Aston Webb
Publication details: 
1917 to 1919; on letterheads '19, QUEEN ANNES GATE, | WESTMINSTER, | LONDON, S.W.'

British architect (1849-1930), noted for his work on Buckingham Palace, Admiralty Arch, the Victoria & Albert Museum, etc. All five items very good, though dusty. Two docketed and all five bearing R.S.A. stamp. ITEM ONE (one page, quarto, 5 January 1917): 'I have had the possibility of a paper on Charing Cross Bridge before me since you mentioned it. The matter is coming up in Parliament next Session & I think it would be extremely difficult for me to read such a paper just as a Parliamentary discussion or Committee is coming on. I feel sure you will see my position in the matter.

Drawing and Autograph Note.

Publication details: 
5 August 1900; ' "Deerhurst" | Streatham | London. S.W.'

Parkinson received the degree of Master of Arts from Oriel College, Oxford, but took up art and drew the cartoons for Judy magazine, 1890-96. One page, 12mo. Very good if a tad grubby. Folded once. Attractive illustration, roughly two inches square, in top left-hand corner, showing the head and shoulders of a 'Gibson girl' type beauty, in dress with leg o'mutton sleeves, looking over her left shoulder. Clearly responding to request for autograph, the text reads 'Most willingly | Yours faithfully | Wm Parkinson. | Aug 5. 1900. | "Dearhurst" | Streatham | London. S.W.'

Typed Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Albert Bruce-Joy
Publication details: 
26 November 1894; on embossed letterhead 'The Studio Beaumont Road, | West Kensington. S.W.'

Anglo-Irish sculptor (1842-1924). One page, quarto. Good, on slightly discoloured paper. The embossment has been gone over in light blue pencil to bring it up. A couple of manuscript marks by Bruce-Joy for emphasis. Begins Offers to show his correspondent the 'colossal Statue of Mr. Oliver Heywood, which I have lately completed in the marble' (leaving for Manchester 'in a few days'), as well as 'the finished marble Statue of Mr. Whitley, M.P., for St.

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Bradfield.

Alfred Ainger
Publication details: 
11 June 1879; 2 Upper Terrace, Hampstead.

English writer, humorist and divine (1837-1904). Four pages, 12mo. Very good, though a tad grubby, and with traces of previous mounting on verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He is late in replying because he has been bringing his invalid niece back from Derbyshire to Hampstead. Touches on her illness and on the the disposal of furniture. '[...] but I am now "what is more, a householder" (Dogberry), & monarch of all I survey [...] I should have liked to visit you at Roseleigh. Well, well, it must stand over, like many another pleasant scheme. But do come again to London soon.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Ward'.

Briton Riviere
Publication details: 
23 May 1892; on letterhead 'FLAXLEY, | 82 FINCHLEY RD.. N.W.'

English artist (1840-1920). Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with closed tear at head unobtrusively repaired with archival tape, and some spotting. In stamped envelope addressed in autograph and with postmark. 'I shall be pleased to come & see your pupils work on Wednesday June the 1st but shall not be able to reach there before 2.45 I regret to say. | With kind regards | Yours very truly | [signed] Briton Riviere'.

Autograph Letter Signed to William <Miller?>.

Ralph Straus [George Augustus Sala]
Publication details: 
12 February 1932; on letterhead '8E. Hyde Park Mansions, | N.W.1.'

English writer (1882-1950). One page, quarto. Good, but lightly creased and dusty, and with minor spotting. Concerns the writer George Augustus Sala, about whom Straus would publish a book in 1942. He is grateful for the Sala letters, and encloses a cheque. 'I appreciate your good nature in letting me have them. [...] My own Sala collection is fairly, but not wholly, complete. I have no copy, for instance, of his pamphlet (1860 or 1862) on the Wimbledon Volunteer Rifle Meeting.

Typed Letter Signed to George White, Advertising Manager, Messrs. E. Hulton & Co. Ltd, Manchester.

Publication details: 
23 December 1918; on company letterhead.

Head of pharmaceutical company (1866-1933), famous for its cough mixture. One page, quarto. Ornate engraved letterhead featuring picture of the firm's headquarters, Veno Buildings, Chester Road, Manchester. Good, but with creasing, fraying and some closed tears. Rust marks from staple in top left-hand corner. He was sorry not to have seen him 'at the annual meeting of the Column Club on Friday night', and hopes he has recovered from his indisposition. 'I am taking this opportunity of thanking you for the many kindnesses you have shown me while I was Chairman of the Column Club.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Hormasji Peroshaw Mody, K.B.E.
Publication details: 
27 February 1939; on letterhead 'BOMBAY HOUSE, | FORT, BOMBAY.'

Indian politician (born 1881); Acting Governor of Bombay, September 1947; Governor of the United Provinces, 1949-52. One page, quarto. Docketed and stamped. Apologises for late reply ('owing to absence from Bombay and other reasons') and has pleasure in accepting 'the invitation extended to me to be nominated for Fellowship of your Society'. Signed 'H. P. Mody'.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Oliver Armstrong Fry [VANITY FAIR]
Publication details: 
30 January 1915; on letterhead 'MELBOURNE LODGE, | EAST MOLESEY, | SURREY.'

Journalist (1855-1931), editor of Vanity Fair, 1889-1904. One page, quarto. Very good, if a little dusty. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. There is 'no apparent chance' of F. V. Brookes delivering his 'promised lecture' at the R.S.A. 'Of course I would be willing if necessary to read this paper for my old friend; but [...] I would very strongly urge that it would be better in every way to postpone this lecture for some time. Its subject is one that is peculiarly Mr. Brooks's own, and I think no one else would deal with it so well.' Signed 'Oliver A. Fry'.

Autograph Note Signed [to Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Reginald Barratt
Publication details: 
17 February 1913; on embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum, Pall Mall.

English artist (1861-1917). One page, octavo. Very good, though slightly discoloured at foot. Stamped and docketed. 'Enclosed letter [not present] for Mr. G. Havell, has been sent me to forward. I cannot find his address. | Would you kindly forward it if his address is in yr books (Indian section) if not, kindly return it to me here.' Signed 'Reginald Barratt'.

Two Autograph Postcards Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, [Secretary,] The Society of Arts.

Sir Wyke Bayliss
Publication details: 
19 and 21 January 1893, '7 North Road | Clapham Park'.

Artist and art historian (1835-1906), President of the Royal Society of British Artists. Both items very good, if somewhat grubby, and both stamped and docketed, and signed 'Wyke Bayliss'. Both postcards with postmark over printed stamp. POSTCARD ONE: 'I was dining last night with Dr Richardson and he said he should be glad if you could let him have some more cards of invitation for my lecture on the 25th. May I ask you (if you think proper) to send them a dozen, in addition to htose you have already sent.' POSTCARD TWO: 'I send by this post the MS of my paper, for the printer.

"Army (Annual) [...] Bill 132": "A bill to provide, during twelve months, for the discipline and regulation of the army."

House of Commons
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 17 March 1904."; "PRINTED BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, | PRINTERS TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY."

Five leaves, folio. One page blank. Unbound and stitched as issued. Good, but creased and foxed, with slight wear to extremities. Comprising bill (four pages), schedule, memorandum, arrangement of clauses.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Ernest George
Publication details: 
January 1881; on letterhead 'CROWN HILL, | NORWOOD. S.E.'

Architect and engraver (1839-1922). One page, 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, but with evidence of previous mounting on brown paper on reverse. Addressed to 'Dear Doctor'. He thanks him for his 'kind care of us' ('your crippled patient gave you much trouble') and asks him to accept a copy of his 'Belgium' ('Etchings in Belgium. With descriptive letterpress', 1878), which he is sending through the '' and 'will probably arrive someday'. Signed 'Ernest George'. Docketed in ink on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Meades'.

Arthur Wellesley Peel, 1st Viscount Peel
Publication details: 
25 July 1906; Sandy [Bedfordshire].

Speaker of the House of Commons (1829-1912). Two pages, 12mo. On mourning paper. Folded once. In very good condition. Thanks his correspondent for the letter of condolence on the 'heavy calamity' of the loss of his daughter Eleanor. 'You knew dear Ella so well - that you can imagine how much her high spirits & her genuine and unselfish nature are missed here - and how irreparable is the loss to me and to her mother & sisters.' Signed 'Peel'. He is been touched by 'the sympathy of friends (which is abundantly given)'.

(Printed copy of?) Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Queen Alexandra
Publication details: 
Without date; headed 'Marlborough House' in manuscript and on crested letterhead.

Queen-consort (1844-1925) of King Edward VII. 2 pages, 16mo. Bifoliate, with recto of first leaf bearing a mourning border. Reads 'Marlborough House | I have read with great interest the Report of the work of the Field Force Fund and I hope the Appeal for Friends will meed with a generous response to enable the Comforts that are required to be Sent to our Soldiers at the Front - | Alexandra'. The homogeneity of the ink implies that the item is a printed copy. Note: Field Force Fund, 1916-1918.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet.
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

For Keppel (1809-1904) see the DNB. On a slip of paper, 1 inch by 2¾, probably cut from a letter. Grubby and creased, and docketed in ink 'Admiral Keppel'. Mounted on a long slip, together with the signature of his brother 'Edwd. S[outhwell]: Keppel' (b. c. 1801), Rector Of Quidenham, Norfolk, on a piece cut from another letter, 1¼ inches by 3. This second signature is in better condition and is preceded by "Dear Sir | Yours very truly'. Two items,

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