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[Herbert Samuel, Liberal politician.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Herbert Samuel') to the publisher Grant Richards, the second concerning the reviewing of his book 'Liberalism'.

Herbert Samuel [Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel] (1870-1963), British Liberal Home Secretary [Grant Richards (1872-1948), London publisher]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of 88 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. [London] 6 January and 20 February 1902.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both 2pp., 12mo, on bifoliums. ONE: 6 January 1902. Attempting to rearrange an appointment from morning to afternoon, and giving news of a lost penknife. TWO: 20 February 1902. With Richards's dated receipt stamp. Requesting that a copy of his book 'Liberalism' be sent to 'C. P. Lucas, Esq., Colonial Office, Whitehall'.

[Lottie Venne, Edwardian actress and comedienne.] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male recipient, describing her painful separation from her husband Walter H. Fisher of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.

Lottie Venne (1852-1928), English actress and comedienne, wife of Walter H. Fisher [Walter Henry Fisher], singer with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Norfolk Road, St John's Wood, NW [London]. 18 July 1910.

2pp., 8vo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She begins by asking whether the recipient is 'the same gentleman who wrote to me from Bournemouth', and to whom she replied that she was 'unable to give the information required, for many years before my husband's death we were seperated [sic]'. She explains that when Fisher was not 'travelling about in the Country he lived with his Father I believe, who has now been dead some years. The whole thing was very tragic and painful, & I shall feel obliged to you not writing to me again on the subject'.

[James Tregaskis, London bookseller.] An engraving by Herbert Railton of the interior of his celebrated Holborn shop, captioned 'Old Stairway at the "Caxton Head."' Signed in pencil by Tregaskis.

James Tregaskis (1850-1926), London bookseller; Herbert Railton (1857-1910), illustrator
Publication details: 
Published by James and Mary Lee Tregaskis, "Caxton Head," 232 High Holborn, London, 1894.

On 32.5 x 23 cm piece of thin wove paper. In fair condition only: aged, especially at extremities, and with loss to all four corners on removal from mount. The image (which is roughly 21 x 17 cm) and text are clear and clean, as is the signature 'James Tregaskis', in pencil in the bottom right-hand corner. A charming view, in Railton's characteristic style, of a somewhat decrepit eighteenth-century interior, with a plump young girl in voluminous late-Victorian smock playing on the stairs with a small dog.

Printed 'Duplicate' of grant by 'The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company to Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son', of 'exclusive right of Selling Newspapers &c., and of Advertising at the Company's Stations and Premises', with two related documents.

[The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company; Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son, stationers and booksellers; A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester.
Publication details: 
Grant of 1908: A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester. 'Dated 5th November, 1908.' Agreement of 1915: place not stated. Duplicated agreement of 1918: A. De. C. Parmiter, Solicitor, Manchester. 'Dated 10 January 1918'.

ONE (Grant of 1908): 9 + [1]pp., 8vo. Unstitched and unbound. Properly printed and paginated, with marginal glosses. On aged and worn paper, with closed tears along fold lines. Containing 27 clauses, in an agreement for a term of seven years from 1 January 1909. Between the railway company and, on behalf of W. H. Smith and Son, the Honourable William Frederick Danvers Smith MP, Charles Awdry, Alfred Dyke Acland, Charles Harry St John Hornby and Charles Selwyn Awdry. W. H. Smith had opened their first railway bookstall almost exactly sixty years before, in November of 1848.

[William Ford, Birmingham gun maker.] Manuscript letter from the firm to F. Gardner, giving the cost of improving the shooting of his 'little .410'. On letterhead with much text as advertisement.

William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham
Publication details: 
Letterhead of William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham. 21 February 1907.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to extremities. Addressed to 'F. Gardner Esq | Little Coggeshall | Essex'. The letter is signed 'Wm Ford | Per Pro' and reads: 'Dear Sir | In reply to your kind enquiry the cost to improve the shooting of your little .410 would be about 10/- if a double gun as near as I can tell without seeing it. | Trusting to be favoured with your kind command'. The letterhead contains a mass of text at the head and filling the left-hand margin.

[John Rudge Harding, actor.] Fifteen Autograph Letters Signed ('J. Rudge Harding' and 'Rudge') to actor 'Anmer Hall' [Alderson Burrell Horne]

John Rudge Harding (1862-1932), English actor [Alderson Burrell Horne ['Anmer Hall'] (1863-1953), actor-manager and owner of the Westminster Theatre]
Publication details: 
Most from 34 Elm Park Mansions, Park Walk, Chelsea. Three on letterheads of the British Red Cross Society, 83 Pall Mall. Two on letterhead of the Green Room Club, 49 Leicester Square. Undated (one from 1917 and the rest from around the same time).

The fifteen items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Totalling 19pp., 12mo; 4pp., 8vo; 1p., 4to. Eleven signed 'Rudge', three 'J. Rudge Harding', and one 'J. Rudge H.' Ten addressed to 'My dear Alderson', four to 'My dear Horne', and one to 'My dear Alderson Horne'. A friendly, chatty correspondence.

[Henry John Reynolds-Moreton, 3rd Earl of Ducie.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Ducie') to the ornithologist W. L. Mellersh

Henry John Reynolds-Moreton (1827-1921), 3rd Earl of Ducie [Lord Ducie], naturalist, 1840 to 1853 styled Lord Moreton, English Liberal politician [William Lock Mellersh, Gloucestershire ornithologist]
Publication details: 
All three on letterhead of Tortworth Court, Falfield, Gloucestershire. 21 May 1902, 14 Augst 1911 and 15 January 1912.

The three letters total 5pp., 8vo. On aged and damp-stained paper. In the first letter (21 May 1902) Ducie writes that he has that morning received Mellersh's book ('A Treatise on the Birds of Gloucestershire', 1902), and that he is 'delighted with it. Whether it would find a "public" if offered in a cheaper form, I cannot say. It is too scientific for the crowd. | I note only one error. You make out that I shot a Squacco Heron. I bought it or had it given to me from Berkeley'.

[Captain G. Skeffington Smyth, Adjutant, The Motor Volunteer Corps.] Typed Letter Signed, a circular requesting that the recipient 'assist the Admiralty [...] by helping to drive the Officers of the French Fleet from London to Maidenhead'.

Captain G. Skeffington Smyth [Lt-Col. Geoffrey Henry Julian Skeffington Smyth [FitzPatrick] (1873-1939], DSO, Adjutant, The Motor Volunteer Corps [The Admiralty, London; the Entente Cordiale, 1904]
Publication details: 
29 Sackville Street, London, W. 25 July 1905.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An interesting document, from the period immediately following the signing of the Entente Cordiale.

[Tonbridge Cricket Week, 1894-1909.] Manuscript 'Minute Book' of the Committee of Subscribers to the Tonbridge Cricket Week, with entries signed by Tom Pawley, H. A. L. Rudd, and others, and numerous newspaper cuttings inserted.

Tonbridge Cricket Week, 1894-1909 [Tom Pawley (1859-1923), Kent cricketer; G. A. Floyd; H. A. L. Rudd [Henry Aytone Lindesay Rudd] (1867-1935); W. G. Grace; Ben Greet]
Publication details: 
[Tonbridge, Kent.] 14 February 1894 to 29 January 1909.

285pp., 8vo, including newspaper cuttings laid down on 24pp., and one loose cutting. In contemporary black leather half-binding, with brown cloth covers, and 'MINUTE BOOK' in gilt on front. Marbled endpapers. Ticket on rear pastedown of 'W. BLAIR, | Stationer, | Post Office Buildings | TONBRIDGE'. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with front hinge split. Manuscript title: 'Tonbridge Cricket Week. | 1894. | First Held 1890'.

[Julius Parnell Gibson, Keeper of Manuscripts, British Museum.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Autograph Note Signed (all three 'J. P. Gibson') to an unnamed woman regarding a collection of 'old deeds', for which he makes an unsuccessful offer.

Julius Parnell Gibson [J. P. Gibson] (1868-1929), Keeper of Manuscripts, British Museum, London
Publication details: 
All three on letterhead of the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum, London, WC. 4, 14 and 17 December 1912.

Casting an interesting sidelight on the purchasing practices of the British Museum Manuscripts Department. All three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Totalling 6pp., 12mo. On three bifoliums. ONE: ALS. 4 December 1912. 3pp., 12mo. As it is 'difficult to advise without further information as to the nature of the old papers' he invites her to 'send them up' so that he can 'report whether there is any probability of their purchase by the Trustees of the British Museum'. If they are 'bulky' he suggests sending 'specimens'.

[Thomas Seccombe, biographer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to the publisher John Lane, concerning the Titmarsh Club, and Lane's publication of books by Stephen Sydney Reynolds.

Thomas Seccombe (1866-1923), English critic and biographer [John Lane (1854-1925), London publisher (The Bodley Head); Stephen Sydney Reynolds (1881-1919), Devon author; The Titmarsh Club]
Publication details: 
One from 18 Perryn Road, Acton, W [London]. 2 April 1908. The other with the same address on letterhead of the East London College (University of London), Mile End Road, E. 21 October [no year].

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. The letter begins: 'Dear Mr Lane, | Conscientious research in Titmarshian activities seems to point to the fact that you owe to the club the sum of 22/- for two dinners in October 1907.' He continues on this theme for a while, before turning to Reynolds: 'I am very glad to hear that you are going to bring out the Holy Mountain & Poor Mans House by Reynolds. As partly responsible for the suggestion of the Mountain & the location at Acton, I take some interest in the book & also in its author.?>

[Herbert Beerbohm Tree, actor-manager.] Contract for His Majesty's Theatre, London, signed on his behalf by Henry Dana, engaging 'Miss Sylvia Dryhurst' [ the Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd ] to act in a production of 'The Merchant of Venice'.

Henry Dana (1855-1921), general manager of Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1852-1917), actor-manager [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)]
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Theatre [Haymarket, London]. 14 March 1908.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Contract, signed on Tree's behalf by Henry Dana. A printed form, completed in a second hand, headed 'HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE', and dated 14 March 1908. Signed by Dana: 'pp H Beerbohm Tree | Henry Dana'. Engaging 'Miss Sylvia Dryhurst' for 'The run of "The Merchant of Venice", at the salary of one guinea per week of six performances. 'This engagement is terminable by two weeks' notice on either side'. Not signed by SL. The second page carries the fifteen 'Rules and Regulations' of 'His Majesty's Theatre. | Proprietor and Manager - Mr. TREE.'

[Maurice Baring, novelist and poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Wheeler', regarding the practicalities of a plan for a new London theatre.

Maurice Baring (1874-1945), novelist and poet [Wheeler; the London stage; theatre; theatrical]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 6 North Street, Westminster [London]. 5 July 1910.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He found Wheeler's letter on his return from a trip abroad, and is 'most interested to hear that there is a scheme on foot for another theatre'. As far as 'financiers who are likely to be theatrical patrons', those known to him will probably already know any Baring might suggest. He concludes: 'Personally I believe the old Court Theatre plan was the best & in fact the only possible way of getting those kind plays done.'

[Privately printed item.] Oxford. A Satire.

[Sir Andrew Caldecott (1884-1951) of Exeter College, Oxford, Governor of Ceylon and Hong Kong]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: Printed by Morrison & Gibb Limited. [1907.]

15 + [1]pp., 8vo. In grey printed card wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, with rusted staples. The author describes his work in an introductory note as 'an elegant and ingenious poem in heroic verse; suggested by the third Satire of Juvenal; wherein the foolishness of the institutions of this University, and the dullness and dishonesty of its inhabitants are for the first time properly exposed'. The influence of Samuel Johnson (another adapter of Juvenal and also an Oxford man) is strong, as the opening indicates: 'Though on my brow there rose an angry frown | When B - ll - l's [i.e.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, from the French Nobel Prize winning chemist Paul Sabatier to a colleague, regarding 'un essai industriel de la production de benzols par les goudrons'.

Paul Sabatier (1854-1941), French chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1912, and the Franklin Medal in 1933
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Laboratoire de Professeur Paul Sabatier, Université de Toulouse, Institut de Chimie de la Faculté des Sciences. 10 March 1915.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition. Signed 'Paul Sabatier'. He explains the reason for a delay to the test: 'La Cte du gaz de Toulouse qui paraissait disposée a entreprendre un essai immediat de cette formation en retarde indefiniment l'execution, sans doute à cause de certains desaccords avec l'administrateur de la Société des Raffineries catalytiques, mon ami Blanchet'. The second half of the letter discusses the technical aspects of the test.

[Printed document.] Motor Cars. Memorandum of the Cheltenham Rural District Council to the President of the Local Government Board, With reference to the recent Report of the Royal Commission on Motor Cars.

Gilbert McIlquham, clerk to the Cheltenham Rural District Board [The Local Government Board; The Royal Commission on Motor Cars, 1905-1907]
Publication details: 
Stamped '13th September 1906'.

2pp., folio. Bifolium. In small type. Containing two copies of a printed circular by McIlquham, on Cheltenham Rural District Council letterhead, dated 14 September 1906. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The memorandum is divided into five sections, and begins by putting the Council's position that 'Motor Cars travelling at high speed in dry weather along the unwatered roads of country districts occasion an intolerable dust nuisance to other users of the highway, and seriously prejudice the comfort and even the health of the inhabitants of road-side dwellings'.

[Thomas Townend & Co., Hatters to the Royal Family.] Edwardian trade catalogue, tastefully produced and filled with illustrations of a wide variety of hats and caps.

Thomas Townend & Co, Hatters to the Royal Family, 16 and 18 Lime St., London, E.C., established 1778.
Publication details: 
Thomas Townend & Co, 16 and 18 Lime St., London, E.C. Undated [Printers: Howard & Jones. Litho. London. Entered at Stationers Hall.] [Edwardian].

12pp., small 4to., on twelve leaves of thick art paper bound with pink ribbon, in blue and brown illustrated chromo-litho covers with flap carrying the royal crest. Internally good, in worn covers repaired with tape. The covers are designed in the distinctive style of the periodThe first eight pages each carry an arrangement of as many as a dozen black and white photographic illustrations of the firm's stock, within a coloured decorative borders (varying from page to page). The last four pages are entirely printed in black. The only text consists of captions to the illustrations.

[J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery.] Trade catalogue, profusely illustrated with photographs and diagrams, and detailed descriptive text.

J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd. Grove Iron Works, Wakefield, manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery, founded 1824 [Edwardian trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., Grove Iron Works, Wakefield. London Office, 37, Walbrook, E.C. [J. H. Davenport & Co., Columbian Printing Works, Leeds, Yorks.] [1901.]

409 + [6]pp., 8vo. In blue cloth, with ornate design printed in silver on front cover, around a laid down photographic portrait of 'The late Alderman J. Rhodes, J.P. Founder of the Firm in 1824.' Spine reads: '1824. J. RHODES & SONS, LTD., 1901.' Text embossed on back cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly-worn and aged binding. Two leaves of addenda tipped-in, the first, with text printed in red, headed 'Notice. - American Competition!'; the second carrying text and illustration of the '"Rhodes" "Excelsior" Treadle Guillotine Shear'.

[Voyage to Australia, 1912.] Autograph notebook of H. A. Butcher of Wrexham, containing account of voyage to Australia from England, in 1912. With details of 'A few friends we met on the "Orama" during our voyage to Sydney ex London October 25 1912'.

H. A. Butcher of Wrexham, Wales [SS Orama, 'Orient' line steam ship; Australia; Australiana]
Publication details: 
'[...] on The "Orama" during our voyage to Sydney [Australia] ex London [England] Oct 25. 1912'. [Disembarking at Melbourne, 2 December 1912.]

96pp., 12mo (15.5 x 9.5 cm.), in 'Note Book for Pen or Pencil Writing'. Comprising the account of the voyage on 75pp. at the back of the volume, and the names and details of fellow passengers on 21pp. at the front. Built in 1911, SS Orama was torpedoed and sunk in 1917 while serving as convoy escort. In good condition internally, on lightly aged paper, in aged and worn card covers. The front section is described inside the front cover: 'A few friends we met on the "Orama" during our voyage to Sydney ex London October 25 1912', and the 21pp.

[Presentation copy, in leather binding by A. Thom & Co., Dublin.] Étude sur William Dunbar par Cécile Steinberger.

Cécile Steinberger [William Dunbar, Scottish poet; A. Thom & Co., Dublin bookbinders]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Imprimérie de l'Université. Ponsonby & Gibbs, 1908.

[2] + 187pp., 8vo. With errata slip. In fair condition internally, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, in a somewhat worn and aged decorative green leather binding, with subtle floral design in gilt on cover, dentelles, all edges gilt, and green decorative endpapers. Stamp of 'A. THOM & CO. LTD. | BINDERS' on rear free endpaper. The book is inscribed at the head of the title page: 'With kindest regards from | Cécile Steinberger'. Uncommon: no copy in the British Library, and only three copies on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] Nursing Homes. A Warning. By Sir Robert Harvey, D.L., J.P., of 1, Palace Gate, London, W., and Dundridge Totnes, Devon.

Sir Robert Harvey, D.L., J.P., of 1, Palace Gate, London, W., and Dundridge Totnes, Devon [Harriett Maria Webb, Home for Convalescent Invalids, No. 88 Marina St, St Leonards, Sussex; Gerald F. Hohler]
Publication details: 
Totnes: Mortimer Bros., "Times" and "Western Guardian" Offices. [Introduction dated 'Dundridge, September, 1902.]

13pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet on green-grey paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. In the introduction ('To my readers') Harvey explains that it is 'a keen sense of my duty to my fellow-countrymen in general, and to potential fellow-sufferers in particular', that has induced him 'to re-open a great and recent sorrow ['the untimely death of my beloved son'] by placing the details of my tragic and terrible experiences of a Nursing Home before the public'.

[Morton Luce, Shakespeare scholar.] 29 ALsS, 1 ANS and 1 ACS, to R. N. Green-Armytage of Bath, on literary and personal affairs, with reference to individuals including Edmund Gosse and Sir Israel Gollancz.

Morton Luce (1849-1943), Shakespearian scholar, author of 'A Handbook to the Works of William Shakespeare' and 'Shakespeare, the Man and His Work' [Robert North Green-Armytage (d.1966) of Bath]
Publication details: 
All from 6 Walliscote Road, South, Weston-super-Mare. Between 18 August 1921 and 29 October 1929.

The letters total 36pp., 12mo; 12pp., 8vo. The collection is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Seventeen of the envelopes are present, all addressed to Green-Armytage at Bath (fourteen to 22 Bathwick Hill, two to 5 Queen's Parade, and one to 'Bath').

[John Belfield Gadd, librarian, The John Rylands Library, Manchester.] Bound collection (by his family?) of 18 original compositions, titled 'Some Of His Published and Unpublished Articles', including 14 Typescripts and 2 Autograph Manuscripts.

John Belfield Gadd (1895-1918), librarian, The John Rylands Library, Manchester [The Manchester Guardian]
Publication details: 
[Several from 'Edale', 115 Atwood Rd, Didsbury, Manchester.] Items dated from between 1913 and 1916.

Folio volume of 127pp. (paginated in red pencil) of typescripts and manuscripts, with three printed items extracted from magazines, bound in black cloth, with the front cover stamped in gilt with the title 'John Belfield Gadd | 1895-1918. | Some Of His Published and Unpublished Articles'. A good-natured and entertaining collection of seventeen essays and two plays, strongly hinting at unfulfilled promise.

[Sir Francis Robert Benson (Frank Benson), actor-manager.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank R Benson') to Mrs Ashurst Morris, explaining why he will not be continuing his 'present sojourn' at her 'comfortable flat' in London.

Sir Francis Robert Benson [Frank Benson; F. R. Benson] (1858-1939), British Shakespearian actor-manager
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Lyceum Theatre, London. 9 April 1900.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, but with loss at foot and traces of mount on reverse. The letter is addressed to 'Mrs Ashurst Morris | Victoria Hotel | ' (the last word damaged at the foot of the page). It reads: 'Dear Madam, | Thanks for your letter. Pardon my delay in answering, but our plans have been a little uncertain. We shall not be staying in London after the date mentioned, otherwise, we should have been very glad to continue our present sojourn at your comfortable flat.

[Tighe Hopkins, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Case', presenting a copy of his 'Iron Mask'.

Tighe Hopkins (1856-1919), novelist, journalist and authority on prison life and penal reform
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Frayn, Herne Bay [Kent]. 7 August 1902.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He asks him to accept a copy of the Tauchnitz edition of his 'Iron Mask', 'the only one I happen to have by me'. He continues: 'As you are kind enough to express an interest in work of mine, I may say that I expect to be in the West of Ireland next month in the interests of the Daily Chronicle - if you ever happen to see that paper - for which I am to write a special series of letters describing the present condition of that district.' For more on Hopkins see his obituary in The Times, 17 February 1919.

[William Monk, engraver.] Proof on large paper of his own self-designed bookplate ('W. MONK | HOGARTH STVDIOS'), depicting a peacock looking out onto a country sunrise from a wooden balcony. With five-line quotation from Chaucer.

William Monk (1863-1937), engraver, based at Hogarth Studios, Charlotte Street, London, best-known for his 'Calendarium Londinense'
Publication details: 
'W. MONK | HOGARTH STVDIOS' [Hogarth Studios, Charlotte Street, London.] Undated [1890s?].

Dimensions of etching 13 x 9 cm. Dimensions of plate 14.5 x 10.5 cm. Dimensions of page 32 x 25.5 cm. The image itself in excellent condition, the borders aged, with wear and closed tears to extremities.

[Basil Crage ('Wilhelm'), English costume designer.] Twelve watercolour designs for ladies' theatrical costumes, including three inspired by postage stamps (another two of which are in the Victoria and Albert Museum).

Basil Crage (fl.1896), theatre costume designer, sometimes under the name 'Wilhelm'
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1882 (3), 1883 (3), 1885, 1894 (4), 1896. The seven from the 1880s signed 'Wilhelm' and the five from the 1890s signed 'Basil Crage'.

Each of the twelve designs is on a piece of card, ranging in size from 21.5 x 14 cm to 14.5 x 9 cm. In fair condition, aged and worn, with occasional loss to extremities. Little is known about Crage, but he does have 26 watercolour designs in the Victoria & Albert Museum, and one item in the National Portrait Gallery ('Henry Relph as Little Tich'). All twelve in the present collection show women wearing Crage's designs, and the three largest (all signed 'Basil Crage 94'), are part of the same series as two of those held by the Victoria and Albert Museum.

[Sir David Harrel, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle.] Two printed forms, both signed by him 'D Harrel', regarding the application for the post of Resident Magistrate by John G. Cookman of Dublin and Waterford.

Sir David Harrel, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle, 1896-1900 [John G. Cookman, Dublin and Waterford; Ireland; Irish]
Publication details: 
Both from Dublin Castle [Ireland]. The first dated 30 March 1894 and the second 6 July 1895.

Both items 1p., foolscap 8vo. Both in fair condition, on aged paper. ONE: Addressed to: 'John G. Cookman, Esqre. | Tintern, | Arthurstown | Via Waterford.' Acknowledging the receipt of Cookman's letters, with enclosures, 'offering yourself as a Candidate for the Post of [Resident Magistrate]'. TWO: Addressed to 'J. G. Cookman Esq | 112 Pembroke Road | Dublin'.

[Printed prospectus; motor car; aviation] Agenda de L'Automobile et de l'Aviation. Edité par F. Mussche, Directeur de la revue "Electro".

[F. Mussche, Directeur de la revue "Electro", 14, rue du Méridien, Bruxelles] [Brussels, Belgium]
Publication details: 
'F. Mussche, éditeur, rue du Méridien, 14, Bruxelles.' [Brussels, Belgium.] 1911.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound, and with last leaf a perforated subscription form. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with rusting to staple.

[Printed leaflet.] Helps and Hindrances of Deaf Children in Acquiring Speech and Language at the Natural Age.

Mary S. Garrett, Principal, Co-Founder and a Trustee of the Home for the Training in Speech of Deaf Children before they are of school age, Belmont and Monument Aves., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Publication details: 
Read before First International Congress in America on the Welfare of the Child. Washington, D.C., March 10 to 17, 1908.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition on aged and lightly-worn paper. With shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Library, London.

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