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[ Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book-Room, London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Blanshard') to Rev. George Johnstone in Jamaica, giving details and itemised account of 'Sums of Money due to the Book Room from Jamaica'.

Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book Room, City Road, London [ Rev. George Johnstone (c.1765-1821), Methodist missionary in the West Indies ]
Publication details: 
[ Methodist Book Room, City Road ] London. 3 January 1820.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight loss to text from breaking open of seal, and some repair with archival tape, and a square of paper neatly cut away from second leaf. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Revd G Johnstone | Methodist Chapel | Kingstone | Jamaica'. Letter on one page and 'Mr G Johnstone Dr in account with T Blanshard'. Writing to his 'Dear Bro[th]er', he hopes that Johnstone will be able to settle the annexed account 'at your ensuing District Meeting'.

[ Christina Foyle of Foyle's Bookshop, London. ] 57 Typed Letters Signed and 20 Autograph Letters Signed to Philip Dosse of 'Books and Bookmen', with letters from her husband Ronald Batty. With other material including correspondence received by her.

Christina Foyle (1911-1999), proprietor of London bookshop, Foyle's of Charing Cross Road; her husband Ronald Batty (d.1994) [ Philip Dosse (d.1980) of Hansom Books, publisher of 'Books and Bookmen' ]
Publication details: 
The letters of Foyle and Batty on two letterheads: 'From the Director's Office | W. & G. Foyle Ltd. | Booksellers | 119-125, Charing Cross Road, | London, W.C.2.' and Beeleigh Abbey, Maldon, Essex. Between 1968 and 1980.

The collection is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Of Foyle's 77 letters, 63 are signed 'Christina Foyle' and 14 'Christina'. Almost all 1p., 4to. Foyle's character shines through, an extraordinary mixture of steely determination, frankness and snobbish hauteur (for a good assessment, see her obituary in The Independent, 10 June 1999). Topics include: literary luncheons for Diana Mosley, Dirk Bogarde ('He is so very appealing. My friend Vivian Ellis thinks he is greater than Shakespeare.

[ Offprint, inscribed by one of the authors. ] The perspective of Piero della Francesca's "Flagellation" | By R. Wittkower and B. A. R. Carter.

R. Wittkower and B. A. R. Carter [ Rudolf Wittkower (1901-1971), German-American art historian; Bernard Arthur Ruston Carter (1909-2006), painter of the 'Euston Road School' and art historian ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Vol. XVI, Nos. 3-4, 1953.'

11pp., 4to. With three plates and five figures in text. Paginated 292-302. Stapled in card wraps. Inscribed on front cover: 'with best wishes | B.A.R.C.' The only copies on COPAC at the Warburg Institute and V & A.

[ Great Northern Railway. ] Original coloured map of St Albans Station (London Road).

[ Great Northern Railway; St Albans Station, Hertfordshire ]
Publication details: 
[ Great Northern Railway, London. ] Undated (circa 1863?).

Original map, drawn in black ink, coloured in blue, grey and red. Titled: 'GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY | ST. ALBANS STATION | SCALE 50 FEET TO AN INCH'. Dimensions: 77 x 143 cm. Showing the station complex - including 'Coal Stocking Ground', 'Goods Shed' and 'Stables' - on the line from Hatfield to 'L. & N. W. Station', with adjoining 'Watercress Beds', and crossed by the 'River Ver'. Rolled up. In poor condition, on aged, discoloured and worn tracing paper, with flaking away of small sections as a result of rolling, and wear to extremities.

[Royalty Cinema, Windermere.] Typed and manuscript 'Bill of Quantities for Excavating, Drainage, Walling, Slating etc', in building 'New Public Hall - Kinema etc - in Lake Road - Windermere for the Directors'. By architects Walker, Carter, & Walker.

Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere [Royalty Cinema, Lake Road, Bowness-on-Windermere, Cumbria]
Publication details: 
Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere. December 1925.

[1] + 10pp., crown 8vo. Held together with a metal stud, and placed in a brown card folder, with typed title on front cover. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Professionally presented, with the text typed out in columns and the sums and running totals written out in manuscript. An estimate, with costings for a large number of itemised elements, ranging from 'temporary lavatory accommodation for the workmen for all trades' to 'the removal of trees or shrubs as required, and grub up the roots - The timber will belong to the Contractor - and he must here allow for same'.

[Printed pamphlet with illustrations.] George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1. [...] Prospectus of Day Training Courses in the High School of Commerce.

[George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1; YMCA]
Publication details: 
[George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1.] Session1919-20. [1920.]

8pp., 12mo. In blue-grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Engraved illustration of the college on front cover, and full-page photographs of 'The Vestibule' and 'General Lecture Room' within. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[C. W. Beaumont, dance writer, bookseller and publisher.] Typed Letter Signed ('Cyril Beaumont') to 'Mr White', dismissing 'would-be Diaghilevs'.

Cyril Beaumont [Cyril William Beaumont; C. W. Beaumont] (1891-1976), dance writer, bookseller and publisher
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'C. W. Beaumont | Bookseller & Publisher | At the Sign of the Harlequins Bat', 75 Charing Cross Road, London WC2. 3 April 1954.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by stating that his book 'contains the details' his correspondent requires, and continues: 'I am sorry to say that I made a little mistake when I was talking to you over the telephone about "Pulcinella". I think I said there was a long description of that ballet in my "Diaghilev Ballet in London", but of course it is the "Complete Book of Ballets".

[Printed pamphlet.] All are Living: A Discourse in proof of the Doctrine, That the Soul while separated from the Body is consciously alive. Preached at Liverpool-Road Chapel, Islington, [...] On [...] the Death of Anne, Wife of the Rev. Dr. Beecham.

William Arthur, A.M., Author of "A Mission to the Mysore," "The Successful Merchant," &c. [John Beecham (1787-1856), Wesleyan Methodist minister]
Publication details: 
Second edition. London: Published by Hamilton, Adams, and Co., and John Mason. 1853. [Printed by William Nichols, 32 London-Wall.]

24pp., 12mo. Without wraps and disbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with first and last page rather dusty. The word 'Methodist' written in pencil at head of title-page. Full title reads: 'All are Living: A Discourse in proof of the Doctrine, That the Soul while separated from the Body is consciously alive. Preached at Liverpool-Road Chapel, Islington, on Sunday, February 20th, 1853, On occasion of the Death of Anne, Wife of the Rev. Dr.

[Robert Byron, traveller.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Strutt, discussing areas in Ceylon and South India that she should visit.

Robert Byron (1905-1941), traveller and authority on Byzantine civilization, author of 'The Road to Oxiana'
Publication details: 
'as from 91 Bishopsgate | EC2 [London]'. 2 February 1938.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope addressed to Mrs Strutt at the Galle Face Hotel, Columbo, Ceylon. He lists four locations in Ceylon, and six in South India, with brief comments including:'15 sq. miles of ruins - the oldest tree in the world'; 'lovely temple, Adams Houses, Flaxman monuments'. The regarding the last location he writes: 'Madras itself has charming classical buildings, & in the Old Durbar Hall is to be

[Frederick Gorringe's Department Store.] Manuscript subscription list of donations by staff to the Daily Telegraph fund for 'the Sufferers' by the Edgware Road Fire, giving more than 200 names and sums. With two press cuttings.

[Frederick Gorringe (1831-1909), draper; Frederick Gorringe's Department Store, 75 Buckingham Palace Road, London; the Daily Telegraph; the Edgware Road Fire, 30 May 1888]
Publication details: 
[London. May and June 1888.]

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. First page headed: 'The Edgware Road Fire | The proprietor of "The Daily Telegraph" have as hitherto on similar occasions opened a Subscription list for the Sufferers and it is estimated that £3,000 will be required to meeet the urgent claims for relief which are already too well known | I shall be glad to receive any donations you may be pleased to give on their behalf | (JNER.)'. Arranged in eight columns, two to a page, with running totals and a grand total of £16 1s 0d. The first donation is for 10s 6d from 'Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. E. Dobell') from Arthur Eustace Dobell of the London booksellers P. J. & A. E. Dobell, to 'Mr. Price', regarding deeds relating to Watlington, which the firm could get 'on apro [sic]'.

Arthur Eustace Dobell, partner with his brother Percy John Dobell in the firm of London booksellers P. J. & A. E. Dobell, 77 Charing Cross Road, and son of the booksellerBertam Dobell (1842-1914)
Publication details: 
On the firm's letterhead: 'P. J. & A. E. DOBELL, | Sons of the late BERTRAM DOBELL, | Dealers in Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, | 77, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C.2. | AND 8, BRUTON STREET, LONDON, W. 1.' 8 June 1926.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Mr. Price | In reply to our advertisement for items on Watlington we have received the enclosed report of deeds, which we could supply at £2.15.0 if of any interest to you. If you wish to see them I think we could get them on apro. | Yours truly | A. E. Dobell'.

[Printed Spanish Civil War handbill.] Spanish Youth Foodship Committee. (Incorporating Youth Organisations throughout the Country. Please Help Feed the Starving in Spain [...].

The Ealing Youth Group, League of Nation Union; The Challernam Perss, 110, Gauden Road, S.W.4. [Spanish Civil War]
Publication details: 
The Challernam Press, 110, Gauden Road, S.W.4. 'To be collected on Saturday, 24th, April. [1937.]

Printed on one side of an 18.5 x 12.5cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. Reads in full: 'SPANISH YOUTH | FOODSHIP COMMITTEE | (INCORPORATING YOUTH ORGANISATIONS THROUGHOUT | THE COUNTRY) | Please Help Feed the Starving in Spain | The need is | URGENT | YOU| can help with gifts of non- | perishable groceries etc. | (POTATOES, TINNED FOODS, ETC.) | TO BE COLLECTED | on Saturday, 24th, April. | BY MEMBERS OF THE EALING YOUTH GROUP | LEAGUE OF NATIONS UNION | THE CHALLERNAM PRESS, 110, GAUDEN ROAD, S.W.1.' Scarce: no copy on COPAC, and nothing by the Challernam Press.

Signed engraving by John Cameron, depicting a humorous scene in front of a 'Junk Shop in Chelsea'.

John Cameron, artist and engraver [Chelsea, London]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [1950s?].

In black and white. Dimensions of paper 15 x 20 cm; dmensions of plate 13.5 x 18.5 cm. In good condition, lightly-aged. Cameron's actual signature ('John Cameron') is in blue ink in the bottom right-hand corner of the card; his facsimile signature is in the bottom left-hand corner of the print, with 'Junk Shop | in Chelsea' in the bottom right-hand corner. A detailed, cartoony image (with Ronald Searle undertones), depicting a stretch of three houses in a terraced street, with a number of customers rooting through junk in front of a corner shop.

[Printed British Act of Parliament.] The South London Polytechnic Institutes (Borough Road Site) Act 1890. An Act To authorise the purchase of a Site in Southwark for the South London Polytechnic Institutes. [Royal Assent, 2nd May, 1890.]

[The South London Polytechnic Institutes (Borough Road Site) Act 1890; Borough Polytechnic Institute; South Bank University; H. R. T. Alexander, Solicitor; Dyson & Co., Parliamentary Agents]
Publication details: 
'W. S. Johnson, "Nassau Steam Press," 60, St. Martin's Lane, W.C.'

[2] + 6 + [1] pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor rust spotting from staples. Above the printer's slug are the details of 'H. R. T. Alexander, 27, Ely Place, Holborn, E.C., Solicitor' and 'Dyson & Co., 24, Parliament Street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agents'.

Printed handbill headed 'Tradesmen wanted. Join the Royal Engineers of the Territorial Army Field Force and make use of your technical knowledge.' With 'Rates of Pay during Training or on Service' for twenty-one trades.

[The Royal Engineers of the Territorial Army Field Force; London Divisional Engineers, Duke of York's Headquarters, King's Road, Chelsea, London; British Army]
Publication details: 
The Headquarters, London Divisional Engineers, Duke of York's Headquarters, King's Road, Chelsea. [1940s.] Printed by 'W. W. S. & CO., LTD.'

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear and few short closed tears. An interesting artefact, reflecting the postwar British manpower shortage. The heading is all in block capitals, with 'TRADESMEN WANTED' across the top.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'the Whitechapel Road murderer' Henry Wainwright, asking an unnmaed individual to preside at a 'testimonial Entertainment' for 'Mr. Talbot' at the Beaumont Institution, Mile End Road.

Henry Wainwright (c.1839-1875), 'Whitechapel Road murderer' of his mistress Harriet Lane, found guilty after an Old Bailey trial before Sir Alexander Cockburn, and hanged in Newgate by William Marwood
Publication details: 
84 Whitechapel Road, London. 10 December 1860.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The word 'Declined' has been written at the head of the letter by the recipient. The first paragraph reads: 'A number of influential gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Mile End and Bow, in recognition of the services of Mr Talbot, have resolved to give him a testimonial Entertainment on the 27th inst. at the Beaumont Institution.' The 'Committee' have requested Wainwright to ask the recipient to 'kindly preside on that occasion'.

Scrapbook containing two hundred engravings and photographs of mainly Victorian and Edwardian traction engines, road rollers and locomotives, with one blueprint.

[Victorian and Edwardian traction engines]
Publication details: 
The scrapbook undated (collection assembled in 1920s?).
Victorian and Edwardian traction engines

The scrapbook is landscape 8vo (28 x 18.5 cm), and contains 28 leaves of brown paper tied together with ribbon, on which, together with the inside of the back cover, the images (dating from between 1860 and 1928) are laid down. The scrapbook lacks the front cover, and its leaves are worn, but the images are in good overall condition, with occasional wear and creasing. Ranging in size from 14.5 x 11 cm ('Fowler 8/c Traction About 1875. Jointed Horn Plates.') to 7.5 x 5.5 cm ('S/c Traction (About 1875-80)'.

Manuscript and printed ephemera relating to the work of a Committee to remove the encumbrances on the Unitarian Chapel in Brighton.

[New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church]
Publication details: 
New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church

Five manuscripts items, 15pp., 4to (4), fol.(1); three printed items, 4to, some with MS. additions. The Manuscripts items are related to the printed and are as follows: a. List of Subcriptions recd towards building the Chapel at Brighton (names and amounts). [1820] - Total, £1591.11-; b. [Fol., partly detached at fold marks] List of subscriptions (name, place, amount, or just town or city for some reason) and donations, Aug. 1834. with crossings out and calculations, and a list including periodicals (as subscribers?); c.

Printed Victorian advertising handbill for 'Dispensing Chymist' Keith Longstaff of Fulham Road, London.

Keith Longstaff, Dispensing Chymist [Chemist], Fulham, London [Victorian advertising]
Publication details: 
No date [1890s]. Keith Longstaff, Dispensing Chymist. Depot for New & Rare Drugs. 3, Hilton Terrace, Fulham Rd. [London.]
Printed Victorian advertising handbill for 'Dispensing Chymist'

12mo, 2 pp. Aged, and with a small hole worn into the centre, without, however, any loss of text. With one side of the leaf printed in double column in the style of an eighteenth-century newspaper, and headed 'Quaint Newspaper Cuttings A.D. 1738. | Ye Fulhame Presse London. S.W.' The other side is laid out to be folded twice, making four small pages (one having 'Not to be cut.' at the foot). One of the four carries an advertisement for Longstaff, with an engraving of his sign, 'Ye stille'. Another puffs 'Keith Longstaff's Autumn Medicine'.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Y.W.C.A. Central Club. First Year's Report. 1932 to 1933.

Evelyn W. Moore, General Director, The Y.W.C.A., Central Club, London
Publication details: 
['Central Club. 3rd June, 1933.'] Great Russell Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.C.1.
he Y.W.C.A. Central Club. First Year's Report. 1932 to 1933.

12mo, 24 pp. Stapled. In original printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, in dusty and worn wraps. At head of front wrap: 'Miss Scott Moncrieff. Executive Cttee'. The report is preceded by a list of officers, and followed by a list of 'Donors and Subscribers (From May 24th, 1924, to May 24th, 1933)'. Photograph of entrance of building on front wrap, and of whole of building on back wrap.

Printed 'List of Members' of 'The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, with which is incorporated The Self-Propelled Traffic Association', October 1901.

[The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901; Royal Automobile Club]
Publication details: 
October 1901. The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 4 Whitehall Court, London, S.W. [Printers: F. KING & Co., Ltd., 62, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.']
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901

4to, 15 pp. In small type. Text clear and complete. On brittle green high-acidity paper, with chipping and loss to extremities and three of the leaves detached. Begins by listing 'General Council of the Automobile Club | (appointed to confer with the Club Committee on questions affecting Automobilism generally).' Headed by 'His Grace the Duke of Sutherland'; followed, on second page by Club Committee and officers, and then (pp. 3-10) the list of members in three columns, giving name, optional address, and date of election; ends (pp.11-15) with lists of 'Members of Affiliated Clubs'.

[printed form filled out in manuscript] St. John the EVANGELIST, Waterloo Road, District Church. [...] A Bill of Dues for the Burial of a STRANGER. [i.e. 'John Thomas Gardiner'] [signed by the sexton, 'R Booker']

R Booker, Sexton, St. John the Evangelist, Waterloo Road, Lambeth
Publication details: 
20 November 1835.
A Bill of Dues for the Burial of a STRANGER

On one side of a slip of laid paper, roughly 21 x 8 cm. Printed form for burial in the 'SECOND GROUND.' (amended in manuscript to 'Third'). Gardiner is said to be 'Above [amended from 'Under'] the Age of 10 Years.' Printed charges are for Ground and Bell, Rector, Clerk, Sexton, and Registrar'; with 'Extra Digging' added in manuscript, with '4 OClock Precisely'. Printed note at foot: 'N.B. The Sexton is directed not to enter an Order for any funeral until the Fees are paid.' St.

Shakespearian and Dramatic Catalogue [including books from the libraries of Ellen Terry and Henry Arthur Jones]

P. J. & A. E. Dobell, booksellers, 77 Charing Cross Road [Shakespeare; Ellen Terry; Henry Arthur Jones]
Publication details: 
1930. No. 362. Printed by Robt. Stockwell, Baden Place, Borough, London.

8vo, 72 pp. Stapled and unbound. Complete. On aged paper. The outer leaves are worn and coming apart at the spine. Otherwise the item is sound and tight. 1976 items. Items 783 to 883 concern 'the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy'. Items 888 to 893 are 'Books from the Library of the late Dame Ellen Terry.' ('Only a few Books from her Library were sold, and Association Books are very difficult to obtain.'). Items 894 to 982 are 'Books on the Drama and Shakespeare, from the library of Henry Arthur Jones'. Items 983 to 1976 are 'Books on the Drama'.

Typed Letter, signed by 'C B', 'per W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, to C. F. Bradshaw, headmaster of the Council School at Cresswell, Worksop, Derbyshire.

Foyles Bookshop [W. & G. Foyle Ltd of 119-125 Charing Cross Road, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
18 March 1939; on 'W & G FOYLE LTD' letterhead.

4to, 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper with minor rust stain from paperclip at head. Letterhead, in light and dark blue, featuring globe and the mottos 'BOOKSELLERS TO THE WORLD' and 'STOCK OF NEARLY THREE MILLION VOLUMES'. Thirteen lines of text. Bradshaw is clearly unhappy at the price asked for a copy of Cox's 'Memorials of Old Derbyshire'. 'The writer would point out that we received six reports regarding this book from various clients, but in no case at a price allowing us to quote below 15/-.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Robert Cust') to Horace Bleackley (1868-1931).

Robert Cust [Robert Henry Hobart Cust] (1861-1940), English art critic, an authority on the renaissance [Horace Bleackley; John Wilkes]
Publication details: 
12 October [no year]; on letterhead of Vernon House, Lyndhouse Road, Hampstead.

12mo, 4 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper, but with a thin strip along the outer edge of the second leaf of the bifolium with glue staining from previous mounting, and a 3.5 x 0.5 piece missing at head causing damage to one word ('hers'). Otherwise text clear and entire. Cust's aunt has informed him 'that she has at present in her possession in London all the papers belonging to Sir John Cust that remain'. She does not however think that they contain much about Wilkes.

Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'A. Rutledge Crouch') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

A. Rutledge Crouch, English designer and illustrator
Publication details: 
14, 20 and 28 February and 8 March 1941; all on letterheads of 'Redcot', Rutland Road, Wanstead, Essex.

The first three items are 4to, with the first two of two pages and the last of one page, all with a brown border. The fourth item is 12mo, 1 p. The quarto items have some creasing and discoloration to the extremities, and a few closed tears. The 12mo item is good. Text of all four letters clear and entire. The correspondence concerns Crouch's application for membership. He gives the names of individuals who 'have signified their willingness to second' Crouch: Sir William Wayland, M.P.

Autograph Card Signed and Letter in another hand Signed (both 'Sidney Lee'), both to John Henry Fowler.

Sir Sidney Lee (1859-1926), English biographer and man of letters
Publication details: 
The Card, 26 July 1920; the Letter, 17 November 1921; both on letterhead of 108a Lexham Gardens, Kensington, London, W.8, but with the letter's address altered to 2, First Avenue House.

The Card is good, apart from two rust stains at the head from a paperclip. Stamped and postmarked, and addressed to Fowler at 16 Conynge Square, Clifton, Bristol. Six lines. Concerns Lee's sister Elizabeth, a writer of textbooks, translator and contributor to the Dictionary of National Biography, whose death on 10 July 1920 was, according to the New DNB, 'a source of much sorrow' to Lee. He thanks Fowler for his letter of sympathy, adding that his sister 'greatly valued her association' with you Fowler and his 'approval of her work'.

Autograph Letter Signed, with postmarked envelope and red wax seal, to 'Samuel Lucas, cornfactor, Warwick Street, London'.

Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen (1792-1836), Quaker schoolmaster (Leighton Road, Woburn), poet and translator of Tasso
Publication details: 
26 March 1819; Woburn.

4to: 1 p. Very good. Tipped in by reverse edge to leaf removed from autograph album. Envelope similarly mounted, with almost-intact seal and two postmarks, including a circular one in black ink stating 'MORE TO PAY'. He met John Grant the previous day at Wycombe Quarterly Meeting, and was told by him that Lucas had 'enquired of him the Terms of Admission to my school'.

Five Typewritten, Manuscript and Printed items, collected together under the heading 'Re Brothels | Papers Relating to complaints as to premises being used as brothels.' [around Kingsland Road, Shoreditch, Hackney]

[Prostitution; Brothels; Kingsland Road, Shoreditch, Hackney, London; New Scotland Yard]
Publication details: 
London: 1913.

All five items good, on lightly aged and slightly dusty paper. A couple of with a little rust staining from a paperclip. Text clear and entire. Wrapped in a grubby and frayed piece of covering paper, bearing the title. ONE: Typed Letter Signed (one page, folio) from the Chief Clerk to the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis to John A. D. Milne, Town Clerk of Shoreditch, on New Scotland Yard letterhead, dated 28 May 1913.

Two Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Ambrose Heal [Heal's Department Store]
Publication details: 
7 October 1918 and 15 May 1919; both on letterhead of Heal & Son Ltd. 195 to 198 Tottenham Court Road, London.

Art historian, designer and founder of department store (1872-1959). Both items very good though somewhat dusty. One docketed and both bearing the Society's stamp. ITEM ONE (one page, quarto, 7 October 1918). He encloses (not present) a letter he has received from a woman named Evelyn James. 'I do not know what facilities you have for getting publicity but Miss James has done a good deal of this kind of thing and done it very well. She is a thoroughly capable young woman.' Her help may be sought regarding the meeting on 28 October.

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