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[ Helen Faucit, English actress. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Faucit Martin') to John Coleman, explaining why an engagement in Sheffield would be inconvenient to her.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
42 Albany Street, Edinburgh. 20 February [no year].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Her engagements will keep her in Scotland for three weeks, after which she intends to 'return direct to London'. Sheffield is too far out of her way, and would 'prove tiresome & expensive'. Should she visit Manchester 'at Easter or Whitsuntide' she would have no objection to performing in Sheffield for a couple of nights.

[ Helen Faucit, English actress. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Faucit') requesting a private box for a performance of James White's 'John Savile of Haysted'.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
55 Brompton Square [ London ]. 15 November [ 1847 ].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. She asks for a 'Private Box at your Theatre on Wednesday evening if your new play of "John Saville" [sic] is acted.' Rev. James White's 'John Savile of Haysted' was performed in London in November 1847.

[ Helen Faucit, actress. ] Autograph Signature ('Helena Martin') on part of letter.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
31 Onslow Square [ London ]. No date.

On 6 x 11 cm piece of paper., torn from the foot of a leaf. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Mr Martin sends kind wishes with Yours | Very affectionately | Helena Martin. | 31 Onslow Square.' The reverse reads: '[...] attend to <?> William's little ones are all laid up with scarlet fever, so there is no [...]'.

[ F. Britten Austin, novelist. ] Typescripts of acts I and 3 of his unpublished only play, 'The Thing that Matters'. With numerous manuscript additions and directions, plus extra typed material.

F. Britten Austin [ Frederick Britten Austin ] (1885-1941) [ Percy Burton, theatrical agent and motion picture pioneer; Arthur Bourchier; Helen Maud Holt (1863-1937) [ Mrs Beerbohm Tree; Lady Tree ] ]
Publication details: 
F. Britten Austin, Northgate House, Bishops Stortford, Herts. Undated [ circa 1921 ].

126pp., 4to. (Act 1 has 55pp. and Act 3 has 71pp.) Each act bound in grey card covers. Worn and aged, with the remains of the purple ribbon used to bind the leaves into their covers. A heavily reworked typescript. As is customary, the typed text of the play is on the rectos only, but leaves with additional typed and manuscript (presumably autograph) text have been inserted. Numerous manuscript additions and deletions to the text on the rectos, with additional typed passages on pieces of paper laid down onto the facing versos, which also carry further manuscript changes.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet containing speech by John Stuart Mill.] Report of a Meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, Held at the Hanover Square Rooms, on Saturday, March 26th, 1870.

[London National Society for Women's Suffrage; John Stuart Mill; Jacob Bright; Lyon Playfair; Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke; Helen Taylor; Auberon Herbert; Sir Robert Anstruther; Mrs Fawcett]
Publication details: 
[London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] ['London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street'] [1870.]

34pp., 8vo. Drophead title. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Includes a five-page speech by John Stuart Mill (pp.4-9), and others by Mrs Taylor, Professor Cairnes, Mrs Grote, Sir Robert Anstruther, Mrs Fawcett, Lord Amberley, Miss Helen Taylor, Auberon Herbert, Jacob Bright, Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, Miss Hare, Professor Hunter, Sir Wilfred Lawson. Four copies on COPAC, and two (other than surrogates) on OCLC WordCat. No other copy currently on the market.

[Violet Attlee, wife of the Prime Minister Clement Attlee.] Autograph Note Signed ('V H A') at head of Autograph Letter from Downing Street secretary E. J. Sayer, apologising for a mistake.

Violet Helen Attlee [née Millar] (1896-1964), Countess Attlee, wife of Clement Attlee (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, Labour Prime Minister; Elizabeth Sayer, later Cooper, Downing Street secretar
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Prime Minister. Sayer's apology: 30 March 1950. Violet Attlee's reply on the same day.

1p., on 20.5 x 8.5 cm slip, headed by the Prime Minister's official letterhead. Sayer's apology is headed 'Mrs Attlee', and she writes that she feels she 'must apologise in writing for the mistake I made over the arrangements for giving your two seats to the Misses Trevor', hoping that it did not cause inconvenience and promising not to do the like again. Violet Attlee's reply, headed 'Miss Sayer', is at the head of the letter: 'Please don't worry. It is quite a relief to me to find that somebody besides myself makes mistakes! | W H A 30/3'.

[Volta Bureau publication, with frontispiece photograph of the subject.] Miss Helen Adams Keller's First Year of College Preparatory Work. By Arthur Gilman, M.A. Director of "The Cambridge School" for Girls, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Arthur Gilman, M.A. Director of "The Cambridge School" for Girls, Cambridge, Massachusetts [Helen Keller [Helen Adams Keller] (1880-1968); the Volta Bureau, Washington City, U.S.A.]
Publication details: 
Volta Bureau, Reprints of Useful Knowledge, No. 20. ['Reprinted, by permission, from the American Annals of the Deaf for November, 1897.'] Gibson Brothers, Printers, Washington City, U.S.A.

12pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet in light-green printed wraps. With frontispiece photograph of 'Miss Helen Adams Keller, June 1897'. Internally in good condition, with light signs of age; in worn wraps with stamp and label of the Education Department Library, London, and closed tear to rear cover. While OCLC WorldCat has 18 entries, the pamphlet is now rare.

[Helen Sutherland, patron of the arts.] Autograph Letter Signed to Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, regarind a visit by her daughter Maire for 'some music' from Vera Moore and Antonia Butler.

Helen Sutherland (1881-1965), patron of the arts [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949); Vera Moore, pianist; Antonia Butler, cellist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Rock Hall, Alnwick, Northumberland. Undated.

2pp. 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged. Making arrangements for a visit by Lynd's daughter Maire, 'with Thomas', the following week. 'Please let Miss Maire stay as long as possible as it is a long journey - I asked Thomas if they could not stay over the 19th when Vera Moore & Antonia Butler will be playing for me in Alnwick but I am afraid he said Term began before then but anyhow I hope they will stay as long as they possible can & get some music as I believe Vera Moore comes here about the 12th -'.

[Charles William Shirley Brooks, editor of Punch.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Shirley Brooks') to 'Mrs. Lemon', presenting a copy of one of his novels ('Aspen Court'?), and describing the response of the dedicatee (Charles Dickens?).

C. Shirley Brooks [Charles William Shirley Brooks] (1816-1874), editor of 'Punch',1870-1874 [Mark Lemon (1809-1870), founding editor of Punch, his wife Helen ('Nelly') Lemon (c.1817-1890, née Rohmer)]
Publication details: 
'12 New Inn [London] | Thursday [1855?]'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Eden Philpotts] Two Autograph Postcards signed "E.P." to Lewis Wynne, Welsh poet.

Eden Philpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, author of many works about Dartmoor and his native Devon [Helen Allingham]
Publication details: 
Torquay, 9 and 19 Feb. 1929.

Postcards, c.11 x 9cm, some smudging but mainly good condition, text clear and complete. Postcard One: "Dear Mr Wynne, | Very best thanks for your valued gift: a fine & distinguished poem."; Postcard 2: "[...] | The books can be got separately & there are cheap editions of those two books any bookseller can secure for you for 2/- & 2/6 each. | I'm afraid London has had enough of my plays. My daughter's paly is not about [?] folk." Two items,

[Eden Philpotts] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Wilfrid C. Mosley', regarding Mosley's poor choice of a piece of his prose for an anthology. [not traced]

Eden Philpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, author of many works about Dartmoor and his native Devon [Helen Allingham]
Publication details: 
Torquay | 14 March 1913.

4to, 1 p. Ten lines, edges a little damaged but text clear and complete, on flimsy paper. "You are welcome to the quotation from my school-boy story - if it is worth while. I could have wished, however, that in an anthology of serious prose you had given me credit as a serious writer & chosen something more interesting. With compliments [...]"

[Prince Christian of Schleswig Holstein.] Autograph Lettter Signed to 'Mr Garth', with covering note to 'Teddy' from J. S. Talbot.

Prince Christian of Schleswig Holstein (1831-1917), member of British royal family through his marriage to Queen Victoria's fifth child Princess Helena
Publication details: 
Cumberland Gate [London]. 9 May 1900. On garter letterhead.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The Prince's handwriting is none of the best, and even his signature is illegible. The letter reads: 'Dear Mr Garth | I am very sorry to hear of the

[Dr Helen Holme Bancroft, Oxford agricultural botanist.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to 'Dr. Francis', regarding 'the difficulties of archaeological research at Southend' and palaeobotany.

Dr Helen Holme Bancroft ['Nellie Bancroft'] (b.1887), Reader in Agricultural Botany, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
Publication details: 
Two from the School of Rural Economy, University of Oxford (one on letterhead), and one from 5 St Edward's Passage, Cambridge. All dating from 1930.

All three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One: School of Rural Economy, Oxford. 18 August 1930. 2pp., 4to. She sympathises with 'the difficulties of archaeological research at Southend [...] for I know only too well how the people who hold the ultimate strings can "do one down" when their interests don't happen to coincide with one's own'. She recalls that in 1913 she 'put in a lot of time on some fossils for the B.M. - they turned out to be pieces of fossilised timber; & because the Keeper of the Palaeobotanical Dept.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Nesta H. Webster') from Nesta Helen Webster (Mrs. Arthur Webster) to Madame de Veauce

Nesta H. Webster [Nesta Helen Webster], styled 'Mrs. Arthur Webster', British anti-semitic Illuminati conspiracy theorist, supporter of the British Union of Fascist [Madame de Veauce]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel du Grand Condé, Chantilly. 6 September 1926.

3pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She has sent Madame de Veauce a wire, and fears she will find her 'too tiresome for words'. She has been 'struck down by a return of a trouble that I thought I had been cured of 15 years ago - entérite or colitis - and so I have had to have a doctor and go onto a régime'. Her husband is 'staying on to take the girls about' and they will all return to England in a week. She thanks her for recommending a hotel, but fears that 'the Boulevard Montmartre would be too noisy'.

Eleven manuscript items, from the papers of Thomas William King, York Herald, relating to the claim to the dormant baronetcies of Mackenzie of Tarbat and Royston by Alexander Mackenzie of Tasmania, uncle of the Dowager Lady Filmer.

Thomas William King, York Herald [William Anderson, Marchmont Herald; Helen [née Monro; 1810-1888], Dowager Lady Filmer; Alexander Mackenzie of Tasmania; Mackenzie of Tarbat and Royston]
Publication details: 
Mostly London and Edinburgh, 1858.

In 1826 Lieut-Col. Alexander Mackenzie, eldest son of Colonel Robert Mackenzie of Milnmount, assumed the dormant baronetcies of Tarbat and Royston [ALEXANDERMACKENZIE OF ROYSTON CROMARTY TARBET GRANDVILLE.], despite their having been forfeited under attainder in 1763. On his death without issue in 1841 his only brother Sir James Sutherland Mackenzie also assumed the titles. He died unmarried and insane on the 24 November 1858. The claim to which the present documents relate does not appear to have been pursued, and the baronetcies have remained dormant.

Autograph Letter Signed from the author Edith Sichel, thanking Lady Mary Ponsonby for sending the 'adorable manuscript' of her memoir, and discussing the way in which the 'whole Court lives' in it.

Edith Sichel [Edith Helen Sichel] (1862-1914), English author, sister of the writer Walter Sichel (1855-1933) [Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby [née Bulteel], Lady Ponsonby (1832–1916)]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead at 353 East 72nd Street, New York 21. 29 December 1947.

4pp., 12mo. 49 lines. Bifolium. On aged and creased paper, with remains of stub. In what appears to be a reference to the memoir by Lady Ponsonby that was published after her death (London: John Murray, 1927), Sichel (at the risk of appearing 'an impertinent Bore') thanks her 'for that adorable manuscript': 'You have made me so happy these days, transported me so entirely to the world I longed to see, that it would really be ungrateful not to say how much I thank you. The whole Court lives, and the Queen most of all, & Prince Albert.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen F. Martin') from the English actress Helen Faucit Martin, Lady Martin, to Mrs Paget, arranging a visit.

Helen Faucit Martin [born Helena Faucit Saville] (1817-1898), Lady Martin, English actress, wife of Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909)
Publication details: 
31 Onslow Square. 27 May [no year].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. On monogrammed letterhead. In fair condition, with traces of glue from mount still adhering. She proposes a date for a meeting, adding: 'Will Miss Paget come in the evening & bring a young friend with her if she pleases?'

Autograph Letter Signed from Helen Gladstone, informing an unnamed male correspondent of the changes her father the Liberal Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone would like made to a 'Declaration'.

Helen Gladstone (1849-1925), Vice-Principal, Newham College, Cambridge, and youngest daughter of the Liberal Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hawarden Castle, Chester. 3 October 1874.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. On aged and lightly-creased paper. The letter, written while Gladstone's Liberals were in opposition to Benjamin Disraeli's Conservatives, begins: 'Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed from the poet Laurence Binyon to 'Miss [Alice] Warrender', regarding his duties as one of the judges of the 1925 Hawthornden Prize, with reference to Aldous Huxley, J. R. Ackerley and Sean O'Casey.

Laurence Binyon (1869-1943), English poet [Alice Helen Warrender (1857-1947), founder in 1919 of the Hawthornden Prize]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum. 15 December [1925].

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed in a neat hand at head of second page. Binyon writes that he cannot be with her on the Friday, as he has to 'go down to Winchester on business. And I am so driven I don't know where to turn.' He has 'had Huxley's Barren Leaves in the house for days', but hasn't 'had one moment to look at it'. He has 'managed to read [J. R.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Garnett') from Richard Garnett, Keeper of Printed Books in the British Museum, to 'Mr. Colles', regarding a 'disagreeable' letter from the Italian librarian Guido Biagi concerning the writer Helen Zimmern.

Richard Garnett (1835-1906), Keeper of Printed Books in the British Museum [Helen Zimmern (1846-1934), Anglo-German translator and author; Guido Biagi (1855-1925), Italian librarian]
Publication details: 
27 Tanza Road, Hampstead; 30 October 1900.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, stamped as received 31 October 1900, with a '6' in blue pencil. Garnett considers 'Signor Biagi's letter [...] indeed most disagreeable', but cannot see how it can be 'kept from Miss Zimmern's knowledge', as 'she has a right to know what he says of her'. 'Fortunately, however, I have by the same post a letter from her saying that she is coming to London to deliver lectures, and will [be] at 45 Porchester Terrace on Nov. 10'.

[Printed poem.] Castlemilk - A Sketch. | November 1867.

'H. M. E.' [Anne Helen Margaret Stirling-Stuart, of Castlemilk House, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire; Glasgow, Scotland]
Publication details: 
With manuscript inscription dated 1871.
[Printed poem.] Castlemilk - A Sketch. | November 1867.

4to, 2 pp. On first leaf of a bifolium. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper with watermark of 'A ANNANDALE & SONS'. Stuck down on the reverse of the blank second leaf of the bifolium is a square of paper from the leaf to which it was attached in an album, and beneath this square, visible when held up to the light, is the inscription: 'Imperfectly printed | Annie Stirling Stuart | Castlemilk | 1871'. The poem is 48 lines long, arranged in twelve stanzas. Signed 'H. M.

Autograph Letter Signed by '<N. W. Lindley?>' of 35 Bedford Row, London, to unnamed male correspondent, concerning arrangements for a theatrical company mentioning John Oxenford, Helen Maltravers and Miss Aylmer.

[Helen Maltravers, actress ; John Oxenford (1812-1877), English dramatist; the Princess's Company; the English stage; Victorian theatre; theatrical]
Publication details: 
20 June 1864; 35 Bedford Row, W.C., London.
Arrangements for a theatrical company inc. John Oxenford, Helen Maltravers

12mo, 3 pp. 30 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper. He sends a 'list of pieces' which he considers 'suitable for a Short Company'. The first piece named is 'The Silver Lining (the St James's Comedy)', in which he says there are 'only 4 Men & 3 women exclusive of Helen Maltravers'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A H Calvert') from the actress Adelaide Helen Calvert to an unnamed theatre proprietor [E. D. Davies, Lessee, Theatre-Royal, Newcastle?], discussing a forthcoming bill.

Adelaide Helen Calvert [nee Biddles] (1837-1921), English actress, wife of the actor-manager Charles Alexander Calvert (1828-1879) [Theatre-Royal, Newcastle]
Publication details: 
Undated [before 1879]; on part of playbill for 'Benefit of Mr. Chas. Calvert' at the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle. [M. Benson, Printer, Side, Newcastle.]
Adelaide Helen Calvert to an unnamed theatre proprietor

12mo, 3 pp. On bifolium, with the printed playbill for the 'Benefit of Mr. Chas. Calvert' at the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle, on the recto of the first page (including a performance of Much Ado About Nothing, with Calvert as Benedick and Miss Fanny Alexander as Beatrice. The letter is 42 lines long. She feels that, 'with but one rehearsal', the 'Merchante's Storye will scarcely go', and suggests performing 'Nine Points, The Household Fairy, and Head of the Family' instead, considering it 'a good bill' and 'lighter works for all the company'.

Original coloured illustrations of Napoleonic costume designs for the 1934 production at His Majesty's Theatre, London, of J. M. Barrie's play 'Josephine' [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree; George Grossmith Jnr; Lyn Harding; Spencer Trevor; Allan Jeayes].

[Costume designs for the 1934 production of 'Josephine' by J. M. Barrie, at His Majesty's Theatre, London] [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree; George Grossmith Jnr; Lyn Harding; Spencer Trevor; Allan Jeayes]
Publication details: 
1934; His Majesty's Theatre, London.
Costume designs for the 1934 production of 'Josephine' by J. M. Barrie, at His M

Twelve pages of illustrations, each on a separate leaf. Seven are portrait folio, four are portrait 8vo, and one is landscape 8vo. All clear and complete, on aged and creased paper. All coloured in watercolour. The seven folio portraits are: Napoleon as First Consul; Talma; Eugene; Moustache ('Mr. Lyn Harding [(1867-1952)]'); two 'Flunkies'; and Austrian Ambassador ('Mr Spencer Trevor [(1875-1945)]'). The four portrait 8vo illustrations consist of: two of Larose ('Lady Tree [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree (1858-1937)]'); Louise ('Miss Lemand') and the overcoat of Talma ('Mr.

Autograph Signature ('Charlotte H Dolby') on fragment of letter.

Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby (1821-85), English contralto singer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

Dimensions roughly two and a half inches by four and a half wide. Clear, bold signature on aged paper. Reads '<...> believe me Gill's friend as well as your own | [signature] Charlotte H Dolby'. Reverse reads '<...> says, because I get mixed up with such a lot of people, and lose my individuality in the <...>'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Mathers. | (Helen Reeves)') to unnamed male correspondent.

Helen Mathers' [pen name of Ellen Buckingham Mathews (1853-1920); Helen Reeves; Mrs. Reeves], English popular novelist
Publication details: 
1 December 1879; on letterhead of 6 Grosvenor Street, [London] W.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Spike hole through both leaves, not affecting text. Fair, on aged paper. She states that 'The story would be ready to commence the 2nd. week in March.' She then gives a list of her five 'other works besides Comin' thro the Rye'. The first two in the list are said to have passed through '3 editions', and of the second in the list 'a further is in preparation'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the numismatist Ewald Junge, with papers relating to the artist and theatrical Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966).

Sebastian Carter, printer and typographer (born 1941)
Publication details: 
Letter undated, on letterhead of Victoria House, 40 Oxford Road, Cambridge.

LETTER: One page, quarto. Somewhat aged and creased. An attractive item in Carter's disciplined calligraphic hand. A damning assessment of Craig's son Edward Anthony Craig ('Edward Carrick', 1905-98). '[...] If you know him, you presumably also know what you are taking on! We had some dealings with Teddy over possibly printing old EGC's engravings of Robinson Crusoe, but Teddy sold them, [...] My impression is that the old rogue manufactured archives in order to sell them to someone - preferably twice.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English contralto singer (1821-85). Signature on piece of paper of irregular shape (practically oval): roughly nine centimeters by four centimeters at the widest points. In poor condition: on paper discoloured by age and glue from previous mounting, and with hole and closed tear slightly affecting signature. Reads 'Your's very truly | Charlotte H Dolby', so presumably predating the singer's marriage in 1860.

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