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[T. Mack Smith, British military internee in Vichy France.] Autograph Letter Signed ('South') to 'Monty', describing his escape, 'in real cinema fashion', from 'the Gerries', on the eve of the Battle of Dunkirk.

Thomas South Mack, Royal Army Service Corps [The Battle of Dunkirk, 1940; Vichy France]
Publication details: 
'From Mr MACK. T.S. | NO t/146103. | Internee [sic] anglais, | Camp Militaire, | AGDE, HERAULT, France. | 20.IX.1940 [i.e. 20 September 1940]'.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He begins by thanking him for his letter 'from Cambridge Hospital' and sympathising with his illness. 'I hoped to be able to come & see you before this but I am afraid now I am here for the duration. This is a pleasant spot, 1/2 a KM from a town of 5,000 inhabitants & 4 KM from the Mediterranean. I have my bike, & am fed & clothed & am allowed anywhere in the district of Agde at any hour.

[National Salvage Council, First World War.] Typed 'Urgent Memorandum' regarding the collection of fruit stones for 'an urgent war purpose' [i.e. for use in gas masks], addressed to councils and the Corporation of the City of London.

London Government Board, Whitehall [National Salvage Council Caxton House, Tothill Street, London; First World War]
Publication details: 
London Government Board, Whitehall, S.W.1. 8 July 1918. ['Any enquiries should be addressed to the Director General of National Salvage, Caxton House, Tothill Street, S.W.1. [London]]

1p., folio. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Duplicated typescript. Headed 'Urgent. | MEMORANDUM.' and 'Town Councils. | Councils of Metropolitan Boroughs. | Corporation of the City of London. | Urban and Rural District Councils.' The twenty-eight line text begins: 'All fruit stones including date stones and hard nut shells are immediately required for an urgent war purpose.

[Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart.] Autograph Letter in the third person from Major-General Stewart to his wine merchant Knobel of South Audley Street, regarding the sending of a hamper of wine and ale to Woodbridge, and an order for port.

Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart (1774-1827), Commanding Officer of the Rifle Corps, and Scottish Member of Parliament [Solomon Knobel, wine merchant, South Audley Street, London]
Publication details: 
3 Gloucester Street [London]. 24 July 1812.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Stewart's seal in red wax, to 'Mr. Knobel | Wine Merchant | South Audley Street'. He asks Knobel to 'send a person & a Hamper to pack up three dozen of wine & ale left at the Major General's for the Country, as before'. He asks for the hamper to be sent, 'so packed & sealed, together with 3 dozen hamper of His, (Mr. Knobel's) best Port ready for immediate drinking by the Hoy to Woodbridge in Suffolk, as last winter'.

[Printed item.] The No-Conscription Fellowship. A Souvenir of its work during the years 1914-1919.

[The No-Conscription Fellowship, London; Clifford Allen, Chairman; Dr Alfred Salter; Archibald Fenner Brockway; Bertrand Russell]
Publication details: 
Published at 5 York Buildings Adelphi W.C.2. [London] [Newnham, Cowell & Gripper, Ltd, 75 Chiswell Street, London, EC1, printers] [c. 1919 or 1920.]

95pp., 12mo. Stitched. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, internally lightly-aged; in worn and creased wraps. Tastefully produced on shiny art paper, with numerous illustrations, including 'A Friends' Ambulance Unit Dug-Out'. The central two pages carry a list of 'The Men Who Died | The following sixty-nine comrades died after arrest, the first ten while in prison'. The 'Principal Contents' include pieces by Allen, Dr Alfred Salter, A. Fenner Brockway, B. D. Taylor, Capt. E. Gill, C. H. Norman, Hubert W. Peet, W. J. Chamberlain, Robert O. Mennell, Maurice Whitlow, Walter H.

[Dover Easter Manoeuvres, 1892.] Printed orders for the Volunteer Tactical Field Day at Dover, Easter Monday, 1892.' With printed map.

Dover Easter Volunteer Manoeuvres, 1892, under Major-General Lord William Seymour, South-Eastern Division; Colonel J. C. Russell; Colonel J. B. Stirling; Colonel H. Kingscote
Publication details: 
[No place [Dover, England]. [18 April] 1892.]

Both orders and map are in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ORDERS: Headed 'Volunteer Tactical Field Day at Dover, | Easter Monday, 1892.' 8pp., 8vo. Stitched. The first two pages list: Headquarter Staff; Umpire Staff (Umpire-in-Chief, The General Officer Commanding South Eastern Division); Attacking Force (Commanding - Colonel J. C. Russell); Defending Force (Commanding - Colonel J. B. Sterling); Railway Staff Officers. The third and fourth pages carry tables for the Attacking and Defending Forces. Pages 5-8 give the 'District Orders' by 'H.

[Printed pamphlet.] Pioneer Days in South Africa. An absorbing record of the Zulu War and the Diamond Fields, and of expeditions and incidents now written in the history of the 19th Century. [Front cover: The Fannin Papers.]

Natalie Fannin [Foreword by R. Kingston Russell] [John Eustace Fannin; South Africa: the Diamond Fields and the Zulu War]
Publication details: 
Durban, Natal: Robinson & Co. Ltd. 1932.

[1] + 53pp., 4to. Three full-page illustrations. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight rust to staples. Title on cover reads: 'The Fannin Papers. A Pioneer's Story of the Diamond Fields and the Zulu War. A stirring tale of Zulu War days on the Natal Border. Hardships of fortune hunting in the early years of the Diamond Fields.' R.

[Boer War diary of British army officer.] Autograph diary of 'L. K. Smith [Leonard Kirke Smith] The Royal Scots 2nd. B[attalio]n. Mounted Infantry 2nd. Cavalry Brigade', seeing service in the Battles of Paardeberg, Poplar Grove and Driefontein and

Colonel Leonard Kirke Smith (1877-1941), C.B.E., D.S.O., The Royal Scots, Egyptian Army 1910-1923 [The Second Boer War, 1899-1902]
Publication details: 
South Africa, 1899-1900.

70pp., 8vo, in 'Campbell's Albany Diary and Almanac for 1900' (Glasgow: Duncan Campbell & Son), 'Printed 2nd September, 1900. Ownership inscription on front free endpaper: 'L. K. Smith | The Royal Scots | 2nd. Bn. Mounted Infantry | 2nd. Cavalry Brigade'. Internally in fair condition, on aged and worn paper, in heavily worn and stained red cloth binding. Entries dating from 1 October 1899 to 26 May 1900. An interesting first-hand account, conveying a vivid sense of immediacy, from an officer who saw a deal of action and distinguished himself during the campaign.

[The Army of Peru in the nineteenth century.] Printed handbill with tables and text, headed 'Cuadro Que manifiesta la organizacion del Ejército permanente, los cuerpos que lo forman, el número de sus companias y la fuerza efectiva de cada uno.'

The Army of Peru [Ejército del Perú] [South American military history; nineteenth-century warfare]
Publication details: 
'Núm. 2.' [Peru. 1860s?]

Attractively printed on one side of a piece of 37 x 41 cm wove paper, with decorative rules and borders. 'Núm. 2.' in top right-hand corner. Four tables, on 'Artilleria' (600 men and 280 horses), 'Infanteria' (1860 men), 'Caballeria' (comprising 'Rejimiento Húzares de Junin', 'Idem Lanceros de Torata' and 'Idem Escolta del Gobierno') and 'Resumon por clases de todas armas' (3000 men and 1040 horses). Five lines of text in small type at foot.

[Sir Richard Williams, Colonel Commandant of the Royal Marines.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Williams') to his agent, describing plans for 'about 5000 Spaniards and the two Battalions of Marines' to attack 'Guetania' [i.e. the rock of Gitaya].

Sir Richard Williams (1764-1839), KCB, Colonel Commandant of the Royal Marines [The Peninsular War; Napoleonic Wars; British Army]
Publication details: 
'H. M. Ship Queen | off Castro [Castro-Urdiales, Spain]'. 17 September 1812.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with one short closed tear along a crease line. Docketted on reverse: 'Majr Williams | 17 Sept 1812'. The letter begins with a paragraph of instructions regarding the payment of a sum of money to his sister. The final paragraph reads: 'This Batt. is at present in the Queen for a passage to Guetania which place we are going to attac [sic] with about 5000 Spaniards and the two Battalions of Marines - our own Trooper is full of Spaniards.' He concludes by sending his best regards to the recipient's father.

[Winston Churchill; handbill; wartime broadcast] Churchill al Popolo Italiana

Winston Churchill, Liberal and Conservative politician, sometime Prime Minister.
Publication details: 
Appello radiotrasmesso da Londra il 23 Dicembre, 1940 [transmitted from London]

Four pages, 8vo, not bound as issued, poor quality paper, dulled, very small closed tears at bottom, fold mark, mainly good condition. Presumably a translation for Italian consumption  and dropped on Italian soil from a plane! One copy ONLY listed on COPAC and WorldCat (only the title given on IWM website, no description).

[Three printed items.] 1933 and 1934 impressions of the pamphlet 'Fascism Explained. 10 Points of Fascist Policy by Oswald Mosley.' With printed application form.

Oswald Mosley [The British Union of Fascists]
Publication details: 
Both pamphlets 'Printed & Published by B.U.F. Kings Road S.W.3.' One pamphlet '12/33' (i.e. published in December 1933) and the other '4/34' (April 1934).

PAMPHLETS: 12pp., 12mo. Stapled. In printed wraps with decorative front cover and advertisements for the movement on back cover. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with rusted staple. At the foot of the title page of the 1933 impression is 'Read and Enrol | 1,000,000 12/33', and at the foot of the title page of the 1934 impression is 'Read and Enrol | 250M 4/34'. The only other difference between the two appears to be that the 1934 is of slightly smaller dimensions than the 1933 one. Uncommon: five copies of the 1933 impression are listed on COPAC, and none of the 1934 impression.

[John Belfield Gadd, librarian, The John Rylands Library, Manchester.] Bound collection (by his family?) of 18 original compositions, titled 'Some Of His Published and Unpublished Articles', including 14 Typescripts and 2 Autograph Manuscripts.

John Belfield Gadd (1895-1918), librarian, The John Rylands Library, Manchester [The Manchester Guardian]
Publication details: 
[Several from 'Edale', 115 Atwood Rd, Didsbury, Manchester.] Items dated from between 1913 and 1916.

Folio volume of 127pp. (paginated in red pencil) of typescripts and manuscripts, with three printed items extracted from magazines, bound in black cloth, with the front cover stamped in gilt with the title 'John Belfield Gadd | 1895-1918. | Some Of His Published and Unpublished Articles'. A good-natured and entertaining collection of seventeen essays and two plays, strongly hinting at unfulfilled promise.

[Second World War ephemera.] Printed card of 'Instructions', headed 'Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence. Knitted Patchwork Covers for Evacuated Children.'

[Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, London; Second World War evacuees; evacuation; evacuated children]
Publication details: 
[Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, London. 1939.]

Printed on one side of a piece of 15cm square card. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Four numbered instructions, preceded by: 'There would be a great need for extra bed coverings for children should evacuation ever take place. Suitable covers can be made by sewing together squares knitted up from scraps of wool. They will always be useful even if, as we all hope, they are not needed for their original purpose.' This initiative can be dated from a reference in 'Home & Country' magazine, 1939. Scarce: no copy traced in the Imperial War Museum or elsewhere.

[Two printed items.] 'Regulations for The Organisation of Detachments of The British Red Cross Society' (January 1939) and 'Dress Regulations for British Red Cross Detachments and the Society's Voluntary Detachments' (May 1939).

[The British Red Cross Society, regulations and dress regulations, 1939]
Publication details: 
Both items by The British Red Cross Society, London. The 'Regulations' ('Form D'): 14 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.1. January 1939). The 'Dress Regulations' ('Form D(7)'). May 1939.

Two stapled pamphlets. Both in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both items are scarce, with no copies of either listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. ONE ('Regulations'). 52pp., 8vo. Fold-out at rear: 'Chart shewing the organisation of the British Red Cross Society and its connection with (a) the International Red Cross, and (b) His Majesty's Government departments'. Table of contents at front, listing numerous topics from 'Definitions' to 'Air Raid Precautions Reserve'. Addendum (1p., 8vo) headed 'FORM D. January, 1939 | Amendments No. 1', loosely inserted.

[Second World War pamphlet in support of the Conservative and Unionist Party.] Politics in War Time. What the Opposition Leaders are Working for To-day.

[Sir Douglas Hacking, Chairman of the Conservative and Unionist Party; Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister]
Publication details: 
Printed and Published by Deverell, Gibson & Hoare, Ltd., 5, Lavington Street, London, S.E.1' [1939]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. An interesting survival (no copies traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat), indicating that British party politics was not entirely suspended during the 'Phoney War'. The pamphlet gives no indication that it is directly issued by the Conservative and Unionist Party, but see the quotation from Chamberlain below. The front cover reads: 'Politics in War Time.

[Royal Army Medical Corps printed Second World War circular.] Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements.

Major K. G. A. Barlow [Kenneth Green Armitage Barlow], Royal Army Medical Corps [blood transfusion in the British Army of the Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Royal Army Medical Corps.] 'BLA | 1 June 45.'

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Headed: 'Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements. Ref: 1BTU/S/108/45. | To: ALL GENERAL HOSPITALS. | CCSs. | Transfusion Officers. | Pathologists. | Officers i/c Blood Banks.' Facsimile at foot of the signature of 'KGA Barlow Major, RAMC., | A/CC., No. 1 Base Transfusion Unit.' The document is arranged under four headings: 'Blood Taking Sets'; 'Blood Storage'; 'Grouping of Donors' and 'Cross Matching'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[British Army printed circular.] Appointment of Women Officers as Voluntary Members of the Regular Army Reserve of Officers. [With application form and covering Typed Letter Signed to Dr D. M. E. Kayton from L. Jenkinson of the War Office.]

L. Jenkinson of the War Office [Regular Army Reserve of Officers (RARO); Royal Army Medical Corps; Royal Army Dental Corps]
Publication details: 
The circular and appendix without details or date. Jenkinson's letter from the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. 3 November 1950.

The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, pinned together. ONE: Duplicated typescript titled 'Appointment of Women Officers as voluntary Members of the Regular Army Reserve of Officers'. 3pp., two of them foolscap 8vo, the other landscape 12mo. Divided into 18 sections under the headings: General; Purpose of the Reserve and Liability for Service; Eligibility for Appointment; Age Limits; Rank on Appointment; Training; Uniform; Change of Address and Change of Name by Marriage; Permanent Residence Abroad; Removal on Account of Age from the RARO; How to Join.

[War Office publication, regarding the Royal Army Medical Corps.] R.A.M.C. Training Pamphlet No. 1 [2]. 1943.

[The War Office, Whitehall] [The Royal Army Medical Corps; government publications; British Army; Second World War]
Publication details: 
No. 1: 'The War Office [Whitehall], 9th June, 1943.' No. 2: 'The War Office, 21st July, 1943.' [Both 'Notified in A.C.Is.']

Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, and each with three punch holes to spine. No. 1: 27pp., 12mo. With illustrations and diagrams in text. In two parts: 'Progressive Field Training for Stretcher-bearers' and 'Purposeful Physical Training for Stretcher-bearers'. No.2: ii + 65pp., 12mo. With three 'figures' in text. Divided into six chapters (including 'The Army Dental Corps in the field' and 'Evacuation and methods of estimation of casualties') and appendix. Scarce: the only copy traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, in the Imperial War Museum collection.

[War Office publication.] Pay and Allowance (Officers). Royal Army Medical Corps.

[The War Office, Whitehall; Royal Army Medical Corps; British government publications; World War Two]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], October, 1943.'

6pp., 12mo. Pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper with vertical fold. Headings: Pay [with table giving 'rates of pay [...] applicable to medical officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps']; Issue of Pay and Allowances; Rations, Accommodation, etc.; Allowances in respect of family. Marginal headings: Banking facilities; Disposal of pay; Advance of pay; Issue of allowances; Instructions to agents and paymasters; Joining certificate; Outfit allowance. Scarce: no copy in the Wellcome Library, or on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[War Office pamphlet, 'Not to be published'] Memorandum for the Guidance of Officers commanding Units [...], regarding the procedure to be followed in connection with admission to Hospitals, etc., and the care of Sick treated under unit arrangements.

[The War Office, Whitehall] [British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], April, 1940.'

Full title: 'Memorandum for the Guidance of Officers commanding Units and of Officers in medical charge of effective Troops in areas or units, regarding the procedure to be followed in connection with admission to Hospitals, etc., and the care of Sick treated under unit arrangements.' 22pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

['Restricted' Royal Army Medical Corps publication on the use of poison gas.] R.A.M.C. School of Instruction (C.W.) [i.e. Chemical Warfare]. Lecture Notes. July, 1944.

[Royal Army Medical Corps, Boyce Barracks, Crookham, Aldershot] [Second World War; poison gas; chemical warfare]
Publication details: 
[Royal Army Medical Corps.] Boyce Barracks, Crookham, Aldershot. [July, 1944.]

63pp., small 4to. Stapled. In brown card printed wraps. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Ownership inscription of Daphne Kayton at head of front cover, with a few internal notes in the same hand.

[Royal Army Medical Corps publication.] Depot & Training Establishment, R.A.M.C. Squad Drill.

[Royal Army Medical Corps] [Second World War squad drill; British Army]
Publication details: 
North Hants Printing Co., Ltd., Fleet. Undated, but dating from the Second World War.

18pp., 16mo. Stapled pamphlet. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. At head of first page: 'SQUAD DRILL | This Booklet is issued to assist R.A.M.C. personnel to become proficient at drill in threes. It is set out in plain language, the object being to help the reader to obtain a clear mental picture of the subject.' Undated, but found in a collection of Second World War medical pamphlets. (The British Library has five items from the printers, ranging in date from 1925 to 1937.) Excessively scarce: no copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

[Printed item.] British Medical Students Association. 1942-1943.

[Professor J. A. Ryle, Honorary President, British Medical Students Association] [British Medical Association [BMA]]
Publication details: 
B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.1. [1942 for 1943.]

[2] + 14pp., 8vo. In white printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with vertical fold. Printed 'Entry Form' on postcard loosely inserted. Divided into four sections: Foreword [by Ryle]; Constitution; Schedules to Constitution; Report on Inaugural Meeting of the Association; Ministry of Health Letter. Scarce: no copy located on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[Printed War Office pamphlet.] Water supplies in the Field. Notes for Medical Officers. (Reprinted with Amendments 1 and 2, 1941.)

[Director of Hygiene, War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued under the authority of the Director of Hygiene, War Office [Whitehall]'.

iii + 109pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged. Stapled addendum titled 'Amendment No. 3.' (5pp., 12mo) loosely inserted. Main headings: Amounts; Sources; Metal Solvency in Water; Hardness of Water; Brackish Waters; Bitter Aperient Waters; Examination of Water Supplies; Purification of Water; Water Vehicles, Water Points and Distribution; Poisoning of Water by the Enemy; Water Supplies Contaminated with Schistosome Cercariae.

[Printed item.] Selections from the Army Medical Department Bulletin 1941-1942.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. April, 1943.'

74pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Three page table of contents at front, and two page index in small print at back. Numerous entries under the following headings: Injuries and Wounds; Blood Transfusions; Surgery; The Legs and Feet; The Teeth, Jaws and Face; Infection and Sterilization; Administration; Nutrition; Heat-Stroke; Malaria; Epidemic Diseases; Immunization; Vaccination; The Nervous System; Epididymitis; Venereal Disease; Bacteriostatic Remedies; Psychiatry; The Home Guard; For the Press; Museum Collections.

[War Office publications, 'Not to be published.'] Booklet of 'Training Notes & A.M.D. Bulletins For Medical Officers', containing 14 issues of the Army Medical Department Bulletin, index, and nine issues of its 'Supplement'.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
The War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. The bulletins (nos.24-33, 35-38) dating from between June 1943 and August 1944. The supplements (nos.1, 4, 6-8, 10, 12, 15, 16) dating from between January 1943 and June 1944. The index dated February 1944.

The thirty-one items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each with punch holes at spine, and all attched within a grey printed card folder by blue string. The bulletins (nos. 24-33, 35-38) are all 8pp., 12mo, except for No.33, which is 12pp., 12mo, and hence total 116pp., 12mo, with occasional illustrations.

['Official Copy' of British Army publication.] Regulations for the Medical Services of the Army. 1938.

[British Army regulations for the Medical Services]
Publication details: 
London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1943. ['Notified in Army Orders for July, 1938'.] 'Printed [...] by William Clowes & Sons, Ltd., London and Beccles.'

xiii + 457pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Divided into 14 sections (from 'Composition and General Organization of the Medical Services of the Army' to 'Regulations affecting the Royal Air Force'), with 56 appendices ('Sanitary Reports' to 'Contents of Case of Tracheotomy Instruments'). Scarce: no copy of this 1943 issue traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat (and only four of the 1938 version). From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[British Army printed circular.] Notes on Psychiatric Disabilities in the Army.

[British Army; Royal Army Medical Corps; psychiatry; psychiatric battle casualties; shellshock]
Publication details: 
Place and source not stated. [London: [Royal Army Medical Corps?] 'Revised. | February [amended in manuscript to 'July'] 1944.'

6pp., foolscap 8vo. Duplicated typescript on three leaves of pink paper pinned together. In fair condition, aged and worn, with two fold lines.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 38. [290 to 297: Early Tubercle is Easily Missed; The Medical Officer as Scientist; Prognosis in Coronary Occlusion; Valvular Disease of the Heart; Treatment of Casualties from Phosgene [...] .

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. August, 1944.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with vertical crease and three punch holes at spine. 'Lieut Kyten' in manuscript at head of first page. Sections 296 and 297 are titled: 'Formalin Frees Footwear from Fungi' and 'Use of Army Numbers'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 39. [298 to 305: Clinicians and Special Departments; Gas Gangrene: An Illustrative Case; Padded or Unpadded Plaster Casts; An Improved Tobruk Plaster (Mark III); Overdosage with Aspirin [...]'.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. September, 1944.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with three punch holes at spine. 'Lt. Miss Kayton' in manuscript at head of first page. Sections 303 to 305 are titled: Penicillin Units: Oxford and Mega; "My Doctor Told Me."; Diphtheira Antitoxin: New Scales of Issue. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

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