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Manuscript Note, in a secretarial hand, signed ('Pache') by Jean-Nicholas Pache, Mayor of Paris, acknowledging a letter from the architect Charles-François Mandar, informing him that Mandar has 'ouvert un cours de fortification'.

Jean-Nicolas Pache (1746-1823), French politician supported by Jean-Paul Marat, Mayor of Paris 1793-1794, who helped bring down the Girondists [Charles-François Mandar (1757-1844), architect]
Publication details: 
'Paris le 21 pluviose l'an 2e. [i.e. 2 February 1794] de la république uni et indivisible'.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with loss to the two upper corners. Addressed on the reverse, with red circular 'PD' postmark: 'Au Citoyen Mandar architecte | Cour Mandar No. 3. | Mairie de Paris'. The note reads: 'Citoyen, j'ai reçu ta lettre du 18 de ce mois, qui a pour objet de m'informer que tu as ouvert un cours de fortification qui se tiendra a cinq heures du Soir, les premidi, tridi, Septidi et nonidi de chaque décade.'

Autograph Letter in the third person from Lord Bingham [later George Charles Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan] to Sir Francis Freeling, Secretary of the General Post Office, regarding a petition to be presented to the House of Commons. With two cuttings.

George Charles Bingham (1800-1888), 3rd Earl of Lucan [Lord Lucan], until 1839 known by the courtesy title Lord Bingham [Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office]
Publication details: 
3 Park Place [London] 12 June 1830. One of the cuttings dating from the commencement off the Crimean War, 1853.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Lord Bingham presents his compliments to Sir Francis Freeling & will feel much obliged to him if he will be good enough to have the accompanying letter opened & returned to him free of postage as Ld. B. knows it to be a Petition to the House of Commons | Ld. B.

‘Pain and Sin’ in wartime Australia: The Diaries and Stories of Duncan Murray Gordon (1912-2012)

Duncan Murray Gordon, soldier and writer [Australian Author)
Publication details: 

Duncan Murray Gordon was born in 1912, the son of a commercial traveller. In 1927 he won a scholarship to Stott's College, Melbourne, and in August 1940 he began a clerical job at the Victorian mining company Broken Hill South Ltd. He served in the Second World War between March 1941 to July 1946, in both the AMF (Australian Military Forces) and AIF (Australian Imperial Force) in Australia and New Guinea (where he finds, as the second volume of the diary reveals, the only way to survive is ‘to find somebody to go mad with’).

Poem, printed in colours for display, regarding the Blitz and 'those blackout times of London' during World War Two, titled 'The Cockney | Dedicated to the Citizens of London'. followed by another poem, by 'Bill Smiff, Esq.', titled 'Victory 1945'.

'Bill Smiff, Esq.' [G. J. McCarthy, Bedford Street, Strand; George Reynolds, Stepney, printer; the Blitz; air raids on London; Second World War; Nazi; music hall]
Publication details: 
Printed by George Reynolds, Ltd., 21-23, Stepney Green, E.1., and published by G. J. McCarthy, 38, Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. [Christmas 1945.]

On a piece of thin, shiny card, 33 x 20 cm. The text of the two poems is printed in red capitals, in two columns, with the title and border in brown, and a green design surrounding the words 'Wishing you a Happy Xmas and Prosperous New Year' at the foot, together with green leaves to red holly berries surrounding the title.

[Printed pamphlet.] An Account of Warrington Siege, A.D. 1643; and of some manuscripts of that period recently discovered at Houghton Green, near Warrington.

James Kendrick, M.D. [the Siege of Warrington, 1643; Houghton Green; English Civil War]
Publication details: 
'Read before a Meeting of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, on the Evening of Thursday, December 11th, 1852 [corrected to '1851'].' Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, Cook Street, 1852.

15pp., 12mo, with six plates on art paper. In grey printed wraps with title on front cover. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The plates include engravings by H. C. Pigeon of illustrations by S. Holden and a plan by T. B. Ryder.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spenser Wilkinson') from Henry Spenser Wilkinson (1853-1937), Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University, to S. M. Wood, regarding his writings and the need to save England and France from 'German attack'.

Henry Spenser Wilkinson (1853-1937), Chichele Professor of Military History at the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Morning Post, London. 30 August 1914

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With envelope addressed by Wilkinson to Wood at Underwood, Oatlands Avenue, Weybridge. He disavows 'The Lost Possessions of England', explaining that he 'discussed the concessions of England to Germany in volumes published in 1894 & 1896'. He has 'not time now to write another book. The business of us all now is to do what we can to save our country & France from the German attack'.

[Large printed HMSO double-sided propaganda poster.] ABCA Map Review. No. 7: The Period from February 1st to February 14th 1943. [With coloured map and numerous photographic illustrations.]

[The Army Bureau of Current Affairs; ABCA; HMSO; His Majesty's Stationery Office; the Red Army]
Publication details: 
Compiled by the Army Bureau of Current Affairs. Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by Fosh & Cross, Ltd. 1943

Printed on both sides of a piece of paper., 75 x 102cm. In very good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Designed to be placed on a barrack wall, but with no evidence of having been put up. A striking piece of graphic design, with a boldly-coloured map beneath a thick green curving masthead on the front, and another black and white map in the bottom left-hand corner. Headings to the text read: 'Churchill's Return', 'The Russian Tide', 'The Nazi Line', 'After Tunisia . .

Manuscript account book giving the itemised wartime expenses of Mrs Alice Cross (n

[Stanley T. Cross, of the Registry of the International Court of Justice, the Hague, and his wife, n
Publication details: 
Mrs Cross's expenses from Broadhurst between January 1943 to March 1945. Matilda's and Ann's expenses from January 1938 to November 1940.

70pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in sturdy notebook with green and black marbled boards and black cloth spine. Label in French and German on front pastedown. Apparently mainly the work of S. T. Cross, with the sections in French by his wife. There appear to be three children: Titi, Ann and Matilda. The main body of the volume gives (on 48pp.) 'Alice's a/c General Expenses at Wadhurst'.

Two variant publications of Chinese Communist propaganda pamphlet, 'The Case Against the U.S. Germ Warfare Criminals'.

Lyn Ta-kuang [The Chinese People's Committee for World Peace and Against American Agression; Germ Warfare; Biological Weapons]
Publication details: 
[Place of publication not given in either copy.] Copy 1: 'The Chinese People's Committee for World Peace and against American Aggression'. Copy 2: 'Special Supplement | Daily News Release | 20 March, 1952'.

Both copies 16pp., 12mo, and both stapled in white wraps. Copy 1: Published by the Chinese People's Committee for World Peace and Against American Aggression. Title printed in red. Name of author given at foot of last page: '---- By LIN TA-KUANG.' In fair condition, aged, and on browned high-acidity newsprint, in creased wraps. Copy 2: 'Daily News Release' copy. Title given in black. Apparently identical in its typesetting to Copy 1, but without the author's name. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with short pencil notes on cover and elsewhere.

[Privately printed booklet, in French, on Admiral François Joseph Paul de Grasse and his role in the American Revolution.] Appel aux Etats-Unis. Un Grand Oublié.

[Admiral François Joseph Paul de Grasse (1722-1788), commander of the French fleet at the Battle of Chesapeake; Lady Marie de Grasse Evans (d.1907), American-born wife of Sir Francis Henry Evans]
Publication details: 
Imprimerie des Orphelins d'Auteuil, 40, rue La Fontaine, Paris. No date.

16pp., 12mo. Stapled. In cream wraps, with the title in brown on front cover. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with vertical fold and slight rust staining to cover from staple. From the Evans family papers, which include those of de Grasse's descendant Lady Marie de Grasse Evans [née Stevens]. No copy traced, either in English-speaking libraries or the Bibliotheque Nationale.

[Printed handbill poem.] "La Belgique Martyre." Poème du maître belge Emile Verhaeren, dont la publication a été autorisée par l'auteur comme contribution a l'oeuvre "Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges."

Emile Verhaeren [Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges; German war crimes in Belgium; the First World War]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1918.]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The poem, of 60 irregular lines, is placed (with a facsimile of Verhaeren's signature at the foot) within a thick floral border, reminiscent of the Arts and Crafts movement. It begins: 'Ce n'est qu'un bout de sol dans l'infini du monde. | Le Nord | Y déchaîne le vent qui mord. | Ce n'est qu'un peu de terre avec sa mer au bord | Et le déroulement de sa dune inféconde.' Scarce: no copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, on COPAC or in the Imperial War Museum.

[Printed Socialist Party of Great Britain pamphlet.] Beveridge Re-Organises Poverty.

[The Socialist Party of Great Britain; William Henry Beveridge (1879-1963), economist and British Liberal Party politician; the Beveridge Report, 1942]
Publication details: 
The Socialist Party of Great Britain, Rugby Chambers, 2 Rugby Street, WC1. [Printed by R. E. Taylor & Son, Ltd. (T.U.), 55/57 Banner Street, E.C.1. [1942 or 1943.]

20pp., 12mo. In white covers printed in green and black, with the 'Object' and 'Declaration of Principles' of the SPGB on the inside front cover, and advertisements for other SPGB works on the inside back cover. Stapled. Priced at 3d. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. On front cover: 'This pamphlet shows that the Beveridge Plan will not end the poverty of the working-class.

[Printed pamphlet by the Socialist Party of Canada.] The Socialist Manifesto.

[The Socialist Party of Canada, founded in 1931 in Winnipeg, Manitoba]
Publication details: 
Published by the Socialist Party of Canada, P.O. Box 1751, Winnipeg, Canada. [Preface dated 'DOMINION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, | JUNE, 1944.']

42pp., 12mo. In yellow wraps printed in black and red, with 'Object' and 'Declaration of Principles' of the SPC inside the front cover, and advertisements for SPC publications on both sides of the back cover. Stapled. In fair condition, aged and worn, with pencil ownership inscriptions of 'Jean Thurlow'. The Preface begins: 'This pamphlet was first published in 1910 as the Manifesto of the Socialist Party of Canada. During the ten-year period ending in 1920, five editions, totalling more than 25,000 copies, were issued.

[Printed anti-Vietnam War handbill.] "October 27th March to U.S. Embassy."

[October 27 Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam; the Vietnam War; Ho Chi Minh]
Publication details: 
'Issued by: OCTOBER 27 COMMITTEE FOR SOLIDARITY WITH VIETNAM | 1, Temple Fortune Mansions, London, N.W.11.' [Printed by Fermaprint Ltd., 17 Fleet Street, E.C.4.'], 1968.

Printed in black on one side of a piece of 32 x 20.5 cm paper. Fold mark. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Illustration of Viet Cong holding up an AK47 in top right-hand corner. Dense text beginning: 'The heroic People's Liberation Armed Forces and the people of South Vietnam are trouncing the Americann aggressors, the main enemy of the people of the world.' Sections headed: 'PEOPLE'S VICTORIES IN SOUTH VIETNAM', 'BRITISH IMPERIALISM - U.S. STOOGE' and 'FALSE SOLIDARITY AND ACTUAL BETRAYAL'. Slogans at foot of page: 'U.S.

Signature ('Fitzroy Somerset') of Lord Fitzroy Somerset, later Lord Raglan, on frank to Colonel Brotherton.

FitzRoy James Henry Somerset [known as Lord FitzRoy Somerset], 1st Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan] (1788-1855), British army officer [The Charge of the Light Brigade; Battle of Balaklava; Crimean War]
Publication details: 
Merthyr Tydvil [Wales]. 11 June 1831.

On piece of 6.5 x 11.5 cm paper, cut from front of frank. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. With the red government postmark ('FREE | 11 JU 11 | 1831'). Reads 'London June seventh 1831 | Colonel Brotherton | Merthyr Tydvil | [signed] Fitzroy Somerset'.

[Printed booklet with introduction by Winston Churchill; a bookplate by Gooden loosely inserted.] The Trumpeter of Saint George. An Engraving by Stephen Gooden A.R.A. with verses by G. Rostrevor Hamilton.

Stephen Gooden; G. Rostrevor Hamilton [Winston Churchill]
Publication details: 
London: George G. Harrap & Company Limited in association with the Royal Society of Saint George. 1941. [Printed by Harrison & Sons, Ltd, Printers to His Majesty The King, 44-47 St. Martin's Lane, London, WC2.]

16pp., 8vo. Stapled, unpaginated pamphlet with five blank versos. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Typed label laid down at head of reverse of first leaf: 'Issued by the Royal Society of St. George in W.W.W. London had been severely burned by incendiaries, the Guildhall and eight Wren churches destroyed. | Original contribution by Winston Churchill.' Circular reproduction of black and white engraving, somewhat in the style of a seventeenth-century emblem book, showing the trumpeter riding a carved lion on a globe overlooking a landscape.

Autograph Letter Signed in French from Jean de Perregaux of Neuchâtel, presenting his cousin Carle de Marval of the Red Cross to General P. Markow, Aide-de-Camp to Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria, and referring to the Battle of Kirk Kilisse.

Jean de Perregaux (1860-1919) of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, engineer and artillery officer [General P. Markow, aide-de-camp to Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria; Battle of Kirk Kilisse; First Balkan War]
Publication details: 
Neuchâtel [Switzerland]. 5 November 1912.

1p., 8vo, and 1p., 12mo. A bifolium, with the first page (in 12mo) on the recto of the first leaf, and the second page (in 8vo) lengthwise across the verso of the first leaf and the recto of the second. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-ruckled paper. With envelope addressed by Perregaux to 'Monsieur le Général P. Markow | Aide de camp général de S. M. le Roi des Bulgares. | Sophia | Bulgarie'. On monogrammed letterhead, addressed to 'Mon cher Markow', and signed 'J de Perregaux'. Perregaux begins by stating that he was agreeably surprised by Markow's telegram 'de Gare Yamboli'.

First World War 'Intelligence Map No. 4' of 'Windy Corner' near Cuinchy, site of the Guards Cemetery

[First World War intelligence map of 'Windy Corner', near Cuinchy and Givenchy, Pas-de-Calais; Robert Graves; Guards Cemetery]
Publication details: 
''Field Survey Co. R. E. 6229.', 'T.368', 'Trenches Corrected to 16 7 18 [i.e. 16 July 1918]'.

Printed in grey, yellow, red and blue on one side of a piece of paper roughly 33 x 41 cm, with 'WINDY CORNER' in large letters at the head. 'Scale 10,000'. Top Right "No 1 Sec". Folded three times. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn. Caption in margin reads: 'Information from all sources. Note: - Of the front line posts, only those of permanent nature have been numbered'. The 'REFERENCE' lists: German Trenches; German Shell Hole Defences; German Splinter Proof Shell Holes; Main C.

[WITH MS MAP] First WW aerial reconnaissance photo. of the area around Passchendaele during the 3rd Battle of Ypres, and intelligence map of the same area, with manuscript plan of the Honnecourt Wood and Lempire-Ronssoy area in pencil on reverse.

[Aerial photograph and manuscript map of the Passchendaele area during the 3rd Battle of Ypres, First World War; No. 105 Machine Gun Company; British Army]
Publication details: 
Passchendaele, Belgium. 'Reproduced & Printed by No 5 Advanced Section AP & SS'. Stamped on the reverse: 'NO. 105 MACHINE GUN COMPANY', with the date '1/9/17' [i.e. 1 September 1917.

Printed on a piece of card, roughly 50 x 22 cm., with the photographic side shiny and the reverse carrying the manuscript plan matt. In fair condition, folded four times and lightly aged, worn and chipped. The whole of the one side comprises a single photographic print, with 'Reproduced & Printed by No 5 Advanced Section AP & SS' at the foot. The upper part of this print reproduces an aerial photograph, roughly 15 x 22 cm, with six positions indicated: 'Kansas Cross', 'Gravenstafel', 'Passchendaele', 'Otto FM. D. 15a', 'Delva FM.

Substantial Autograph Letter Signed ('Frederick Niven') from the Canadian novelist Frederick John Niven to the Irish journalist and essayist Robert Lynd, explaining his ill health and praising Lynd's writing.

Frederick Niven [Frederick John Niven] (1878-1944), novelist from British Columbia, Canada, born in Chile of Scottish parents [Robert Lynd (1879-1949), Irish journalist and essayist]
Publication details: 
Lorenza, Combe Martin, North Devon. 26 December 1916.

4pp., 4to. Fair, on lightly aged and creased paper, with a few closed tears. The letter begins: 'Dear Lynd: I have been very ill and after two months in bed and an introduction to what Marley called "the thick, sweet smell of chloroform" I have been sent down here to get better - with the word of specialist and doctor that when I am well again I shall be better than I have been for a long time. This I write because I have often thought of writing to tell you how much I relish your papers.

[Printed handbill.] Roedean School. Dates of the Beginning and End of Terms for 1917.

[Roedean School, near Brighton, East Sussex, boarding school for girls founded by the Lawrence sisters in 1885]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Roedean School, East Sussex. 1916 or 1917.]

1p., 16mo. Good, on lightly-aged and spotted laid paper. A few pencil calculations on the reverse. Neatly printed. Giving details for the three terms: Lent, Summer and Michaelmas, with dates for 'Pupils re-assemble', 'Opening Address to Pupils', 'Reading of the Reports and Closing Address' and 'Pupils leave'. These details are followed by the following notices: 'Parents are earnestly requested to co-operate with the School authorities in enforcing punctuality of attendance at the beginning and end of Term.

Autograph Letter from Henry Allen Brainard, editor of 'The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley)' to his former colleague in the Union army, Major B. F. Ainger, discussing their colleagues and describing the horticulture of the San Jose area

Henry Allen Brainard (1840-1900), Editor, The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley)
Publication details: 
The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley), 10 Orchard Street, San Jose, California. 10 May 1892.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on two leaves of lightly-aged paper. In a difficult hand. The recipient is addressed as 'B. F. Ainger, Delegate to Editorial Committee, <?> Excursion'. The first two pages of the letter only, hence lacking Brainard's signature. Having seen Ainger's name 'among the delegates from Pennsylvania', he is 'strongly reminded of a Maj B. F. Ainger formerly of the 2nd. <?> Artillery with whom I had the pleasure of an acquaintance long ago when we were watching the Defences of Bermuda Honduras &c.

Mid-Victorian manuscript list, headed 'Weight of Appointments', giving the weights of a British Army cavalryman's equipment.

[British Army Cavalryman's list of 'Weights of Appointments', circa 1850]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1850.]

On one side of a piece of 15.5 x 11 cm laid paper. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. The list gives the weights of nine items (Saddle; Horse Shoes & Nails; Velisse; Sword & Belts; Carbine; Ammunition 20 rounds; Cloak; Sheep Skin & Shabracque; Wallets), ranging in weight from 27 lbs to 4 1/2 lbs, and totalling 7 st 3 lbs. Apparently very scarce. No record found.

Autograph Letter Signed ('HJ Gladstone') from Herbert John Gladstone, urging his friend and Liberal colleague Sir Francis Henry Evans to vote against the Government in Lord FitzMaurice's motion of no confidence over the handling of the Boer War.-+*

Herbert John Gladstone (1854-1930), Liberal politician [Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907), Liberal Member of Parliament for Southampton and Maidstone]
Publication details: 
On House of Commons letterhead; 5 February 1900.

2pp., 12mo. On paper with mourning border. Headed by Gladstone 'Private'. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter concerns Lord FitzMaurice's motion of no confidence in the government, held in the House of Commons the following day. (The resolution, which had been introduced following British reversals in the Boer War, was defeated by 352 votes to 139.) Gladstone writes that he hopes that he was not 'too "stiff"' with Evans. 'The situation at the time was a bit acute, 70 men asking for that wh. I knew to be impossible.

Autograph Letter Signed from J. W. Leach in Australia to his aunt Mrs Baker in Sidcup, England, discussing his return to 'good old Sydney', the 'frightful state' of the country post-War, and the arrival of 'a great number of English Brides'.

J. W. Leach of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [Mrs Baker, Sidcup, Kent, England]
Publication details: 
84 Victoria Street, Potts Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 27 November 1919.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with small rust hole to second leaf affecting two words of text. He begins in the hope that she is 'quite well & Plenty of Business'. He reports the death of his mother the previous may: 'she only lasted 5 Months after I left her'.

Hints to instructors.

Publication details: 
3rd. ed., Aldershot : Army Gym Headquarters, n.d.

10p. (fold.) illustrated, cloth; Text folded inside envelope 7x4cm, worn. Title on envelope followed by instructions: "Be brief but very impressive. | Develop your Power of Observation. | Check Faulty positions." Only copy recorded on COPAC at Imperial War Museum (suggesting Second World War but former owner was told First WW by donor).

Five poems by Captain H. W. Windsor Aubrey, R.A.M.C.: two holographs (including 'The Yellow Peril. Dedicated to the German Emperor'), one with typed copy, two others typed and one mimeographed; four concerning Delhi Barracks, Tidworth.

Captain Henry Wentworth Windsor Aubrey (c.1859-1934), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. [R.A.M.C. Delhi Barracks, Tidworth, Wiltshire; Brimstone Bottom]
Publication details: 
One of the six items on R.A.M.C. letterhead, Delhi Barracks, Tidworth, Salisbury Plain [Wiltshire]; dated 20 February 1918. Four of the others also 1918, and the sixth 1904.

Henry Wentworth Windsor Aubrey was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Dorset Regiment Militia on 21 April 1875, and resigned his commission three years later. He qualified as a Doctor in 1885 and practiced in Clifton, where he was a keen cricketer and golfer. During the First World War he served in the RAMC, reaching the rank of Temporary Captain (Home) on 1 December 1917. The six items (including Item Four, a typescript of Item Three) are in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Printed British classified military radio manual.] Reception Sets R.107. General Description and Working Instructions. ZA 3220. Not to be published. [With three fold-out diagrams and seven fold-out plates.]

[Reception Set R.107 radio receiver, British classified military radio manual]
Publication details: 
2nd printing. Place and publisher not stated. Undated [circa 1942].

8vo booklet stapled into card wraps, with 40pp. of text, headed 'OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - R.107' (divided into: General Description; Working Instructions; Maintenance), followed by the ten fold-out plates, consisting of three circuit diagrams and seven plates of photographic illustrations on art paper.

Typed copy of a letter, purportedly by an Irishwoman, addressed to a lady resident in England [Nannie Dryhurst or her daughter Sylvia Lynd?], describing the 'butchery' inflicted on her son, killed by the British during or after the Clonmult Ambush.

Clonmult Ambush of Irish Republican Army members by British forces, 20 February 1921, during the Irish War of Independence; Nannie Florence Dryhurst (1888-1952); Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952)]
Publication details: 
3 March 1921.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. One minor manuscript emendation (see below). Dated at the head 'March 3rd. 1921' and addressed to 'Madam'.

Typed Letter to the Irish nationalist journalist Robert Lynd [from W. E. A. Cummins?] providing information regarding the Burning of Cork by British forces including the Black and Tans in the Irish War of Independence.

[William Edward Ashley Cummins (1858-1923) of Woodville, Glanmire, County Cork; Robert Lynd (1879-1949); Burning of Cork, 11-12 December 1920; Irish War of Independence; Black and Tans]
Publication details: 
Woodville, Glanmire, County Cork. 14 December [1920].

1p., 4to. The first page only; 42 lines. Addressed to 'Dear Mr Lynd'. On aged and heavily-worn paper, with holes causing loss to a few words of text. An interesting document, written within days of the atrocity. The author - presumably the owner of Woodville, W. E. A.

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