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[ By Frederick Lankester, printer of Bury St. Edmunds. ] Watts' Divine Songs, attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children.

Isaac Watts [ Frederick Lankester of Bury St. Edmunds, publisher; Henry Mozley and Sons, Printers, Derby. ]
Publication details: 
Published by F. Lankester, Abbey Gate Street, Bury St. Edmunds. No date. [ 'Henry Mozley and Sons Printers, Derby.' ]

31pp., 64mo., i.e. 10 x 6.5 cm. Stitched, in green printed wraps. Heavily aged and worn. Penny pamphlet with three illustrations. Contemporary inscription on p.30: 'Thomas Richard Woollard his Book | Given him by Ann Wright 1840'. The signature of Sarah Wollard is also present. BBTI has Frederick Lankester active in Bury St. Edmunds between 1821 and 1864, but this may reflect a confusion between Frederick and Francis Lankester. COPAC holds items by published by Frederick Lankester between 1824 and 1837. No other copy of this particular edition traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[Eighteenth-century ballad.] Manuscript of untitled poem beginning 'Ere ye. read ys. ye. may suppose. | That some new listed Lover. | By means of Poetry has chose. | His Passion to discover.'

[Eighteenth-century English manuscript ballad; Georgian popular poetry]
Publication details: 
Early eightheenth century. [Another (later?) version published in the Gentleman's Magazine, London, May 1744.]

2pp., on both sides of a strip of 35.5 x 11.5 cm laid paper with fleur-de-lys watermark. In a secretary hand employing the thorn and long s. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An untitled forty-line poem, divided into five numbered eight-line stanzas. The narrator is an older married woman, advising a younger woman not to marry, with observations on the frailties of the male sex. The first stanza reads: 'Ere ye. read ys. ye. may suppose. | That some new listed Lover. | By means of Poetry has chose. | His Passion to discover.

Printed satirical handbill, written in apocalyptic style in prose and verse, on an engraving of 'The Peoples Frend & Hed-Vo-Cate' (i.e. The People's Friend and Advocate), one of the 'intended Inhabitants' of Pandaemonium.

[SatirIcal Georgian handbill, satirising 'The Peoples Frend & Hed-Vo-Cate' [i.e. 'The People's Friend and Advocate']]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [British; 1820s?]
Georgian satire

1p., 12mo. On 24.5 x 18.5 cm. piece of thin wove paper. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper with damage to extremities. A scarce and intriguing survival, about which nothing has hitherto been discovered. Printed in heavy black type characteristic of the early nineteenth century.

Printed collection of four Irish poems, with scores and illustrations, headed 'A Broadside': 'Pharao's Daughter' ['attributed to Michael Moran - 'Zosimus'']; 'The Riddle Song'; 'The Rose Tree' by W. B. Yeats (music by Arthur Duff); 'Famine Song'.

[Irish ballads; Cuala Press; Colm O Lochlainn]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Ireland, 1960s?]

4pp., 4to. Printed on brown paper. In good condition, lightly-aged and with one corner dogeared. The only copy traced on OCLC WorldCat in the Thomas P. O'Neill Library at Boston College, in whose entry it is tentatively dated to the 1960s, with the note about the series to which it belongs: 'Primarily a selection and reprinting from Cuala Press' collected edition of Broadsides (new series), originally issued Jan.-Dec.

Printed reward poster in English and Italian, headed 'Minute by His Honor the Lieutenant Governor' and 'Notificazione di Sua Signoria l'Onorabile Luogot. Govern.', by Richard Plasket, regarding a murderous assault on Giuseppe Pace of Casal Luca.

Sir Richard Plasket, Chief Secretary to the Government, Palace, Valletta [Giuseppe Pace of Casal Luca, Malta]
Publication details: 
'Palace, Valletta [Malta], 30th October, 1823.'

On one side of a 43 x 31.5 cm piece of laid paper, with 'JL GRAN | MASSO' watermark. On stained paper with slight wear along head and slight pitting affecting a few words of text. An attractive official communication, in two columns (English on left and Italian on right) beneath the British royal crest. Begins: 'WHEREAS it has been represented to HIS HONOR THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, that, Giuseppe Pace, of Casal Luca, having, about half-past eight o'Clock, on the evening of the Twenty-eighth instant, repaired to certain premises belonging to his family, situate in Strada St.

Printed broadside ballad titled 'Old Coal's Joke.' [A satire on King George IV's marriage to Queen Caroline, parodying the nursery rhyme of 'Old King Cole'.]

[King George IV of the United Kingdom (1762-1830) [previously Prince Regent] and his wife Queen Caroline [Caroline of Brunswick] (1768-1821); Hodgson & Co., printers; broadside ballad]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London: Hodgson & Co., 1821?]

On one side of a strip of wove paper, 46.5 x 9.5 cm. Cut down. In fair condition, on aged and lightly ruckled paper. 96 lines arranged in 12 numbered eight-line stanzas.

[Broadside] Civil and Religious Liberty. THe following Letters, by Sir John Maxwell Tylden, are submitted to the consideration of the MEN OF KENT.

[Sir John Maxwell Tylden; Broadside; Catholic Emancipation]
Publication details: 
George Wood, Printer (herald Office) High Street, Canterbury [1828 [Milsted, 18 Oct. 1828].

One page, folio, fold marks, closed tears at fold, stained at edges, mainly good condition. Two letters, one addressed "To the Right Honorable Lord Haris, the pother "To the Opponents of Emancipation", both expressing trenchant opinions pro Catholic Emancipation, the Catholic Relief Act being passed in 1829. Tylden also had radical views on Reform.

[Printed handbill poem by 'B. B.'] On a favourite Dog, interred in the Grounds of Dryburgh Abbey, MDCCCXIV. [With Victorian photograph of a dog.]

'B. B.' [Sir Brooke Boothby (1744-1824)?] [Dryburgh Abbey, property of David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan]
Publication details: 
Date and publisher not stated. [Scotland, circa 1814?]

Poem: On one side of a piece of 12mo paper. Fair, lightly-aged and a little ruckled, with traces of gum from previous mounting on the blank reverse. The 12-line poem is written in heroic couplets, and begins 'POOR, faithful animal, adieu! - | To Nature's kind affection true, | For fourteen years, thy grateful heart, | Devoted, play'd its humble part.' At the end a contemporary hand has ascribed the poem to 'B. B.', and the same hand gives the date as 'September 3d'.

Anonymous French nineteenth-century handbill poem, containing precepts on the game of chess, entitled 'Le Jeu d'Échecs.'

'Le Jeu d'Échecs' [anonymous French nineteenth-century handbill poem on the game of chess]
Publication details: 
Date of publication and name of printer not stated [1840s Paris?].
Handbill poem, containing precepts on the game of chess

4 pp, 16mo. Paginated [1] to 4. On a bifolium of wove paper. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with thin strip of previous mount adhering to inner margin of first page.

[Printed broadside.] Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to Both Houses of Parliament, On Thursday, February 8, 1877.

[Queen Victoria's speech on the State Opening of Parliament, 1877.] [Benjamin Disraeli; Tory Party; Conservative Party]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1877.

4 pp, folio. Paginated [1] to 4. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with some damage to margins of first leaf on removal from album. Docketed in a contemporary hand 'The last Speech Sent to Papa 1877'. Subjects include the Balkans, Bulgaria and Turkey (hostilities, armistice, Ottoman Empire, etc); her Imperial title assumed at Delhi; famine in India, transvaal Republic causing trouble for natives; other Bills (Ireland etc). No copy on COPAC.

[Printed handbill.] Sonnet on the late Dutchess of Gordon. [By Sir Brooke Boothby.]

[Sir Brooke Boothby (1744-1824)] [Jane Gordon, Duchess of Gordon (1748-1812), Scottish Tory political hostess]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1810.]

Printed on one side of a 4to leaf, to which a black mourning border has been given by hand. Well printed on wove paper. Fair, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper. The author's name is not given, and the title reads 'SONNET | ON THE LATE | DUTCHESS [sic] OF GORDON.' The poem begins: 'IS then the bright expansive spirit flown, | That wont to animate the admiring throng? | Does the fair theme of many a poet's Song | Exist in pleasing memory alone?' The poem was also printed in 'The Poetical Register, and Repository of Fugitive Poetry, for 1810-1811' (London: F. C. and J.

[Broadside] Lines printed in the Streets of Bristol, during the Procession in Honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King George IV. July 19, 1821,

William Henry Somerton of Queen-Street, St Michaels
Publication details: 
'Entered at Stationers' Hall', [Bristol, 1821].
Lines printed in the Streets of Bristo

Broadside, trimmed to just outside decorative border for poem, with radiant crown at top, tipped on to detached album leaf, faint marking and creasing, mainly good condition, commencing, Who, that has lived beneath the Brunswick sway .... No copy listed on COPAC which lists a work by Somerton on the Bristol Riots and a work printed by him (as presumably was this broadside).

[Printed handbill against Napoleon Bonaparte.] Another Confirmation of the Tender Mercies of Bonaparte in Egypt! Selected by his old friend John Bull.

'John Bull' [James Asperne (1757-1820), London bookseller and publisher; Sir Robert Wilson (1777-1849), English general; William Wittman; Napoleon Bonaparte]
Publication details: 
'32, Cornhill, | July 25, 1803.' ['London: Printed for J. ASPERNE, Successor to Mr. Sewell, at the Bible, Crown, and Constitution, No. 32, Cornhill, by T. Maiden.']
Another Confirmation of the Tender Mercies of Bonaparte in Egypt!

Large 8vo, 1 p. Thirty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. '43.' in manuscript in top right-hand corner. Begins: 'As a Proof of the Veracity of Sir Robert Wilson's Account of the tremendously inhuman MURDERS perpetrated at JAFFA by Order of that most sanguinary Monster, and detestable Tyrant, BONAPARTE'. There follows a long quotation from Wittman's 'Narrative of his Travels'. The second paragraph begins 'Englishmen, can you possibly read this Account without Horror?

A Broadside for July, 1911. [No. 2. Fourth Year] ['Blow, Bullies, Blow (Halliards Chanty)' with three illustrations by Jack B. Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1911. E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. In fair condition: a little grubby, with a couple of light folds and slight wear to extremities. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 cm square) and second (7 x 10 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('Derby Day') on third page. Final page blank.

A Broadside for March, 1914. [No. 10. Sixth Year] [the poems 'Nora Creina' and 'The Tan-Yard Side' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E. C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 x 10 cm) and second (9.5 x 7.5 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('The Metropolitan Regatta Dublin') on third page. Final page blank.

A Broadside for February, 1914. [No. 9. Sixth Year] [Hyde's poem 'I shall not die for thee' and Guthrie's poem 'Paternoster Callaghan' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; James Guthrie; Douglas Hyde; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7 x 10 cm) and second (8 x 7.5 cm) pages; black and white illustration ('Drowned Sailor', 12 x 10 cm) alone on third page. Final page blank. The first poem is not ascribed, but is known to be by Hyde.

A Broadside for November, 1911. [No. 6. Fourth Year] [Colum's poem 'Carricknabauna' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Padraic Colum; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1911. By E. C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. In fair condition: a little grubby, with a couple of light folds and slight wear to extremities. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (4.5 x 7.5 cm) and second (6 x 7.5 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('Marionettes') on third page. Final page blank.

Folio broadside ballad, illustrated with woodcut, entitled 'Patient Joe, or the Newcastle Collier.'

Z.' [Hannah More] [the Cheap Repository for Religious and Moral Tracts]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1795]. 'Sold by S. HAZARD, (PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY for Religious and Moral Tracts) at BATH; By J. MARSHALL, PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY, [...] and R. WHITE, Piccadilly, LONDON [...]'

On one side of a piece of laid paper, 45 x 27 cm. Dimensions of printing, including decorative border, 37 x 21.5 cm. Woodcut at head (between two vignettes) roughly 6 x 7.5 cm, showing two men with packs, one smoking a pipe, trudging across a field, with a dog in the foreground and what looks like a merry-go-round in the background. Clear and entire. With light water staining, but in good condition overall. The poem, attributed at the end to 'Z.' and announced as 'Entered at STATIONERS HALL', consists of seventy-two lines arranged in eighteen four-line stanzas over two columns.

Broadsheet, with woodcut, entitled 'A Copy of a Letter written by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.'

James Catnach (1792-1841), London broadsheet printer [Catnach Press]
Publication details: 
J. Catnach, Printer, 2 & 3, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials.'

Printed on a sheet of wove paper roughly 37 x 24 cm. Fair, on lightly aged and stained paper, with slight wear to extremities. Illustration, roughly 9 cm square, shows Christ, a crown of thorns above his head and a crucifix behind him, blessing an orb which he holds in his hand. Attractively printed in two columns divided by decorative rule, with ornament beneath title. Text in small type, divided into sections titled 'A Letter of Jesus Christ', 'Christ's Cures and Miracles', 'King Agbarus's Letter to Christ', 'Our Saviour's Answer' and 'Lentulus's Epistle to the Senate of Rome'.

Five illustrated handbills: 'Adam & Eve in Paradise'; 'The Sun of Righteousness', 'A Supposed Conference between a King and a Christian', 'The Rose of Sharon' and 'The Last Day! "Prepare to meet thy God.' Christ coming to Judge the World.'

James Catnach, broadsheet printer, 2 Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, London [ephemera; handbills; broadsides; Victorian printing]
Publication details: 
All undated and printed by James Catnach, 2 Monmouth-Court, Seven Dials.

Each of the five items printed on one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 50 x 37 mm. All five good, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, with text and illustrations clear and entire, and with some wear, chipping and short closed tears to the edges. Each item with a central vertical fold. All five items with ornately decorated titles, and all of a devotional nature. Item One: 'Adam & Eve in Paradise.' ('Printed by J.

Offprint entitled 'Two Remarkable Letters to Lord Beaconsfield on Trade and Peace.' ['Lord Beaconsfield and Trade' by 'JEW', and 'Lord Beaconsfield and Peace' by 'RABBI'.]

[?] Baker; the Bolton Guardian [Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield; William Ewart Gladstone; Victorian anti-semitism; nineteenth-century judaism]
Publication details: 
Undated. 'Reprinted from The Bolton Guardian.'

In three columns of small type on one side of a piece of unwatermarked wove paper, dimensions 39.5 x 29 cm. Text clear and complete, on aged and lightly creased paper. Four short closed tears at the extremities of folds. An unusual production, docketed in pencil in a contemporary hand at the head: 'These letters were written by Baker, Consul out in the Principalities & a great protege of Gladstone'. Begins 'We have been favoured with a copy of a remarkable letter addressed to the Premier by an old friend of his father's.

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