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Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

William Etty
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

British artist (1787-1849). Dimensions of paper roughly four and a half inches by two. Folded three times. Good, but on slightly discoloured paper. Reads 'I have the honor to be | Gentlemen | Yours faithfully | [signed] Wm.. Etty.' From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of a document.

Clarkson Stanfield, Michael Meredith
Publication details: 
1825; London.

Stanfield was a marine and landscape painter (1793-1867); Meredith was employed by the auctioneers Machin and Debenham of King Street. Paper dimensions roughly five and a half inches by four inches. Folded twice. Grubby and lightly creased, with dog-eared corners. Reads '[signed] Michael Meredith | No 6 Blomfield St | Finsbury Circus | [signed] C Stanfield R A | Mornington Place | Novr. 20th. 1825. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Ward'.

Briton Riviere
Publication details: 
23 May 1892; on letterhead 'FLAXLEY, | 82 FINCHLEY RD.. N.W.'

English artist (1840-1920). Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with closed tear at head unobtrusively repaired with archival tape, and some spotting. In stamped envelope addressed in autograph and with postmark. 'I shall be pleased to come & see your pupils work on Wednesday June the 1st but shall not be able to reach there before 2.45 I regret to say. | With kind regards | Yours very truly | [signed] Briton Riviere'.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of letter.

Philip Hardwick, William Behnes, Thomas Bellamy and Samuel Angell
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Hardwick (1792-1870), English architect; Behnes (1791-1864), English sculptor; Angell (1800-66), English artist. On piece of paper roughly four inches square. In good condition. Reads '<...> | Philip Hardwick | Russell Square | William Behnes | Thos: Bellamy | Saml Angell'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'T. W. Winstanley Esq | Secretary | Royal Manchester Institution | Manchester'.

John G. Hankes [T. W. Winstanley; Royal Manchester Institution]
Publication details: 
4 August 1840. '24 Carburton St. | Fitzroy Square. | London. | or | Great Clowes St. | Upper Broughton, | Manchester.'

Minor English artist who (according to docketed note) exhibited between 1838 and 1859. One page, 12mo. Very good, though somewhat grubby. Reads '226 I have the honour to send 1 picture for the ensuing exhibition at the Manchester Royal Institution, entitled "The new acquaintance" vide The Vicar of Wakefield | Price with frame 34 gs. | [Price] without [frame] 30 [gs.] | Signed 'Jno. G Hankes'. Second leaf of bifoliate addressed, and with top corner cut away and present beneath black wax seal, which bears the smudged impression of a crest.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood, [Secretary,] Royal Society of Arts.

Alexander Joseph Finberg [THE WALPOLE SOCIETY]
Publication details: 
23 and 27 January 1917; both on Walpole Society letterhead.

British art historian (1866-1939) whose papers are now in the Courtauld Institute, London; Turner specialist and founder of the Walpole Society. Both items one page, quarto, very good. Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp, and signed 'A. J. Finberg'. First letter enquires whether 'a full list of the recipients of [the Society's awards] has been published, or whether the materials for the compilation of such a list are in existence & are accessible to research'.

Two Autograph Postcards Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, [Secretary,] The Society of Arts.

Sir Wyke Bayliss
Publication details: 
19 and 21 January 1893, '7 North Road | Clapham Park'.

Artist and art historian (1835-1906), President of the Royal Society of British Artists. Both items very good, if somewhat grubby, and both stamped and docketed, and signed 'Wyke Bayliss'. Both postcards with postmark over printed stamp. POSTCARD ONE: 'I was dining last night with Dr Richardson and he said he should be glad if you could let him have some more cards of invitation for my lecture on the 25th. May I ask you (if you think proper) to send them a dozen, in addition to htose you have already sent.' POSTCARD TWO: 'I send by this post the MS of my paper, for the printer.

Autograph Note Signed [to Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Reginald Barratt
Publication details: 
17 February 1913; on embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum, Pall Mall.

English artist (1861-1917). One page, octavo. Very good, though slightly discoloured at foot. Stamped and docketed. 'Enclosed letter [not present] for Mr. G. Havell, has been sent me to forward. I cannot find his address. | Would you kindly forward it if his address is in yr books (Indian section) if not, kindly return it to me here.' Signed 'Reginald Barratt'.

Typed Note Signed to Sir Harry Lindsay, Royal Society of Arts.

Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase
Publication details: 
28 November 1947; on letterhead of Magdalen College, Oxford.

English mediaeval and art historian (1898-1974), Director of the Courtauld Institute of Art. One page, landscape octavo. Good, but with one corner creased and grubby, and with staple holes in another. 'I should be much honoured to be nominated as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and should much appreciate association with that body and all the work it does.' Signed 'T. S. R. Boase.'

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George Kirkley [Royal Academy of Art]
Publication details: 

Dimensions. Paper stained, discoloured and ruckled. Trimmed and mounted on a piece of brown paper. Reads 'Shall feel extreemly [sic] obliged if you will have the goodness to allow the Landscape on Copper sent to be placed on the Walls for the ensuing Exhibition at the Royal Academy has [sic] it will confer an obligation on | Sir/ | Your Most Obedient | Servant | G Kirkley | Landscape on Copper | George Kirkley | No. 3 Gilhams Fields | Worship Street'.

Autograph note signed to unnamed female correspondent.

Frank Reynolds [PUNCH MAGAZINE]
Publication details: 
Without date; on letterhead '52, COURTFIELD GARDENS, | WEST EALING. W.'

English illustrator (1876-1953), best-known for his work in 'Punch'. One page, 12mo. Very good. Folded once, and with one closed tear in crease. 'Many thanks for the good wishes and the horse shoe'. Signed 'Frank Reynolds'. Docketed in ink on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Manook.

Sir James Drogmole Linton, R.A.
Publication details: 
27 December 1910; on letterhead '26, New Cavendish Street, | Portland Place, W.'

British artist (1840-1916). One page, 12mo. Folded twice. Very good, on somewhat discoloured paper with crease to one corner. Reads 'I return you the cards signed. I regret I cannot do a sketch as it has rained requests of a similar nature this Xmas & I am now obliged to refuse with many thanks for all your good wishes'. Signed 'James Linton'.

Autograph Letter Signed to <?>.

William Thomas Fry
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English engraver (1789-1843). Two pages, 12mo. Edges trimmed (with some loss to text), lightly creased and with some damage to head. Asks if the recipient has in his collection a print of Horace Walpole. 'If you have will you let me see it for , with price marked, will either return it or send the Money, Business preventing my <?> out <?> [...] Impressions of the Vandicke, should you have any grand Heads after that Master I should listen to see soon'. Signed 'W. F. Fry'. Docketed at head 'Mr Fry Engraver'.?>

Augtograph Signatures on fragment of document.

Thomas Phillips, Dominic Paul Colnaghi, Robert Smirke, Henry Corbould, R. Hills, John Burnet
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Burnet (1784-1868), Corbould (1787-1844), Hills (1769-1844), Phillips (1770-1845) and Smirke (1752-1845) were artists. Colnaghi (1790-1879) was a print seller. Paper dimensions roughly four inches square. Paper grubby and creased. Reads 'T. Phillips - | R. Hills | D Colnaghi | Henry Corbould | Rob Smirke - | Jno: Burnet.' Reverse reads, tantalisingly, '<...> that his Eldest Son | <...>ilder of Liverpool Road | <...>ledged to call his Creditors | <...>t.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

James Ward, William Collins, Edward Francis Finden, George Hyde and Philip Hill
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Collins (1788-1847) and Ward (1769-1859) were all artists. Finden (1791-1857) was an engraver. Paper dimensions roughly five inches by four and a half inches. Folded once and with slight discoloration, but in good condition overall. Reads 'James Ward RA. | Edwd. F. Finden | William Collins. | Geo Hyde | Upper Norton St | Philip Hill | 6. Greek Street'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. O'Donnell'.

Paul George Konody
Publication details: 
17 October 1917; on blind-stamped letterhead 'I 3, THE ALBANY, | PICCADILLY, W, 1.'

Konody (1872-1933) was a well known art critic, and Art Director of the Canadian War Memorials from 1916 to 1919. He was also connected with the British Pavillon at the Venice Biennale. One page, 12mo, on grey paper. In good condition. Verso of blank second leaf of bifoliate attached to piece of paper. Now that he knows he will be in town the following weekend he can accept her invitation to lunch at the Whitefriars Club at 1.45. Signed 'P. G. Konody'.

Autograph Signatures.

Sir William Beechey and John Young
Publication details: 
Without date (c. 1798?) or place.

Beechey (1753-1839) was a member of the Royal Academy, and portrait painter to Queen Charlotte. Young (1755-1825) was a mezzotint engraver. Paper dimensions roughly four inches square. Folded twice. In good condition on paper somewhat grubby at edges. Good clear signatures: 'W. Beechey R. A. - | Jno. Young.' Beechey was knighted and elected to the Royal Academy in 1798.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of letter.

William Behnes and Sir William Charles Ross
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Behnes (died 1864) was a sculptor of high renown. Ross (1794-1860) was a miniature painter whose work includes portraits of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Paper dimensions roughly 4 1/2 inches by 2 inches. In good condition. Reads 'William Behnes | W. C. Ross'. On verso 'my Apartments, should <...> | to the utmost of my hop <...> | be inadequate to extricat <...>'.

Autograph Note Signed to [?] Locker [Arthur Locker or Frederick Locker-Lampson]

Charles Hamilton Aidé [Aide, Aïdé]
Publication details: 
Without date; on letterhead 'Aston Clinton, | Tring.'

Author and musician (1826-1906), described by Louise Jopling as 'a rich bachelor' and 'a noted figure in the seventies'. 1 page, 16mo. In good condition despite slight creasing and discoloration. Letterhead in green and black ink. Reads 'My dear Locker, | Many thanks - I will meet you at the Athenaeum at 3 o'Ck. on Tuesday - I have done, & shall do nothing till then. | Every yrs. | Hamilton Aïdé'.

Illustrated ticket to 'Smoking Evening', addressed in manuscript to 'Mr. W. Dalziel' (the engraver William Dalziel, 1805-1873?).

Society of British Artists.
Publication details: 
Suffolk St. | Pall Mall | East | Decr. 9th. | 8 o'clock' [no year, but pre-1887].

Dimensions roughly 5 1/2 inches by 4 inches. Must predate 1887, when the prefix 'Royal' was added. Amusing modern-looking cartoon-style illustration by 'F C' of furious pipe-smoking pianist jumping up to hammer the keys, with his hair forming into the 'S' of 'Society', with moustachioed cigar-smoking tweedy individual in front of piano being hit in face by whisky tumbler.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Boultbee
Publication details: 
Loughbro. ye 9th. March 1786'.

English equestrian artist (1753-1812). 1 page, 8vo. In poor condition: creased, frayed and torn. He has that morning received from his correspondent's servant 'the sum of sixteen Pounds nine shillings payment for your Pictures'. He will send them 'by the first conveyance' and hopes they will please. 'If any alteration should be necessary should be glad to make it at any time'. Signed 'J. Boultbee'. A postscript states that he has returned 'by your servant the Ballance from the Bill of twenty Pounds'. Docketed on reverse with date of receipt, sum paid to 'J.

Autograph Letter Signed to Douglas Murray.

Sir William Blake Richmond, R.A.
Publication details: 
13 October 1895; Bearn Lodge, Hammersmith.

English artist (1842-1921). 2 pages, 16mo, on the rectos of the two leaves of a bifoliate, the first leaf bearing a mourning border. In good condition, but with remains of mount adhering to blank verso of second leaf. 'Re candlesticks. | The dean does not want candlesticks for the Altar. | But, in the place of those hideous bronze things in fornt of the Altar I have designend, and Pegram the sculptor has modelled a sketch, a really fine thing.

Autograph Note Signed to Sir Martin [Archer Shee, President of the Royal Academy?]

Richard Westmacott
Publication details: 
No place, 1 February [no year].

English sculptor (1799-1872; DNB). On piece of paper 4 inches by 3 1/2. Somewhat grubby, and with remains of glue on blank reverse. Difficult hand. 'Dear Sir Martin | I am just returned from & shall have much pleasure in dining with You tomorrow. | believe me | very sincerely Yours | Richd Westmacott | '. The foot of the note has been cropped but this does not affect the signature.

fragment of autograph letter signed to unnamed female correspondent

John James Chalon
Publication details: 
slip of paper around one inch by four inches, date and place not present

Victorian landscape and genre painter. The conclusion of a letter cut away for the signature: 'the Silk covering with the Red but I believe they could be changed for blue if preferred | I have the honour to be | Madam | Your obedient Servent | J. J. Chalon'. Slightly discoloured by the glue with which it was stuck to the album.

Autograph Note Signed to Sir Martin [Archer Shee (1769-1850; DNB), President of the Royal Academy].

Henry William Pickersgill
Publication details: 
Soho; 22 January 1840.

English portrait painter (1782-1875). In good condition. Dimensions approximately 4 1/2 inches square, cropped and with some loss of text after signature. Attached to larger piece of grey paper. Reads 'My dear Sir Martin | I accept with great pleasure your kind invitation for Wednesday the 29 Inst. | Ever yours faithfully | H. W. Pickersgill'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Bewick[e].

William Agnew
Publication details: 
On letterhead 11 Gt Stanhope Street, Park Lane, 'Monday morg.'

Art dealer (1825-1910; DNB). 2 pages. 16mo biofoliate. In good condition. The recipients name is spelt 'Bewick' at the beginning of the letter and 'Bewicke' at the end. 'Dear Mrs Bewick | I came up from Southampton on Saturday. I am starting for Lancashire in a few minutes | I shall be back on Wednesday and off the following day | I can see you here if you can call about 5.30 | Yours sincerely | Wm Agnew'.

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