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[ Percy Nash, actor and dramatist. ] Typewritten early draft of the musical comedy 'The Suffrage Girl', under the title 'A Woman's Vote', with extensive manuscript emendations and additions, drawings of two sets, and a page of the musical score.

[ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), actor, dramatist and film director] [ Votes for Women; Suffragettes; Women's suffrage; Harry Gordon Selfridge; Selfridge's department store, London ]
Publication details: 
[ London, circa 1911. ]

The present item is anonymous, but is certainly an early draft of 'The Suffrage Girl', the play written by film pioneer Percy Nash while an executive at Selfridge's department store in London, and performed by the store's employees in 1911 at the Court Theatre. (For more information see E. D. Rappaport's 'Shopping for Pleasure: Women in the Making of London's West End' (Princeton, 2001), as well as S.

[ F. Britten Austin, novelist. ] Typescripts of acts I and 3 of his unpublished only play, 'The Thing that Matters'. With numerous manuscript additions and directions, plus extra typed material.

F. Britten Austin [ Frederick Britten Austin ] (1885-1941) [ Percy Burton, theatrical agent and motion picture pioneer; Arthur Bourchier; Helen Maud Holt (1863-1937) [ Mrs Beerbohm Tree; Lady Tree ] ]
Publication details: 
F. Britten Austin, Northgate House, Bishops Stortford, Herts. Undated [ circa 1921 ].

126pp., 4to. (Act 1 has 55pp. and Act 3 has 71pp.) Each act bound in grey card covers. Worn and aged, with the remains of the purple ribbon used to bind the leaves into their covers. A heavily reworked typescript. As is customary, the typed text of the play is on the rectos only, but leaves with additional typed and manuscript (presumably autograph) text have been inserted. Numerous manuscript additions and deletions to the text on the rectos, with additional typed passages on pieces of paper laid down onto the facing versos, which also carry further manuscript changes.

[Sir John Soane.] Typescript of unpublished monograph titled 'The Life, Works and Influence of Sir John Soane, R.A., F.S.A., &c. An Essay by "Excelsior" [A. E. Bullock?].'

'Excelsior' [Sir John Soane (1753-1837), English architect, Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy] [Albert Edward Bullock, ARIBA?; Royal Institute of British Architects, London]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 25 May 1905.

48pp., folio. Each page on the recto of a leaf, and all 48 leaves held together by a brass stud. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Authorship or ownership inscription on title page: 'A. E. Bullock | 43 Chancery Lane | W. C.', with autograph note: 'An Essay written originally for a prize, I believe.

[Edward Weeks, editor of the Atlantic Monthly.] Two Typed Letters Signed to H. E. Wortham, the first regarding the film rights to his biography 'Chinese Gordon', and the second sending reviews, while complaining that the book trade is 'at a low ebb'.

Edward Weeks (1898-1989), editor of the Atlantic Monthly [Hugh Evelyn Wortham (1884-1959), biographer of Major-General Charles George Gordon ['Chinese Gordon'; 'Gordon of Khartoum'] (1833-1885)]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of The Atlantic Monthly Press Inc, 8 Arlington Street, Boston. 3 February and 17 May 1933.

Both letters 1p., 4to. Both in good condition, on lightly aged and creased grey paper. Both addressed to Wortham at 75 Courtfield Gardens, London SW5. Letter One: Weeks writes that he has received a letter from Leland Hayward, Inc., 'inquiring whether any steps have been taken to arrange for the sale of the motion-picture rights of CHINESE GORDON [published in England as 'Gordon: An intimate Portrait']'. He plans to 'send off to them proofs [sic] sheets of the book as soon as they are received from the press'.

[Valentine Green, Engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('V. Green') to an unnamed male recipient, regarding the removal of two paintings, including one by William Daniell.

Valentine Green (1739-1813), English engraver and print publisher, Keeper of the British Institution, 1805-1813 [William Daniell (1769-1837), landscape and marine painter]
Publication details: 
British Gallery, Pall Mall [London]. 20 July 1807.

1p., 4to. In good conditon, on aged paper. He begins: 'As both the pictures you bought are to be taken without the frames, I can't take upon me to displace them, without either you or the Artists were present, and more especially Mr. Daniell's, which is framed in a particular way.' Consequently he will keep the paintings, till either the recipient or artists take them away, 'and give me a proper discharge for them'. He ends with his hours of attendance.

[Children's book with coloured illustrations.] The Pucksy Man. ['A Collins Picture Book'.]

Agnes Grozier Herbertson [A Collins Picture Book, Collins' Clear-Type Press]
Publication details: 
London and Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press. [1920s.]

20pp., small 4to (16.5 x 13 cm). Sewn in card wraps, illustrated in colours. In fair condition, lightly and spotted, in worn wraps, with two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps coloured in. With ownership inscription on half-title, dated 18 September 1927. Eight attractive full-page colour illustrations (two out of register) in text, in a range of styles, suggesting stock images by different illustrators, and two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps, coloured in (by a child?), with another two illustrations on the front and back covers. This item is something of a mystery.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'F. Cook' to the Secretary of the French Exhibition in Pall Mall, requesting the return of a painting 'by Mr. L. Veneaux', with reference to Ernest Gambart.

F. Cook of 4 Childs Place, Temple Bar [Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), Belgian-born proprietor of the French Gallery, 120/121 Pall Mall, London]
Publication details: 
4 Childs Place, Temple Bar [London]. 12 April 1860.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He has been 'requested by Mr. L. Veneaux to desire you to return the Picture (Boulonaise) which was delivered at your Gallery at the last Winter Exhibition but being a French Picture was not Exhibited, but allowed to remain for the French one'. He has already made an application 'in Berners Street and Mr. Gambart said the proper place to apply to was at the Gallery.' Graves claims 'L. Veneaux' as a misprint for 'V. Vemaux' of 30 Piccadilly, who exhibited 'Souvenir of Eguihen, near Boulogne-sur-mer' at the Royal Academy in 1853.

Autograph Receipt Signed by the Austrian art dealer Charles Sedelmeyer of Vienna, for a painting by T. Schmitson of Vienna, for an exhibition by the London art dealer Ernest Gambart.

Charles Sedelmeyer (1837-1925), Austrian art dealer, based first in Vienna and then Paris [Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), Belgian-born London picture dealer; Teutwart Schmitson (1830-1863), painter]
Publication details: 
London. 30 June 1862.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The receipt reads: 'Pour l'exposition de M. Gambart: | un tableau par T. Schmitson de Vienne representant des chevaux sortant de l'abreuvoir | prix (nette) frcs. 1500. - | Londre, le 30: Juin 862 | Charles Sedelmeyer | m[archan]d. de tableaux de Vienne'. Sedelmeyer has written some calculations in the bottom right-hand corner, and at the foot: 'Received back the above | Sedelmeyer'.

[Printed paper.] Colour motion-picture film materials especially suited to presentation by colour television.

Georges Hansen, editor [European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre, Brussels]
Publication details: 
Brussels: European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre. First edition - November, 1968 (Tech. 3087 - E).

11 + [1] pp., foolscap 8vo. Figure and two tables in text. Stapled into brown printed wraps. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Uncommon: OCLC WorldCat lists copies at the British Library, Library of Congress, Hanover and the German National Library. From the Pat Hawker archive.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C H A B') from Rev. Charles Harris Alured Barling of Brook Lodge, Norfolk, to 'My Dear Beevor', expressing dismay at the result of a visit by the auctioneers Christie's to view the pictures of Clarke Stoughton of Bawdeswell.

Rev. Charles Harris Alured Barling (1807-1880) of Brook Lodge, Norfolk [Clarke Stoughton of Bawdeswell; Christie's auctioneers, King Street, London, founded by James Christie (1730-1803)]
Publication details: 
Letter: Brooke, Norfolk. 8 April [no year]. List of pictures with reference to a letter of 25 April 1868.

Letter: 6pp., 12mo, on bifolium and single leaf. An vivid and entertaining letter, shedding light on Victorian valuation and auctioneering practices. Barling wastes no time in passing on the bad news. 'I am very glad you have written to me about the B[awdeswe]ll. pictures & I can tell you [last world underlined] plainly what the 2 Christie's opinion was which I cd. not do to poor old C[larke]. S[toughto]n. The inspection in issue was a grievous disappointment. So far worse than I cd. have possibly believed, and then coming the question cd. two such Men as the Christies be wrong?

Autograph Letter Signed from John Wishaw, Secretary to the African Association, to the Whig MP James Loch of Bloomsbury Square, regarding the picture galleries of Lord Stafford and Lord Grosvenor, also George Canning, Lord Brougham and elections.

John Wishaw (c.1764-1840), Secretary to the African Association, friend of Malthus and biographer of Mungo Park [James Loch (1780-1855), Whig MP for St Germains, Cornwall]
Publication details: 
9 May [1827]. 'L. I. Fields' [i.e. Lincolns Inn Fields, London].

2pp., 12mo. 40 lines. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. The reverse of the second leaf carries half of a red wax seal, as well as the address to 'James Loch Esqr | Bloomsbury Square'. The letter begins: 'My dear Loch | Some friends of mine from the Country are desirous of seeing Lord Stafford's & Lord Grosvenor's pictures some time next week; & they understand that the obtaining of Tickets is not a matter of course but that some little interest is necessary.' He asks for assistance 'with regard to Cleveland House [...] for Mrs Johnston & party (about 5 or 6 persons)'.

ALS ('Norwick') from the connoisseur John Rushout, 2nd Baron Northwick, offering to show his art collection to the recipient and his daughter.

John Rushout (1770-1859), 2nd Baron Northwick, English peer and connoisseur
Publication details: 
Connaught Place; 29 June 1832.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Having received the unnamed recipient's letter of the previous day, Northwick will be 'most happy to give effect to your wishes by granting free access to my Pictures to you, & your Daughter, whenever it may be convenient to you to call at Connaught Place'. If the recipient calls before noon Northwick will probably 'have the pleasure of shewing them to you', if he comes after noon, or Northwich 'shd. happen to be from home, my Servants shall receive directions to admit you to see the Paintings'.

Typed Letter Signed from the English actor and film director Milton Rosmer to the artist Jean Inglis.

Milton Rosmer (1881-1971), British actor, film director and screenwriter [Gaumont-British Picture Corporation Ltd]
Publication details: 
20 September 1933; on letterhead of the Gaumont-British Picture Corporation Ltd.
English actor and film director Milton Rosmer

4to, 1 p. 15 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. In green ink. He is pleased that her 'footsteps are treading in high places', and hopes that this 'leads to as much golden reward as it seems to suggest'. He will see her friend 'Mr. Kennerley', but he cannot be 'encouraging' as he is not at present 'casting any picture', and will not be doing so for 'a month or so'. His 'activities now never seem to bring [him] to Hampstead', he hopes she will see him when she visits his 'neighbourhood'.

Nine glass slides of photographs of British nineteen-twenties ice cream manufacture.

[British nineteen-twenties ice cream manufacture; the dairy industry; agriculture; milk]
Publication details: 

All nine slides bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded. The slides, apparently from a newspaper library, all carry labels with captions and the shelf-mark 'M74 Box 286 637.1'. Evocative and instructive images, apparently all dating to the 1920s. Captions of 'engine rooms and compressors', 'machine filling one third three flavour blocks', 'mixing and pasteurising', 'hardening room', 'ice cream packaging machine', 'three double packing machines', 'making', 'two chocolate ice machines', 'mix storager tanks'.

Manuscript Letter from Bradley & Co., 'Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers, Exhibition Agents' to the artitst W. F. Stocks, giving their charges for delivering pictures to the Royal Academy.

Bradley & Co., Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers, Exhibition Agents, of London [The Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
London, 14 March 1903; on Bradley & Co. letterhead, 81 Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London.
Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Written out in one hand, and signed 'Bradley & Co' in another. Addressed to 'W. F. Stocks Esqre | Glen Elwy | St Asaph. | Flint[shire]'. Thirteen lines. Text clear and complete. On foxed and lightly-aged paper. Giving the firm's 'charge for receiving unpacking & delivering pictures to the R.A. or other London Exhibitions' and for 'collecting repacking & forwarding', as well as the dimensions of pictures for which these charges apply.

Catalogue of Engravings, Etchings by the Best Masters, Including Mezzotint and Other Portraits [...] Views of Oxford by Loggan, Vertue, Burke and Turner.

John Chaundy, printseller and picture dealer [Ye Olde Picture Shoppe, 49 Broad Street, Oxford]
Publication details: 
[1860s?] On sale At Ye Olde Picture Shoppe (Opposite the Sheldonian Theatre), 49, Broad Street, Oxford, by John Chaundy, Carver, Gilder, Picture Framer and Herald Painter. [Dryden Press: J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre, London, W.C.]

12mo, 61 pp. In original brown printed wraps. Engraving of Sheldonian Theatre on front, otherwise the item is not illustrated. 2864 items, ranging from '1 AARON, Rev. born 1695, engraved by Vertue. 5s 6d' to '2864 Zonelli (Anton. Maria) after Joan. Anton. Faldoni, Man blowing Horn, with hounds. 5s'. Fair, on aged paper, with a few leaves dogeared, in worn wraps chipped at extremities, and with 4.5 cm closed tear at foot of spine. Presentation inscription at head of front wrap: 'R. G. Bartelot. from Fredk. Bennett'.

Autograph note to Sir Egerton Brydges,

George Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Marquis of Stafford and 1st Duke of Sutherland
Publication details: 
14 February 1825, <West hill?>.

Celebrated connoisseur (1758-1833), whose picture-gallery, one of the finest in Europe, was at Bridgewater House in London. One page, 12mo. Formal letter in the third person. "The Marquis of Stafford sends his Compliments to Sir Egerton & requests that his name may be continued as Vice President for the Theatrical fund of Covent Garden Theatre, though he regrets that his health will not permit him to attend." Negligible traces of previous mounting on reverse.

Engraved Trade Card for William Wade of Leadenhall Street, London.

William Wade (fl.1802) [William John Wade, fl.1818-53?], Picture Frame Maker, Carver, Gilder, and Printseller of Leadenhall Street [London Trade Cards]
Publication details: 
Circa 1802.

Dimensions of paper roughly four and a quarter inches by three and a quarter wide; dimensions of print roughly three inches by two and a half wide. Heavily browned and foxed with age, with wear and loss to corners. Mounted on a larger piece of laid paper with glue and paper stains to reverse. Attractive head and tailpieces (with damage to bottom right-hand corner of tailpiece). An elegant production, reading 'William Wade, | Picture Frame Maker, Carver, Gilder, | & PRINTSELLER, | No. 86, Leadenhall Street, | - LONDON. - | (late Apprentice to Mr.

Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies[, Secretary], Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Atkinson
Publication details: 
24 November 1932; on letterhead '126 WIGMORE STREET | W.I'.

British architect (1883-1952) who worked on 'the Bath Improvement Scheme, Saint Catherine's Church, Hammersmith, W., The Regent Theatre, Brighton, The Picture House, Edinburgh, Gresham Hotel, Dublin, and many private and other works' (Who's Who). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Headed 're Architectural Decoration Committee'. He assumes that 'the Agenda of a meeting of your Committee on the 30th November at 4 p.m.' has been sent to him in error, as he has written a letter declining the invitation to serve on it.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Bewick[e].

William Agnew
Publication details: 
On letterhead 11 Gt Stanhope Street, Park Lane, 'Monday morg.'

Art dealer (1825-1910; DNB). 2 pages. 16mo biofoliate. In good condition. The recipients name is spelt 'Bewick' at the beginning of the letter and 'Bewicke' at the end. 'Dear Mrs Bewick | I came up from Southampton on Saturday. I am starting for Lancashire in a few minutes | I shall be back on Wednesday and off the following day | I can see you here if you can call about 5.30 | Yours sincerely | Wm Agnew'.

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