Military and Naval History

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Manuscript list of members of "E" Battery, "E" Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery

Afghan Campaign
Publication details: 

Manuscript, one page, 7.5 (W) x 19" (L), with list, two columns including information as follows: state (killed and when, dead, discharged, etc.)/ rank from Major to Gunners/ name. About 60 names. Those who were killed mainly died on 27/7/1880, others died at Kandahar. With: typescript, 2 copies, 4pp., folio, listing members of "E" Battery, "Medal Roll of those who took part in the Afghan Campaign, showing those who were awarded the clasp for KANDAHAR",giving regimental number and rank, most names appearing in the manuscript list.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Henry Vane-Tempest, 2nd Baronet of Wynyard
Publication details: 
27 April 1813; London.

Wealthy landowner (1771-1813), MP for County Durham, sued by George Stubbs for non-payment for his picture of Vane-Tempest's racehorse Hambletonian. Four pages, 12mo. Good, though grubby and on paper slightly discoloured with age. Tipped in along one edge on leaf removed from autograph album. From this showing little wonder he died of apoplexy. He has received his correspondent's letter containing one from 'Mr Smith'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Major General Sir John Murray.

Charles Arbuthnot
Publication details: 
Docketed '25th Septr 1811'.

Arbuthnot (1767-1850) was a diplomat and statesman; Murray (c.1768-1827) was a soldier. Three pages, quarto. Good, but creased and grubby on discoloured paper. Rust stain from paperclip and traces of previous mount on blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He has received Murray's letter.

Official circular in secretarial hand, with autograph signature, to Captain Brock, Assistant Quarter Master General, Brighton.

Sir Robert Brownrigg
Publication details: 
Horse Guards 31st. May 1808.'

British soldier and statesman (1759-1833); Governor of Ceylon, 1811-20; conqueror of the Kingdom of Kandy, 1815. Two pages, large octavo. In his capacity as Quarter Master General, Brownrigg informs Brock that 'the Establishment of Entrenching Tool Carts, and Tools attached to the several Regiments in Great Britain, shall cease on the 24th of June next, and that the Horses, Harness, and Carts used for carrying the Tools shall be forthwith Sold by Publick Auction.' Gives instructions for delivering over the 'Horses, Carts, and Harness'.

Invoice and receipt signed in the hand of Thomas Jackson, eminent gunmaker of London, made out to H[enry] Byrne, soldier serving in India..

Thomas Jackson [ Gunmaker ]
Publication details: 
No place [ London ] 10 Feb. 1838 (both items)

The invoice, one page, 4to, good condition, lists 16 items, total amount £14.2.0, from "a second hand single gun" for £10 to powder flask (5s 6d), powder, crest on stock etc. The receipt acknowledges payment and is in the hand of Jackson and signed by him.

Autograph Letter Signed "S Reynolds Hole", to "General".

Samuel Reynolds Hole.
Publication details: 
[Headed] The Deanery, Rochester, 13 March 1903.

Dean of Rochester and author (see DNB). Three pages, 8vo, minor soiling, good condition. He discusses the prospect of a special service for soldiers in the Cathedral [presumably from the Boer War].

Eleven (11) Autograph Letters Signed to Swan Sonnenschein, publishers.

Charles Duke Yonge.
Publication details: 

Historian (DNB). Total thirty (30) pages, 8vo (10) and 4to (1). The subject is his book "Our Great Naval Commanders" published by his correspondents, Swan Sonnenschein, in 1884, from its inception to the proof stage. He begins (16 Dec. 1882) "It is not quite easy to decide whom it would be best to include in such a volume as you propose - Nelson of course stands at the head of all sailors. Next to him, I think, comes Rodney . . . but there are no materials to be procured for a sketch of Hawke . .

Engraving by H. Bond of 'THE DEATH OF MAJOR PIERSON.'

John Singleton Copley [BATTLE OF JERSEY]
Publication details: 
Undated, but mid-nineteenth century. Printed by 'JOHN TALLIS & COMPANY, LONDON & NEW YORK'.

Major Francis Pierson died driving the French from the Market Place of Saint Helier in the Island of Jersey, 6 January 1781. Dimensions of paper roughly ten inches by eight. Dimensions of print roughly six inches by four and a half. Surrounded by six tiny vignettes: two of soldiers and four of battle scenes. Very good and clean. Suitable for framing. Mounted on a larger sheet of paper torn from an autograph album. The original painting is in London's Tate Gallery, and the item is accompanied by an early twentieth-century colour postcard of it, with some damage to the reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed "Ch M Pole" to an unnamed correspondent, a naval historian.

Sir Charles Morice Pole.
Publication details: 
18 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London, 22 Oct. [no year].

Admiral (see DNB). Two pages, 8vo, black-bordered, small tear, mainly good condition. He refers to an earlier meeting and a "severe affliction in [his] family" which affected his movements. He will soon "endeavour to find the history you desire; your proposed naval history was to trace back to early periods it is possible that I might assist you with some manuscript copies that would interest the curious in naval history, and when you are again in Hertfordshire, I should willingly urge this as an excuse for soliciting the pleasure of your Company at Aldenham Abbey . .

Autograph Letter Signed "H Curzon" to "Mr J. Lockett".

Henry Curzon.
Publication details: 
London, 1 Oct. 1805.

Admiral. Three pages, 4to, a substantial letter, damage at point of seal, but mainly good condition, text cleara nd complete. "I am much astonished & disappointed that you have paid the attention I expected to my pressing letters respecting the valuation of the Personalty at Kedleston and that in consequence you have allowed the day to pass fixed for the Payment without yet having ever transmitted to me the terms of the agreement, or the sum to be paid. He considers the implications of this.

Autograph Note Signed to Edward Webber (editor?).

Henry Napier.
Publication details: 
London, 16 April 1847.

Naval officer and historian (1789-1853). One page, 8vo, fold marks and discoloration, text clear and complete. "Sir/ In reply to your note of yesterday I beg to say that my portrait would be misplaced amongst the "Portraits and Memoires [sic] of Eminent Naval & Military Personages" [title underlined], besides which I have not the facilities which you require. With acknowledgements for the intended honour".

Autograph Letter Signed [to R. Byham of the Ordnance Office].

Admiral Sir Edward Campbell Rich Owen
Publication details: 
Windlesham Bagshot | 14 July 1835'.

English admiral who 'while in command of the "Immortalite" captured and destroyed many French gunboats and privateers, 1802-5' (DNB).Two pages, 12mo. Good though grubby, and with blank second leaf of bifoliate cut down to a stub. Thanks Byham for 'all your kindness'. 'I shall have an opportunity of expressing my good wishes & those of Lady Owen to Mrs. Byham & yourself whenever you can seize a moments holiday'. Gives directions. '[...] At the 24th.

Autograph Letter Signed to E[dward]. J[ohn]. Broadfield.

Publication details: 
The Warren, New Brighton, Cheshire, 4th Feb., 1884.'

Poet and miscellaneous writer (1817-90), called 'the Lancashire Burns'. The recipient Broadfield (1831-1913) was a Mancunian worthy. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, with four stubs from previous mounting adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He thanks Broadfield for his letter 'anent that quaint invader of the House of Lords. I will call at the office when I come to Manchester, and get the particulars of the story from Mr. Lang. | You mention our old friend, S. P. Robinson. I am glad to hear that he is still "to the fore." I had an impression, somehow, that he was laid up.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander McBean.

General Sir John Bloomfield Gough
Publication details: 
26 October 1877; on letterhead 'Knockeevan, Clonmel.'

Soldier (born 1804) who served in the China War, the Gwalior campaign, and in India, retiring in 1877. Reads 'Agreeable to your request I have the pleasure to enclose a photograph of myself [not present] also my Autograph - | I remember your Father in the Reg[imen]t and the sad accident in the Magazine which caused his death'. Signed 'B Gough | General | Colonel Scots Greys'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir Charles Edward] Trevelyan.

Alexander William Kinglake [Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan]
Publication details: 
28, Hyde Park Place | Marble Arch | March 19.' [no year, but post 1875].

English historian (1809-91), author of a celebrated account of the Crimean War, and of the book 'Eothen' (1844). The recipient Trevelyan (1807-86) was another historian, and Macaulay's brother-in-law. Three pages, 12mo. With mourning border. Good, but on discoloured paper, and with traces of glue from previous mounting adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. Date on watermark 1875. Interesting assessment of one celebrated historian by another.

Part of autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Sir Richard England.
Publication details: 
The Curragh, Ireland, 5 May 1857.

General (Afghanistan, Crimea, etc.) Final three pages, prob. missing first leaf, 8vo, final page laid down on rather ugly vestiges of card, final page trimmed with no apparent loss of text, small hole not affecting recognition of words,some other damage not effecting text. It commences "The Musketry Rifles practice is in full operation here & encampments, [ooking &c?] - Equitation for Infantry Officers I have established. Tactics for all arms. - And efforts are suggested for the better approval of and . . . must be adopted in the Field.

Typed Letter Signed to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Lieutenant-Colonel John Herbert Boraston [Field-Marshal Sir Douglas Haig; Earl Haig]
Publication details: 
27 June 1919; on letterhead 'G[eneral]. H[ead]. Q[uarters]. The Forces in Great Britain, | Horse Guards, | London, S.W.1.'

English soldier and military historian (1885-1969). One page, quarto. Folded twice. Good, but with minor discoloration and some ink smudging along one edge (not affecting text). Bearing the Society's stamp. Replying, as Haig's private secretary, to a letter electing Haig a fellow of the Society. 'Sir Douglas Haig has asked me to thank you very much for your letter of the 25th instant and will be glad if you will convey to the Council and members of your Society his great appreciation of the honour they have done him.

Autograph Letter Signed to B. Nice Esq'.

Sir William Laird Clowes
Publication details: 
26 January 1904; on letterhead 'VILLA JULIUS | DAVOS | SWITZERLAND'.

English naval historian (1856-1905). One page, 12mo. Poor: grubby and stained and with a small hole (not affecting text). Written in failing health the year before his death. Reads 'Dear Nice; | I answered this at the time of its reception. | Perhaps you may see your way to adopting the suggestion, which has my very cordial support. | I am a poor worm, almost unable to work, but hoping to benefit from warmer weather when it comes. | Yrs sincerely | Wm Laird Clowes'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed to Perry (1), Luckhurst (2) and Menzies (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sidney John Duly
Publication details: 
[18 August], 19 and 25 October 1937 and 31 January 1938; the first on letterhead of Canadian Pacific Hotels, the other three on City of London College letterheads.

English traveller, writer and Governor of City of London College (1891-1991). First and last letters, two pages quarto; middle two letters, one page quarto. All in good condition and either docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. In first letter, further to a conversation, Duly asks if he can give a lecture on 'Ships sweat & condensation'. 'I have been away with a Leverhulme Fellowship on Carriage of Goods by Sea & am now on the Pacific Coast again where I find v. great interest in my previous papers & requests for a further account of more recent work.

Thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Vice-Admiral Sir (Henry) Percy Douglas
Publication details: 
1935-8; on letterheads including 18 Dealtry Road, Putney, and 34 Waterloo Mansions, Dover.

British sailor (1876-1939), hydrographer of the Royal Navy (1924-32), inventor of the Douglas Protractor and the Douglas-Appleyard Arcless Sextant. Various formats from 12mo to octavo. Very good, some docketed and/or bearing the Society's stamp. Relating to the business of the Society, and in particular to a lecture by Douglas involving film of the Manchester Ship Canal.

Autograph Note Signed to "Hunt".

Evelyn Wood.
Publication details: 
No place of date.

Field-Marshal. One page, 8vo, slight blotching but text clear if hard to read in parts. He says that "Sir John [is] much better. Pronounced out of immediate danger. We only fear sudden excitement or [?] . . ."

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, School for the Art of Theatre, 7, John Street, Adelphi, London.

Sir Alfred Fernandez Yarrow
Publication details: 
12 January 1916; on letterhead 'HOMESTEAD, | HINDHEAD, | SURREY.'

English engineer and naval architect (1842-1932). One page, 4to. Good, but lightly creased and slightly discoloured at foot. Bears the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, of which Wood was the Secretary. Thanks Wood for his 'kind telegram of congratulation' (presumably on his knighthood).

Typed letter signed by Gibson, together with printed copy of the League's thirty-sixth annual report, and unsigned carbon copies of reply from the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

THE LEAGUE OF REMEMBRANCE [Mrs E. H. Gibson (Myra Macindoe Gibson)]
Publication details: 
Gibson's letter, 31 May 1957, on League of Remembrance letterhead; carbon of reply, 3 June 1957. Report printed by 'THE GARDEN CITY PRESS LTD., LETCHWORTH, HERTS.'

Mrs Gibson, whose husband was Vice-Chairman of the League, died in 1966. Her letter (one page, quarto, very good apart from rust stain from paperclip) explains that the League is 'at present in temporary premises' and 'without accommodation for its Annual General Meeting' in November ('Her Grace the Duchess of Beaufort is to preside.'), and asks if 'your Society of its kindness, could find it possible to lend a room for the Meeting'. Points out that 'this organisation is over 40 years old', and asks for details of hiring fee. Signed 'Myra Gibson'.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Lt Colonel Buchanan - 9th Regiment'

George Robert Gleig
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed in pencil 'Garrison Chapel Portsmouth Oct. 1874'.

Scottish 'Chaplain-General of the Forces' (1796-1888) and military historian. On piece of paper roughly 4 1/4 by 4 inches. Folded once. Very good. Reads 'Sincerely yours - | G. R. Gleig. | Lt Colonel Buchanan - | 9th Regiment' and on reverse '<...> the music of the Te Deum with which I was so greatly pleased, when I heard it sung by your Choir - You have got together an admirable body <...>'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Colonel Alexander Ross, Aide-de-camp to the Earl of Cornwallis.

Patrick MacDowall-Crichton, 6th Earl of Dumfries
Publication details: 
31 March 1786; Edinburgh.

Scottish nobleman (1726-1803). Ross (1742-1827; DNB), with Dundas, negotiated the surrender of Yorktown on Cornwallis's behalf. Two pages, quarto. Text entirely legible, but in poor condition, on stained, discoloured paper frayed at edges. Competently repaired with archival tape. Some loss to second leaf of bifoliate caused by breaking of seal. Unusually entertaining request in favour of his nephew, Lieut McCulloch of Bengal.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male noble correspondent.

Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Marquis of Stafford and 2nd Earl Gower
Publication details: 
Trentham July ye 10th. 1771'.

English aristocrat and Whig politician (1721-1803). One page, quarto. In poor condition: grubby, discoloured and creased. Reads 'My Lord | Mr: Boothby of Ashbourne (who yr: Lordship may possibly know something of from his living in the neighbourhood of <?> forest has sollicited me much to apply to yr: Lordship for leave of Absence for his son who is a lieutenant in Ld: Drogheda's regiment to settle some family affairs, the time he wishes to have him with him [sic] is a month or two, if not unreasonable.

A manuscript account. (wages)

William Cooke.
Publication details: 
Wilmington (presumably the US Naval base in Delaware), 12 April 1789

Naval Captain. Receipt for wages headed "USS Queen of France / To William Cooke. With list of payments with dates and details. " 7 Jan [1789] wages . . .@ 18 dollars p. mo[nth] 30.9.7" [other sums also on 7 Jan. and 12 April]. Receipt concludes "Recd Wilmington 12th April 1789 from Francis Peyrinnant [?] the above [?] in full. [Signed] Wm Cooke." The year of this transaction was also the year of the French Revolution.

Typed Letter Signed to K. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
2 November 1957; on letterhead '4, Quay Hill, | Lymington, | Hampshire.'

British naval architect (died 1969). One page, quarto. Folded three times. Very good, but lightly creased. Docketed in ink. Probably relating to the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, of which Giles was a leading member. 'Your views rather coincide with mine, reinforced by a more careful read through of the literature over the weekend. In particular one noticed a falling off in quality of those elected in the last year as compared to the previous.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Colonel Augustus Mervyn Owen Anwyl-Passingham [FIRST WORLD WAR PROPAGANDA]
Publication details: 

British army officer (1880-1955). One page, folio. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Unusual letterhead for a governmental department of the period. He has not received the letter, which must have been misaddressed. 'Nevertheless, I shall be glad if you will kindly forward me a copy of the Journal with the Advertisement in, and walso the exact quantity of Posters you require.'

Autograph Letter Signed [to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Engineer-Captain William Richard Apps
Publication details: 
18 April 1914; 'The Hawthorns, | Bishop's Waltham, | Hants.'

British military and naval architect (1862-1947). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. He has not answered sooner as he 'has been away from home'. 'I thank you for the matter supplied & I regret that at present I am unable to put myself forward for election but trust that should circumstances permit me to do so at some future time I may then receive the kindly consideration of the Council.' Signed 'W. R. Apps'.

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