Military and Naval History

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[Drop-head title:] LETTER, No. 1. To the Editor of the Naval & Military Gazette. [LETTER, No. 2. To the Editor of the Naval & MIlitary Gazette. "The Duke and the Storming of Towns."] [LETTER, No. 3. (Confidential.) 26th August, 1839.]

W. D. B. [Naval and Military Gazette; Duke of Wellington; Birmingham Riots of 1839]
Publication details: 
Dated 'W. D. B. | 4th September, 1839.' Printer not stated.

12mo (leaf dimensions 22.5 x 14 cm): 12 pp paginated [3] to 14. Lacking (presumed) title-leaf. Unstitched, and consisting of one sheet of paper, 45 x 28 cm, folded twice to make four leaves; and one half sheet, 22.5 x 28 cm, folded to make two leaves. Text clear and entire, on heavily aged and spotted paper chipped at extremities. In an attempt to defend a perceived attack on his honour, W. D. B. prints, with commentary, three letters written by him to the editor of the Naval and Military Gazette, only the first of which was published (6 August 1839).

Typed Letter Signed ('Ruth Knowles'), a reference for her 'ship-keeper' William Stilwell. With four photographs of her barquentine 'Friendship' ('Emma Ernest'), moored at Charing Cross, and typed reports, with newspaper cuttings, by Stilwell's son.

Ruth Mitchell [Knowles] (c.1888-1969) [Chetniks; Yugoslavia; Brigantine 'Emma Ernest'; Charing Cross Pier; World Explorers Friendship Clubs; The Yellow Rolls Royce (film, 1964); ]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 21 May 1932; on 'World Explorers' letterhead. The two reports from 1988, with one dated 'JS [James Stilwell] Oct 88'.

An interesting collection of material relating to an extraordinary woman whose exploits deserve recognition. According to one obituary Mitchell (sister of American General 'Billy' Mitchell) was 'he only foreign woman to serve with the Chetniks', for whom she acted as a dispatch rider. Captured by the Gestapo while swimming at Dubrovnik, 'still in her bathing suit, and with papers on her that would have caused her to be executed without trial, she turned to the agents and asked: "Gentlemen, you will permit me to change my trousers?" They agreed.

Allied Aerial Propaganda Leaflets. Chronicle and summary of those disseminated from British bases in World War II.

Captain P. H. Robbs [Allied Aerial Propaganda Leaflets; World War II]
Publication details: 
No date [1940s or 1950s]. [Offprint from the Airpost Journal?]

12mo: 7 pp (unpaginated) on two loose bifoliums. Good, on aged paper with a little rust spotting. In small type. Small illustration on front page of the cover of 'Le Courrier de l'Air Illustre'. Valuable scholarly article giving date, type and number for series of leaflets, grouped into territories ranging from Germany and France to the Channel Islands and Luxembourg. With both 'Foreword' and 'Introduction'.

Printed circular letter from Auchinleck 'To all officers whether belonging to the Staff or to the Services who are working in Headquarter Offices in this Command'. Consisting of a celebrated (and spurious) quotation from Wellington, and two cartoons.

Field Marshal Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander in Chief, Middle East Command [Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington; military history; Second World War; British Army]
Publication details: 

A celebrated and scarce piece of Second World War ephemera. Printed on one side of a piece of paper 33.5 x 21.5 cm. Text and illustrations clear and complete. In good overall condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper with small damp stain to top left-hand corner and repair on reverse to small closed tear. The text consists of a supposed 'Extract from a letter written by The Duke of Wellington from Spain, about 1810.

Seven original aerial propaganda leaflets dropped by Bomber Command (six over Germany; one over France), 1939-1945; with copies of a further two (in German). All nine items with accompanying contemporary typewritten translations by W. A. Green.

British propaganda leaflets dropped on Germany and France by Bomber Command, 1939-1945 [World War Two; Psywar; Political Warfare Executive]
Publication details: 
1939 to 1945.

Seven scarce examples of English Second World War propaganda, six aimed at Germany and the last at France. Ephemeral and scarce. The seven are clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper with occasional minor rust spotting. Each consists of two pages printed on a leaf 21 x 13.5 cm, except for Five, the dimensions of which are 21 x 13 cm. Five (red and black) is the only item not printed simply in black and white. All seven in German, except Seven, which is in French. All translations in typescript and on A4 leaves.

Warrant (commission), signed by 'Sandwich', 'Bamber Gascoyne' and 'Greville' as Lords of the Admiralty, and 'Php Stephens' as Secretary, appointing Paterson 'Second Lieutenant of His Majesty's Ship the Formidable'.

John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty; Bamber Gascoyne; Hon. Charles Francis Greville; Sir Philip Stephens, 1st Secretary of the Admiralty [Admiral Charles William Paterson]
Publication details: 

One one side of a piece of vellum, dimensions 28.5 x 33 cm. Neatly folded to make eight rectangles. Red wax seal under paper in top left-hand corner, embossed with the Admiralty anchor. Two blue 2s 6d stamps in left-hand margin. Small paper stamp on reverse. Text entirely legible on lightly discoloured vellum, with one small hole (not affecting legibility of text) caused by wear to a fold. The body of the document is printed over fifteen lines, with the specific information added in manuscript.

Warrant (commission), signed by Rodney ('G B Rodney') and his secretary Paget ('Willm Pagett.'), appointing Paterson 'Master & Commander of His Majesty's Fire Ship the Blast'.

Admiral George Bridges Rodney (1718-1792); William Pagett [Admiral Charles William Paterson (c.1756-1841); Battle of the Saintes, 1782; the Saints; Dominica]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of vellum, dimensions 24.5 x 31 cm. Neatly folded to make six rectangles. Entirely legible on discoloured vellum, with one small hole (not affecting text) caused by wear at one fold. The body of the document is printed over nine lines, with the specific information added in manuscript. Also in manuscript at the head: '[By] Sir George B Rodney Bart. KB.

Warrant (commission), signed by 'Melville', 'J. Osborn' and 'H. Hotham' as Lords of the Admiralty, and 'John Barrow' as Second Secretary to the Admiralty, appointing Paterson 'Vice Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet'.

Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville; Sir John Osborn; Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Hotham; Sir John Barrow, Second Secretary to the Admiralty [Admiral Charles William Paterson (c.1756-1841)]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of vellum, dimensions 28 x 33 cm. Folded three times to make eight rectangles. Red wax seal under paper in top left-hand corner, embossed with the Admiralty anchor. One blue 5s stamp in left-hand margin, with '£5: 7: 6' and an illegible signature above it in manuscript. Small paper stamp on the reverse. Text clear and complete on lightly discoloured vellum. The body of the document is printed over thirteen lines, with the specific information added in manuscript.

French broadside celebrating the accession of 'Napoléon III, Empereur des Français.', containing a biography, a panegyric poem, and a handcoloured engraved portrait.

Pellerin, Imprimeur-Libraire, à Epinal, Vosges, France [Napoléon III, Empereur des Français]
Publication details: 
[1852.] 'Fabrique de PELLERIN, Imprimeur-Libraire, à EPINAL.' [Vosges, France]

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, dimensions roughly 65 x 41.5 cm. Within a ruled border. On lightly aged paper, with chipping and slight loss to extremities. Three closed tears (two of them affecting the portrait) have been repaired on the reverse with archival tape. Text entirely legible and portrait clear, bright and without loss. The full-length portrait (31 x 25 cm), crudely coloured in yellow, red and blue, depicts the Emperor, in full regalia, standing in a sumptuous throne room. Sixty-six line biography, arranged in two columns.

Allegorical coloured engraved portrait of 'Bernadotte', with explanation, 'Drawn & Etchd by W Heath'.

William Heath ('Paul Pry'); Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, 'The Repository of the Arts', Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1814; Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte; Charles XIV John, King of Sweden]
Publication details: 
Pub March 4th 1814 R Akermann Strand'.

BM 13489. Landscape. On a piece of wove paper, roughly 215 x 305 mm. Good, on heavily-aged paper and with strip of blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. The title 'BERNADOTTE' is at the head, and the publication details and caption at the foot. Shows Bernadotte in martial pose and uniform, riding his white horse over a fearsome serpent. He wears a sash on which are written the words 'Leipsic' and 'Victory'.

Autograph Note Signed ('E R Fremantle') to William Henry Kearsley Wright (1844-1915), Plymouth Borough Librarian, naval historian and antiquary.

Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle (1836-1929), English naval officer, Commander-in-Chief at Devonport
Publication details: 
9 August 1898. On embossed letterhead of the Commander in Chief's Office, Devonport.

12mo, 1 p. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Dear Mr Wright, | I am sending you a photograph which I hope you will like, | Yours faithfully, | [signed] E R Fremantle'.

Document (Secretarial) Signed, "Skeffn. Lutwidge": [MS.] "Order with Act of Parliament for Impresting [sic] of Seamen" [docketed by recipient].

[The Press Gang] Skeffington Lutwidge, "Vice-Admiral".
Publication details: 
"the Zealand the 31st May 1798".

Three pages, fol., fold marks, ink-stain, foxing but text clear and complete. From the Paterson/Tonyn archive and addressed to Charles William Paterson, Captain of the "De Vries" , informing him of the suspension of various Acts of Parliament (detailed) by which classes of people had previously been exempted from Impressment (the Coal Trade, "the Greenland and Whale Fishery", "And also so much of any other subsequent Act or Acts as grants the like protection to any Person of Persons therein described".

Belle Fresque Napoléonienne', in the form of a broadside poster in a wallet, inscribed by de Régie to Jules Dechamps, together with twenty cuttings of newspaper and magazine articles by de Régie.

René de Vivie de Régie, 'Rédacteur à la "Revue des Études Napoléoniennes" [Napoleon Bonaparte; Professor Jules Dechamps (1888-1968), Queen Mary College]
Publication details: 
The poster dated 1925; the cuttings circa 1928-29.

The poster is printed on one side of a piece of paper approximately 110 x 75 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With its green printed wallet (21 x 28.5 cm), lightly worn and creased. Wallet covered in text, including the words 'NAPOLÉON FLORILÈGE' in large type. A curious piece of Napoleonic hagiography, with the text, consisting of a large number of unconnected effusions on his greatness ('Astre humain. Dieu terrestre'), in a variety of types and point sizes, arranged in six columns.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Howe'), one addressed to Paterson, and the other two (one to Marchmont) relating to him.

Richard Howe, Earl Howe [Admiral Howe] (1726–1799) [Admiral Charles William Paterson (c.1756-1841); Hugh Hume Campbell, 3rd Earl of Marchmont (1708-1794)]
Publication details: 
12 and 17 February 1776, and 26 November 1790; all three from Grafton Street, London.

All three items 4to. All good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Letter One (2 pp, 14 lines), addressed to 'My Lord'.

Testimonials of Commander George Yeats Paterson, R.N. Late Senior Lieutenant of H.M. Training Ships "Illustrious" and "Britannia.["]

Commander George Yeats Paterson (fl. 1896)
Publication details: 
[1860, with manuscript emendations by Paterson in 1868] Printed by T. BRETTELL, Rupert Street, Haymarket, Westminster.

4to: 6 pp. Unbound. Leaf dimensions 26 x 19.5 cm. A bifolium, with a third leaf attached. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. With a few manuscript emendations by Paterson. One page is taken up with a copy of a letter, originally dated from Brockhurst House, Gosport, Hants, 1st May, 1860.', but with a manuscript label reading 'Victoria Lodge | Osborn Road, Fareham | Hants | April 15th. 1868' laid down over the printed text. In the original printed text Paterson offers himself as 'a Candidate for the Appointment as GOVERNOR of H.M.

Manuscript letter book containing transcriptions of thirty-three orders, many of them from the Admiralty, received by Paterson relating to his command of HMS Gorgon between 1792 and 1793.

Admiral Charles William Paterson (1756-1841) [Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
First letter dated 'Admiralty Office 22 Decembr 92 [22 December 1792]'; last letter dated 'Sandwich at the Nore 2nd Augt 93 [2 August 1793]'.

Stitched notebook, in original marbled wraps, containing 19 manuscript pages on ten leaves. Leaf dimensions 32.5 x 20.5 cm. On laid paper with Britannia watermark. Good, on aged paper, in worn and creased wraps. Text closely and neatly written, clear and complete. From the Tonyn and Paterson family papers, but not in Paterson's hand. Contains transcriptions, in Paterson's hand, of thirty-three orders, twenty-four of which are addressed to him personally, the other nine being general orders 'To the respective Captains Commanders & Commanding Officers of H.M. Ships & Vessels'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Duval') to 'Monsieur Le Commandant de la Station anglaise Vis-a-vis les côtes du dit départment.'; with copy by Duval (signed by him) of General La Barolière's 'Ordre du jour', at the start of the Peace of Amiens.

Le Citoyen Duval, Capitaine d'artillerie Commandant Militaire des Côtes du Département du Calvados [Jacques Marguerite Pilotte, baron de La Barolière; Treaty of Amiens]
Publication details: 
Duval's letter: 'le 19 Vendemiaire au 10e. de la république Française' [10 Oct. 1801]. The copy of La Barolière's letter: dated the previous day [9 Oct. 1801]. Both items on letterhead of the Inspection des Côtes Maritimes, Département du Calvados.

Each item on a piece of laid paper roughly 33 x 21 cm, and each with the same letterhead (with manuscript additions in square brackets] of the 'Armée d[e L'Ouest] | Liberté Égalité | [14e.] Division Militaire | Inspection des Côtes Maritimes. | Département du Calvados.' Both items in very good condition: on lightly aged and creased paper. Both in French.

Manuscript copy of Admiralty order 'To the Commanders of all Ships or Vessels of His Majesty's, that may put into the Port of Lisbon.'

John Cockburn; George Lee; Sir Charles Hardy; John Phillipson; Thomas Corbett [Portugal; Portuguese; Belem Castle, Lisbon; Royal Navy; Admiralty; eighteenth-century naval; maritime]
Publication details: 
Copy, in an eighteenth-century hand, of an original dated '4th: July 1744.'

One page on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of laid watermarked paper. Leaf dimensions 32 x 20 cm. Text clear and entire on aged and lightly-spotted paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Melville') to Captain Paterson of the Puissant.

Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville [Lord Melville] (1771-1851), First Lord of the Admiralty [Admiral Charles William Paterson (c.1756-1841)]
Publication details: 
12 August 1812; Admiralty.

4to: 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 'I have great satisfaction in acquainting you that a Commission has this day been signed promoting you to the Rank of Rear Admiral of the Blue.' Docketed by Paterson twice on the otherwise-blank reverse '12 Augt. 1812 | Lord Melville informing me I am made Rear Admiral of the Blue'.

Promotional booklet in English, with photographic illustrations: 'From Industrial Sweden. Aktiebolaget Bofors. Bofors, Sweden.

Bofors Steel Works, Gothenburg, Sweden [Bofors anti-aircraft gun; armaments; warfare; military]
Publication details: 
Gothenburg: 1923. ['Wald. Zachrissons Boktr. A.-B., Göteborg 1923'.]

4to (28.5 x 21.5 cm): 8 pp. In original buff printed wraps. Printed on shiny art paper. Text complete and clear. Lightly spotted, with central vertical fold, grubby wraps, rusted staples. Twelve photographs, ranging in size from half- to quarter-page: 'General View of the Bofors Works', 'Erecting shop', 'Fitting shop', '15 cm. Guns', 'Hardening tower', '15 cm. (6 inch.) double gun-carriage M/12', 'Rolling Mill housing, weight 33 tons', 'Runner for water turbine', 'Ore Crusher', 'Exterior of the Bofors Steel Works', 'Screw Automatics' and 'Details'.

Part of an Autograph Letter Signed "W.F. Williams" to J.C. Webster, [Secretary of The Athenaeum Club, London].

Sir William Fenwick Williams [W.F. Williams], MP, "The Hero of Kars", C in C North America during Civil War.
Publication details: 
No place or date

Part of letter,14.5 x 10cm, staining but text clear as follows: (recto) "the receipt of your letter of the 10th Inst and to inform you that I have taken the steps necessary | J,C. Webster Esq."; (verso) "I have the honor to ["be" has been cut off] | Your obt. Servant ! WF Williams". The verso is docketed with information about Williams (MP, Kars).

Four mid-eighteenth-century printed forms relating to English county militia: 'A Protection', 'Summons for Absentees or other Offenders', 'Mittimus on Refusal to Pay the Penalties', 'A Certificate of a Militia Man changing his Place of Abode'.

[the county militia in eighteenth-century England; Hanoverian English magistracy; warrant; Justice of the Peace]
Publication details: 
The 'Summons' dated '175[ ]' and therefore from the 1750s, the other three items dated '17[ ]' and so eighteenth century. Three of the four 'Printed by J. TOWERS, near Air-Street, Piccadilly.'

All four items well printed on one side of a piece of watermarked laid paper. All four lightly-aged but good. None of them filled in. The third item more dusty than the rest. Item One (15.5 x 20.5 cm): Headed 'No. VII. A PROTECTION.' To be signed by one of the 'Deputy Lieutenant, | Captain, | Commanding Officer.' Exempting the bearer, as a militia man, 'from doing any Highway Duty, commonly called Statute Work'.

Original watercolour illustration, with measurements, captioned 'Drill Motions', and docketed 'Drill Motions at Bunhill Fields'.

[the Honourable Artillery Company; Bunhill Fields; the City of London; military drill manual; the British Army]
Publication details: 
Anonymous and undated. [Circa 1810?]

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 28.5 x 24 cm. On aged, somewhat grubby paper, with 6 cm closed tear repaired with tape on reverse. Full-length diagrammatic depiction of a British army officer in uniform of the Napoleonic period (black boots with spurs, tight white breeches, green jacket with yellow trim and black hat with red plume), holding his sword horizontally in front of his face. A set of thirteen numbered angles are projected from the tip of the blade, some bracketed 'all these are strait in Front'. Others are described as 'flat'.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Dawson's Diorama No. 4. The British Queen, a first rate Steem [sic] Ship, which on holding it up to the light changes to her Magesty [sic] Queen Victoria, attired in her Robes of State.'

T. Dawson, London printseller [Queen Victoria; SS British Queen; diorama; dioramic print; optical illusion; naval and maritime]
Publication details: 
Undated, but between 1839 and 1844. 'London: Published by T. Dawson, 29, Bedeord [sic, for 'Bedford'] St. Covent Garden.'

Dimensions of print roughly 13 x 17.5 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (22 x 28.5 cm). Engraved label (3 x 12.5 cm) beneath the print, with small remarque-style illustrations of the ship and the queen. The print itself is good, although aged and a little worn and spotted; the spotting and aging to the margins and mount is a little heavier. Attractive and unusual item, the image changing when held up to the light. The ship is depicted sailing on choppy seas, and the young queen seated with drapery around her on a verandah with stone balustrades and a landscape behind. Scarce.

A series of engravings, drawn and engraved by W. Grainger for the 'Royal Encyclopedia', each headed 'An exact representation of the Manual Exercise, according to modern Military Discipline, See Treatise on Military Affairs.'

William Grainger, engraver; Charles Cooke, bookseller, Paternoster Row [Hanoverian British army; eighteenth-century military history; commands; discipline; musketry; firearms]
Publication details: 
London: 'Published as the Act directs, by C. Cooke No. 17 Paternoster Row May 28 1790'.

Four plates, each roughly 39.5 x 22 cm. Good, clear impressions. The first two plates have a little light staining in the margins, and the first has some light foxing. The other two in very good condition, and the set good overall. An attractive series, each plate containing twelve main engravings, mainly of an infantryman with his musket in various positions, but also of an officer with sword. Begins with 'Dress to the Right' and ends with 'Sword Salute'. Mains numbered series begins '1st. Poise Firelock' and ends '35th. Shoulder Firelock'. Occasional smaller engravings in the background.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Dawson's Diorama No. 1. The Emperor Napoleon in Captivity at Elba, changing to his reception by the Army whom he walked up to with these words "If there be among you a Soldier [...] Here I am!'

T. Dawson, London printseller [Napoleon Bonaparte; diorama; dioramic print]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1838]. 'London: Published by T. Dawson, 29, Bedford St. Covent Garden.'

The caption ends '[...] a Soldier who desires to kill his General let him do it now. Here I am!' Dimensions of print roughly 13 x 17 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (22 x 27.5 cm). Engraved label (4 x 12.5 cm) beneath the print, with small remarque-style illustrations. Aged and spotted, with slight wear to the print. An unusual and attractive piece of Napoleonic iconography, a full-length image of the deposed Emperor of the French, characteristically attired, on a beach with his hand on a rock, looking out to a sunset at sea.

Speech delivered in the House of Commons on the "Alabama" Question, on Friday, March 11, 1863.

Sir Roundell Palmer, M.P., Her Majesty's Solicitor-General [the Earl of Selborne]
Publication details: 
London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. 1863. [R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, London.]

Octavo: 28 pp. Unbound, stabbed and stitched. Slightly dogeared, on grubby, lightly-spotted paper. Loss to top right-hand corner of title-leaf (not affecting text). Marked up in ink in a contemporary hand. COPAC lists copies at the British Library, Manchester and National Library of Scotland. The 'Alabama Question' related to what indemnity should be paid by Great Britain for damage done to United States commerce by the Alabama and other confederate cruisers built in British ports.

Allegorical coloured engraved portrait of 'Buonaparte', with explanation, 'Drawn & Etched by W Heath'.

William Heath ('Paul Pry'); Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, 'The Repository of the Arts', Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1814]
Publication details: 
London Pub March 6th 1814 by Ackermann Strand'.

BM 12195. Landscape. On a piece of wove paper. Originally a rectangle roughly 240 x 340 mm, but with an arc cut away beginning in the top left-hand corner and ending at bottom right. This loss has no effect on the text, and only the merest effect on the image, only trimming the outer edge of some very lightly-painted clouds. Apart from this good, on lightly spotted paper, with a thin strip from blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse.

The Duties of a Soldier, illustrated and enforced in a Sermon, preached at the Consecration of the Colours of the Somerset Light Dragoons, On Wednesday, the 6th. of August, 1794, in the Church of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton.

Rev. John Gardiner, Curate of the Church of St Mary Magdalen, Taunton, and Rector of Brailsford, &c. in the County of Derby [Somerset Light Dragoons; British Army]
Publication details: 
Published at the Request of the Corps. Taunton: Printed by J. Poole; sold by Him, and E. and S. Hassums; Sold also by Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church Yard; Stockdale, Piccadilly; Richardson, Cornhill; and J. Downes, Temple-Bar, London. 1794.

4to: 37 pp. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Text clear and entire on discoloured paper worn at the extremities. Central closed tears to the last four leaves, the closed tear to the last leaf being repaired with archival tape on the blank reverse. A production over which the author has taken great care, he having added two autograph footnotes, one of three lines and the other of two, on p.34. Note on p.37: 'The extraordinary length of this Discourse, being more than double that of Sermons usually printed, is the reason for its being sold at the additional price of one half. [i.e.

Broadside handbill street-ballad entitled 'A New Song on the Glorious Victory of the Popes Brigade at Peruga' [sic, for 'Perugia']

Joseph Sadlier [William Patrick O'Reilly, Major in the Pope's Brigade, and Assistant Commissioner of the Board of Intermediate Education in Ireland; Garibaldi; General de Lamoricière]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Dublin? 1860.]

Crudely printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, roughly 27 x 8 cm. Spotted and creased, but with no loss to text. Sixty lines of verse, beginning: 'Rejoice you sons of Erin's Isle, | Attention pay now for a while, | Those lines we'll surely make you smile, | Our brave brigade isvictorious. [sic] | The enemy they did subdue, | And fought them nine one its true, | There [sic] attitude was grand to view, | At the battle of Perugia.' Recounts how, 'Commanded by O'Reilly sure', the Brigade 'did floor, 1,500 of the Sardinian corps'.

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