Military and Naval History

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Autograph Letter Signed from Lord Walter Talbot Kerr ['Walter T. Kerr'] to 'Sir Spencer', in his capacity as a Lord of the Admiralty, concernng naval etiquette in regard to the wearing of epaulettes following the court martial of Admiral Fairfax.

Admiral of the Fleet Lord Walter Talbot Kerr (1839-1927), Lord of the Admiralty [Sir Algernon Heneage; Admiral Stephenson; the court martial of Admiral Henry Fairfax, 1892]
Publication details: 
26 January 1893; on an Admiralty letterhead.
Admiral of the Fleet Lord Walter Talbot Kerr

12mo, 4 pp. Forty lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, and with line of glue from previous mount. Following the 'Court Martial of Admiral Fairfax', where 'two out of 3 KCBs' wore 'Epaulettes on a Frock Coat' with 'the Collar or Badge of K.C.B.', all three parties considering themselves to be right, Kerr wishes the matter 'cleared up', Sir Algernon Heneage having officially asked for information.

Autograph Note, third person [Francis Bond Head, soldier] instructing Bank to stop subscription to Library.

Sir Francis Head, known as Galloping Head, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada during the rebellion of 1837 (1793– 1875) [Francis Bond Head].
Publication details: 
Croydon, 25 April [1860?].
Sir Francis Head,  known as Galloping Head,


Manuscript, on paper watermarked 1810, a detailed table titled 'Present <Stat>ement of His Majesty the King of Prussia's Army'.

[The Prussian Army (Königlich Preußische Armee), 1810]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1810.]
Present <Stat>ement of His Majesty the King of Prussia's Army

Landscape folio leaf (32.5 x 40.5 cm), 1 p. On paper watermarked 'JOHN HALL | 1810'. Neatly ruled to make a complex, detailed table, in three columns of 31 rows each. The table has a central vertical fold, with the left hand side of the reverse mounted on a leaf removed from an autograph album. In poor condition, with around an eighth of the total area of the paper and text lacking, mostly from the bottom right-hand corner. Despite the loss the table (presumably prepared for the British War Office) contains a mass of valuable information.

Part Printed, part Manuscript Passing Certification, that H.A. Norman is fully capable of filling the situation of a Lieutenant in His Majesty's Fleet. Signed by Three Captains.

[Naval Examination]
Publication details: 
Signed on board Bellerophon at Malta, 10 March 1837.
Naval Examination

One page, folio, foxed, four small tears with no textual loss, fold marks, text legible and complete. It refers to the order for the examination being given by Admiral Sir Josias Rowley, gives details of his career in the Royal Navy (ship, entry, discharged, time, etc columnised), mention of certificates from his Captains (see #s9958-9962 in my inventory), statement of his competence, signed by three examining Captains naming their ships (Bellerophon , Samuel Jackson, Revenge, William Elliott, and Asia, William Fisher.

Reference in secretarial hand Signed G Trefusis (Captain, HMS Sapphire)

Captain Hon. George Rolle Walpole Trefusis, Captain, Royal Navy
Publication details: 
No place given, 5 Jan. 1833.
Captain Hon. George Rolle Walpole Trefusis

One page, c.18 x 11cm, trimmed, some foxing, but text clear and complete. As Commander of he Sapphire, he's certifying that H. A. Norman served as College Volunteer on the Sapphire from 10 Oct. 1832 to [15 Jan. 1833] with diligence, sobriety, etc.

Reference probably in secretarial hand Signed HJCodrington (Commander of the Orestes, later Admiral)..

H.J. Codrington, sometime Admiral
Publication details: 
[Orestes] At Sea, 30 April 1836
H.J. Codrington, sometime Admiral

One page, 20 x 16cm, some staining, but text clear and complete. As Commander of he Orestes he's certifying that Henry A. Norman served as midshipman on the Sloop Orestes from 7 Dec. 1835 to the date hereof and conducted himself with diligence, sobriety & attention, and was always obedient to command.

Autograph Reference Signed W Wellesley (Captain, HMS Winchester)

Hon. William Wellesley, Royal Navy, Captain
Publication details: 
No place given, 1 May 1833
Autograph Reference Signed W Wellesley (Captain, HMS Winchester)

Seven lines, one page, c.18 x 12cm, some staining, but text clear and complete. As Commander of he Wincheser, he's certifying that Henry A. Norman served as midshipman on the Winchester from 6 Jan. to 12 June 1833 and behaved with diligence, attention and sobriety, & was always obedient to command.

Reference in secretarial hand Signed W Wellesley (Captain, HMS Sapphire)

Hon. William Wellesley, Royal Navy, Captain
Publication details: 
Sapphire, Halifax Harbour, 9 October 1832.
Reference in secretarial hand Signed W Wellesley (Captain, HMS Sapphire)

One page, c.19 x 23cm, some foxing, but text clear and complete. As Commander of he Sapphire, he's certifying the Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy that H. A. Norman served as College Volunteer of the Ist Class on Sapphire and conducted himself with Diligence, Sobriety, etc.

Reference in secretarial hand Signed Jas.R.Dacres (Captain, HMS Edinburgh)

James Richard Dacres, Royal Navy, Captain
Publication details: 
HMS Edinburgh, Malta Harbour, 6 Dec. 1835
Reference in secretarial hand Signed Jas.R.Dacres (Captain, HMS Edinburgh)

One page, c.20 x 16cm, some foxing, but text clear and complete. As Commander of he Sapphire, he's certifying the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy that H. A. Norman served as Midshipman on the Edinburgh from 18 Nov. to [1 Dec. 1835] with diligence, sobriety, etc.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. W. Fisher') from Admiral Sir William Wordsworth Fisher to 'My Dear Chief'.

Admiral Sir William Wordsworth Fisher (1875-1937), Royal Navy, captain of a battleship at the Battle of Jutland, subsequently Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet
Publication details: 
4 June [no year]. Place not stated.
Admiral Sir William Wordsworth Fisher

4to, 2 pp. Fourteen lines. Text clear and complete. Begins 'With my wretched attainments as a cricketer & golfer how otherwise can I do credit to my revered Chief and his band of brothers than by trying to keep my wicket up in this job?' Discusses 'those Jokers [members of a club?] whom HM has still to honour': 'we all consider that to be a Joker at all is quite enough for any man'.

Manuscript Warrant, written on behalf of Admiral Lucius Curtis and signed by him, to Lieutenant Henry A. Norman of HMS Rodney, appointing him lieutenant on the surveying vessel Bonetta.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir Lucius Curtis (1786-1869), 2nd Baronet, KCB [Lieutenant Henry A. Norman]
Publication details: 
'Given on board the Ceylon at Malta the 3rd. day of July 1847'.
Manuscript Warrant, written on behalf of Admiral Lucius Curtis

Folio, 2 pp. On first leaf of bifolium. Neatly written out by a secretary and signed by Curtis and 'W. H. Brown, acting secretary'. Headed 'By Sir Lucius Curtis, Bt. CB. Rear Admiral of the Red Second in Command of H.M. Ships and Vessels, on the Mediterranean Station and Senior Officer during the Absence of the Commander in Chief on Special Service.' Directing Norman to join 'Her Majesty's Surveying Vessel Bonetti' as Lieutenant, 'until the pleasure of Vice Admiral Sir William Parker the Commander in Chief shall be known'

[Handbill] Draft of Resolutions for the Permanent Establishment of a Navy Club

[New York Yacht Club?]
Publication details: 
No date [New York Yacht Club founded in 1844]
Draft of Resolutions for the Permanent Establishment of a Navy Club

Printed handbill, c.20 x 24.5cm, possibly trimmed, faint foxing, small closed tear, one small stain, mainly good. We, who have hereunto subscruibed our names, do severally agree to unite in forming an Association to be entitled the NAVY CLUB, and to appoint a Committee to frame a Constitution and Laws ... For remaining contents, a scan of this item can be found on my website,

Manuscript bill, in French, for one day's lodging food and drink of Admiral Lord Keith during his period supervising the embarkation of Wellington's army, headed 'Mémoire pour Mr. L'amiral recommencé le 25 juin 1814'

George Keith Elphinstone, 1st Viscount Keith (1746-1823), British admiral
Publication details: 
25 June 1814.
Manuscript bill, in French, for one day's lodging food and drink of Admiral Lord

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Docketed on reverse 'pour agit | Salles'. Initial bill of eleven items, from '1 jour de Logement 36 [francs]' to café et thé 12 [francs]', amounting to 306 francs. According to the Oxford DNB, 'In April 1814, with Napoleon on his way to Elba, Keith was at La Rochelle supervising the embarkation of Wellington's army for its return to England. He was back at Plymouth on 29 July and hauled down his flag.' This is added to a running bill for 8027 francs, with two extra items (including 'Domestiques'), making a total of 8618 francs.

Manuscript, docketed 'From Capt. Cole | Proposall for Convoys', signed 'A well Wisher to my Contry [sic]', addressed to 'Mr Blathwate' [William Blathwayt, M.P. for Bath], proposing that 'Ships bound to ye Plantations of America' sail with convoys.

[Captain Cole; William Blathwayt [Blathwayte] (c.1649-1717) of Dyrham Park, MP for Bath and Secretary at War; the plantations of America; British colonies]
Publication details: 
'March ye 2d: 1704/5' [2 March 1705].
Manuscript, docketed 'From Capt. Cole | Proposall for Convoys'.

Folio, 1 p. On watermarked laid paper. 41 lines. Text clear and complete, the only loss being to the end of the signature: 'A well Wisher to my Contry [sic] & your '. On aged paper with slight wear and chipping to extremities. Thin strip of stub adhering along inner margin. The reverse is addressed 'To ye Honne: Mr: Blathwate | These', and is docketed 'From Capt: Cole | Proposal for Convoys'. The question of convoys was one with which Blathwayt was well-acquainted.

Autograph itemised 'pay Bill for Captain Carrs. Recruiting Party', signed, with receipt, by 'Geo: Deans Serjeant'.

[Captain Carr's Recruiting Party, 1778; George Deans, Recruiting Sergeant; the British Army; press gangs]
Publication details: 
Receipt dated 28 March 1778.
Autograph itemised 'pay Bill for Captain Carrs. Recruiting Party'

12mo, 1 p. Neatly written with six items, beginning with '2 weeks pay for Serjt: Deans and Dr. Marton', and ending with 'Expences Contracted on account of Mc.Dougall'. Includes 'A Cockade for Joseph Harriegat & one for Dr. Harris'. Deans acknowledges receipt of £2 11s. The last item, of 5s is not included in the payment, and the bill is docketed on the reverse '1778 | Serj. Deans Bill a 5s Mist[ak]e.' The identity of the relevant regiment is unclear.

Calling card of Admiral Sir Charles Napier, on which he has written 'Sir Chas Napier | Merchistoun'.

Admiral Sir Charles Napier (1786-1860) [Charles John Napier], Royal Navy, of Merchiston [Merchistoun]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Calling card of Admiral Sir Charles Napier

On piece of card, 4 x 7 cm. Aged and spotted. Reads 'Sir Chas Napier | Merchistoun', with the words centred as usual. Drawing or floor plan in pencil on reverse. From the Paterson papers.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Colpoys') from Admiral Sir John Colpoys, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, to James Sykes Jnr, regarding arrangements following the death of 'Poor Georgina'.

Admiral Sir John Colpoys (c.1742-1821), Governor of Greenwich Hospital [Spithead Mutiny, 1797]
Publication details: 
3 June [1800].
Admiral Sir John Colpoys (c.1742-1821)

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium, with the reverse of the second leaf carrying the address ('J. Sykes Esqr: | 22 Arundel Street | Strand', with two postmarks and docketing by Sykes. Nineteen lines. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, with wear to second leaf. Sykes 'will not be surprized to hear' that on the previous day 'Poor Georgina [...] paid the Great Debt'. Colpoys has arranged for her funeral to be 'conducted - in a Decent Private manner', and for her to be buried 'in the Parish of Kensington where she Died - Mr.

Autograph Signature ('W. H. Smyth') on part of letter from Admiral William Henry Smyth [to J. C. Webster].

Admiral William Henry Smyth (1788-1865), Royal Navy, English sailor and astronomer [J. C. Webster, Secretary, Athenaeum Club, London]
Publication details: 
[24 December 1856.]
Admiral William Henry Smyth (1788-1865)

On rectangle cut from letter, 7 x 11 cm. On dusty paper. Laid down on page removed from autograph album. Reads 'Wishing you the joys & compliments of the Season, believe me | Your's faithfully, | W. H. Smyth. -' Docketed by Webster at foot: '24/12/56. Admiral Smyth Vice President Royal Society a learned Pundit.' From Webster's autograph collection.

Collection of papers relating to the military career of General Sir William Cator, from the Peninsular War to the Crimean War (during which he was Director-General of Artillery). Comprising three commissions, a printed memoir, five manuscript items.

General Sir William Cator (1785-1866), K.C.B., Royal Artillery, Director-General of Artillery during the Crimean War [British Army; Peninsular War]
Publication details: 
London, Constantinople and other places. From c. 1853 to c. 1866.
Collection of papers relating to the military career of General Sir William Cato

An short account of Cator's career is to be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for June 1866. This collection of nine items is of particular importance, considering the fact that - remarkably for such a distinguished figure - he was not accorded a Times obituary, and has no entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. The absence of biographical material may be due to the contemporary criticism of Cator's department for its handling of the provision of supplies during the Crimean War. All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with texts clear and complete.

[book about the Korean War by Australian writer Wilfred G. Burchett] This Monstrous War.

Wilfred G. Burchett (1911-1983) [Korean War; Australia]
Publication details: 
Melbourne: Joseph Waters, 1953. [Wholly set up and printed in Australia by Coronation Press Pty., Ltd., for the publisher, Joseph Waters, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne.]
Book about the Korean War by Australian writer Wilfred G. Burchett

12mo, 338 pp. Sewn paperback. Detached from original black and orange wraps, which carry an illustration of a naked Korean woman being crucified. Text clear and complete. On aged and browned high-acidity paper. Two-page publisher's note (describing his 'dilemma' in publishing the book), and three-page introduction by Burchett, dated 'Kaesong, November 4, 1952.' The blurb begins 'THIS MONSTROUS WAR tells how Syngman Rhee climbed to power; how the U.S. State Department tried to drop him and failed; why Rhee needed a war and why it suited the U.S.

An archive illustrating English coastal defence against French invasion, 1794 to 1796

[The Coast Committee of Northumberland; Napoleonic Wars]
Publication details: 
The Coast Committee of Northumberland, 1794-6. Archive

121 signed bills and receipts from the accounts of the Trustees of the Northumberland Coast Committee (also described as 'Trustees for Guarding the Coast', 'The Honourable Coast Committee Alnwick', 'The Honnble. Coasting Committe [sic]'). Very little is to be discovered about this organisation, with no contemporary references in The Times.

Printed notice from the General Manager of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee, headed 'Government Control of Railways. Free conveyance of traffic carried on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office'.

Francis H. Dent, General Manager, South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee [First World War; British Army; Royal Navy; War Office; Admiralty]
Publication details: 
[London.] Dated in print 10 October 1916.
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Printed Notice

Folio, 1 p. Thirty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper, with spike-hole at head, with 'ack[nowledge]d 3/10/16' in manuscript. Giving instructions regarding the means by which 'all consignments conveyed by Passenger or Goods Trains over controlled Companies' Lines on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office, [...] be invoiced without charges'. 'The above instructions will also apply to Traffic with Irish Ports when conveyed by Controlled Companies' Steamboats.'

Twenty-six items of ephemera relating to the 1st Battalion The Rifle Brigade, and Peter Kirwan-Taylor, designer of the Lotus Elite car, and assembled during his service in the Brigade as a Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Peter Robin Kirwan-Taylor, 1st Battalion The Rifle Brigade (b.1930, designer of the Lotus Elite car) [British Army; military]
Publication details: 
Between 1949 and 1952.
Twenty-six items of ephemera relating to the 1st Battalion The Rifle Brigade

Texts of all items clear and complete. The collection on aged paper, with occasional wear and creasing. Includes Kirwan-Taylor's 'Range Barrier Pass Certificate', his 'Combined Leave Pass and Railway Ticket'; an 'Application for a Game Licence in the British Zone of Germany' by him; his 'Final Clearance Certificate.

[Manuscript] An Admiral's Grocery List, mainly sweet things.

[Vice-Admiral C.W. Paterson]
Publication details: 
Portsmouth, July 1822-24 January 1823.
An Admiral's Grocery List

Paper, 27 x 32cm, one side used, folded,chipped, but clear and complete, 72 entries inclduing "Goods" (multiple) but also tarts, cakes, beer, mutton, barley sugar, candy, sugar, gingerbread, biscuits, bread, butter, almonds, Scotch barley, buns, mince pies (December), etc. Attached: receipt for the payment, 21 x 8cm, signed by Grocer, "Rich[ar]d Way". From the Tonyn/Paterson military and naval archive.

Manuscript Receipt Signed Chas Chubb [Charles Chubb, locksmith and ship's ironmonger] to Admiral C.W. Paterson, with itemised list of purchases

Charles Chubb, locksmith and ironmonger [Royal Navy Ship refurbishment]
Publication details: 
Portsea, 17 July 1822.
Manuscript Receipt Signed, Charles Chubb, locksmith and ship's ironmonger

Slip of paper, 19 x 8cm, Portsea 17 July 1822 | Received of Admiral Patterson [sic] Ten Pounds 11/- 41/2 for Sundries as p [?] Bill | Chas Chubb. ATTACHED (and folded): extensive list of c.50 items purchased by Paterson, c.39 x 15cm, listed both recto and verso, dated 8 Jan 1821-18 June 1822, including Coal scoops, sperm oil, cleaning and repairing items, nails and screws, glass lamp shade etc etc. Presumably Paterson was refurbishing a ship.

Autograph Manuscript Notes for 'Deputy Controller's Course', in official Royal Air Force notebook. With two mimeographed typed documents relating to the Course, including one with introduction by Wing Commander Bradford.

A. H. Anderson, L.A.C.; Wing Commander J. R. Bradford, Fighter Command, Controllers' Training Unit [Royal Air Force; Deputy Controllers' Course; Second World War]
Publication details: 
Notebook dated by Anderson on cover 'Woodlands, Clamp Hill, Stanmore. 27 October 1941.' One of the mimeographed documents dated from Woodlands, 26 June 1941.
[RAF] Autograph Manuscript Notes for 'Deputy Controller's Course

4to 'Royal Air Force. Notebook for use in Schools', with Anderson's notes in pencil on all but 11 of its 96 pp. Text clear and complete, written in a neat, tight hand, with diagrams and tables. Fair, on aged paper, with slightly dog-eared corners, in worn and creased wraps. Ownership inscription on front cover of 'A. H. Anderson L.A.C. | Deputy Controller's Course | Woodlands. 27.10.'41'. Providing important first-hand insights into the procedure of the RAF during World War II. Subjects include 'Fighter Command Organisation', 'I.F.F. (Identification friend or foe)', 'P.P.L.

Autograph Memorandum Signed "C.W. Paterson", Vice Admiral of the Blue about his son's interview for the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, in 1822. With his son's account.

C.W. Paterson, Vice Admiral of the Blue
Publication details: 
Autograph Memo. Signed "C.W. Paterson", Admiral [Royal Naval College entry]

One page, c.18 x 11cm, fold marks, and chipped but text clear and complete. He records that the day after the Examination his so, Charles, had partly recovered from the disappointment (of failure presumably) - "deeply affected" because he had set his heart on the College.

Memorandum on the issues of the war [The Labour Party; pamphlet]

The Labour Party
Publication details: 
London, [1917]
Memorandum on the issues of the war

Pamphlet, 8pp, tall 8vo, chipped and stained, punch-hole in top left corner but text clear and complete. Scarce: COPAC lists only three copies (BL happy with a microform).

Autograph Letter Signed, Amédée de Willot [un comte et général de la Révolution française], to a British Admiral [Was Sidney Smith the only Admiral who could speak French?], hostile to democracy among other things.

Amédée de Willot, French General.
Publication details: 
Baltimore, [Maryland, USA], 29 October 1810.
Autograph Letter Signed, Amédée de Willot [un comte et général de la Révolution

Two pages, 4to, bifolium, fold marks, some discoloration, but text clear and complete. He takes the liberty of introducing "deux voyageurs,pour vous renouveller l'expression de ma reconnaissance: ce jour deux jeunes américains bien Elevés, fils des Colonel Howard [American Revolutionary hero and important in the development of Baltimore, etc] et [Sloan?] ... et ce qui est mieux de la consideration publique ils voyagent pour ... et désirent beaucoup de voir un héros de l'angleterre, c'est pourquoi j'ai pris la liberté de vous les adrèsser.

Part-printed Treasury Document (Receipt) signed J Leake

Sir John Leake (1656-1720), Admiral
Publication details: 
26 April 1720 (months before his death).

One page, c.16 x 17cm, some staining but text clear, trimmed (with loss only to part of a column of MS figures in the top right (total £27), part-printed, filled in in MS. Receipt for £27 from the Exchequer, three months annuity, granted under An Act for granting to her Majesty [Anne] new Duties of Excise . . .

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