Military and Naval History

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Humorous pamphlet entitled 'Display of Knights in Tourney. Programme. 1. Jousting. 2. The two-handed Sword. 3. Melee with Battleaxes and Maces.'

Ferozepore Brigade, Punjab [British Army in India; Firozpur; the Raj]
Publication details: 
Undated [early twentieth century]. Muir Press Brigade Printers, Ferozepore Area.

4to (leaf dimensions 21.5 x 17.5 cm), 3 pp. Bifolium. On green paper. The central two pages carry a 'arms', 'motto' and 'biography' of each of the 'Dramatis Personae': 'Sir Attaboy de Walloper', 'Sir Kolynos Dent', 'Sir Bottholm Duster' and 'Sir Guinness Comme-Boisson'. The targets of this lighthearted satire are lost. Beside each character is an Indian name (the last being 'L/Def. Mohmed Sultan Khan'). There are also nine Indians named as playing herald, pages and varlets. No copy on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed "M.A. Hughes" to Richard Twining,jun., Banker and Tea Merchant (see DNB

Mrs M.A. Hughes, author, grandmother of Thomas Hughes, central to the literary society of her day.
Publication details: 
No place, 24 Sept. [1807].

Three pages, 4to, but cross-written, making six pages of writing, sometimes hard to read, small piece of letter with a few words detached but present. Mrs Hughes is her usual informative, authoritative, lively and intelligent self, initially discussing the British disaster at Buenos Ayres. being unable to think of "a worse planned or more ill-fated expedition" in which the dead were "sacrificed". She attacks the commander, the Duke of York, in no uncertain terms: she hopes it's not a crime to wish him out of a world to which he he'd done so little good.

Regulations for the Entry and Examination of Naval Cadets.

Examination of Naval Cadets, Admiralty, 1865 [Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Admiralty, 6th February, 1865. [Printed by 'W. Woodward, The Hard, Portsea.']

Printed on one side of a piece of grey paper, 22.5 x 16 cm. Text clear and complete. In fair condition: lightly-aged and with remains of stub adhering to the blank reverse, on which a clean closed tear has been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Nine regulations are listed, from 'I. No Person will be nominated to a Cadetship in the Royal Navy, who shall be under 12 or above 14 years of age at the time of his first Examination.' to 'IX. After having completed twelve months' instruction, exclusive of vacations, in the Training Ship, a Cadet will have to undergo the final examination.

Fascists and Nazis. By Perry Belmont, Commander of the Narragansett Bay Chapter of the Military Order of the World War.

Perry Belmont [Eric Underwood; German Nazism; fascism; the Teutonic Order; Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed.] Newport, Rhode Island: December, 1940.

Stapled pamphlet. 8vo, 27 pp, including full-page photograph of Mussolini embracing a man in Nazi uniform (Himmler?). Fair: internally clean and tight; some marking and wear to covers. Inscribed on title-page to 'Eric Underwood Esq with the sincere regards of Perry Belmont'. (Underwood is perhaps the English-born Australian nutritionist, 1905-1980.) Curious, digressive, energetic attack on fascism, with sections on the Teutonic Order, 'Oath-bound organisations' (Freemasonry) and 'Gangsters'.

Autograph Letter Signed (Sir . Dn . Probyn') to Sir Edward Poynter, conveying a message from Queen Alexandra regarding Belt's bust of Lord Kitchener.

General Sir Dighton Probyn [Dighton MacNaghton Probyn] (1833-1924), V.C., British military officer [Sir Edward Poynter, President of the Royal Academy; Queen Alexandra; Richard Belt; Lord Kitchener]
Publication details: 
14 May 1917; on letterhead of Marlborough House.

4to, 2 pp. 36 lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with slight wear at on the reverse. Written as Comptroller of the Royal Household to Poynter as President of the Royal Academy. He is returning Poynter's letter, which he has shown the Queen, and reassures him that he has 'nothing [...] to fear about the contents of it ever being divulged'. The Queen has told Probyn to tell Poynter 'how very sorry she is to see how the business has worried' him. It concerns a plaster bust of Kitchener which the Royal Academy Council accepted as an exhibit.

Warrant (commission), signed by 'Arden.', 'Charles Small Pybus.' and 'Chs. Middleton' as Lords of the Admiralty, and 'Php Stephens' as Secretary, appointing Paterson 'Captain of His Majesty's Ship the Ariadne'.

Charles George Perceval, 2nd Baron Arden; Charles Small Pybus; Charles Middleton, 1st Baron Barham; Sir Philip Stephens, First Secretary of the Admiralty [Admiral Charles William Paterson]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of vellum, dimensions 27 x 32 cm. Neatly folded to make eight rectangles. Red wax seal under paper in top left-hand corner, embossed with the Admiralty anchor. One blue 2s 6d stamp in left-hand margin. Small paper stamp on the reverse, which is docketed 'Ariadne | Capt. Paterson | Admty Conf Comm | 20 Jany 1794'. Text entirely legible on lightly discoloured vellum. The body of the document is printed over fifteen lines, with the specific information added in manuscript.

The War in America: Its Origin and Object. By the Rev. G. H. Shanks. Together with A Letter, addressed to Lord Shaftesbury, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Rev. G. H. Shanks; Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Publication details: 
Belfast: George Phillips & Sons, Bridge Street. C. Aitchison; William M'Comb, High Street. 1861. [Printed at the News-Letter Office, 25, Donegall Street, Belfast.]

12mo, 12 pp. With errata slip. Disbound. Good, on aged paper with small grease spot on title leaf. Shanks's piece is on pp.3-6, dated at end 'Boardmills, Sept. 2, 1861.' Stowe's piece is on pp.7-10. The last two pages (11 and 12) are by Shanks, dated 'Boardmills, September 12, 1861. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on WorldCat is at the University of Texas.

Warrant (commission), signed by 'Sandwich', 'J Buller.' and 'Bamber Gascoyne' as Lords of the Admiralty, and 'Php Stephens' as First Secretary, appointing Paterson 'Second Lieutenant of His Majesty's Ship the Alcide'.

John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty; Bamber Gascoyne; John Buller; Sir Philip Stephens, 1st Secretary of the Admiralty [Admiral Charles William Paterson]
Publication details: 
[21 April 1780] 'Given under our hands and the Seal of the Office of Admiralty this Twenty first day of April 1780.'

One one side of a piece of vellum, dimensions 28.5 x 32.5 cm. Neatly folded to make eight rectangles. Red wax seal beneath paper square in top left-hand corner, embossed with the Admiralty anchor. Two blue 2s 6d stamps in left-hand margin. Small paper stamp on reverse. Text entirely legible on discoloured vellum. Four small burn holes in vellum, affecting two words of text. The body of the document is printed over fifteen lines, with the specific information added in manuscript. Headed 'By the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland &c.

Two long typewritten letters, the first describing 'the King's Visit' to H.M.S. Revenge, and 'the surrender of the German Fleet' in 1918; the second describing the 1931 Spring and Summer Cruises of Royal Yacht, the Queen Elizabeth.

Anonymous 'writer' on H.M.S. Revenge [The surrender of the German Fleet, 1918] [the royal yacht, The Queen Elizabeth]
Publication details: 
Letter One: 21 November 1918; H.M.S. "Revenge", at present off Inchkeith, N[orth]. B[ritain]. Letter Two: 14 December 1931; 'Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Station, Malta.

A valuable eyewitness account of an historic event. H.M.S. Revenge was the flagship of Admiral Freemantle, and it was to its quarterdeck that Admiral Ludwig von Reuter would be brought in 1919, after issuing the order to scuttle the entire German fleet at Scapa Flow. The text of both items is clear and complete. Both good, on lightly-aged and spotted paper. Letter One (1918): Foolscap (32 x 20.5 cm), 4 pp. In manuscript at head of first page: 'Use this where you like, Dad! Tho' be careful of showing who wrote it.

Manuscript logbook, with diagrams, specifications and 'Diary of Way', of a First World War sailmaker in the Royal Navy's 3rd Cruiser Squadron.

J. Ryan, AB, sailmaker [3rd Cruiser Squadron, Royal Navy; Battle of Dogger Bank, 1915]
Publication details: 
Government stamp: 'Supplied for the Public Service'. Diary entries dated from 29 July 1914 to demobilization on 31 May 1919.

Landscape, with leaf dimensions 19 x 10.5 cm. The diary covers 48 pages at one end of the notebook, with the diagrams and specifications over 32 pp at the other end. In original sturdy brown leather binding, with brass clasp, empty wallet at front and pouch for pencil. Marbled endpapers. In good condition. Text clear and complete on lightly-aged paper. Binding worn and with split hinges. In pencil on fore-edge: 'J. RYAN.

Some Soldiers. Being The Record of Certain Philosophical Studies of some Soldiers in the Stress and Circumstance olf War (Typescript).

H. Estcourt.
Publication details: 
Not published, [1923].

Typescript, with manuscript corrections and additions, 230pp., 4to, cloth binding, signs of wear but mainly good. A series of humorous stories set in Mesopotamia during the First World War and based on the writer's experiences in that Theatre Amara, Baghdad, etc. (A letter enclosed in the book reveals that he was still serving in India in 1923.)

Manuscript Map, in colours, by Corporal A. Hunter, of the 'Bilstien [sic, for 'Bilstein'] Defences. scale 1/6250'.

Bilstein (Germany) [Junkermuehle, Nassenstein]
Publication details: 

Dimensions of paper roughly. Creased, with fraying to extremities, closed tears, and some staining and fading due to damp. A careful production, detailing the fortification to the towns of Bilstein (north-east of Cologne), Junkermuehle and Nassenstein, in black, yellow, red and green, with attractive lettering. 'References' are to 'barbed wire entanglements', 'main roads', 'Woods', 'stream', 'bye Roads' and 'Bridges'. Pencil additions include position of 'SNIPERS'. Ascribed at foot to 'Cpl. A. Hunter' and dated 'February 1919'.

"The true hero" and other poems.

Publication details: 
Without date [circa 1918?] or place ['Western Mail, Ltd., Cardiff.']

64 pages, 16mo. In original printed wraps. In poor condition. Ownership inscription at head of front wrap. The two binding staples rusted, and the wraps in particular grubby, torn and worn. Photograph of 'Private JENKIN THOMAS' in what appears to be World War I uniform on front wrap. Illustration of the 'SINKING OF THE "TITANIC." ' on page 9; photograph of 'WILLIAM HERBERT HARRIS, A.L.C.M.' on page 47.

Handbill 'PROCLAMATION | by the G.O.C.-in-Chief in Mesopotamia | to the People of 'Iraq, on the occasion of the successful conclusion of hostilities | against the Turkish Armies.', together with Iraqi translation of the same.

General Sir Stanley Maude [Mesopotamia, Iraq, Ottoman Empire, British Protectorate]
Publication details: 
Baghdad, dated November 2nd, 1918.'

Interesting item with contemporary resonances. ITEM ONE: dimensions eight and a half inches by fourteen and a half inches. Around fifty lines of text. Clean, but heavily folded. States that 18 months previously Maude and the British Army had come 'not as conquerors but as deliverers'. Describes the progress of the war and states that despite Maude's death the promises he made in a proclamation to the citizens of Baghdad will be kept. Announces eight undertakings (e.g. 'Fifth, that the routes to the sacred places will be thrown open once again for organized pilgrimages').

Autograph Letter Signed.

Letter to Sir James Rennell Rodd from H. Nelson gay
Publication details: 
Palazzo Orsini, Rome, 'Xmas 1916'.

The author is obscure, but the letter is addressed to 'Sir Rennell' [Sir James Rennell Rodd (1858-1941), diplomat and author]. 2 pages, 16mo, creased but in good condition. A florid missive beginning 'In this tempest of egotism and hate which has plunged us all into Teutonic darkness, you will not have forgotten, my dear Sir Rennell, the lines of Coleridge: | [...]'.

Prospectus and application form for the Anti-German League, together with two other items of promotional material.

E. J. Balsir Chatterton, founder, The Anti-German League [First World War Zeppelin raids on London]
Publication details: 
All three items undated [1915 or 1916]. One printed by 'Willsons', New Walk Printing Works, Leicester.'

All three items good. Item One: Prospectus and application form, headed 'The Anti-German League. Introduction by the Founder.' Three pages, in a bifolium. Leaf dimensions 27.5 x 21.5 cm. Printed in blue. The 'Introduction' covers the first two pages, flanked by columns bearing the words 'Lest We Forget.' and 'MOTTO: "Everything German Taboo." ' It includes the headings ' "Made in Germany" - The Mark of the Beast' and 'The Alien Menace'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Bobbie [?].

George Cunningham [regarding rumours of Russian troop movements at the beginning of the 1st World War and other subjects]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Privy Council Office, Whitehall, S.W.; 3 September 1914.

4 pages, 8vo. Creased and grubby but in good condition overall. Interesting letter in difficult hand. Opens by sending his deepest sympathy: 'I can sympathise having as you know been personally damaged by a falling branch last Xmas.' 'Officially we have given up contradicting the <?> prevalent rumours of Russian Troops moving through Great Britain. The Germans may hear of the rumours - may believe them: [^ that may do good;] but there is no truth in them at all. Barring a few Russian reservists who were in this country no Russian troops have been sent to France.

Parseval Airships; Stamped addressed photographic postcard.

Publication details: 

Dimensions 14 centimeters by 9 centimeters. In good condition, although grubby and with creasing to one corner and ink from postmark along one edge. Sepia photograph of airborne balloon with a tangle of guyropes and mass of people beneath it. Hangars in background. The airship pioneer August von Parseval (1861-1942) worked in partnership with the engineer Hans Bartsch von Sigsfeld and the businessman August Riedinge. The "Dragonballoons" (Drachenballone), which he designed for military observation, are predecessors of the present-day blimp.

Manuscript Itinerary headed "H.M.S. Mindful" at Buncrana June 1918.

A member of the crew of H.M.S. Mindful, destroyer.
Publication details: 
25 June -14 Dec. 1918.

Manuscript, 8 pages, 4to, chipped (with minor textual loss) and slightly stained, text clear. Convoy and anti-submarine activity. Usually one line description per day but there is a long description of action involved while on convoy duty, encounters with submarines, reinforcements, damaged ships, etc. Their first move was to leave Base on 27th June "in search of Submarine D.6. (overdue) and then carried on to Lamlash". [D.6.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Henry Knollys') to 'Staff Surgeon Walter Haydon, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Conquest'.

Colonel Sir Henry Knollys (1840-1930), wrote on life in Japan and China; commanded the Royal Artillery in South Africa, 1889-1891; later Private Secretary to Queen Maud of Norway [Walter Haydon]
Publication details: 
24 and 27 August 1916; both on letterhead of 2 Morpeth Mansions, Victoria, London.

Both letters lightly creased and spotted, but good overall. Letter One (8vo, 8 pp): In stamped, addressed envelope. Begins by asking whether Haydon would consider acting as co-executor to his estate with his wife Flora. Outlines his financial situation and discusses the executor's duties. Turns to 'the naval situation', Haydon's letter on the subject being 'so guarded that it might be nailed up in Trafalgar Square without helping the enemy'.

Carbon copy of manuscript.

Stunts by Fag End': contemporaneous account of first world war experiences by unidentified writer.
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

3 pages, 8vo. On three leaves of paper, all creased, discoloured and worn, with a few tears and pin holes. Lively, humorous, and well-written account of the army career of a skiver. 'Behold me then the next time in the trenches a Lewis Gunner, my-self to be about to kill Bosches in neat little trenches of 47. As a matter of fact I did not kill one as I never fired the gun but we had one or two thrilling times. [...] January 1st. 1917 I became a member of the now famous Tank Corps.

(Manuscript) Life in India: being an account of the doings of Lt P. Jones, "B" Co., 10th Middx.

Lt P. Jones
Publication details: 
Fort William, Calcutta, April 1915

Part two only (any other part missing). 101pp, 8vo, carbon copy, describing the day to day life of a soldier in India during the Ist WW, 24 March -7 Sept. 1915, duties, leisure activities, fellow-soldiers, rations, the market, inspections, letter-writing, "Telegram to say short rifles on the way", games, Boards, "Today [4 May] the final list was made out for men going to the Persian Gulf" (men from his company listed), parades, marches, [12 May] farewell to Persian party, replacements for Persian party, (little about "natives"), "boots from Cawnpore", trip to Dimond Harbour, and so on.

Four manuscript diaries

F.C. Poyser
Publication details: 

Four 8vo diaries kept by F.C. Poyser, the first of which gives details of all the ships Poyser served on from 1905 to 1926, including names of captains, dates, voyages, distances, cargoes. During the First World War he served on six vessels OHMS. He gives the occasional diagram of convoys, lists the cargoes and their quantities (horses, mules, oats, flour, boats, lorries, ambulances, aeroplanes, etc.), gives destinations (Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Ceylon).

A collection of six autograph letters signed to Clement Shorter, man of letters, editor of "The Sphere".

George Scott Robertson.
Publication details: 

Anglo-Indian Administrator (1852-1916). Total sixteen pages, 8vo, good condition. . Subjects include: anticipation of the publication of his book, "Chitral. The Story of a Minor Siege"; the Johnson Club, political activity (canvassing), Edward Clodd, a request to be the "accredited agent" of "The Sphere" at the Front (Great War). With; (printed) Order of his Memorial Service (1916). 7 items,

Autograph Note Signed ('Robert Stopford') [to the Rev. Charles William Tonyn (d.1805) of Radnage, Bucks].

Admiral Sir Robert Stopford (1768-1847), Commander-in-Chief of the British fleet sent against Mehmet Ali of Egypt [H.M.S. Victory]
Publication details: 
3 June 1828; Porstmouth.

12mo: 1 p. Five lines. Good, on lightly aged paper, with one minor water stain affecting a couple of letters of one word. Reads 'The Adm[ira]lt[ie]s order for you son's reception as Vol[untee]r 1st. Class in the Victory is arrived, & he may join as soon as convenient'. Docketed by Tonyn on reverse '3d. June 1828 |Sir Robt. Stopford Commr. in Chief Porstmo. respecting my son George'. After Trafalgar the Victory was moored in Portsmouth Harbour off Gosport and used as a depot ship.

Autograph Letter Signed ('B Wilson') to Rev. Charles William Tonyn (d.1805), 'at the Palace Berwick upon Tweed'.

Benjamin Wilson (c.1721-1788), English portrait painter and scientist
Publication details: 
Postmarked 17 April [no year]. Place not stated.

Foolscap (31.5 x 20.5 cm): 1 p. 24 lines of text. Address, with postmark, on reverse. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Discussing a picture he has been painting of 'Captain Tonyn', which 'is within one days work of being finished'. Points out that there has been a misunderstanding about the price: 'fifty five pounds [...] could not be the case because I never yet reced from any body pounds, but always Guinneas'. Because of 'the great work that so large a Canvas wod. require (it being bigger than a whole length for which I had at that time 50 Gs. and now 60 Gs.

Autograph Signature ('Roger Keyes').

Sir Roger Keyes [Roger John Brownlow Keyes, 1st Baron Keyes] (1872-1945), British naval officer
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On a leaf of pink paper (roughly 16 x 20 cm) removed from an autograph album. Firm signature, 6 cm long, with the initial 'R' blotted by Keyes. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The page bearing the signature is headed, in another hand, 'Famous Men Military and Naval'.

Some Notes and Remarks on Moore's Corunna Campaign up to the retreat from Sahagun.

Colonel G. G. A. Egerton [Granville George Algernon Egerton (1859-1951)], C.B., Yorkshire Regiment. [British Army, Aldershot Barracks]
Publication details: 
Aldershot, November, 1905. [Printed at the Army-Corps Printing Office, Head-Quarters, Aldershot.]

Folio bifolium (leaf dimensions 34 x 21.5 cm): 4 pp. Unbound bifolium. Text clear and complete on lightly-aged and creased paper. One correction to text in red pencil. In small type. Begins: 'The special period for the approaching examination for promotion being the campaign under Sir John Moore leading to Corunna, I have lately occupied myself with examining the works of some of the different authorities and critics of this deeply interesting operation of war.

Visitors Book. General Sir F J. Davies | General Officer Commanding-in-Chief | Scottish Command', containing the signatures of several high-ranking British military officers.

General Sir Francis John Davies (1864-1948), Military Secretary at the War Office, 1916-1919; General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Scottish Command, 1919 to 1923 [Edinburgh Castle]
Publication details: 
First entry dated 11 March 1920. Last entry dated 4 June 1923. '27 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh'.

A quarto volume, bound in padded green leather stamped in gilt on the front cover with the words 'Visitors' Book'. Patterned endpapers. Tight, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Binding heavily worn, with outer corners of front cover dogeared and torn to show padding. Five leaves with one dogeared corner. Note (in Davies' hand?) on flyleaf: 'Visitors book. | General Sir F. J. Davies | General Officer Commanding-in-Chief | Scottish Command | 27 Drumsheugh Gardens | Edinburgh'. Each page with printed columns for the 'date' and 'name and address'.

Autograph Signature ('W Gordon-Stables | MD - RN').

William Gordon Stables (1840-1910), Scottish Royal Navy physician and writer of adventure stories
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On a piece of paper roughly 7 x 10 cm. Laid down on a piece of card. Fair, rucked and grubby, with traces of previous mount adhering to the reverse. Presmuably in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'I wish thee well | [signed] W Gordon-Stables | MD - RN'.

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