Military and Naval History

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Autograph Letter Signed from Lt-Col. Charles William Henry Sealy ('CWHS') to fellow-orientalist Sir Harry Charles Luke (as Lt-Commander H. C. Lukach), containing a family tree of the family of James Morier, author of 'Hajji Baba'.

Lt-Col. Charles William Henry Sealy, Resident Head of the British Somaliland Protectorate, 1893-1896, and orientalist [James Morier; Sir Harry Charles Luke (1884-1969) [Lt-Commander H. C. Lukach]]
Publication details: 
25 July 1916; on his letterhead of 6 Priory Grove, The Boltons, London.
Autograph Letter Signed from Lt-Col. Charles William Henry Sealy

12mo, 2 pp. Letter on one leaf and Morier family tree on another. Clear and complete. Seventeen-line letter and detailed family tree. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. With original envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Sealy to 'Lieut-Commander H. C. Lukach RNVR | Chief Secretary's Office | TROODOS | Cyprus'. After a brief reference to the 'Morier stuff', most of the letter relates stamp collecting ('Salonikas' and 'Long Island overprinted on Turkish').

Autograph Signature of William Pitt Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst ('Amherst') on frank addressed to 'Robert Barrie Esqre. Captain of H.M.S. Pomone'.

William Pitt Amherst (1773-1857), 1st Earl Amherst, British diplomat and colonial administrator (sometime Ambassador Extraordinary to China) [Captain Sir Robert Barrie (1774-1841) of HMS Pomone]
Publication details: 
Autograph Signature of William Pitt Amherst

On rectangle of paper, 11 x 5.5 cm, cut from front frank. Aged and spotted, with closed tear at head repaired on reverse with archival tape. The whole in Amherst's hand, with his signature (as usual on frank) in bottom left-hand corner between two horizontal lines. Launched in 1805, the Pomone was a 38-gun Leda-class fifth rate Royal Navy ship, built by Josiah and Thomas Brindley at Frindsbury. She saw action during the Napoleonic Wars, primarily in the Mediterranean, and was wrecked off the Needles in 1811.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Great Air Raid on England, September 3rd, 1916. Souvenir Photographs of the Wrecked Zeppelin. Also Photograph of Lieut. William Leefe Robinson, V.C., Worcester Regiment & R.F.C. [...]

[Zeppelin raid on England, 3 September 1916; Lieutenant William Leefe Robinson (1895-1918); the Great War; World War I]
Publication details: 
St. James's Press (T.U.). 22, Rosoman St., London, E.C. [1916.]
Zeppelin raid on England

Landscape 12mo, 16 pp. Stapled. Printed on art paper. Text and all images clear and complete. Worn and aged, with closed tear to last leaf repaired with tape.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Melville') from Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville to Lady Popham, widow of Admiral Sir Home Riggs Popham, described by her as a 'cold hearted answer'.

Robert Dundas (1771-1851), 2nd Viscount Melville, First Lord of the Admiralty, 1812-1827 [Admiral Sir Home Riggs Popham (1762-1820)]
Publication details: 
Melville Castle; 23 September 1820.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Melville') from Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville

4to, 2 pp. On bifolium. Twenty-two lines. Text clear and complete. In good condition, on aged paper. Lady Popham has written her opinion of the letter on the reverse of second leaf: 'Lord Melvilles cold hearted answer -'. To modern eyes the letter would appear to be a model of tact. Melville begins by expressing 'deep regret' at 'the late most afflicting addition to the loss you had already sustained' (the Admiral had died three weeks before).

Autograph Letter Signed "George Hope" Admiral, to "Hay".

George Hope, Admiral
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] United Service Club, Pall Mall, SW1 [London], 16 August 1946

Two pages, 12mo, good condition. "I think everything is in train. I have just seen Philippe & we are off in the morning. | I can't thank you enough for all you have done to help us, & your assistants too. | I am sorry to hear that David has damaged himself and that they won't now be coming out." Note: Hope's only apparent claim to fame is that he signed the Armistice at the end of World War One.

Autograph Letter Signed, "L C Dunsterville", soldier, inspiration for Kipling's 'Stalky', to an unnamed correspondent [agent prob.], about the manuscript of 'Stalky's Reminiscences'. (pubd. 1928).

[L.C. Dunsterville] Lionel Charles Dunsterville CB, CSI (1865–1946), British general, who led the so-called Dunsterforce across present-day Iraq and Iran towards Caucasus and oil-rich Baku
Publication details: 
[Address partly in relief] 9 Place Leopold, Namur, Belgium, 28 January 1927.

Two pages, 12mo, bifolium, punchhole top left, good condition, text clear and complete. "I have sent to first half of my M.S. to a friend to read & he will forward it on to you very shortly. | Should the book be accepted for publication you will let me have a copy of any proposed agreement, before settling terms. | | Yours truly ..." Note on recto of second leaf, "Book sent to F.P. Rennie Esqre, 58 Queens Gate SW7".

[Printed magazine.] Supplement to The London Gazette of Friday the 1st of August. Published by Authority. Monday, August 4, 1856. [A list of British Crimean war officers and men awarded the Legion of Honour by the French Emperor Louis Napoleon.]

[The London Gazette, 1856; the Crimean War; the Legion of Honour; le Legion d'Honneur; Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte; Napoleon III]
Publication details: 
4 August 1856. Numb. 21909. London: Thomas Lawrence Behan, 7 Suffolk Place, Haymarket and 45 St Martin's Lane.
The London Gazette, 1856; the Crimean War; the Legion of Honour

Crown 8vo, 7 pp (paginated 2699-2705). Unstitched and unopened sheet, folded twice to make four leaves. Text clear and complete. On aged paper. With red ink tax stamp: 'NEWSPAPER | ONE PENNY | LONDON GAZETTE'. A list of Crimean war officers and men awarded 'the Imperial Order of the Legion of Honour, [...] which His Majesty the Emperor of the French has been pleased to confer upon them'. From the archive of Lieutenant-Colonel George Lynedoch Carmichael (1831-1903) of the 95th (the Derbyshire) Regiment, who was made a Knight of Legion of Honour at this time.

[Printed pamphlet.] H. M. 32nd Regiment. Return of Casualties of the above Corps from 30th June to 22nd November, 1857, being the day on which the Garrison of Lucknow was released by the Head Quarters Army [...].

John Giddings, Paymaster, H.M. 32nd (Cornwall) Regiment of Foot. [Siege of Lucknow, 1857; Indian Mutiny; Indian Rebellion]
Publication details: 
Cawnpore, 29th January, 1858.' Printed at the Thomason College Press, Roorkee, India.
H. M. 32nd Regiment. Return of Casualties (Lucknow)

4to, 6 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, with slight wear to extremities. The full drop-head title reads: 'H. M. 32nd Regiment. Return of Casualties of the above Corps from 30th June to 22nd November, 1857, being the day on which the Garrison of Lucknow was released by the Head Quarters Army under the immediate Command of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief. | Cawnpore, 29th January, 1858.' Signed in type at end: 'John Giddings, Paymaster, H.M's, 32nd Foot.' Comprising lists, in several columns, giving ranks and names of officers and men, dates and causes of death.

[Illustrated Pamphlet] Women's Work for the Royal Air Forces

[[Women's Royal Air Force]
Publication details: 
[May 1918]
Women's Work for the Royal Air Forces

Pamphlet, [16]pp., 12mo, very good condition, illustrated front cover, illustrated with photographs throughout revealing their various duties (on the ground of course). No copy recorded. The RAF was formally established on 1 April 1918, a month before the publication of this pamphlet.

Letter (Secretarial) Signed "John Laugharne | Rear Admiral", to William Slade, Agent to the Flag Officers, Malta

Rear Admiral John Laugharne (d.1819)
Publication details: 
[HMS] Trident at Malta, 31 May 1813.
Rear Admiral John Laugharne (d.1819)

One page, folio, some staining with minor obscuring of words (at base), main text clear and complete. "In consequence of the alarming State of the Island I have deemed it necessary to request the Committee of Health to keep all Prizes and detained Vessels by H.M. Ships in strict Quarantine - and communications with the Prize Master can easily be accomplished thro' the [Pratique?] Office. You will please to make this known to the Agent." Note added in margin: "Sent Hunter & Woodhead 3rd June". Note: This "Plague" is well documented.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Stirling') from Captain (later Vice-Admiral) Charles Stirling to the First Lord of the Admiralty, George John Spencer, Earl Spencer, docketed by Spencer with his response.

Vice-Admiral Charles Stirling (1760-1833) [George John Spencer (1758-1834), Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty]
Publication details: 
13 November 1800; [on board H.M.S.] Pompée [at] Causand [i.e. Cawsand, near Plymouth].

4to, 2 pp. Seventeen lines. On worn aged paper, with the cropping of one margin resulting in minor loss to a few words of text. Requesting inclusion in 'any arrangement which may be made' regarding 'a move from Halifax [Nova Scotia]' as a result of a 'late vacancy at the Navy Board'. He is writing despite having 'neither claim or pretension' to Spencer's 'goodness', but 'having received an answer not sufficient to banish hope, in an application about 3 years ago', he is induced to try again.

[Manuscript and printed] Punishment Book for No. 2 Company Training Battalion Grenadier Guards

[Grenadier Guards]
Publication details: 
Punishment Book for No. 2 Company Training Battalion Grenadier Guards

115pp., 8vo, original red boards, hinge strain, damp-affected and signs of silverfish damage, sl. shake, contents good. Stamp and bookplate of the 2nd Company Training Battalion Grenadier Guards. Each page is columnised with the following printed headings: Names | Date | Offences | Witnesses | By whom ordered | Punishment . Every page contains manuscript entries, several hands, giving this information. Offences include Wrong order for the Fatigues Parade, dirty grenade, failing to have two baths, dirty rifle, laughing on parade, late, having long hair, etc etc.

Seven original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne addressing the First Army of the British Army of the First World War at Ranchicourt in France in August 1917.

[General Sir Henry Sinclair Horne (1861-1929); the First Army; the British Army; the First World War; the 5th Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1917.]
Seven original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne

Each print is in black and white, landscape and 17.5 x 23 cm. They are lightly-worn and in fair condition. Part of a series of British official war photographs (one was published on 26 January 1918 on p. 469 of Part 180, Vol. X, of 'The Great War' magazine), and each numbered between S480 and S501. Shots of troops marching past the Chateau, of a large body of men in battledress standing in grounds, being addressed by the General and a padre, standing at a rostrum draped with the Union Flag and other allied flags, with officers seated beside it.

Sixteen original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne addressing the First Army of the British Army of the First World War at Ranchicourt in France in August 1917, including three prints forming a panorama of the whole scene.

[General Sir Henry Sinclair Horne (1861-1929); the First Army; the British Army; the First World War; the 5th Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1917.]
Sixteen original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne

Each print is in black and white, landscape and 17.5 x 23 cm. They are lightly-worn and in fair condition; one has a short closed tear and another a vertical crease at one side (neither of these in the panorama). Part of the same series of British official war photographs (one was published on 26 January 1918 on p. 469 of Part 180, Vol. X, of 'The Great War' magazine), and each numbered between S480 and S501.

[Printed handbill.] The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.] [Regarding the victory of the Duke of Marlborough at Ramillies.]

John Smith, Speaker, House of Commons [Queen Anne; Jacob Tonson; Timothy Goodwin; the Duke of Marlborough; the Battle of Ramillies, 1706]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane; and Timothy Goodwin, at the Queen's-Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. 1706.
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.]

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Blank reverse. Fair, on aged paper. Paginated 9, with 'Numb. 3.' in the top right-hand corner. Returning thanks for the 'speech from the throne', and for Marlborough's victory at Ramillies, 'A Victory so Glorious and Great in its Consequences, and attended with such Continued Successses, through the whole Course of this Year, that no Age can Equal.' Tonson's and Goodwin's appointment, by Smith, is signed in type.

Autograph Letter Signed from Liverpool merchant Tyndall Bright to 'Mrs Alexander', wife of Captain John R. Alexander, Royal Navy, daughter of Henry Bruce, Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Station, making suggestions regarding a voyage to Central America.

Tyndall Bright, nineteenth-century Liverpool merchant with extensive business interests in Australia [director of the Anglo-Australian Steam Navigation Company]
Publication details: 
Undated ('Sunday afterno[o]n.') and with place not stated.
Autograph Letter Signed from  Liverpool merchant Tyndall Bright

12mo, 3 pp. In bifolium. Forty lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He cannot get her 'a good berth in the middle of he ship', but he recommends that she take a 'good side one near the Ladies Saloon which is aft'. He draws a diagram of the position of this berth, which is 'under offer' to her. He gives the number and price to Colon, Panama, and on to Valparaiso, Chile. He has written her letters of introduction, and offers his further services.

Manuscript 'Memorandum' of 1883 by 'H. B.', headed 'Confidential', dealing with 'the reasons why the Officers of the Garrison Artillery should be separated from the Field Artillery, and why they should be more highly paid'. With 'Supplementary Memo:'

[British Army; Royal Artillery; Garrison Artillery; Victorian military history; the War Office]
Publication details: 
Both items dated 19 August 1883, and both on official British government letterheads.
British Army; Royal Artillery; Garrison Artillery; Victorian military history; t

Texts of both items clear and complete. Both on grey paper, each leaf headed with an embossed governmental crest. The 'Memorandum' proper is of ten numbered folio pages, on ten leaves held together with a brass stud. The first page headed 'Confidential' and the last dated 'H. B. | 19th. August 1883' Begins: 'The separation of the N. C.

Autograph Copy Signed ('C G Napier') of letter from Major Charles George Napier to General Sir Henry Torrens, requesting a promotion and pension for wounds received at Waterloo, leaving him 'the greatest sufferer probably in the whole Army'.

Major Charles George Napier (d. c. 1846) [General Sir Henry Torrens (1779-1828), Adjutant-General to the Forces; the Battle of Waterloo]
Publication details: 
Woolwich; 22 November 1819.
Letter from Major Charles George Napier to General Sir Henry Torrens

Folio, 1 p. 35 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Docketed 'Copy of Letter wch. proved the antedate of Major'. He apologises for troubling Torrens again with his 'unfortunate case'. he is 'still on crutches and a very great sufferer in consequence of the numerous & severe Wounds I received in the Battle of Waterloo'. He is 'induced to implore His Rl. Highness The Commander in Chief [i.e. the Prince of Wales] to allow my commission as Brevet Major'.

[Corrected Galley Proofs] Twenty Years After - The Minor Pleasures of War

Ernest Dunlop Swinton, soldier, inventor and historian of the First World War, etc.
Publication details: 
Stamped '19 Aug 1937 First 14' ["Twenty Years After2 published in 2 vols, 1936-1938].
Ernest Dunlop Swinton, soldier, inventor and historian

Corrected Galleys, five pages. c.67 x 16cm, some marking, mainly good condition, corrected relatively lightly in MS. possibly by two hands, presumably including the author, and in ink and pencil, some corrections qualitative. Corrections include omissions of words (the word "very" is excised on at least three occasions), additions of letters, change to lower case, added punctuation, etc.

[Handbill, c.1908] Smart Young Men Wanted for the above Battalion ... (C.O. Lieut-Col. H.A. Christmas)

[Terrritorial Army; 20th (London) Battalion, The London Regiment]
Publication details: 
H. Richardson, typ., Greenwich, S.E.[c.1908]
[Terrritorial Army; 20th (London) Battalion, The London Regiment]

Handbill, 2pp., 8vo, chipped, fold marks, small closed tears, but text clear and complete. Recruitment of men for Territorial Army (established 1908), giving qualifications, etc: age, height, terms of enlistment, annual requirements, pay during camp and on embodiment (serjeant to Drummer), addresses of committee. Overleaf the Reasons for Joining (defence against ainvasion etc), adding, The heroism of Captain Scott and his gallant comrades in the Antartic [sic] regions should rouse the energy in every Britisher ... This is presumably a reference to the 1904-8 Expedition.

Two manuscript receipts from 1707, in French, for sums of money for the payment to Louis de La Rochefoucauld, Marquis de Roye, Lieutenant-General of the Galleys, of money for rations for the 'Tartane armée', authorised and countersigned.

Louis de La Rochefoucauld, Marquis de Roye, lieutenant-general of the galleys [le Marquis de Roye Lieutenant General des galeres]
Publication details: 
France, 1707.
Louis de La Rochefoucauld, Marquis de Roye, lieutenant-general of the galleys

Folio, 4 pp. Both on the same bifolium. All texts clear. On aged and worn paper, with chipping and fraying to extremities. Presumably part of a series of ongoing receipts, as the the first begins in the middle of the preamble '<...> commandement de Monsieur le Marquis de Roye Lieutenant general, | De la somme de deux cent cinquante neuf livres onze sols huit deniers [...]'. The receipts are neatly written out, with two long authorisations in the margins, each bearing the same illegible signature.

[Book] Der Fallschirm: seine geschichtliche Entwicklung und sein technisches Problem

Gustav von Falkenberg
Publication details: 
Berlin, 1912 [Bibliothek fur Luftschiffahrt und Flugtechnik, band 8].

[192]pp, 8vo, including three pages of advertisements, corners bumped, hinge strain front endpaper, mainly good condition. Ex lib Royal Aeronautical Society (bookplate inside cover) with library shelf marks on half-title and elsewhere. Inscribed by the Author as follows, With the best thanks and compliments | of the author | Gustav von Falkenberg || (see p.5, 6, and 92). These page references indicate that the deicatee is T. O'Brian Hubbartd who features on these pages.

[Pamphlet; offprint] Our Food-Supply in Time of War.

Rear-Admiral C.C. Penrose Fitzgerald
Publication details: 
William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1903
Our Food-Supply in Time of War.

Reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine. 16pp., printed wraps, good condition.

Two manuscripts, each 'to Certify to the Principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy' that Charles William Paterson 'behaved with diligence and Sobriety' on HMS Phoenix and HMS St Antonio, signed by John Bourmaster and John Bastard.

Admiral John Bourmaster (1736-1807); Captain John Bastard (1787-1835), Member of Parliament for Dartmouth [Captain George Anthony Tonyn; Admiral Charles William Paterson; Royal Navy; the Admiralty]
Publication details: 
Both dated 2 November 1770.
Admiral John Bourmaster (1736-1807); Captain John Bastard (1787-1835)

Both certificates landscape 8vo, 1 p. Each on paper, backed with contemporary cloth. The two texts are in the same secretarial hand, variously signed by Bourmaster and Bastard (both lieutenants at the time). Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Both documents with Paterson's name given as 'Patterson'. The first certifcate concerns Paterson's service on the St Antonio (Captain George Anthony Tonyn) as Able Seaman, from 28 November to 2 December 1767, and from 3 December to 31 October 1768. It is signed 'Jo Bastard s Lt'.

Two Letters Secretarial Signed "John Gore", admiral, C-in-C, East Indies and China Station, more like Reports, on the geo-political, military, naval, situation in the region.

Admiral John Gore, Commander-in-Chief, East Indies and China Station [India; Ceylon]
Publication details: 
[HMS] Melville, Madras Roads, 4 March 1833, and Melville at Sea, 7 March 1838
Admiral John Gore, Commander-in-Chief, East Indies and China Station

Both marked 'Duplicate'. 1. [British Navy, East Indies and China Station, 1833] Vice Admiral Sir John Gore, extensive official Report signed, "John Gore, Vice Adm. & Com. In Chief", East Indies and China Station to Sir James Graham, First Lord of the Admiralty, dated Melville, March 4th 1833, Madras Roads, marked 'Duplicate', 6pp., folio, sewn. A detailed assessment of the situation in the region (Indian Ocean) and particularly in Ceylon : Arrival in the Madras Roads. He assures Graham of full cooperation "regarding the Mauritius".

Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Aboyne (later the 9th Marquess of Huntly) from 'A C <Dugend?>' of Aberdeen, concerning the uniforms of 'the Band of Music' (Aberdeenshire Militia?), and containing a 'detailed estimate' of the cost.

George Gordon, 9th Marquess of Huntly [known as the Earl of Aboyne from 1795 to 1836] (1761-1853) [the Aberdeenshire Militia (later the 3rd Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders)]
Publication details: 
2 January 1799; Aberdeen.
Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Aboyne

Both letter and estimate clear and complete; both good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter: 4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Addressed, with faint circular 'ABER | DEEN' postmark in black ink, on reverse of second leaf, to 'The Right Honourable | The Earl of Aboyne | Montrose'. The letter is in two parts: the first (12 lines) on the recto of the first leaf, informs the Earl that 'The Buttons were sent by yesterdays Mail', and that, 'Some days since', he 'sent by the Mail Coach a pattern Coat as a Uniform for the Band.

[Book] State of France during the years1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806

W.T. Williams
Publication details: 
Richard Phillips, London, 1807

Title continued: "Comprising A Description of the Customs and Manners of that Country; together with Observations on its Government, Finances, Population, Agriculture, Religion, Public Schools, Conduct towards English prisoners, and Internal Commerce. To which are added, Anecdotes tending to delineate the Character of The Chief of the French Government" [presumably Napoleon]. 2 vols, pp.xii.216; viii.204, catchword on ii.204 "Useful" anticipating a 36pp. catalogue of Richard Phillips' publications missing from this copy, mauve cloth, discreetly rebacked, bumped, spine gt.title and vol.

MS. Minutes of 'the meeting of the Naval and Military Bible Society, at the Kings Concert Rooms Hay Market'

[M. Montagu[e], Capt., R.N.?]
Publication details: 
[London], May 1817
 Naval and Military Bible Society

Two pages, oblong folio, folded, good condition. The writer of this manuscript reveals that Lord Gambier was in the Chair and then summarises what various people contributed to the discussion, columnising names then summary. He lists: Lord Gambier, Rev. Tho. King, Captain Pakenham R.N., Chas. Henty (Quebec), The Bishop of London, The Bishop of Gloucester, The Chaplain to the Royal Artillery- Quebec, A Lieut. of the Bengal Artillery just returned on sick leave, Revd Basil Wood, Captain Montague R.N., Major General Neville, Thos. Babington Esq., M.P., Benj. Shaw Esq., M.P., Willm.

[Manuscript Notebook] "Officers of Land Forces | 1763".

[British Land Forces in 1763]
Publication details: 
[Manuscript Notebook] "Officers of Land Forces | 1763".

Notebook, 7pp. used, 12mo, some staining and chipped corners but mainly good. A handwritten compilation of the commanding officers of British Land Forces at the conclusion of the Seven Years' War (The French and Indian War, 1756-1763).

Letter, in the hand of a secretary, signed ('J W Croker') by John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty, to Vice-Admiral Douglas, concerning 'Naval Occurences at Yarmouth', Captain Hawtayne of the HMS Quebec and Chaplain Forster of HMS Roebuck.

John Wilson Croker (1780-1857), Secretary to the Admiralty, Irish author and politician [Captain Charles Sibthorpe John Hawtayne of HMS Quebec]
Publication details: 
Admiralty Office; 26 July 1810.
Letter, in the hand of a secretary, signed ('J W Croker') by John Wilson Croker

Folio, 2 pp. Fair, on aged paper, with a few short closed tears to extremities, and carrying traces of previous mount on reverse. On behalf of the Lords of the Admiralty Croker grants the Admiral's request for leave of absence to two individuals following 'the Naval Occurrences at Yarmouth'. In same hand as letter on reverse: 'Captain Hawtayne Quebec Two Days | Mr Forster, Chaplain Roebuck One Month'.

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