Music and Theatre

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[Mimeographed typed playscript for the Playhouse Theatre, Kidderminster.] Pinocchio, from Carlo Colloddi's "Pinocchio - The Story of a Puppet", freely adapted for the stage and music added by Kenneth Rose.

Kenneth Rose, Chairman of the Nonentities Society, The Playhouse Theatre, Kidderminster [Carlo Collodi; Pinocchio]
Publication details: 

4to, [iii] + 76 pp. In original orange titled wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, in worn and frayed wraps. A three-act adaptation of Collodi's children's classic, with cast of characters, 'Synopsis of Scenes', and 'Musical Contents' listing the plays twenty-six songs.

Printed Victorian handbill for 'Walford's Royal Military & Naval Warograph and Vocophone Company', including 'Walford's animated pictures by means of the most perfect Cinematograph', with Autograph Letter Signed from E. W. Walford to Wivenhoe School.

[E. W. Walford, 'originator of the Walford Family's Entertainments'; Walford's Royal Military & Naval Warograph and Vocophone Company; Walford's Animated Pictures; Victorian cinema; Thomas Edison]
Publication details: 
Handbill advertising show on 10 February [1902]. Letter dated 10 April [no year]; on Walford's letterhead, The Bungalow, Bletchingley, Surrey.
E. W. Walford, 'originator of the Walford Family's Entertainments'

Surprisingly little is known about this British cinematographic pioneer, and these items are rare survivals, there being no reference to Walford on COPAC. Handbill: 8vo (27 x 21 cm). Printed on both sides. Clear and complete. Aged and creased, with damage at edges. In portrait 8vo on one side, with picture of British Army lancer and border of Union Flags. Headed 'Great Additions with Augmented Change of Artistes since last visit. | The Schoolroom, Watton. | Monday, February 10th.' 'Walford's Royal Military and Naval Warograph & Vocophone Co.

Advertisement for royal caterer '"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester [...] (Established 1878) The acknowledged old-established leading London royal fête, gala, and entertainment caterer (up-to-date)'. With two quotations by Sylvester, one signed.

[Mr. W. G. Sylvester, 271 Clapham Road, London, S.W., royal caterer; Sylvester's Royal Bioscope; Royal Crown Cricketers]
Publication details: 
Quotations dated 23 and 26 May 1911; both on elaborate letterhead. Advertisement from around the same period.
"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester

ADVERTISEMENT: 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in blue and red, in a variety of fonts and point sizes. Photograph of Sylvester on front page, which has a red border featuring illustrations of entertainments. Royal warrant at head: 'Under the distinguished patronage of his most gracious majesty the late King Edward the Seventh and Queen Alexandra, Sandringham, 1901 and 1902.' The centre pages begin 'W. G. S.

Autograph Letter Signed W.H. Grattan Flood, Irish musicologist, to Godfrey E.P. Arkwright, Arkwright, Godfrey E. P. (1864–1944), editor and bibliographer of 16th–18th century music.

Chevalier William Henry Grattan Flood (1857-1928), musicologist and historian
Publication details: 
Rosemount, Enniscorthy, Ireland, 20 Dec. 1909.
Chevalier William Henry Grattan Flood

Three pages, 12mo, in bifolium, black-edged, with original envelope, also black-edged,1.5 inch tear to fold, mainly very good. He explains that his father's illness and death (and consequent complicated affairs) delayed his response to Arkwright's letter. He thanks him for his advice as to my Preface & Introduction to Moore's Melodies [underlined; he edited a new standard edition of Moore’s Irish Melodies, 'The Spirit of a Nation' (1911)].

[Typescript] The Stringed Lute. A Play Based on the life of OSCAR WILDE [Playwright's own copy]

John Furnell, playwright [Oscar Wilde]
Publication details: 
n.d., (before published version, 1955)
A Play Based on the life of OSCAR WILDE

[170]pp., 4to, title label, brown wraps, stabbed, sl. wrinkled edges, sl. aged, typed ownership sticker back cover, John Furnell, 'Woodend', 24 Chessel Avenue, Boscombe, Bournemouth, Hants. Final page (additional , p.[170]) includes a list of Author's suggestions for settings. With a sprinkling of corrections and additions.Opposite p.38 (beginning of Act II set in the Foyer of the St James's Theatre, an illustration from a Max Beerbohm book (Some Persons of the Nineties), with names from Wilde to Mallarme, 10 names presumably in Furnell's hand.

Photograph of Dame Peggy Ashcroft at her country home Vine Cottage, from the collection of Jill Balcon (taken by her?), with an inscription by Balcon.

[Dame Peggy Ashcroft [Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft] (1907-1991); Jill Balcon [Jill Angela Henriette Balcon] (1925-2009), actress]
Publication details: 
Undated (1980s?).
Dame Peggy Ashcroft

Colour photograph in grey card wallet frame. Dimensions of photograph 13 x 18 cm. Dimensions of frame 18 x 23 cm. In good condition. A head and shoulders shot of a smiling old Ashcroft in overcoat outdoors in the countryside. Captioned by Balcon on frame at foot of photograph 'Peggy Ashcroft at Vine Cottage (called by her "The Tiny Palace")'. Part of Balcon's own collection.

Signed bromide print of photograph by Mark Gerson of the actress Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis.

Mark Gerson (b.1921), photographer [Jill Balcon [Jill Angela Henriette Balcon] (1925-2009), actress]
Publication details: 
'London. Mark Gerson. AIBP/ARPS'. Circa 1961.
Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis

Black and white matt bromide print photograph in card frame with covering flap. Dimensions of photograph 20 x 25 cm. Dimensions of frame 25.5 x 32 cm. A head and shoulders shot of Balcon, staring across the photograph from the right, left hand at right shoulder, with the bust of Day-Lewis facing her from the left. Inscription in pencil on frame beneath photograph: 'London. Mark Gerson. AIBP/ARPS'. Photograph and inscription in excellent condition; frame aged and worn.

[Typescript] The Insect Play. Inscribed by Day-Lewis.With two photographs (one with note in his hand), some fan mail and an admirer's artistic representation of two of his roles

[Daniel Day-Lewis, actor; Karel and Josef Capek]
Publication details: 
Play undated, others 1981-2.

A., Typescript (gestetner or similar), paper wraps, 70pp., sm. folio, wear and tear to spine, sl. grubby, a few marks, mainly good condition. Inscribed "Daniel Day-Lewis" with underlining and a few notes in his hand. Not listed among his roles on relevant websites. B. Two photographs, one with two duplicate images of Day-Lewis when quite young (Bedales tie?), 9 x 14cm; the other, almost full length holding baby on his shoulder [his son was born in 1995], inscribed by him on reverse, "Happy dressed father with unconscious naked son | I:x:95", 12 x 18cm. C.

A small archive of material relating to violinist Max Rostal's musical career, including his Summer Schools, preserved by his secretary, Gladys Pankhurst.

Max Rostal (1905–1991) violinist, viola player and music teacher
Publication details: 
Mainly 1950s, 1953-1986.

Substantial Typed Letter Signed "Max Rostal", 16 July 1956, one page, 4to, good condition, in which he writes to Gladys Pankhurst, his secretary, from Salzkammergut, Austria, requesting additional items for his school - pieces of music (specific details), a recording, 600 Players cigarettes "on the boat" i.e. duty free for three people.

Autograph Letter Signed by '<N. W. Lindley?>' of 35 Bedford Row, London, to unnamed male correspondent, concerning arrangements for a theatrical company mentioning John Oxenford, Helen Maltravers and Miss Aylmer.

[Helen Maltravers, actress ; John Oxenford (1812-1877), English dramatist; the Princess's Company; the English stage; Victorian theatre; theatrical]
Publication details: 
20 June 1864; 35 Bedford Row, W.C., London.
Arrangements for a theatrical company inc. John Oxenford, Helen Maltravers

12mo, 3 pp. 30 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper. He sends a 'list of pieces' which he considers 'suitable for a Short Company'. The first piece named is 'The Silver Lining (the St James's Comedy)', in which he says there are 'only 4 Men & 3 women exclusive of Helen Maltravers'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A H Calvert') from the actress Adelaide Helen Calvert to an unnamed theatre proprietor [E. D. Davies, Lessee, Theatre-Royal, Newcastle?], discussing a forthcoming bill.

Adelaide Helen Calvert [nee Biddles] (1837-1921), English actress, wife of the actor-manager Charles Alexander Calvert (1828-1879) [Theatre-Royal, Newcastle]
Publication details: 
Undated [before 1879]; on part of playbill for 'Benefit of Mr. Chas. Calvert' at the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle. [M. Benson, Printer, Side, Newcastle.]
Adelaide Helen Calvert to an unnamed theatre proprietor

12mo, 3 pp. On bifolium, with the printed playbill for the 'Benefit of Mr. Chas. Calvert' at the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle, on the recto of the first page (including a performance of Much Ado About Nothing, with Calvert as Benedick and Miss Fanny Alexander as Beatrice. The letter is 42 lines long. She feels that, 'with but one rehearsal', the 'Merchante's Storye will scarcely go', and suggests performing 'Nine Points, The Household Fairy, and Head of the Family' instead, considering it 'a good bill' and 'lighter works for all the company'.

Prospectus for Oxberry's 'New English Drama', to be published [1812] by Simpkin and Marshall, as well as for 'The British Drama' and 'Dramatic Works published by C. Chapple, Pall Mall, and W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Stationers Court'.

William Oxberry (1784-1824), of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [Simplin and Marshall, Stationers Court; C. Chapple, Pall Mall; Philip Massinger]
Publication details: 
'On December 1 [1812], will be Published, by W. Simplin and R. Marshall, Stationers-court [London]'. [From the Press of W. Oxberry & Co, 8, White-hart-yard, Drury-lane.]
Prospectus for Oxberry's 'New English Drama'

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Stabbed as issued. On good wove paper. The 'New English Drama' is stated to be 'intended to comprise the most popular Theatrical Pieces of every description, in Monthly Parts of superior accuracy and unrivalled embellishment'. The first play, 'embellished with an elegantly engraved portrait of Mr. Kean', is Massinger's 'New Way to pay Old Debts'. The second leaf of the bifolium carries details of a further four works.

Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed from the Victorian English opera singer Anna Bishop to Mrs Alexander.

Anna Bishop [née Anna Rivière] (1810-1884), English opera singer, wife of composer Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, and lover of harpist Robert Nicolas-Charles Bochsa
Publication details: 
Neither letter nor note with date or place.
Anna Bishop [née Anna Rivière] (1810-1884), English opera singer

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Letter ('Tuesday Mo[rnin]g'): 12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Slight trace of previous mount on blank reverse of second leaf. She wanted to offer her 'a box for the Opera of "L'Elixir" this evening, but as we are not to give it I shall postpone sending to you 'till Thursday when we perform the "Trovatore" hoping you will do me the favour to come out and listen to my first attempt in that Opera'. Mentions 'His Excellency The Admiral' and the news of 'poor Mrs. Clay's child'.

Photograph from magazine signed Jan Kubelik, on detached leaf of album.

Jan Kubelik, Czech violinist and composer, and others.
Publication details: 
[Stoke-on-Trent, 25 Nov. 1921]
Jan Kubelik, Czech violinist and composer, and others.

Leaf detached from album, some staining, complete and clear. On one side a photographic portrait of jan Kubelik which he has signed and which has been annotated with the above place and date. Overleaf appear the signatures of Phyllis Neilson-Terry, actress and the Russian tenor, Stefan Bielina, dated by him 9/12 1921.

Signatures on detached album leaf of Maurice d'Oisly, tenor, his NZ wife, Rosina Buckman, coloratura soprano, Léila Mégane, Welsh mezzo-soprano, Edmund Edwards [?], [overleaf] Archibald G. Easley [?] and Dinh Gilly, French-Algerian operatic baritone.

Maurice d'Oisly, tenor, Rosina Buckman, his NZ wife, coloratura soprano, and others.
Publication details: 
Stoke-on-Trent, 1920-1
Maurice d'Oisly, tenor, Rosina Buckman, his NZ wife, coloratura soprano, and oth

Page detached from Album, slightly aged, mainlty good condition; Yours very Sincerely | Rosina Buckman || With the best of good wishes | Maurice d'Oisly || Léila Mégane | 1921 || Edmund Edwards |. Overleaf: 'There's joy in remembrance | with all good wishes, | Archibald G. Easley. | 5/2/21.

Signed album leaf with Autograph Musical Quotation, bars from his 'Ave Maria', initialled PBK [Percy B. Kahn, composer] with signature of Jean Vallier, French Bass, and overleaf that of Landon Ronald with images of him clipped from magazines

Percy B. Kahn, composer and pianist, composer of Ave Maria.
Publication details: 
Stoke-on-Trent, 21 Jan. 1921.
Percy B. Kahn, composer and pianist, composer of Ave Maria.

Page detached from album, stained but writing clear and complete. The plain signature of Jean Vallier, French Bass, is followed by the title Ave Maria followed by two or so bars from the song, with words (A-ve Ma-ri-a gra-ti-a ple-na), itself followed by Best wishes from | Percy B. Kahn Stoke Jan 21st 1921. Note: His most noted composition was the song Ave Maria with accompaniment by piano, and violin obbligato.

Signatures on detached album leaf of Agnes Nicholls Harty, soprano, Hamilton Harty, conductor, Frank Mullings, tenor and others

Agnes Nicholls Harty, soprano, Hamilton Harty, conductor, Frank Mullings, tenor and others
Publication details: 
[Stoke-on-Trent, no date, c.1920?]
Agnes Nicholls Harty, soprano, Hamilton Harty, conductor, Frank Mullings, tenor

Page detached from album, some wear and tear but no losses, which contained numerous autographs provided at performances in Stoke mainly in the 1920s. One side of the leaf has the signatures of Agnes Nicholls Harty, Hamilton Harty, an illegible, and Frank Mullings, while overleaf are the signatures of John Booth, Margaret Balfour and Andrew Clayton.

Signed 'Programme of Olde Tyme Melody' (Burslem Orpheus Male Voice Choir; Elena Danieli, soprano)

Elena Danieli, Soprano
Publication details: 
Queen's Hall, Burslem, 3 April 1949.
Elena Danieli, Soprano

Printed Programme, 4pp., 8vo, blue, not bound, staining on fold marks, mainly good condition. Elena Danieli has signed top left of front cover. It gives the Programme of music with performers and a list of President and Vice-Presidents of the Choir..

Bold Signatures of Fritz Kreisler and Charlton Keith below and at the side of a photograph of Kreisler taken from a magazine or programmeof an album leaf.

Fritz Kreisler, Austrian-born violinist and composer, AND Charlton Keith, pianist and accompanist
Publication details: 
No date
Bold Signatures of Fritz Kreisler and Charlton Keith

Detached album leaf, c.17 x 14cm, good condition,

Signatures on detached album leaf of members of the Kedroff Quartet.

Kedroff Quartet [vocal quartet]
Publication details: 
[Stoke-on-Trent], 19 Jan. 1926
Kedroff Quartet [vocal quartet]

Page detached from album, 17 x 14cm, good condition, headed Kedroff Quartet, with signatures, as far as I can make out, T. Kasakoff, Const Kedroff, J.. Denisoff, N. Kedroff, dated 19.1.1926.

Autograph Inscription on detached album leaf.

Luisa Tetrazzini, Italian coloratura soprano.
Publication details: 
Stoke on Trent, 9 Dec. 1921.
Luisa Tetrazzini,  Italian coloratura soprano.

Page of album, 17 x 14, good condition, signed as follows: Souvenir from | Luisa Tetrazzini | Stoke on Trent 9th Dec. 1921 [underlined]. On the same page, the signature Ivor Newton [pianist] who accompanied her.

Bold signatures of Paul Robeson and his accompanist and arranger, Lawrence Brown, on detached album leaf.

Paul Robeson, African American concert singer (bass-baritone), recording artist, athlete and actor AND Lawrence Brown, pianist and arranger.
Publication details: 
Bold signatures of Paul Robeson and his accompanist and arranger, Lawrence Brown

Page detached from an album, 17 x 14cm, slightly foxed, mainly good condition, inscribed Every good wish | Paul Robeson | [Mar?] 1930 | Lawrence Brown. Note from wikipedia: Robeson and his accompanist and arranger Lawrence Brown were the first to bring spirituals to the concert stage; their association lasted through four decades.

Bold signature and image on detached album leaf.

Florence Austral, Australian opera soprano.
Publication details: 
No date but another example of her signature from the same album was on same page as Elgar's, dated 1922 (Stoke) .
Florence Austral, Australian opera soprano.

Deatached page from album, 17 x 14cm , good condition, yours sincerely | Florence Austral [underlined], with image of head and shoulders cut from magazine and laid down.

Bold Signatures on recto and verso of an album leaf.

Fritz Kreisler, Austrian-born violinist and composer AND Nellie Melba, Australian opera soprano
Publication details: 
2 Nov. 1922 AND 1923.
Fritz Kreisler, Austrian-born violinist and composer AND Nellie Melba

Detached album leaf, c.17 x 14cm, good condition, on one side signed Fritz Kreisler | 2/XI 1922, the other Nellie Melba | 1923. A small image of Kreisler, extracted from a magazine, is below the signature.

Archive of material, mainly comprising 150 Typed Letters addressed to the English operatic tenor Stephen Manton [Stephen Manton Bradbury], from the British Broadcasting Corporation, between 1944 and 1952, and concerning his work for the BBC.

Stephen Manton [Stephen Manton Bradbury] (1908-1970), operatic tenor, director of the Intimate Opera Company from 1944 [British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC]
Publication details: 
The letters, all on letterheads of the British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC], mainly from Broadcasting House, London, dating from between 1944 and 1952.

For more information about Stephen Manton Bradbury, or Stephen Manton as he was known professionally, see his obituary in The Times, 8 September 1970. The collection is in good condition, on aged paper. The correspondence from various figures in various BBC music departments, both London and regional, and in a variety of formats from 4to down to 12mo, breaks down to the following number of items per year: 1944, 8; 1945, 5; 1946, 30; 1947, 34; 1948, 32; 1949, 22; 1950, 11; 1951, 15; 1952, 1.

Twenty-four original outline lithographic illustrations to Shakespeare: a series of twelve anonymous ones to 'The Tempest', published in London in 1825 by Charles Knight; and a series of twelve by Moritz Retzsch to 'Macbeth'.

Charles Knight, London publisher; Friedrich August Moritz Retzsch (1779-1857), German painter, artist and draughtsman; William Shakespeare
Publication details: 
The 'Tempest' illustrations 'Published by C. Knight, Pall Mall East, April 1825'. Retzsch's 'Macbeth' illustrations undated [1833 or 1847.
Twenty-four original outline lithographic illustrations to Shakespeare

All twenty-four illustrations have been laid down on leaves removed from an album of prints. Both series are numbered to twelve, and each is complete. The plates in the Retzsch series appear to have had their margins cropped. All images clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper, with occasional light spotting and discoloration. Laid down at the head of the first illustration in the first series, and slightly (0.5 cm) encroaching onto it, is a printed label reading 'Illustrations to Shakespeare's | TEMPEST | in 12 plates'.

Original coloured illustrations of Napoleonic costume designs for the 1934 production at His Majesty's Theatre, London, of J. M. Barrie's play 'Josephine' [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree; George Grossmith Jnr; Lyn Harding; Spencer Trevor; Allan Jeayes].

[Costume designs for the 1934 production of 'Josephine' by J. M. Barrie, at His Majesty's Theatre, London] [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree; George Grossmith Jnr; Lyn Harding; Spencer Trevor; Allan Jeayes]
Publication details: 
1934; His Majesty's Theatre, London.
Costume designs for the 1934 production of 'Josephine' by J. M. Barrie, at His M

Twelve pages of illustrations, each on a separate leaf. Seven are portrait folio, four are portrait 8vo, and one is landscape 8vo. All clear and complete, on aged and creased paper. All coloured in watercolour. The seven folio portraits are: Napoleon as First Consul; Talma; Eugene; Moustache ('Mr. Lyn Harding [(1867-1952)]'); two 'Flunkies'; and Austrian Ambassador ('Mr Spencer Trevor [(1875-1945)]'). The four portrait 8vo illustrations consist of: two of Larose ('Lady Tree [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree (1858-1937)]'); Louise ('Miss Lemand') and the overcoat of Talma ('Mr.

Two engravings of the Commemoration of Handel, Westminster Abbey, 1784: one of the 'View of the Orchestra Organ &c erected [....] under the Direction of Mr. James Wyatt'; the other of Wyatt's 'magnificent Box erected for their Majesties'.

[The Commemoration of George Frideric Handel in Westminster in 1784; James Wyatt; the European Magazine]
Publication details: 
From the European Magazine, 1784.
Two engravings of the Commemoration of Handel

Both engravings 8vo. Both by W. & J. Walker, from drawings by J. Dixon. Both impressively detailed, with that of the Royal Box showing crowds of fashionable people in the foreground. Both engravings are clear an complete, but with creasing from folding into the European Magazine. Both a little grubby, an with wear to the margins. The engraving of the organ has a strip of backing along the left-hand margin, and that of the royal box is mounted in a paper windowpane.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Hullah') from the English composer John Pyke Hullah to the organist Edward Francis Rimbault.

John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla] (1812-1884), English composer for one of whose operas Charles Dickens wrote the libretto [St Martin's Hall, Long Acre; Edward Francis Rimbault (1816-1876), organist]
Publication details: 
30 March 1868; on letterhead of 11 Devonshire Place, W., London.
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. 12 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He would 'much like' to show him a song he has written for 'Exeter Hall', and proposes dinner the following day. In a postscript asks if he has 'learnt anything about R. J. S. Stevens'.

Autograph Note Signed ('John Hullah') from the English composer John Pyke Hullah to 'Mrs. Tail'.

John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla] (1812-1884), English composer for one of whose operas Charles Dickens wrote the libretto [St Martin's Hall, Long Acre; Otto Goldschmidt (1829-1907), German composer]
Publication details: 
18 May 1878; on letterhead of Grosvenor Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]

12mo, 1 p. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He is sending 'a few lines to Mr. Otto Goldschmidt, about the Bach Choir'.

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