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Autograph Letter Signed from Sir George Birdwood ['George Birdwood'], a reference for William Martin Wood, editor of The Times of India, in his application to become Examiner in Political Economy at University College London.

Sir George Birdwood [Sir George Christopher Molesworth Birdwood] (1832-1917), English administrator in India [William Martin Wood, editor of The Times of India; University College London]
Publication details: 
19 March 1887; No 7 Apsley Terrace, Acton.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 47 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. As 'an intimate personal friend from 1865', Birdwood endorses Wood's application, stating that he was 'a frequent Examiner in political economy for Bombay University' between 1874 and 1880. He explains that Bombay University took in 'the greatest interest' in the subject, and 'always endeavoured to secure the best qualified examiners, - having the whole Civil Service, beside the Educational Department to select from', and that they 'always preferred' Wood.

[Pamphlet] Brighton College. Prospectus

[Prospectus; Education]
Publication details: 
Richard Sickelmore, Printer, 45, High Street, Brighton, [c.1851?]
Brighton College. Prospectus


Archive of material relating to the pianist and music teacher Professor Willibald Richter

[Professor Willibald Richter, pianist, founder of Leicester and County College of Music]
Publication details: 

The German-born Richter (1860-1929) studied under Liszt, Haupt, Lebert, Mischalek, Oskar and Joachim, the last of whose protégé he became. He came to England in the 1880s, and was based from 1887 in Leicester, where he founded the Leicester and County College of Music, and where 'Herr Richter's Chamber Concerts' went through at least eighteen annual series. As a pianist he was widely praised for his 'fine technique and temperament' (The Times) and 'real musicianship (Westminster Gazette).

W. H. Buckler's own copy of the offprint of his monograph 'Edward Buckler (1610-1706), poet and preacher', bound together with material relating to Buckler from 'Somerset Notes & Queries and an Autograph Letter Signed by Sir David Ross to Buckler.

W. H. .Buckler; Sir David Ross (1877-1971), philosopher and Provost of Oriel College, Oxford [Edward Buckler, 17th century poet]
Publication details: 
Buckler's monograph: The Bibliographical Society, London, 1936. Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries: Sherborne, 1937. Ross's letter: 15 February 1937, on letterhead of the Provost of Oriel College, Oxford.

All items good, on lightly-aged paper. Ross's letter: 12mo, 1 p. Thanking Buckler for the piece of 'Orielania', and giving some information regarding the poet's connection with the college. The other items bound in grey boards with 'Edward Buckler 1936' on the spine. W. H. Buckler's monogram, with its original grey printed wraps, i + 5 pp (paginated 349-353). The title and relevant pages of the article '120. EDWARD BUCKLER' in 'Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset, June 1937, i + 4 pp (paginated 121-124).

Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed (all three 'H A L Fisher') to 'Ronnie' [Ronald Chapman], and one Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Fisher') to the latter's mother, Mrs Chapman, concerning his education.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), British historian, Liberal politician and Warden of New College, Oxford [Ronald Chapman; Limnerslease, Compton; G. F. Watts]
Publication details: 
1938 and 1939. Three on letterheads of New College, Oxford (one from the Warden's Lodgings), and one from Thursley, Godalming, Surrey.
Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed  'H A L Fisher'

Each of the four items has text clear and complete. The four are in fair condition, on aged paper, with minor staining from the paperclip used to attach them, and a small closed tear at the foot of the first letter. Letter One to 'Dear Mrs Chapman'; the other three to 'Dear Ronnie'. Letter One (4to, 2 pp): 19 November 1938. Chapman (referred to throughout as 'Ronnie') has not been well, and Fisher makes a suggestion to his mother regarding his 'future': 'Cecil Rhodes spent seven years on this process and never regretted it.

[Pamphlet reproducing reviews of Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals' between 1867 and 1882.]

[Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905; Winchester College]
Publication details: 
Circa 1882.
Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals'

12mo, 7 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged discoloured paper, with rusting staple having been removed. The last page carries a 'List of Characters' played by Gatty, from the 'First Gravedigger' in 'Hamlet' in 1866 to 'Tony Lumpkin' in 'She Stoops to Conquer' in 1882. The reviews, in small type over the previous six pages, are highly favourable, from a range of papers from the Guardian to the Sheffield Daily Telegraph. The last set of reviews relates to the 'Harmonomaniac Concerts, Oxford'. From the residue of Sir Stephen H. Gatty's papers.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H. Calderon') to the Committee of Education, Queen's College, Harley Street.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), RA, English painter of Franco-Spanish parentage [Walter F. Stocks]
Publication details: 
15 June 1898; on letterhead of Weston Lodge, 16 Grove End Road, London NW.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H. Calderon', artist)

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines. Clear and complete. On bifolium with mourning border. Fair, on aged and discoloured paper. Endorsing the application of Walter F. Stocks for 'the vacant professorship of landscape painting in Queen's College'. Stocks 'has been an exhibitor at the Royal Academy for many years' and Calderon 'has admired his paintings on our walls'.

Autograph Memorandum Signed "C.W. Paterson", Vice Admiral of the Blue about his son's interview for the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, in 1822. With his son's account.

C.W. Paterson, Vice Admiral of the Blue
Publication details: 
Autograph Memo. Signed "C.W. Paterson", Admiral [Royal Naval College entry]

One page, c.18 x 11cm, fold marks, and chipped but text clear and complete. He records that the day after the Examination his so, Charles, had partly recovered from the disappointment (of failure presumably) - "deeply affected" because he had set his heart on the College.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. C. Benson') to 'Sir John'.

A. C. Benson [Arthur Christopher Benson (1862-1925)], writer and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
24 May 1917. On letterhead of Magdalene College, Cambridge.
A. C. Benson, (1862-1925)], writer and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, L

12mo, 2 pp.Twenty-six lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with strip of paper mount still adhering at head of second page (not affecting text). Presumably addressed to one of the contributors to 'Cambridge Essays on Education' (1917), which Benson edited, although none of the contributors corresponds to 'Sir John'. Benson is grateful for the essay, which will make 'a most useful & interesting contribution to our book'.

One Autograph Letter Signed ('D J Robertson') and one Typed Letter Signed ('Douglas Robertson') to Noon.

Douglas James Robertson (1919-2005), consultant general surgeon at the Royal Hospital, Sheffield [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
Typed Letter: 1 July 1952. Autograph Letter: 10 January 1954. Both on St Bartholomew's Hospital letterheads.

Typed Letter: 4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper, with dog-eared and punch-holed top left-hand corner. He is pleased that 'Hill' got the post as Noon's house surgeon, and that they found 'another Barts. man for Mr. Britain, a student who I know very well, named Palmer'. Autograph Letter: 12mo, 2 pp. Good, on aged paper. Hoping that both Noon and his wife are in better health.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfd Webb-Johnson') to Noon.

Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson (1880-1958), President of the Royal Society of Medicine and surgeon to Queen Mary [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
15 March 1945; on Royal College of Surgeons letterhead.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight smudging in a couple of places. Thanking Noon for his 'generous gift to the Restoration Fund'. Describing the 'response' and urging Noon to 'interest patients & friends, particularly grateful medicos'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Keith') to 'Major Noon'.

Sir Arthur Keith (1866-1955), Scottish palaeoanthropologist [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
17 and 19 March 1917; both on letterhead of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Both good, on aged paper. Letter One: 12mo, 1 p. With stamped envelope. Thanking Noon for the 'notes & very instructive X-ray of your case of syringomyelia', about which 'Shattock', who is 'pulling up the W. O. Collection', is 'very keen'. Letter Two: 12mo, 2 pp. Thanking him for 'two very welcome additions to the W. O. Collection': 'You have no idea of how much an X-ray enhances the value of a specimen - we get an opportunity of comparing the shaddow [sic] with the real thing'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Heneage Ogilvie') to Noon.

Sir Heneage Ogilvie (1887-1971), British surgeon [Sir Hedley Atkins (1905-1983), Professor of Surgery at Guy's Hospital; Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
5 February 1952; on letterhead with the addresses of his London residence and consulting room.

4to, 1 p. Seventeen lines of text, clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with small area lacking in top left-hand corner. Concerning Hedley Atkins, who, '[a]s a Guy's man', Ogilvie is keen to have replace him on the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, from which he is retiring after sixteen years. The condition with which Ogilvie is related, Ogilvie's Syndrome, was first reported by him in 1948.

Typed Letter Signed to Noon.

Herbert Williamson (d.1924), Physician Accoucheur to St Bartholomew's Hospital [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
6 September 1924; on his Queen Anne Street letterhead.

4to, 1 p. Nine lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with punch hole to top left-hand corner. Explaining why it is impossible for him to accept the invitation of the Norwich Medico-Chirurgical Society.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R H Barham') to Mrs Packman of Selling, near Faversham, Kent.

Richard Harris Barham ['Thomas Ingoldsby'] (1788-1845), author of the 'Ingoldsby Legends'
Publication details: 
22 November 1808; 'B. N. C. [Brasenose College] Oxford'.

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Addressed, with fragments of red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf. On aged, worn and grubby paper, with extensive damage to second leaf, from which a panel amounting to around a sixth of its area is lacking, with a further two holes repaired with archival tape. The fifty-one lines of text of the first leaf clear and complete; loss to twenty of the twenty-seven lines of the text on the second leaf.

Typed Note Signed ('Robert Woods') to Noon.

Sir Robert Stanton Woods (1877-1954), first Director of the London Hospital Department of Physical Medicine [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
2 July 1942; with his Wimpole Street stamp.

Landscape 12mo, 1 p. Fair, lightly-aged and with a punch-hole to the top left-hand corner. 'You will be grieved to learn that Walton excised my boy's sigmoid on June 19 and that he died of acute ileus on June 23.'

Itemised financial accounts, in Shepherd's hand and initialled by him ('C. Wm. S.'), for the expedition described by him in his book 'The North-West Peninsula of Iceland'.

Rev. Charles William Shepherd, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Alpine Club [G. G. Fowler; H. M. Upcher; Iceland]
Publication details: 
Dated from 14 June to 7 July [1862].

4to, 5 pp, on five loose and uniform leaves. Very good, on lightly aged paper. The first leaf is headed 'C. W. S. Acc' and is initialled at the foot 'Rt C. Wm. S.' The second is headed 'Sheet (2)', with the rest numbered 3 to 5. It is clear from sheets 2 to 5 that one leaf - what should have been 'Sheet (1)' - is lacking.

Photograph album containing signed portraits of Radcliffe and his wife, and 108 cartes-de-visite of Eton schoolboys, including several dressed for the 'Procession of Boats'. Mainly taken by the studio of Alfred D. Kissack of Eton.

Alfred D. Kissack; Hills & Saunders; Eton photographers [Raymond Coxe Radcliffe (1852-1929), King's College, Cambridge, Assistant Master in Mathematics and Classics, Eton College]
Publication details: 

Possibly a presentation to Radcliffe and his wife. 4to photograph album, in heavily-worn leather binding, all edges gilt, lacking clasp and spine, containing a total of 113 photographs, including 108 albumen cartes-de-visite, each print approximately 9 x 5.5 cm, and each laid down on a gilt-edged card mount roughly 10.5 x 6 cm. The large majority of the photographs are in excellent condition, with some carrying a small pinhole at the head (obscured by their mounts). Three pages of the album carry minor damage, otherwise good and tight internally. Almost all from the studio of Alfred D.

Patience and Confidence the Strength of the Church. A Sermon preached on the Fifth of November, before the University of Oxford, at S. Mary's, And now published at the wish of many of its Members. [inscribed to Jenkyns, 'Rev. The Master of Balliol']

Rev. E. B. Pusey [Edward Bouverie Pusey], Regius Professor Hebrew, Canon of Christ Church, and Late Fellow of Oriel College [Richard Jenkyns (1782-1854), Master of Balliol College, Oxford University]
Publication details: 
Oxford: J. H. Parker; J. G. and F. Rivington, London. 1837. [Baxter, Printer, Oxford.]

8vo, xvi + 57 pp. Final blank leaf. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. Aged and worn, with damp bloom to prelims and final leaves. INSCRIPTION, in Pusey's hand, at head of title, 'Rev. The Master of Balliol | with the author's respects'. Sermon on Exod. xiv. 13'. Preface begins 'Non-resistance or passive obedience, in the sense to which they are generally limited, are but two sides of the same doctrine, and, together, are only a particular application of a general principle.'

Printed list (headed 'Trinity College, Cambridge. | June 21 and 22, 1899.') of 'Members of the College' who have 'accepted the invitation of the Master and Fellows to dinner'.

Trinity College, Cambridge University, 1899 [Rev. Charles William Shepherd]
Publication details: 
First Issue.' [Cambridge; 1899.]

8vo, 4 pp. Neatly printed on watermarked laid paper. Fair, though slightly grubby and creased. The words 'First Issue' are in the top left-hand corner of the first page. The heading reads 'Trinity College, Cambridge. | June 21 and 22, 1899. | The following Members of the College have accepted the invitation of the Master and Fellows to dinner on June 21. The date placed opposite to each name is that of the year in which the first degree was taken, and the order is that in which the names stand on the College Boards'. The earliest graduates date from 1858 and the latest from 1865.

Printed document, completed in autograph by Mathison and signed by him ('W. C. Mathison'), regarding the practical arrangements involved in Shepherd's taking of the degree of Master of Arts.

William Collings Mathison (d.c.1891), Trinity College, Cambridge University [Rev. Charles William Shepherd]
Publication details: 
8 April 1864; Trinity College, Cambridge.

4to, 2 pp. On a bifolium. Neatly printed on watermarked laid paper. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads 'I BEG to inform you that you will be [last two world replaced by 'are'] of standing to take the degree of M.A.

A Claim for the Scientific Study of Iatreusis, or Applied Therapeutics. An Inaugural Address [as President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh].

Dyce Duckworth [President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: Maclachlan and Stewart, South Bridge. Liverpool: Adam Holden. 1862. [Printed by Neill and Company, Edinburgh.]

12mo: ii + 26 pp. Disbound. Inscribed, at head of title-page, 'To the University Library. | From the Author.' Fair, on aged paper, with a little foxing to first few leaves, and light damp-staining at head. P.15: 'We are, then, to understand by iatreusis, the exercise, by the physician, of the healing art. [...] The duties devolving upon the physician in treating a case of disease are twofold. First, he has to institute a diagnosis, and having done so, he has, secondly, to practise his share of therapeutics in treating the case according to the view he has taken of it.

Autograph Letter Signed to his brother.

John Stuart Blackie (1809-1895), Scottish man of letters
Publication details: 
Oban; 8 August [no year].

12mo, 4 pp, in a bifolium, with postscript on reverse of a Commercial Bank of Scotland 'Paid-in Slip'. Text clear and complete on aged and worn paper. Difficult hand. A fluent and energetic letter. Regarding the queries concerning 'Strasburg, and other words', 'the German Authorities which I fancy you consulted [...] are in my Edinburgh house'. He suggests writing to the London booksellers Williams & Norgate. He is glad to learn that 'Lockhart is turned a golfer.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Isaac Heard Garter') regarding Lord Rawdon bearing 'the Surname and Arms of Hastings'; with a manuscript copy of 'The humble Petition [to the King] of Francis Lord Rawdon Baron Rawdon in the County of York' on the subject.

Francis Rawdon-Hastings (1754-1826), 1st Marquess of Hastings; Sir Isaac Heard (1730-1822), Garter Principal King of Arms
Publication details: 
Heard's letter: February 1790; College of Arms. Copy of petition without date or place.

Letter: Foolscap (32 x 20 cm), 1 p. Text clear and complete. 4 lines. In poor condition: on aged paper with chipping and closed tears. Male recipient not named. Heard finds 'no Objection to the Prayer of the annexed Petition of the Right Honble Lord Rawdon that he and his Issue may take and bear the Surname and Arms of Hastings.' Petition: Foolscap (32 x 20 cm), 1 p. Text clear and complete, the body of the petition consisting of twenty lines. On aged, brittle paper, with closed tears along fold lines, and chipping to extremities.

Collection of MS. material inc. correspondence.

Rev. Thomas Wiltshire (1826-1902), Professor of Geology and Mineralogy at King's College London; Master of the Honorable Company of Clothworkers; Honorary Secretary of the Palaeontographical and Ray S
Publication details: 

Collection of manuscript material relating to him, including a section of one of his scientific manuscripts, an unpublished biography of him by his son Ernest W. Wiltshire with associated letters, family and other correspondence, a family portrait, offprint, newspaper cuttings.A valuable collection of material from the family archive of an influential and neglected figure in Victorian science.- Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos.

Two pieces of Harrow ephemera: the first a handbill headed 'Harrow School. June, 1866. Entrance Scholarships.'; the second a handbill headed 'Form to be used at the Commemoration of the Founder of Harrow School.'

H. Montagu Butler, Head Master, Harrow School [Founder's Day]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1866].

Both items would appear to date from around the same period. ITEM ONE ('Entrance Scholarships.'): On one side of a piece of paper 21 x 13 cm. Good, on aged paper, with slight loss to one margin, and part of leaf on which it was mounted still adhering to the blank reverse. Laying out the details in six sections. Signed in type at foot: 'H. MONTAGU BUTLER, | Head Master.' ITEM TWO ('Form'): On one side of a piece of paper 18.5 x 11.5 cm. Good, on aged paper, with part of leaf on which it was mounted still adhering to the blank reverse. Numbered from 1 ('Psalm.') to 11 ('The Blessing.').

Printed handbill, with manuscript additions, headed 'Clifton College. Rules, &c.' By 'J. Percival, Head Master.'

John Percival (1834-1918), bishop of Hereford, first headmaster of Clifton College, Bristol, 1862-1879
Publication details: 
[Bristol?: between 1862 and 1879.]

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, 20 x 12.5 cm. Good, on aged paper, with remains of mount adhering to the reverse.

Printed letter, with names, by the 'Assistant Masters of Eton, Winchester, Charter House, St. Paul's, and Harrow Schools' to their headmasters, urging a 'reconsideration of their announced intention with respect to the Public School Latin Primer.'

Eton, Winchester, Charter House, St. Paul's and Harrow Schools [the Public School Latin Primer]
Publication details: 
[London. 1850s?]

4to, 2 pp. Bifolium, with each printed page on the recto of the leaf. Good, on aged paper. With part of the previous mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Five objections are given, including the fact that the primer is 'unattractive in its present form'.

Printed letter 'To the Proprietors, Parents & Guardians of Pupils of Cheltenham College.' Regarding the controversy surrounding the resignation of Highton as headmaster.

J. Corbett Turnbull, Cheltenham College [Henry Highton (1816-1874)]
Publication details: 
[Cheltenham?] Printed date: '8, Bayshill Villas, Cheltenham, 23rd October, 1861.'

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. On grey paper. Text clear and complete. Good, lightly creased and aged, with part of stub adhering. Highton's entry in the Oxford DNB makes no mention of the controversy surrounding his administration at Cheltenham, where he was headmaster from 1859 to 1862.

Handbill, with body of text in Latin, headed 'Christ's College Lodge. April 1, 1867. | At the Congregation on Thursday, April 4, at Two o'clock P.M., the following GRACES, having received the sanction of the COUNCIL, will be offered to the SENATE:'.

Christ's College, Cambridge [Rev. William Done Bushell (1838-1917)]
Publication details: 
[Cambridge.] 1867

Printed on one side of a piece of laid paper, 24.5 x 20 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with 3 cm closed tear at edge along fold line. Nicely printed. Twenty lines in Latin, including five graces. The first reading 'Placeat vobis, UNDERGRADUATI, ut Dominum PROCANCELLARIUM non plus quam natura jamdudum est ludibrio habeatis.' In manuscript on the reverse: 'Ask William to translate the enclosed to you | All Well. | CL.' From the album of Rev. William Done Bushell (1838-1917).

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